HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-12-31, Page 1Vol. XXXVII rio,26 ZURICH,. THURSDAY MO DECEMBER 1936. To our many Chester L, Smith, PUblialeate $1.25 a year, U.S, $1.50 in Advantal 01.50 IN AR2EA,R8, 52 MAY on on* so* eaders and Friends we extend Season's Greetings ,(41, ..'1,,....1,111:41.111,,C14, o?.t, -+ 4. 4. 4. -4. -+ 4. -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ 4. 4. 4. 4. Zuric T HE Creamery WISHES TO EXTEND Seas n's r eti TO ALL OUR NUMEROUS PATRONS. AND FRIENDS M. ANDERSEN + ST. PETER'S >Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ Ecar sa. Chang- ing Worbil..' Friday, 8h -Luther League. 'Thursday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICFR: 10 a. m. -German Service - 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -English service. Everybody Welcome to an Services. E. TUERICHErldi, Paustor. THE NOMINATION As was advertised and according to Statutes, Hay Township Nomin- ation was held, in the Township Hall, Zurich on Monday, from one till two o'clock, after which the Clerk, Mr. A P. Hess, read the following nominati- ons For Reeve-Alfired Melick, George Armstrong, and Max. Turnbull. For Councillor- Geo. Armstrong, Wm. Haugh, Max. Turnbull., Ed. Wal - per, Simon Hoffman, Henry Schilbe, Roland Geiger, Fred Haberer and A. Crerar. To The Electors! OF HAY TOWNSHIP As I. have let my name appear as a Candidate for the Reeveship of Hay for 1937; and as it will be impossible, for me to see all Electors personally, .1 take this medium to solicit your ;consideration of your su•pport, election day., To all our readers and friends we a Happy New Year. GEORGE W. ARMSTRONextend G; Me. William Lamont made a bus- . iness trip to Crediton on Tuesday. Mr. T. H. Peine, eolicitor, of New glamburg, las a visitor M town, on Thursday leset Mr. R. P. Stade and son Harold, made a business trip to London on 'Wednesday. Many places of business through- out Ontario were closed on Saturday observing "Boxing Day." 1 Me. Lawrence Fowlie or London, Jias a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler IVlr. and Mm. Peter Ravelle and Children of Grand Bend were visitors with relatives here one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heist, left over the week -end on their journey te California where they will spend !the balance of the winter months. Mr. C. Bartlett, teller at the Bank VOraraaammukasasszararinnemosmorniasaastrakeramffseememearummealaxemeamaxel. criminal audit of justice is a big it- em and takes a lot of money to keep up. All Co. constables badges are being recalled, many of whom are inactive officers, some overactive, others call in constables from a dis- tance to make minor arrests. Const- ables will be reappointed. Hospitals accounts are $20,400; secondary sch- ools cost $60,000; The County Home inapector, Mr. Govenlock is a very capable man as he collected in about $7,000 in estates of inmates. The Co. Horne is one of the finest in this part of' Ontario, has a good matron, and affords good accornodation for in - pates, and will show a balance in' the treasury of $4,000 for the year, Geo. Armstrong, Councillor -Three years ago was nominated for council- lor, was very strange then; thanked mover and seconder, also for the, good Co-operation. The Twp shows of Montreal, Zurich, left last week a balance of $2106.40 for the year's for a few weeks holidays. Mr. Mc - work, while the Tp. still has a net ;Neirn, -of the Exeter branch is taking debt of over $600. The speaker coin- his work at the tell. ., , pared the Tax bill of 1936 to one of I .,, Mr. Ed. Deichert, of Detroit, and One trustee, for S. S. No. 7 -Geo. 1902, at which the local rates were , ho has been in the hospital in that Deichert, and Theo. Steinbach. approximately the same but the Co- , ;le ty for some time, was brouth back After the nominations were read, rates have soa.red,and he thinks sho-, ,lare to Zurich last Wednesday. Mr. in. the large gathering the hall was uld be reduced. The salary of the, Co. Clerk and Treas. after one yrs.'