HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-12-03, Page 4• DA,51W0.0D Thaeltwoed Evallgeli.eal Christmas ientertainmente will be held on Wed- nesday everting, December 28rd, Mrs, S. (xottsc11alle who spo-rt ;the hast few weeks with her daughter in St, Thomas returned home on Sun- day 'tee Womalls Mis'sionary'�Society will hold their December meeting at the home of 'Miss Annie Jarrett •on Wednesday afternoon, December 9, Her group will be rat. charge of the programme, This meeting will .de- cide the winning • side. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love were in London visiting their daughter Helen Mrs.. Love remaining there till after Mr', and Mas. Elmer Thiel" and daughter the operation..nd it 1VIrs, Hugh Love visit Bernice and son Harold of near Heil- at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Lor .all spent .Friday With her parent;, Luker on thte Zurich Road near }le Mr. and Mrs, George Koch. Ball, Mr, Elgin Merger who underwent 'an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital ;London, a few weeks ago was brou- ghe home on Monday in ticlsaac's ambulance. His many friends wish ]1x11 a speedy recovery, Mrs.. Roy Stebbins who resides near Lake Smith about four miles J. Broadfoot, J, Glenn, Stewa lbeyond Grand Rend wa. removed to McQueen and Peter Manson were. St. Joseph's •Hospital, 'London on a trip to Toronto taking in the Roy Monday by M•.elsaae's nibulance, l Winter Fair. where she had to undergo an .open- I Mies, E. Shaddick is in Clint ation for mastoids. Tlie roads at hospital undergoing an operation. this time were impassable for cars I Court of Revision on the. 19 and she was detained for some time Voters' List for the Village of He until a snow plow was ordered by: sall was held in .the Town Hall, Mo .Or. R. H. Taylor, to open the roads. day afternoon last. His honor Jud However, she reached the hospital in Costello of Goderich, presiding, time and was operated on immediat- number of changes being made. e1y, the operation proving successful. The relatives and friends of M Fred l3ontlrro.n will be pleased learn that she is continuing irnpro ing• from her illness and is expect to be home soon. Large quantities of sugar bee have been shipped from the railwa station with more to follow. It is regretted that Mrs, Wi Davidson is quite ill at present. The Arnold Circle of Cannel Pre b•erianChurch will hold a bazaa and tea on Saturday afternoon, De ember 5th. Will Erect Christmas Tree The Heiisall Chamber of Commerc are putting on a euchre and crane on Dec. 2nd. The proceeds are to b Mi ed ne n- HENSALL rt 011 al 011 F'kac.turetl ,Shgaidee Friday the Lith, was en unlucky day for h;ldr'ed Simmons, son: of Mr and Mrs, W. Simmons, to student at Exeter the Ureter high school. He was Play- ing leap frog with some o: t.tte other boys at the school, when he fell over on his left shoulder, fra,eturing thea bone. The fracture was set by Dr, (Fetcher, Destroyed by Fire Fire which broke out ab.ountwelve o'clock night completely destroyed the barn on the aria of Iarvey Den nis Grey `1 p. All of the contents, eel.) silting of three horses, three cows, a calf, .five pigs, poultry, the season's crop and implements, were dtstroyed Practises at Ninety -Three Dr, 3. W. Browning of Exeter, who. observed his 93rd till11day,',is said to be the oldest practising physician in Canada. He'has practised in Exeter since :1867. Many of More than two thousand infants he has ushered into the world have become grandparents. 3fi He is in good health and spirits and n- expects to live for some time to come n - Turkeys Stolen ge While Morton Garriess, Morris Tp. a farmer. and his family slept the otin. er night, thieves entered his barn, less than 100 feet from the house, and carried away 19 full grown tur- keys, ready for the Christmas mark- et. Three were left for the G•arness family. Returning to Galt Geo. Oman, chief engineer of the Western Canada Flour Mills, Goder- ich is returning to Galt at the end :of 5- November. He carne to Goderich four r l years ago from the Goldie, McCullo-• c - STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon J.ine, are spending a few days with their son' Mervyn at Timmins, North- ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid and son Kenneth, accompanied by Miss Isabel Robinson spent a few deys vis sting friends in Flint and Detroit. The many friends of Miss Myrtle Armstrong, teacher at Clinton public school, will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her 1t-cen't. accident when she was knocked down by a boy oil a bicycle. Born—At Varna, on Thursday, Nov. 19th, to Mi. and Mrs. Ernest McClinehey; a son. A babe, girl arrived at the home of The auction sale of farm stock and ! happen. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Martin on Mon-. implements held at the farm of Vic-; day night last. Varna Ilan 111 Mr. G. S. Exeter tor Fee was well attended. Bidding Varna people Fire sorry to learn a combined social Howard andf bu nesernis e was brisk and good prices realized. that Mr. Habkirk, a returned man, is t. Owing to ill -health, Mr. Fee has to (quite ill with pneumonia. The many zu Stanley friends one day recently. ,retire. Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Hess and 111r. Carl Passmore was in Toronto last. friends of Miss Joon Mossip regretto• and Mrs. G. R. Hess andfamily, of week on a business trip lean. that she had a large bone of her. Albert and Lloyd Passmore of Delhi were week -end visitors with their parents. 1eld their special thankofiering meet• Mrs. Geo, Brown is visiting her .ing at the church Wednesday last in daughter, Mrs. J. Wilson, Stratford. the .afternoon. The gaest speaker for Some of the relatives and friends the occasion was Mrs. Norman John- of Jos. Hudson were in London re- stsoli, missionary on furlough from re- cently paying him a visit, where he Bolivia, S. America, who gave is at present confined in Westminster intensely intetresting and inspiring Hospital, and were pleasto find account of the work in the field there that he was able to be upin a wheel In addition to an almost complete chair and may be horse for Christ•• attendance of the ladies' of the con- mas. gregation, there was a large repro- Miss , Lin Ortwein,. who has been ,sentation of the Goshen ane; • Varnz • vary ill 'for Bonze- weeks- in Toronto to v- od te y n. c•. e used in aid of the community Chris tinas tree which will be erected i front. of the town hall. Mr. G. C. Petty is visiting for few days with friends .in Toronto. Miss Emnia Johnston was a visito with friends in Toronto last week ugh Co. and will,.fe-mater their, em- ployee. • Another Deer Hit While driving along the highway a mile north of '.i'eeswater, Bert Free. man ran smack into a big buck deer. It was found lying in the ditch, but on sighting the men it etaggered • to. e i its feet and hopped the wire fence into the field. The impact left a dent' 1'1 in a front fender of the car just' to' prove that the accident really did • 33ensall, were the guests of Mr. and 14Irs J. A. Carnie Sunday last. "* The Blake Branch of the W.M.S. �raxzcties. General Hospital, was able to return to her home here, making the trip by train as far as Seaforth and from there was brought to her home by motor, and is improving. nicely. 1 The friends of Wm. Chapman will regret to learn that he continues quite poorly at his home about two Mr. Hugh Dobson of Vancouver, miles southwest of town. e a splendid address in,the church re on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Win. Cochrane accompanied Mrs. Gerald Farquhar and son of licago, visited relatives in this vie- i lty during the week. Mr. Harold Hill Munn of Perth, led in this vicinity during the Little Bobbie and Keith Love, :sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love are ill with scarlet fever. Their daughter E{elen underwent an operation in St .Joseph's Hospital, London this week We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Norris of ';:tear Brncefield visited at the home 'ef Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarro.tt, Mr. Fred Brock returned from the -moth where. he was fortunate in get - ling one deer. He is working on the farm of Mr. Frank Hagan for the *inter months. HILLSGREEN gav )ie i n; cal week COUNTY NEWS Has Explosion An explosion during a chemical test in the science room of the Win- ghain High School one day recently sent particles of glass flying in all directions. Principal Hall and three students received cuts or burns. Retain Cup Another footbaI--1 season was bro- ught to a close with the Clinton Col- legiates team successfully defending the Hough Cup at Brussels. At Sea - forth the score was 1-0, and at Brus- sels 0-0. Goderich had previously been eliminated by Brussels. MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Almost New Top Buggy and 1O -inch grinder with New Plates, at Bargain Prices Please manifest your appreciation, for having received credit on Repairs by settling by Nov. 21st. We now must have settlements to meet obligations. 