HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-12-03, Page 5iuxsc'iay, D'etexnfier aro. ,BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL 1.)171 -)Li Liz Y E. E.JOLME BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE :Hamilton Street, Just of the Square, GODERIC1•i, Ontario. 'Special Attention to, Counsel; and Court Work. .nk'f., Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone • charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE • L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday„ Saturday. At TIARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON the late Zurich 1011ice in the Home of Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S1 B.`'+%•Sc. 4sracivate of Ontario Veterinary College, University Gf Toronto. Au liseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, ;Charges reasonable. Day or night -calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness fennels. Office on Main Street, vsepposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction . Sale, regardless t -mss to size or article to sell. I solrcr � Cash oilers will be received by the ,your business, and if not satisfied will Canada Cor »p until December - nake no charges for Services Rest- 10th, 1936 lee :-.e following lands: erect sil Hay Township: ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. • .,t0 --. FOR QUICK SALE Two Stoves, for immediate Sale, Apply .to John Hey; Jr.., Zurich. For Sale A quantity of Mixed Grain, also somn oats for sale. Apply to Theo Laporte, south of Drysdale.. LOST A 1% year old roan heifer, has horns; ring or slit in bottom of right ear. Strayed from my pasture farm Babylon Line, Hay. Finder kindly notify Herb Desjardine, Zurich. STRAYED From Lot 12, Con. 7, Hay, one;; yearling steer white with some red on neck and head, slit in both ears. Finder notify T. -Ii. Shapton, Exeter. _._._ervr.n.e4x:,sY STRAYED From Lot 7; Con. 5, Hay, a one- year -old grey heifer with horns and a notch in left ear. Any informati- on notify; Asa J. Penhale, Exeter. Phone, Crediton 17 r 34. WANTED Horses and Cattle suitable for meat for foxes. J. R. Murdock, Brucefield. FOR QUICK SALE. A 2,000-1b. weigh scales and a Portland cutter for quick sale. Herb Block, Zurich. FOR SALE About 50 White Rock Pulletts for quick Sale. Apply to: Theo. Steinbach, R. R. 3, Zurich. Lands For Sale PRODUCE 'a , ni Pioduce ,TANTE) 1- LCHEST CASH. PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. . O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS uriclhs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the. wry Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Et., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins Yurighlut & Son INSURANCE_ Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. ,, I, OF WOODSTOCK VIM • LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OE THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1935, 520,479,730.00 `Total Cash in Bank and Bonds :$254,627.52. 'gates -44.50 per $1,000 for .3 Year. F. K opp---Zurich Meet Also, Dealer. is Lit/WOW Rods: skail aelllkla.l Ere insurance It Con. Lot Acres 6 E.% 6 75 7 ' 11 100 7 1a 100 7 N?tr 17 50 7 Rein. S% S% 18 24 8 13 100 8 •E% 16 50 8 Eik 21 50 8 E% 22 50 8 W3 22 50 8 E'1 23 50 8 W', 23 8 ZURICH HERALD LUCAL NEWS Mrs. R. Hess was a visitor at Ilen- sail on Monday. Mrs..0. Eeilber spent Monday with friends at Hensall. Mrs. William Miller spent a few days with friends. 'at Stratford. • Barrister James Morley of Exeter vas in town Thursday attending the local Division Court. Mr. and Mrs. John Rey were at Toronto and Hamilton the past week Also took ` in the Winter i+:air a Toronto. Themonthly meeting of the Wo- men's Instate will be held in the Council Chamber, on Monday. even- ing, December 7th, at 8 o'clock.. Mr. Harold Stoltzfus of Lovel, N. Y., was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Swartzentruber of the Bronson line. We have the finest display of ;Christmas Greeting Cards teat we have ever had in stock at present. Get your supply now, while the assortment is the best,—Zurich Drug Store. Monday, December 7th will be the next meeting of Hay Council and this will be followed by the .last re- gular business meeting on Dec. 15th, which will also be the last day for paying the 1936 taxes without pay- ing a penalty. Surely, in this land of plenty, good prices and bounteous crops this year, there will be little if any taxes unpaid by that date. Constable WiIIiarn Thiel wishes to warn the younger folks to discon- tinue coastin b hi d th t 1 g en e eam s et- ghs with the hand sleighs, as it is very dangerous when being followed by another vehicle, ;especially when an auto is following -and one of the small sleighs lets go of the tow . line, a car has little chance in avoiding of running over such a sled. A few darrow escapes have occurred in town the past week and Mr. Thiel is giving his warning to have; • this dangerous bit of amusement stopped. A Keen Elect.o:1 James A. Patterson, Clerk of the Village of Hensall was a businees visiter in town the other day. Me. Patterson .advises us that the forth coming Municipal election in Hensel], will be a very keenly contested affair with very difficulty in p'cking who will be elected previous to the count- ing of the ballots. Hit Is Injured On Wednesday