. eichert. stood the trip nicely and is • e• organized in, a public• meeting ,and ' oie the Clerk, Mr...A. F. Hess, was ap_ ,service were increased $600 each in l' a well as could be expected. the years of depression. , Mr. and. Mrs. Carl MaClinchey and, 4 .Do You Need Glasses? pnted as chairman, and ti follow- . 0 V E lae- g wercalled upon for addresses: 1 Wm. Haugh ,Councillor-Exprese , :family ,a Chisellturst, Mr. and 'Mrs. .A. Melick, ReeverfeeTeme. flees so ed a. few words oa'appreciation of , emu Warm of town, Ma and Mrs. rapidly and another year has passed the kindness shown during his reeen-ii' Oswald of the Bronson line were • so quickly. The speaker made _ar_• bereavement. Is also pleased to see Sunday 'visitors at the home Or Mr. p a :so many ratepayers present which! and Mrs. A. C. Levy, Clinton. • 4 ticular mention of the fine new stage put in the hall, was all done by loc- shows they axe showing an interest! The green Christmas brought on • • Stop and Think how fa, a, . - - - al branch of Women's Institute, an in ,municipal affairs, and where the a spectacular demonstration of spring * 'that yeu wear correct glasses--cor- admirable improvement and is all dollars were spent. Weed cutting is as. on Monday Mr. Albert Hess of . a , rectly prescribed for yonr vision. 'paid for by this organization. He then ,going ,up, spent more this year. The l townhadhis garden dug by hand • "Correctly styled to your face. Your 'took up the County Council work. I Govt. has passed a law making it with the spade, and there were no • • health may largely deemed on keen 1,eossible for Township to pass a by- signs of frost. 4 Who had a most prosperous year, a vision.law compelling farmers to cut the good capable Warden, Co. treasury I, See C. E. ZURBRIGO,„ R. O.. weeds on their roadsides in front of THE NEW BOARD • is in best condition for -some years.. At HESS JEWRIelatir STORE Owing to the big deficit carried fromtheir farms. The new Police Trustee Board for Every Tuesday a ZURICH the past year very little was spent. Max. Turnbull, Councillor - The , Zurich for 1937 will be as follows: 'At Dashavood, satatdray, at pities Tlae County has only about $50;000 , previous speakers have gone over I R. F. Stade, Oecar Klopp, and John Stowe.. :debts, as debentures and defitit. The thek wor pretty well, omitting0, few, E. Gascho. The two former are of items. Council has done as well as 'last year's board, while the latter, Mr could be done. Treasury has a good :Gascho is a new man, and replaces surplus. Economy was practices inlMr. n• Eielcmeier• This board should order to get Tp. out of deficit. The ribe very capable to look after the school grants have been paid in full affairs of the Village. the first time in some years. Teleph- tee, W. M. S. MEET one and County rates all paid in full. -.'"a•'a , i For next year would predict lower The annual meeting of the Worn- ; a itax rates or make some needed im- , „ en's Missionary Sosiety of St. Peter's a.a.•• a provements, but would prefer the Evang. Lutheran Church was held in hnprovements on roads, A culvert the Church basement recently. Miss • 'was built on the sideroad in Place of Anna Datars had charge of the de- 01 ' the tile outlet. leveeional exercises and presented the . ,. Ed.. Walper, Councillor -Has few topic entitled "Living hlissionary . .,, . z ., remarks to make. The stage in the i Lives in the Home." Clippings were '0 ' e • ti 04', hall has been a wonderful improve- 'arced by Mrs. J. Haberer, Mrs. G. ,4. r*V. ,V41. ,oK,'..r,,••••• ment but too high for speakercould be .said about Township work. Much ,Deichert and MrsKTurkheim spoke on the Christian . t . rue,ger. Rev. Many knotty problems happen dur- home. The newly elected offitars ing the year, and this is a big privel- are: President, Mee. E. F. Klopp; ege to gather and discuss things. Vice pres., Mrs. G. Deichert; Secy., Councillors are here to help the Re- Mrs, E. Turkheim; Treas., Miss G. eve and .Clerk to do the work, Has Weber; Magazine•Secy., Miss E. Dat- a few figures on local work, The ,ars, •Jr; Thankoffering Secy., Mia; Twp. spent $800 more on roads in ' Anna Datars. 