HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-12-10, Page 4STANLEY TOWNSHIPCREDITON A delagkrtk l e g p `i rs, Jas. Stephenson retuned to 4.aex home i si t week rnueb. rmpeore 47es health, she underwent an onesaeti- St recently in. Goderich hoepita?', Mr: and Mrs. Orval Stepl:' Jason of Marlette, Mich„ visited at elan Arm,strong's last week. Mr. George Faultier hats been at 'erey Johnston's for some time has aeturned to his hone at Brownsville u• venin ' was s ent re- cently at the home ofM', Fred Keri widely known trap -shooter theengb out Western Ontario and Mrs, "Kerr, fourth concession of Stephen Town- ship whet many friends and neigh- bons gathered in honor of their dau- ghter, Lulu, Irene, bride of thin Saturday. On behalf of the friends and neighbors, Miss Kerr was pres- ented with a large decorated basket 1 i..: LAKE which contained many beairtrfu gifts. An accompanying address was read by Mr. Frank Triebnee. Marion Lovie and Jean Baynnham made the presentation. Miss Kerr NU. and Mrs. Moses Erb spent the made a suitable reply, The remain- aweeldend visiting With friendis at Wel der of the evening was sspent in .Lesley and Kitchener. They also at- games and pastime amusements. :fended the funeral of a relative on Monday. DASHWOOD A special Christmas program will • Aire and Mrs. Jacob Stvartzentrub be given in the Evangelical church sea Mx. and Mks. Allan Swartzentru- on Wednesday evening, Decemb'r fiber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 23rd. A cantata entitled "The Great Chris. Enb. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and choir and a miscellaneous program family .Were Sunday visitors with by the children. Mr. and Mid. Aaron Erb. -1 !Mr. Harry Hoffman spent the we- • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ek-end in London. Roy Gingerich were; Mx. and Mrs. Mx. and Mrs. Win. Smith of Win- A:rnos Gingerich and Jean; Misses /roe spent Sunday here. Mr. and :Eva, Gertie, Verda Bechler; Laura Mi.... Baker who have been visiting and Dorothy Geseho, and Mr. Clar- in Windsor for the past few weeks, • :once Gascho. returned home with them. Mx. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, of the Dashwood Public School Concert .;Parr Line, spent Sunday with his par- eenst, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Erb. Mrs. Jacob Swartzentiiuber is st,- ending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Edmund Oesch of the Goshen Mine_ Deliverer," will be given by the HILLSGREEN Mrs. Ward Format and daughter, _Anna Grace are visiting her parents, ::1Ir. and Mrs. G. Dalyrmple near 'Chiselhurst. 3Ir. and Mrs. W. Weido and sons .-:visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs .E. Willert near Hertall. Quite a number are motoring to ':London to see the Christmas displays and do some purchasing also. Mr. W. Turner and sons have pur- ehased the farm of Mr. D. F. And- seelaan .on the Parr Line. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her ab ughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Iles. John McEwen near Hensall. Mr. W. Smalii of Hensali has been :nutting wood with his outfit in this ?si.cinity. will be held on Monday evening, December 21st. Keep the date. Miss Gertie Hoffman is spending a few days with her -sister in Kitchener this week. Misses uth Tiernan and Maida Wein who are attending Business College in London spent the week- end at their home here. Next Sunday night will be Band Night in the Evangelical church, a special program will be given by the band. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all to attend. Amatuer Contest An Amatuer Contetet was held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2nd under the auspices of the Walther League of Zion Lutheran church. The ev- ening was very much enjoyed by all. Each number on the program was splendidly- given. Those were three prizes awarded as follows. First pri- ze to a piano duet given by Misses Helen Nadiger to Rota. Fassold. Sec- and prize to a piano solo by Miss Helen Luft. " Third prize to Misses Helen Nadiger, Helen Luft and Reta Fassold, accompanied by MM. Maur- ice Klumpp at the piano. Rev. Luft was chairman for the evening. The judges were; Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, Mr Clayton Pfile and Mr. Martin Laub. DRYSDALE HENSALL Butchering is now the cesder of the Emily Hct Ikins is confined to her .day, and many an animal has to home through illness. snake the supreme sacrafice for the Mrs. Massey of Clinton is visiting :benefit of the human raee. here With her sister, Mrs. E. Shad - The roads along the Blue Water dick. .Highway are terribly e origle and slip Joyce Scruton of Toronto spent a ;sery A good thaw to take- away few days at her home here. Zee ice .and snow would be apprecia- Public School Ir/epector E. C. Bea- Aed. Although