HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-12-03, Page 8PAGE EIGFIT THE STORE WITH TFIE STOCK 18 eek Flannelette Blankets, large size pr.... Lai„ii';s' Night Gowns Ladie3 Pyjamas at Cogen Sheets 72x94, each $1.98 59c 98c 1.29 Men's Felt Hats, to clear each 75c to 1.50 1.49 Men's Fen. 71, Combinations OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Matches, 3 boxes for Mixed Candy, lb. Green Japan Tea, lb Choc Mallow Cookies Rex Coffee, lb. Soda biscuits, 2 lbs. Brooms at each 20c 15c 39c 15c 39c 25c 29c lb New Walnuts, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, Peels, Cocoanut, Bleached Raisins, Cherries, for your Christmas Cake at lowest prices. GleibC PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are ii w.._c :.;.lost Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, had Accident Statistics prove that: Ville Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely and avoid an Accident --- But be Prepared! ----A few Dollars will give Protection. Ad Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Manage,.. Etc. Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich IiY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY, i 7 fitE1!I IHItl IIIIiIfI11111111UlIIlI IIIImuumuu it IIIIITIIIIIINII ._..r�I 1111111 11 11111111111111 III 11 NEW Grocery 1 Ilul'IUIIII Illllmmlill 1 f1111HI1i11111111111! Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. Corn Syrup, 5 -Ib. pail Xmas. mixed candy, 2 lbs. 25c Epsom Saltts, i :8 lbs. it a.x.. 25c Butcher pepper, per lb: 25c Shoe Polish, (Nugget). 2 boxes ...25c ,Prepared mustard, , 24 -oz. jar 1 8c re JIJJxxxa... u. 25c 39c Cookies, fig bar per lb 15c .All Kinds of Fruit and Nuts for Christmas. enno esch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. . Phone 165 1 MAR IIIIIIIUII 111111 I11111M IIUIIIIHHII1HIII111I IIIII1111111111111111 111111i11111DhiiffIillll� • 1 sill 1111111 1 11 1 ' ! 11 ll@,!!VIII,, iYK MS Oli LOLL. INTEREST Mrs. Flossie Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Oliver of London, visited. with Zurich friends recently. Inspector E. C. Beacom, of •Gorier ich, was a visitor to our local school :nn Tuesday last .. Mr. Claude Meidinger of London, was a visitor at his home here re= cently. Mr. Christ. Ayotte of Bad Axe, Mich., attended the funeral "of his brother, the late Daniel Ayotte. Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich was in town on Thursday and among other business he presided at ' -the Tenth Division Court sitting. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blake Horner and Mrs. E. Krueger of the 14th cone; spent a very pleasant week -end -wit!, friends in Detroit. Mr. Edward Wilhelm and son Ale vin of New Hamburg were visitors ' B 0 R N LOCAL MARKET (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 30 Eggs: dozen 35-30 Eggs,, pullets. 25 Chickens dressed . . 17', 13 Chickens live • Hens. dressed ' Hens,. live Ducks;, dressed 1,7 14 9 9, 7 14 Wheat, bushel 1.02 1.00 75 45 60 3.50, 2.75 $30 .8.50 1.00 Barley, bush, malting Farley, feed Oats, bush. Buckwheat, bush Flour, cwt. Bran and shorts Live Hogs, cwt. Potatoes per bag in this vicinity the beginning of the week. Messrs. Mich. Meiding and Julius Thiel have been . working for some 1 weeks at their trade, mason, at Lon don. Mrs. Harold Kuntz of Windsor;; was a recent visitor in town with her mother, The. A. Rose, who accomp anied herdaughter to Windsor for a visit. The Evangelical Sunday 'School will render the annual Christmas Entertainment on Sunday evening, December 20th. It will be'a good programme. • L,swv74A?t11390(20/964,Ai c'e-4usixte CS9t.fiDealseeks"ea`aI dl de l a H.A.RDW ` 7°"F'xkx.; SEEDS and FURNITURE ,, ,, I� .1 ..$ a 00:IA i ,t+ Cilder Weather always demands g ca th3 m..)t"e su. tl,bie fuel for your heating equipment. Let us supply„,,, yoar needs s„ Oi with the right kind Fuel at moderate prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax C.x( udyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith - Mg our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. BADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE — SERVICE t#IN• 41114N0#N+f11# 3 a • 2 Mrs. Andrew F. Hess is spending the week at London with her son Paul Hess, who is convalescent at Victoria Hospital. It was necessary for Paul to undergo another operati- on on Monday, but he is progressing most wonderfully, and in a few we- eks should be able to return to his home here in town. Mr. Milton Deitz, one of our local; garagemen had the misfortune on Monday morning to break his arm at the wrist while cranking a car.' lin some way the motor backfired with the mentioned results. We re- gret this misfortune to Mr. Deitz,; as it will greatly inconvenience him in his work for some time. Dashwood Road Now Taken • • • •2 By Government Neeb—At Hay Township, on Novem- ber 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Neeb a daughter. Weiberg—At Stephen Township, on November 23th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg, a son. `Will Balance Budget •.Despite an unforseen expenditure of $5,000 for administration of jus- tice, occasioned by various brokers' ,trials,. the County of Huron will this year balance its budget, Warden R. J. Bowman announced''.the other day Not only has the County Council kept ,within ' its estimates, but it has paid .the' iProvincal Government $29,000 owing on provincial road account. "This puts us all square with the Government, as far as the old 20 per tent. county share of provincial high - '.ways is concerned, and there will be no more," Warden Bowman said. i; There' is still $46,000 owing on ac - ,count of pavined roads, but it was taken care of by debentures, the only debenture the County or Huron has outstanding. Announcement that the Ontario Government