0 .SUPERLASTIC TIRES AND TUBES, GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE Tal. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING? YES! wrist broken while in the act :of Icranking her car. 1 !*. Leage of .Nations Vindicated • 1 In a debate held under the auspices of the Clinton Horne and SeirooI Club: Miss Faye. Lindsay and A. Fiishie, ' taking the negative of the subject; "that the League of Nations has fail- ed o justify its existence", out argu- ed the ,affirmative speakers, Kent eth Dougan and. Miss Gladys Gingerich The debaters being students of Clin- ton Collegiate Institute. I' To O '.Workmen are putting on the finish- ing touches • on the Free 7vlethodist church at the corner of Victoria and Park streets, Goderich, and the pas- tor expects the first service will be conducted on Dec, 13th. The found- ation of this compact little place of worship was laid only two months ago. The building Was macre possible through a bequest of. the late John Millian. Dog and Wildcat in Fatal Fight . From .Summerhill comes a story of a battle between a collie dog and a wildcat, resulting in the death of both. Robt. Johnston's collie dog was pen December 13th fond of hunting rabbits alo-1;, the river flats. One day he did not return and when several days passed Mr. Johnston went looking for his. pet The sight which met his eyes along: the river bank was a gruesome one. The dog lay dead, badly torn and ripped, and a few feet away' -was the body of the cat and evidence of a grim, terrific struggle to the end. Rushed Husband to Hospital Although she had never driven a car before in her life, 'Mrs. Elmer Watke, of •Carrick Tp., drove three miles to Walkerton to bring her inj ured husband to hospital. Her hus- band lost his left hand when it was drawn into the cutter of a threshing machine at the home of his father-in- law, John Lerch, three miles from Walkerton: Must Stay Out "No Trespassing" signs have been placed in the fire hall at Seaforth, in accordance with a recent decisio i of the council, It is understood a transient invaded the fire hall the e'lher day 'to .seek lodging just after re had been observed spending more than a dollar in a beverage ram. The authorities are of the opinion that the fire hall is no place for tran- sients saturated with firewater. Laid To Rest The funeral of the late Mrs. B. Amy took place from her late hone Exeter Wednesday last, and conduc- ted by her. pastor, Rev. A. Page. A trio "Nn Night There" was sung by Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Goulding and Mrs: T. Coates. The bearers were 6 nephews. Relatives and• friends were present at the funeral from Drayton, Hurford, Brantford and I-iarriston Sinclair--Potheringham At the United church parsonage, 1 0"7 or 21st, I'•e•s, W, A • o.v:r .1.zod the marriage o'' • U e .1100744,3, mber 3rd,n..,i;l30 •Y.�.- ... . , • BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 c.. f presentation, in easily understandable fo 771, of the Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT 31st October, 1936 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits Payable on demand and after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation: - Payable on demand. Bills Payable . . • , Time drafts issued and outstanding. Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding Pinanrial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customar: fico off -setting atnamtt [x1 in "Resources"). Other Liabilities to the Public . . items which do vol Caere funder the foregoing headings. Total Liabilities to the Public . - LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, S urplus and Undivided Profits and Reserves for Dividends . This amount represents the shareholders interest in the Bank, over which liabilities to the public take precedence. Total Liabilities RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with Bank of Canada . Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks Payable in cash on presentation. Money on Deposit with Other Banks Available on demand or at short notice. Government and Other Bonds and Debentures -Not exceeding market valve. The greater piortion, consist, of gilt -edge secloaities which mature at early dates. Stocks .$691,31.2;054.08 27,749,972.00 137,838.65 7,1.6'8,979.49 1,947,00 5.98 7.28,315,850.20 76,766,147.82 43805,081,998,02 • $ 79,242,079.39 29,222,231.15 • 20,264,801.82 Railway and industrial and other stocks. Not exceeding -market value. Call Loans ourcade. of Canada • Secured by bands, stocks and other negotiable securities of greater value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with no disturbing effect on conditions in Kannada: Call Loans in Canada Payable on demand and secured greater value than the loans. Bankers' Acceptances Prime drafts accepted by other banks. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 83.27% of all Liabilities to the Public) Other Loans by bonds and stocks • To •manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, oncondi— tions consistent with ,sound banking. Bank Premises . . . - Two properties only are carried in the -names of holding companies; the stock and bonds of these companies are en-. tirely owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00, in each case. All other of the Bank's premises, the value of which largely exceeds $14,000,000, appear -under this heading_ Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bank :mf Acctsiired in the course of the Bank's business and in process of being realized neon. x Customers' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit . . Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their account. Other Assets not included in the Foregoing . Making Total Assets of . , • to wee4 payment of Liabilities to ibe Public of 442J8 3,097.95 1,030,297.08 25,400,166.98 2,169,988.82 361,924.25 $606,472,5 87.44 174,141,1)11.90 14;000;000.00 1,507,373.67 7,16:8,979.49 . 1,792,045.52 805,081,998.02 728,315,250.20 leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public- of $ 76,766,147_$2 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for tile year ended 31st October, 1936, after making appropriations to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which, Fund full provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts has been made, and after deducting Dominion and Provincial Government Taxes amounting to $991,645.26 , Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders . $2,$30,000.00 Written off Bank Premises 200,000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss Account,. 31st October, r93 s Transferred to Rest Account . . . , Balance of Profit and Lass carried forward .. .. . CHARLES B. GORDON, President $3,181,501.37 3,080,000.00 $ 101,301.37 1,935,033.36 $2;036,534.73 1,000,000.00., - $1.035.534.73 110G, JACKSON DODDS, faint General Manders 4 II The strength of a bank is determined by its historyi ir:S policy, .itimanagement and the extent of its resources For 119 years the Bank of Montreal has been in the forcjront of Canadian finance Jean 1VIcDougall, only daughter of forth since 1:920: TM widow; Isabella Sauter and two sons survive, he is also survived by two brothers and two sisters:, Mrs. Chas. Wasman of Miss Nettie Sinclair, s' iser of the Stanley Twp: The filnera3 was held Mr. and Mrs. D. Fotheringham, to Wm. C. Sinclair, son of Mrs. Sin- clair, Stanley. The bridesmaid was, t groom, and John Fotheringharn, bio- privately. Death of Peter J. Dodds entq, and later :the happy couple ]eft Peter J. Dodds, highly regarded 1 py p resident. of McKillop, passed away at 011 a motor trip. They will reside on Nov. 17th, at his horse in Tucker - the groom's farm in Stanley, smith. Since August he had been in poor health and underwent an oper- Death of William, Cameron, e,tion at London, returning homer fuor ,0] weeks ,ago, and was able to be s ther of the bride,, was best mast, A. reception was held and dinner serv- ed at the °home of the br-ide'si par- e ie death occurred following n round for, a short time. He bore hie protraced illness, on Tuesday 'night illness with cheerfulness. Ere was of Wm, Cameron, a well-known and born and lived all his life on the highly esteemed resident,, in his 9'8th homestead. He was Pma.rriec] to Eliz°e- ' pent pracCc til;,r a r ilis, lift± beth, Martin,, who survives 'hftnt tee- n the d ;;t;'ict. He . has lived be Ser- , ,, thou-, wi:tit. on1e. 8011, Alvin . Ra :Do:dds.1 1 Falls In Elevator . -Losing her balance as she was--; shaking a -rug from a balcony at her. resilience, •Seaforth; Mrs. E. H. Hod- gins fell lb feet to the ground and suttarei serious injuries. Her brother IL J. Winter, witnessed the accident Rushed to Scott Memorial Hospital,.. Mrs. Hodgins was found to tie suffer- ing from internal injuries. Falls Down Shaft Stepping into an elevator shaft. -wizen the elevator wasn't 'here, td - win Hawkins, driver of a Clarke' transport truck, Seaforth, fell 20 iiee!t and broke his ankle. due had' `been loading freight in a Toron,to. • building .and Was walking' backwards, drawing .• a hand truck. He landed' .3•tanUiitg up. ; The truck did not fol».. lat>t.•