Zurich Herald, 1937-01-07, Page 1A 1104 :g..);XVI I 2.7 • To our nu ny ...400.00010100610 IPA 4fs 4); ZURICHa THUR DAY MORNI • ders and:Frien RETU1R.NING, ROME neer tour of the world and bas been eoydeg a long rest. Rt.. Hon. R. B. Bennett is areiving Londoa this week and well he back t his place in Parliamet, when the debate ou the speech from the Thr- one opens .about a fortnight from now. Mr. Bennett. has made a sums 13.1211011101.1. Farmers! Atteton! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Thabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten. year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ fee a Chang- ing Warlst." Friday, 8h—Luther Lea.gate. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Sevice. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SChool. '7.30 p.m.—English serrvices Everybody Welcome to ail Service. • E. TUERICHEEK, Por. DISSACIIIRSIMS0.1311011181111B . 4—* DRYSDALE The announcement was made this Wednesday morning te the passing of Brother Andre founder of St. joseph's .Shrine of Montreal, a very aged old gentleman_ He was known the continent over as a. great miracle healer through prayer, was twice In the Fxench Settlement, baying on each occasion visited for a week at the Centel home, at St.. .Joseph, and during this time visited many homes and sick people hi the Settlement. Mr. Louis Montague is onthe sick Mr. and Mrs. Urban Denomme and family of Detrot visited his fath- er Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Denomme over New Year.. Miss Leona Bedard of the London Seminary was called to her home ow- ing to the illness of her mother, Mrs, Adolph Bedard. Sorry to report that Mrs. Ed 13ris- son is ill with an attach of cold. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denomme of Detroit, were New Year visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip To The Electors! OF HAY TOWNSHIP I wish to take this opportunity t most sincerely thank all electors Hay Township who so kindly suppoi ed me and so generously gave m their support On Monday's electio Again, my sincere Thanks! GEORGE W. ARIVISTRON srs - sse • Se.„,,, CARD OF THANKS with hOr. ear and ,=retlarrterf eft .on Wed 'at hdli- 4nd I Mr. William Haugh wishes to greatly thank the Electors of Hay Township for the splendid • support given him on Monday at the rnunicie. pal polls. ELECTION RESULTS Mondaywas municipal election (la. in Hay Township, as in many other municipalities who did not hold their nominations earlier in the year. Last year there was an election for reeve Denornme. only, between Mr. David Ducharme Mai and Mrs. Edgar Masse of D- and Alfred Melick, the latter winning troit visited over the holiday with by 219 majority. Or for comparison her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cor- last year Melick received 440 votes, riveau. Their little -daughter Louise and Ducharme 219. or a total of 061 becameill while here and is at the votes, while the reeve vote this year home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Masse totalled to 1086. All the candidates Mr. Ted. Brisson. spent the holiday worked hard and had a very clean with his father, Mr. and Mrs. Edw., contest as far as we know. It was Brisson: very unfortunate that Mr. Henry Rev. Fabher Brisson of the Sem• Schilbe was confined to his house Mary at London was a Wednesday a number of days during the cane visitor, with his father, Mr. and Mrs •paign and could not get out as he Edw. •Brisson. would have had he enjoyed he Mr... Wes Nichol of Grand Bend, health, hoseever under conditiontfl called on friends here on Tuesday. I made a very creditable showig: •ou .Need G asses. A large•crowd of piling people of vriu,be Geo,„: . _Beaver Town were Sundae eyeu tneehoMe ofr. 71ires.,Joseph his estose s4s, y= -an -'="W• Rau; Where a loyal; time was spent the 'eccina.1,,€.re eleted. in music and singing. • S A large crowd gathered at the tem. part of the township o.. °hector' •of the older resifthP Stop and Think how intpmtant it is that you wear correct gasses--cor- _redly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to you z face. Your health may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Satarday, at Pfile's Stores We 1-hartilv • Thank Our Man.v Custoniters and Friends for- the Supp;ort AccordeclUs the past Year, and VVish one and al a Most Happy and Prosperous .1= as. or She w Year ssThe Jeweller Phoxj4 Zurich y)n, Aria, lake, ,• home of Mr. and MI's. Frank Corri- veau on New Year evening and a good time wes shent With the nice cold winter weather and eractically Po snow getting . a- round is convenient. The roads are good and dusting like summer, and elle can safely drive the auto now at almost any reasonable speed. We extend to all our Drysdale and other friends very best wishes for a prosperous New Year, 1937. f KNOISTrnd Vie91..reit.•ttP.4,.1M/6.6.1*.0411P1.1.42 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fry's Cocoa„ tins, per 9c Bee Hive corn syrup 5s. each .. ... • Quick Quaker Oats. large Pkg. eaCh '73c Libby's saur kraut 21s per tin........_...........1 2c Asparagus cuttir%:% size 2 squat per .15c • Hillerest Sortening, 2 ls. 27c Fancy Cohoe Salmon„ Half -s 15c. l -lb fin ..—...25c Orange Marmalade 32 -oz jar, each _ . ... 29c jll3r powder alt favors., per pkg. 5c Prem. tea rni=c1. rup and saucer fre) -lb Mc Booms,' md. weip...Xt, each ..... 2c Tomatoes„ choice quality, large tn, 2 this — .. . -25c Corn and Pms„ 2 tins - - . 