open for motor tra- corn, of Goderich, was making his Bic, thexe its no comfort in &'i e in •. . official inspection here Monday last. Miss Lizzie Gelinr:;; was a Sunday Yo eph Hudson, who has been in visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Westminster Hospital, London, since l'&ailip Denomme. hist npring for treatment, is impro- We are pleased to report that Mr. virg splendidly and able to be up in Edward Brisson is improving nicely a wheel chair. It is hoped he will be .f oin his illnesse% able to spend the Christmas with the 31r. and Mrs. Ed. J. Denomme of family. the Town Line, were Tuesday even- Mrs. Ernest Shaddiek, who wes aging visitors with the Mouseeau fam- taken to Clinton hospital for treatm- y. ent has returned home, and is im- Mrs. Joseph Rau and son Alvin proving. ,;spent a few days with friends at De- • Mr. and Meta Ken Traviss and son -limit last week. were visitors with friends at Shel- Iir. Frank Corriveau has treated burne. 'himself to fine Plymouth auto. • 1 The big snow storm which .struck Mr. and Mrs. Armond Denomme, this section Saturday and Sunday last and Miss B. Mousseau enjoyed a de- filled in our roads and sidewalks bad- icious dinner with Mr. and Mrs.' ly. The new -snow plow has been out Inas. B. Bedard on Sunday. several times and works well. 3lltr. and Mife. John Denomme and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins quietly family, were ,Sunday visitors with celebrated their 35th wedding anniv- .ay'Ir. and Mrs. Philip Denomme. ersary at their home here. Several ?Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard visit- mer.•►hers of the family who live at eat with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bedard on a distance were home for the day. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins were married Xr. and Mrs. Wm. DenommeSr., here on Nov. 27th, 1901, by Rev.' G. •acere Tuesday visitor's with Mr. and Jewett. After their marriage they Tars. George Denomme. re/ ided for several years on the Hi,g- Mr. John Hey of Zurich made a gins homestead in Usborne twp. In .few business calls around here on 1905 they moved to Hensel' and have 'Tuesday. resided here since. Alt MASSEYTJARRISNEWS Almost New Top Buggy and 10 -inch grinder with New Plates, at Bargain Prices Please manifest your appreciation for having received credit on Repairs by settling by Nov. 21st. We now must have settlements to meet obligations. SUPERLASTIC TIRES AND TUBES, GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0, KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIC VEERING? YES! 1 1:11aticsdaya Decetabor 1Otk .1930 tfek 2. -7sStamurYct,1211°anauttcogn61:21,17vo:ujob,..alea, ,,.• PLAY SAFE! IMVE SURE- FIRE QUICK STARTING BLUE SUNOCO FN YOUR GAS TANK, AND FORGET THE IDEA. THAT YOUR CAR NEEDS AN EXTRA PRICED GASOLINE FOR QUICK STARTING. Change to Blue Sunoco and you'll change your mind. Blue Sunoco splits the seconds even on coldest days—and follows through 'with lightning -like acceleration; power -packed, knoekless action and long mileage. see'" - i Fore• SOLD I3Y: L. A. PRANG and SON General Repairing,a.pd Used Car Sales ZURICH - ONT. ED. NADIGER Leather Goods and Harness DASHWOOD - ONT. A. E. RAVELLE, General Store GRAND BEND A number of carloads of sugar beets have been shipped recently from Hensel). station. Reeve Geiger attended the Decem- ber meeting of the county council at Goderich la(it week. Wm. Cochrane and Mrs. Gerald Farquhar of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Far- quhar and other relatives in the dis- trict. The Sunday School of the United Church are holding their Christmas tree entertainment on Monday even- ing Dec. 21st. Miss Mildred Follick had her ton- sils removed by Dr. O'Dwyer of Zur- ich. Left For Florida Mr. and M;s13. John Bolton, of Hen- sali, left on Tuesday last by motor for Daytona Beach, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Bolton, who has been in poor health for some years, found the climate beneficial last winter and her doctor :las advised her to return. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.. Ernejyt Dinnin, of ] gmondvi1le and Mr. James Gardiner of Farquhar. Died at Toronto .The death occurred on 'Nov. 24th aifthe residence of her daughter, M1 -s J: Stec:eat, Toronto, of Mary Car- lile; wife of David W. Foss, and a fo'reer well known Hensall resicreet Mrs. Foss had been in poor health Jroseveral yanrs and a couple of ye - ago they ret'recl to Toronto to live with their daughter. Mrs. Foss was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Carlile and was born in Easteem Ont. '16 years ago, In 1.839 she married David Foss and for ye- ' 1 • he merieu`ed the Pos:r Bakery and later a market garden. Mrs, Foss was a member of the 'united Chi.a's:h Y :td highte re an^gtc�1 by all who knew hes.. Besides