morning of this week, while Mrs. Elizabeth Schnell Short Course Ur. Ian NieLeocl, Agricultural. Re- presentative of ,Clinton, is In ..u.burn }where a short course Tor young x;n, 'fern and homemaking :class for girls opened last Tuesday. Re took a jud- ging class to the lhoyal Winter Fair the team consisted of lf, Lobb, Clir, • bon; W. Shortreed, and W Stewart 3ryans, Blyth. They strutted their ,tuff but did not get inc the money. Wolves in the Peninsula It is said that one hunter making his headqua tors at Tobennory: he, :lie pit, of fear wolves clamps to have ;phot in the yen:nsula within a few day.;. This would in .dicate that wolves are more nuraer ous than usual this year, and as thea, is no closed season for these animals adrive has been made by some of the fanners in an endeavour to clean them out of the peninsular ae ,they are ''a menace to farm yards, Slot 1VEachine Smashed Not Given the slot machin; was ov- erlooked when theives broke into the, Shell Service station operated by ,'.J. Turner on highway No. 8 at Clinton, the other night. In addition to steal- ing about $30 in silver from the till and $50 worth of tobacco and candy bars, the thievee thievesmashed open 'the slot machine, emptiel ,t of -lug; en.1 nickels, and stole a bed of some 230 slugs kept in reserve by the mance;;- y er.''of the station. + ✓r ' Mariner Will Collect J + When Papt. K. C. Clark of the grain freighter Prindoe .rind up h boat for the winter at Godeeicl bor,, he inenediately tools steps to cash 'in on a $500 7isli sweepstake '� ticket. "I've waited es ei : +'r do ;this, figuring it would come in 'r' PHONE 69 handy for Christmas" the captain, a *g. beeeesseeeeseee PA.GB FIVE •••••••••0••••••••••••••004••••••••••••••••••0••••••••:, ZURICH CREAMERY ,.i fai We Pay0 ` a Premium of 'X'wc, Cents per Pound13.cal • • Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant„ ` b Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed :S Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid fo Day. r the same YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY • • • • • • 0 iw.. a 00•02�QIAip�dd(8'048 t�,'D�YJfft'.000 041m a,'.v3cip* ,ere ,, ��at��a��s�oaasra� C f t Your Fel iI1 HALF! Buy Storm WIndows and Doors REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF CLASS ON HAND AT ALL '? TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU °p 4' 4' LET Us QUOTE YOU! Parry Sound boy, said as he proceed- i WAIT. 'AL t¢/ ++err ZURICH °ed to fil1 out the forms sent him. He * * 3 3r f § ✓r �r ✓r 3 g ✓r 5-.,..; .;.Jr.•..• +++++++++4,14+-:44-4.-:-÷4.•:-:-'0++7,- +++•3..k,.a•++ b14.;..;. ;-4.:--b - 0 bought the ticket in Montreal. With ='=r i,.. r the ':Close of navigation close at hand ------ -- ---. thtere.has been the usual rush of boats to the port. When the Prind- oc ' docked rk,cent]y she was covered with five inches of ice. Back to Work Ottawa—More than 8,000 persons marched back to work in October, 6 raising the nation's employment fig- . -re ,for November 1 to the highest ' monthly point in six years, the Dom- I inion. ,Bureau of statistics reported: es Snturda,. The total payroll at Nov ember 1 for 10,054 firms was $1,- � 052;985, an increase of $40,832 in ' 12 months. Impro nenents in ml'tt,' 2 lines of employment raised the index computed on the b 1e 1926 equals Cr taittY ea?teatDaas n, 'Peen 11n 1 Li October to 111. iertienlarly import .- ,t, the bane', u - end, ; epees enproverne its in logging, made an attempt to rise from' her I while emining. shipping, highway con- 3 Teri. in Boxes. way she slipped and strueti n and trade also showed Tis- 5 are r aChaceaatiaaaaa9a tuel Colder'Days will soon be here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home • warm and comfortable. We can supply practically all the called for and of Coal a -' nd Coke with prices very niori erate... Let us fill your bin! faster and .Pioueei- Poultr , Feeds . Ices points to fit all makes of ra plows fell on the floor with the result that ions. she sustained a fractured nip Aid • Cash paid for doT Dui s �h Sets was at once called and also Dr. A Ru1/214 Q®t) Bequest to T -.L 0 J: MacKinnon, and upon examination ,TI). Son is not Valid - p by the Doctor it� was found most ad- ,A $400 �e u i left o SEEDS! SEEDS! viseable for- the patient.. to be re- • o es e by a Hay Tp. a� � moved to Clinton Hospital for re man to his illegitimate son cannot be We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clover and a x-ray examination. Mrs. Schne]1'a given to the widow and child of that i Timothy Seeds. iller;iti, '41 son Justice PreFerlerel. 0 ninny cove atHensall and Zurich at ry, h friends wish her a spe- edy recovehas ruled after.a Supreme Court civ- Coal and Coke Hlle# it trial onducted in London recently.' all Times. Auto Accident The attempt by Mrs. Frank McGreg-, or and her so nday morning while Harry n, A. R. McGregor of � 6 Detroit to obtain the $4,p00 which '01 f3 On Mo was motori d town ng own was left toy her dead husband has be- "ee's5"/"a'""e"" o > " from the station with the Dashwood en dismissed .by, a judgment handed bus and while' attempting to urn east down by Justice' McFarland at Os - at the Main St. Church corner, the goode Haile Andrew Slater, of Hay 50 bus was run into by an auto driven , 26 100 by Chas. Shanahan, of Clinton, and 8 S% 27 50 owned by Rev. Fr. Sullivan, the lar These lands are offered for cash ter being a passenger in the car. The sale at seasonablerunning board of the bus was tern - Address all offers to: CANADA COMPANY, 871 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. November 23', 193'6: prices. NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT Plain Dresses and Suits 70;c. Insurance Included. This is a tract special for a limited time PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. .And Dry Cleaners. Thiers Transport con - only. U,ed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1930—Coupe, a good one. 1928—Pontiac, a Bargain. 