had taken over by order. in -council the county highwav known as the "Dashwood Rorr.d',' as n Prov. incial Highway connecting hies en No. 4 near Exeter and the Ill,ie• Water highway near Grand Ilenci;' has been received by County Clerk. J. M. Roberts of Goclerich. The Co-. unty Council which convenes for its final 1936 session this week, made the request to the Government at its June mcetiing, The announcement is of imporance to a large section of Western Ontario, providing, as it will - a permanent east to west improve& highway to lake shore resorts. Winter Weather. With the snow falling continuous- ly for the last week or more, we are at present experiencing quite• a lnnket of snow, and it is quite gen- eral in this section, as in the city of London we are told there is about the same amount as here in Zurich, while up at Clinton there is consid- srable more, and Goderich report -4 of very little snow. We are experi- encing the sane condit:e ,; Inst winter along the lake shoe, where. there is usually very little, thi.A win., ter they again have a heavy fall and. the roads are filled, which makes go- ing quite heavy. We know not what the weather will do, but we know that during the past week we were in the midst of winter, with snow falling daily, and the weather matt much below zero some of the nights. The winter season according to the nlander will not be here for nearly tlh rte weeks,and ncthis extri mr coilt is unusual, in fact they say a record for this time of year. Water Turned On. Exeter water mains were connect- ed over the week -end with the new waterworks system which will sup- ply the village consumers from the rrayne Springs. The oId system pro- vided water from the Aux Sable Riv- er, adequate and suitable for ex- ternal use and fire protection, but not considered fit for 'human use. The old system was installed in 1911.The Frayne Springs, located a mile east of the village, have a capacity of 200,000 gallons a day, or 140 gall- ons pet, minute. At the springs there are two .pumps, each with a capacity of 200,000 gallons per day. One de- livers water direct to the taps and the elevated tank located in down town Exeter, while the other delivers water to the new concrete resivoir located near the dam. The capacity of:the resivoir is 250,000 gallons and the pump housebesides it is equipped with the old electric -driven pump.The resivoir which was constructed this fall is closed and is of reinforced concrete. It is 60x60x14 feet deep. It has 'been placed below ground level to keep the water cool in summer and prevent frost in winter. max. -VI ursdi�S Jc�,1te , ...-,.. 44.444+0+44.4444.44++++4404+4 4 11 YOU re t THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW i dJ FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU ' IiTH THE BEST OF WOVEN WI ”. E,, ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT 442, NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, i TROUGHING 40 AND EVE. 4.4 I. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! e - T' Special G...asoline for Stoves, at per gallon ............. 28c 1"; We alp have some vea'y Attractive P " .I' urniture. races and See Our New Beds, Sprues ;4 n Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two Goad Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining ''Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from: $2.00 Up. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Johnston & Kaibejsch } 'dare it Furniture. Phony�� 3i ��•t'•%•�•k^3^'G•i>�s��•5^•�•F•Ir.k•t �r•f•✓r•E�•.•F 3•ii 3� F•I•�'^•&sa�ii�t "Irk: 4 Mens and Boys Zurich Garage Work ShOes EXTRA EXTRA We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's rid Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit 'you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular i 10 'Heavy Service at ..6.3$ Reg. 1.0.75 Heavy Service Tires 6;211, Best of Gasoline at per gallon. 23e, Lubricating Oils and Greases at Car - responding Law Prices Get Your Requirements Here, wherec Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with Charges Very Reasonable MOiiSS ATT Phone 103. Zurich VII(ll1MIIII;;iiIIIIIiINIIIIIBIiliiiii1111111111I1$1f111111111111fII fIE IIIIIII11111111111111ii11111i111111I111Ir i;; llE illiil11111111111Pi1!!t.' ir818151111111111111111111111111110131111111111111111iUAt THESE PRICES subject to chime v6i 'soot Noce Painting Wagon $7.00 and. 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set.......... -_ ----.a 112000 Buggy Shaft ............... ....... ....a.,.a... .......3.00 Cross Bar --,.-. 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c '! SS, - the .. M e air Man 11111111i1101i11RIM11ID(11111111111111@111111111111111111111111IiIIIIIIII1111I111111ID1111111llIN1111111111111UYllU1I!iniir!?illlllillE!51111IR114;;1!IV+1111111;0IIIIIIIIIIn hili!lAIIIIIMMIIPIIIllIritPllPEIPS 1111111111111111111111111111ID111111111111111111� il(lil11111 ,11111111110 11110111;11RI11iNIl1iiil ?T"(I?liT"IC tll<I't.' iii I x,111, llidtliiliirllf�I;III E +'"'' iN FIR i .1,.11IV�i,,1,11111L,,,.u�4 NOTICE At this time of the year we fine; our books carrying considerable accounts that are in most eases lone overdue and should have been pain before this. We are very pressed for money just now and are obliged to mail out accounts, and trust teat' r our customers will appreciate e c the credit extended to them by acting promptly, as we are badly' in need of this money to meet our obliggations. —1J ha herald Proprietor. I ALI: OFFI Do You uo T Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use kcal weekly newspapers'! I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE ti,3lino111f1111111111V11111C11111V11111111111111(1V111111llV1111111111111111111L11111111111d1111118111)111111i1111111i111111'rillliruil1(>q ll1(a1 11>Iu, bt