her hus,iand she h sur• vived by one daughter, Flossie, Mrs. Stewart. The funeral took place from the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart with interment in Park Lawn Cem- etery. COUNTY NEWS Plenty of Game A Clinton hunting party brought home from the north country not on- ly deer, but a black bear. The bear was shot by J. E. Johnston in the Parry Sound district. Has Had Long Term After forty-eight years in Sunday scliiool work W. H. Helyar has resig- ned the position of superintendent of Westley -Willis United Church Sunday School, ,Clinton. His usecessor is M. T. Corliss, who has been assistant superintendent for ,some time. No Electtore There will be no election for Vil- lage, Trusetees of Bayfield. Those for the ensuing year are Win. Ferguson, Murdock Ross and Les. Elliott. Visited at Varna M:r. and Mrs. Floyd Schell and family of Detrgit;spont the 4meeiian Thies1fe giving 'day, Thursday last, 'at :he home of the latter's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin,' Varma. • Engagement Announced 1MIr4 and Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Cred- iton, ann,ounee the engagement of thlOr' cl liughtter ' Lula Irene, to Mr. r. Frederick A. Culbert, son of Mr: and' Mrs. Westley Culbert of. Lucan. The wedding to take place quietly in De- eernber. Measles at Wingham Fol bwing closely onthe announc- ement by the 1VI.O.H. that Wine:ham I awn was free of eontago )4 diseas- es comes the word that an epidemic of measles has broken oast in a nunr.• '.rcr of tamiliee being muarrarttured.. Busy With the Snow William Harvey of Kippen who is generally the right man in the right place, has been busy during the past two weeklt cleaning the highways of snow which has fallen in abundance and which has made it almost impos- sible for cars to navigate on roads that are'not plowed out. Goes to New Position H. B. Harris has resigned Idspos- ition with the Richmond Hosiery Co.1 and has taken a position with Hosiery' Limited Woodstock. He will work in the experimental room, putting new attachments on knitting machines. These attachments are his owninv-. enttion. He having patented the idea a few years ago. --Clinton News -Ree ord. Had No Light Last Tuesday evening a Seafoeth motorist ran .into ,a cutter which car- ried no light, on the road near Sea- forth. The cutter was badly smashed up, but, happilty, nobody wale hurt. With roads as they are extra preca- ution should be taken, and all traffic rules should be strictly adhered to. Lumber On Grounds A large quantity of lumber to be .need in. Exeter's new community bti- gilding is now tis the grounds and is being :prepared for the building of the •tru ses'to support the steel struc- ture..Worlc; is going ahead rapidly in spite `of the cold weather. 1 Mrs. Anderton Breaks Ankle Mrs. A. W. Anderton, wife of the organist and choirmaster of. St. Geo- rg's .Anglican church, Goderich and former residents of Exeter, was tak- en to Goderich hospital, after break- ing her ankle iir a.fair en the icy lewaik ieir God'cric e.. The: accident a •currecl, at the door of 'Dr,'i'aylor'a .n..c40. i::ra, "fad Senate . Sass .Friend's Life . Tinsels arrival of a friend, who just `happened in" saved the life of Thos. Fisher, garageman at Saltford on the outskirts. Fisher was found uncor Vous from monoxide poison- ing on the floor, the engine of a car he was repairing still running. Drag- ged to fresh air, he recovered but is stili a sick man. Saw Seventeen Deer A short time ago Hy. Goodkin, Jr_ Whitechurch road, saw seventeen dee on his faun all at one time. He was at dinner when he noticed about S of them in a field. The deer kept gathering until the herd numbered 17 This appearl;f to be a record number seen at one time in recent years. Maybe the government will allow hunting in this district next year - j nvhen the deer are IN :Co:Tin^' on plea- ' *iful.-- mngham' Advance-TThnes. Suffers From Fall Mrs. E. H. Hodgins, of •Seaforth, was taken to the hospital there after • an accident in which ;she suffered sure Tread injuries. She was on the; balcony at the home of her brother- Rufus Winter, and was shaking a rug when she lost her footing on the slippery surface and fell 15 feet tts ;' the !ground_ Besides the tread injuries,• slie had two`'ribs fractured. Fractured Arm Tuesday evening last . white tile .. , hydro was off and the town of Exe- ter• was in darkness, Miss •GlanVille Orippodt of'&lie old opera house and in .i'austag fractured her left arm above the :wrist. • . Meant Business! When the district supervisor of radio, accompanied by a Mountie, vis ited a number of Seaforth Domes a few weeks ago to check on radio lic- ensee, he apparently ineaiit brwibiness. In any seise stn. -mane Ina -e gone for - f. tt ar,d .' ten c, hsen5 whe ' tclzeci the,: -,lana a teary licenb.ae.--•-L'xposisor.