1927—A good car cheap. 1928—Ford Coach, at $100. All have good tires, good upholst ^ring and mechanically good; gone over er carefully by us. L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich A Publisher's Blessing blessed is he who does not fuss Vhen he receives e% ec ves a bill from us; Int knowing his subscription due. ends in the money to renew. Ind doubly blest is that good friend no waits not till a bill we send, It promptly; sears us the amount. Araighteu his account ed up and a front fender and light of the Clinton car were damaged. Two passengers in the bus,. Mrs. Geo. Griffiths and Mrs. W. Foster, of Tor- onto, who were being driven to the home of their father. Mr. Jas. Han- dford, were slightly injured, one re- ceiving injury to her head and the other to her knee.—Exeter Times -Ad- vocate. HYMENIAL - Stecyle—CcClinchey A pretty wedding took place at the manse, Varna, when Gertrude Evelyn youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McClinchey, became the bride of Ivan S. Steckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stecyle, of the Bronson Line, Stanley. The ceremony was per 'ormed by Rev. G. H. Bandey. The •gide was lovely in a slipper -heel 'ength gown of coronation blue trans iarent velvet and colorful .shoulder- ette with silver slippers completing ,er costume, and carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses and 'ern,' with matching tulle streamers. he bridesmaid, Miss• Melinda Steckle ister of the groom , chose a smart rock of rust metalasse crepe with gown velvet trimming and accessor- es to match. Jack McClinchey, bro- ther of the bride was groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony the riday party returned to the home of the bride where a wedding dinner vas served. The bride's table was vttractively decorated withbouquets f mums in silver vases and a four - tiered wedding cake. The happy co- rple left for an extended trip to To- ronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and De- troit, the bride travelling in a wine triple crepe frock with satin and brilliant trim, gray astrachan coat Ind muff witth platinum wolf collar Silver hat with pose veil, and acces- ories to match. On their return and. Mrs. Steckle will reside it gomery of Weyburn, Sask. His wife• 3ayffcld'., died 29 years ago, Township;,, when he died in 1931 left In his will $4,000 to his son Frank McGregor, of Detroit. Wit- . nesses at the trial said the son we. illegitimate. However, McGregor had di . d two years .before Slater, and the money was not paid out. Mrs. Mc- Gregor brought an action against executors of the Slater estate, de- manding the money which she says was left to her husband. In giving judgment, Justice McFarland disa- greed with the contention of Mrs. McGregor's lawyers that the words "child or other issue" included an il- ligitimate child, and that consequen- tly the legacy did not lapse upon the death of her husband. Dies At Exeter Following an illness of several months, James Handford, 'grand old man of.Exeter," died at his home on Thursday Nov. 26th, aged 97 years. A lifetime resident of the com- munity, he was a prominent figure in the life of the community. For many years he esided on the farm on No. 4 highway, south. A great lover of horses, he also was a capable judge of them. Until prevented by failing strength for the last couple of years, he attended every plowing match held by the South Huron Plowmen's Association, Until over 90 years of age, he regularly attended the exhi- bition at Toronto, even in the latter years making the trip alone. Mr. Handford saw many changes in the development of the district, and was personally present when the two gangs of worlcnien building the Hur- on & Bruce line, completed their task by meeting in Exeter, opposite the Dow barn, near the bridge over the Aux Sable River. bre also saw the completion near Exeter of the open- ing of the road now designated as highway No: 4, whenit was cut through the bush. He came to Exeter about 30 years ago and has resided there since. He is survived by five daughters, Annie at home; Hattie of Woodstock; Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Griffith of Toronto; Mrs. Win Mont - tad rAIIMMANWEIVAINWWWMAAWAVLAWAMVAW? Zurich , Store e It of Suplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Book s,incltiding the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. weir - e¢' PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC, See Our Supply of Tc;ilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes, ec e4C We also have, Saphi><ne Anti -Moth Discs. Ir Dry Ao Jo MacKinnon, Zurioh.1 7•,(AmmtkNwimmpwwmgvmakAAPrimvtems,"„0.