1936. There are less dogs on the assessment roll, where are the dogs OBITUARY when the Assessor comes around? the, speaker asked. Some in the audience t Late Peter Brenneman replied "in the cellar". 1 Death claimed a well known and The chairman and Clerk, Mr, A.F.,,mu.ch respected citizen of the corn- Iles.e then explained the equalization munity on Sunday December 27th, in Hay is higher in the County than .in the person of Mr. Peter Brenne- the Township rate,and the County -au, a . ,,Jateric at. Blake for many should aeduce the rate for Hay. He ,years. He has not been well for also explained the balance sheet in ,sorne time, and was quite ill recently the Statement, where the Twp. is, at the home of his daughter, Mr, and, about $5,000 better off than a year 'Mrs. Amos Gascho near Blake, where I ago. in the dog tax account the past Mr. and Mrs. Brennerman had been year .it has been changed from sheep staying the last while. Born in i killed by dogs to live stock, but this , Waterloo County, he came up to does not include poultry. . Hay Township s'M years ago, where The new nominees: ' he has. resided ever since. He passed A 'Creme congratulated old Conn- ! at the age of 75 years, 11 months, cil for Improvements to hall, but wo- and 14 days. Surviving beside his uld not think he should run as coma; widow are two sons John and Joseph chlor owing to another condition. Brenneman of Detroit; two daughters . R. Geiger, would not think of mak- i''''',. A MOS' GA 00110 of th 0 Bronson -ear 1 i ling ri .a big speech and would not cause line, Hay, and Maa. Daniel Gascho of electioa, but if an elect1,,e, ion is held ,...ata. ,I, Iuneral was held on woe/a appreciate the elector's' sup- Wednesday ft ftornoon to the Zurich par. ' • alueorlite church for service and to ,the Gashen Eno cemetery for inter - (Concluded on last page) ' rent. We Heartily Thank Our Many Customers and .Friends for the Support' Accorded us the past Year, and Wish one and al a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich dateee,.... a a a meeaeeee ace aletele a• 4 4 4 szaameaganataalroane......w.nanemouemostvo.ae....ma....ansummtaumm...mrazatuasaosoo.....s.MMI * 0 4 • • MA DE • • R o.,•••••••••Ifo PHONE YOUR 0 Wishing all Our Customers a. eW erous ear W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid fo Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 HENSALL 0' oos c.0.1,vra,4.c 411. 4, 4, 4, 4. CA' 4k, 4O• 15 5 4. 0 4. >e, 4. 4) 0 55 u a , bozi fs.P.A41.4.4trett.ALOO..1•GO*4 4.0 ".',04.1hat,O •s -k, fM1 44h ".. ,,..1:WaViVARIV Cold Weather Is Here AND IT'S Overcoat Ti.-ne SEE OUR RANGE AND DIFFERENT STYLES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS We Wish to express Our Appreriation for Your Patronage. And Wishing Everybody a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Green Grant peas.7-ozi 2 fins 25c Kelloggs COM Flakes, 2 pkgs. .... 15c Oxydol, large pkgs, per pkg. .... . ...... 22c Rolled oats fresh, 3 lbs. i 4c Cleanser, Big Five, 3 fins .......----. i 4r White Napt}sa Soap„ JO bars .. 59c Handy Ammonia., per flig Mince Meat, per pkg. 25c Raisin; large With pitts,, 2 lbs. ........- .23c Brunswick Swarm% 5 this ........- -........ 25c Golden tri nuts„, 2 1bs„, 38c Highest Prime Coe Erma. Flitimet 1140 .....s..i.t..i.nri.aattotroantaraqkndiouiaw.iennvrtsttqqwowWp.pemeebi*t4foSaentkI.VVMX.49.LetootseAi4ihkai14.4oWwk.orwieiwli.mkoo.+.. WE HAVE ON HAND. TO MEASURE SUITS $19.50 Up EMBALMERS .fAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS i,,14 MIKE S.40:101.ftnrk-lAt- • WE WISH ALL O' CUSTOMERS AND. FRIENDS A VERY Merry ,1<y, AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS R. PHOAlE 0 gar GENERAL MERCHANT 71 - 97 E3L4ctKE NO1000001010~0011001101=Maallareal 1,0$1111,i --