5c P. and G. We '4pitralmuin.Z17.5;oap„ '6 tz.1% 23c olfAralvfonnfime*ai Learmlu.c.meivoovoblenf -40101.1100t,,,, Platowue NO the Township. And with thelOveie the east and the Councillors distribus$' Ited in the centre and weetern port-. ion the work should be welljlooked after. As was customary a public meet-#* ; ing was held in the Town Hall, Zue fieli in the evening where a large crowd gathered to celebrate. The a,t Stic- tford af- , A • P ' a.' holidays with her drMs. William Ferr :T. He exer, Miss Veola Klopp ssrs l'ileyd and Lorne Klopp motorAar for =Sunny Califor- ,. ere they will enjoy the winter browsing about in the balmy I ss two local auctioneers, O. Klapp and 'A A. Weber acted as masters of cere- mony e b for the regular meeting and kept the crowd interested withedi jokes interspersed with selections by members of the Galinas Orehestra<, The chairman was then announced' as Mr. Louis H. Rader, . afermee, reeve of Hay, and ex-Wardn 'ef Hut; on county, who called On Mr. A. gtdting in the Council chambei Hess, Township Clerk for the elect' 61,1;" ihnd.ay evening, January 1 Ith, ion rsults, and pronounced- the foil- O'clock. Posters on 'Canadian owing as the 1937 =Connell: Reeve $ Ins ties" Submitted by the memb- George Armstrong, Counillors, Max. a'it 11 be judged and prizes given. ndMr..Joe Brenneman and er; ;JOhn1Brenneman and s all of Deroit, Mr. Peter •saed Mrs. John Roth of Imlay Mich., have returned to their, tOe homes after attending the a he late Peter Brenneman. Branch of the Wom- Astitute will hold their mon- Turnbull, Win. Haugh, Fred 3. Hab- ,• erer and Roland Geigea. Presentation Mr. A. Melick the retiring reeve then presented Mr. G. Armstrong, Qh.., New Year's eve a farewell the new reeve with the key to the SOty was held at the hems of Mi. Township of Hay, a, part of the pro- arsi;.Mrs. Egbert Heideman in honor gram that is seldom seen, as usually 0ther daughter Martha, who is the retiring candidate is not present. le#1ng to train for nurse in the Sar- Mr.Melick also made some very fitt- nie;.Genetal Hospital. The evening g remarks extendine best wishes to WAS 1)-eri,1in progressive bunco. af- the new reeve. Mr. Are.istrong then tei..N7liih her friends presented her replied, -expressing the big obligation that lies before him, and welcomed anyone at any tine to come before the board' to discuss such matters that pertain to municipal affairs. He :also thanked all for thesupport given to him. Max. Turnbull—Finds it hard to lind wards to express his gratitude for the splendid support extendedlo and it gives one encouragement to ge on determined to give of their • very best. Wm. Hough -Words fail to express the appreciation to the electors for his support, and asked ratepayers co-operation, end extended best wish- es to one and all. -Fred. 3. Haberer---Wishes to thank 'Electors for • honor and confidence Plana. in him and with the co-operati- on, has the assurance that much good e.verk will be accernplished. Roland Geiger—This is the first time ever run an election, and is. 'hapy to be electd. He told a very ltterlating humorous shiry, and thane lted• the electors for support, .and trusts he will not prove a failure. Ed, IkalPer, the retiring council- lor-- Am proud to be on platform to -night „ enjoyed every minute onthe COXY0)11cled on last, pae) with •a Waterman's pen and pencil set; Refreshments were then served Anether presentation was made on Sunday morning when the Sunday School teachers and Choir presented her, with a yellow gold signet ring. • A HAPPY GATHERING 14evs Year's tray at the home e Mrs. Mary Manson, Goshen Line north, was celebrated in the form of a reunion, when four of Mrs. Man - son's sister s and their families and one: brother gathered for dinner and the afternoon. The three tables lad- en with all the season's daintie9 we- re 'centred with bouquets of Nave- issis and chrysanthemums and seated 34 ,guests, after which the live wait- resses were served. Before • rising from the table Rev. C. Scheag spoke vle:fittingly for the occasion and 1d i.praYer. The afternoon was; thety'Seat in visiting. Those present and Mrs, Henry Boshart ofi 7141 Mr. Jai lerretA, •Koe ns elle!! 011 oreili tiec131.-; nd Mrs. :Edmund Erb, Mr. aed 7,1„71s, S 4,v,himn ,o.por,v aGniangeiwatcrisn; . Chr Shrag, Mrs, Sehrag being au 1.1.110 Miss Nancy Gingerich also fie mint, all Of Hay Township. • ^ • • • • • • eee eeeseeses eeeeee eases. esee, ceases:saes- • Seinet Solvay Coli,a, Miller Creek. Rosedale All;• GLEN ROGEK:z4 BRIQUETS • Tile ad Brjik PAVIDSON = .„; Highest cash prices paid • fog Egg- s' -'ori a graded basis... Phone 10 1-114NS ' ' tr.404P+4=1,4,•=0 4,P=f7q-0 t.=•40 )VE ' . 0 0 Cold Weather Is Here 4.44-4404Ort .=" AND IT'S Overcoat nue SEE OUR RANGE AND DIFFERENT STYLES WE HAVE ON HAND. MADE TO MEASURE SUITS 19.50 Up man (AP EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ef f,W.54,V,0',1f4.^KtftV44,,, 4,.ff Cold Merehd ituk 6. • .M533riiNIMRStr"ALTMUCAM. ather is We are again prepared to supply your needs for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen= Underwear for Young and Old. .Also Men's, and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Swebn- Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves. Wool and Flannelette Blanket, Fanneletes, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; Cur- tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers; Also Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Halters, Anything in Harnes. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE II 97 BLAKE sgesmenntallientalintIVOS. fe'r,.". • g 4 it