HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-26, Page 8PAGE EIG1"1T THE STORE WITH THE STOCK For This Week dais Flannelette Blankets, large size pr $1.98 Ladies' Night Gowns 59c Ladies Pyjamas at 9Sc Cotton Sheets 72x94, each 1.29 Men's Felt Hats, to clear each 75c to 1.50 Men's Pen. 71, Combinations 1.49 OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Matches, 3 boxes for Mixed Candy, lb. Green Japan Tea, lb Choc Mallow Cookies Rex Coffee, lb. Soda biscuits, 2 lbs. Brooms at each 20c 15c 39c 15c 39c 25c 29c lb New Walnuts, Almonds, Raisins, Peels, Cocoanut, Bleached Raisins, Currants, Cherries, for your Christmas Cake at lowest prices. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1 CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are iii ;ale most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident Statistics prove that: The Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely and avoid an Accident --- But be Prepared! --A few Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Damage,.. Etc. Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO-SEIi.VICEAND SAFETT • 1 _ZURICH HERALD? '111111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111III IIIII IIII11111111II1111111.11111I!UIII11111III III 11111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111 111111111111111. IIIII NEW `I ur}.i Grocery tore Dates, (pitted) 2 -lbs 23c Soap, 4 cakes and 1 pkg. soap flakes 21c Flodida Oranges, per dozen Salmon, large can 29c 10c Maxwell House Cofee, per lb. 40c Tea, 1-1b. with teaspoon free, per lb. 59c "Vanilla, • 81/2 -oz bottle Baking Syrup, per lb. 6c 15c: Mena® Oesch EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 111111111 111 111111 II I I 1 1 11111 III I 1 it 11114111 1 1 11 11 11 I 1111111101111111110111110 0111111 11111111111 11 1111111111111111111 h,. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Nora FrPmliu was a week -end visitor with friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O'Br'ein mot- ored to London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston of Bayfield were visitors in town on Saturday. Miss Weston of Bayfield is at pres- ent staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Haist. 'Get your tickets now for the con- cert Friday night, before they are all sold. Mr, Nich. Deichert and son, Har- old, of Detroit, were visitors with .relatives here. Mrs. Garfield Brown and daughters were week -end visitors with •relativ-1 es and friends at Kitchener. i I LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 30 Eggs dozen 39 to 36 Pullet eggs 28 Chickens live 17-9 Chickens dresses 19-11 10, 8, 7 Wheat, bushel 1.02 Barley, bush, malting 1:00 Farley, feed 75 Oats, bush. 45 Buckwheat, bush 60 Flour, cwt. 3.50, 2.75 Bran and shorts $30 Live hogs, cwt. 8.50 Potatoes per bag 1.00 Hens live IMMMENITFAI In Surrogate Court IIn Surrogate Court, Goderich, David Nivens, W. Wawanosh, was a- • , warded a net sum of $100 for the care and maintenance of his stepmo- ther, ,Elizabeth. Nivens, deceased; who left her entire estate of $2,700 to a sister. The,liearing took part of two days, money advanced fin cash and by note during :Mrs. Nivens lifetime, being deducted from the original claim of $355. Evidence disclosed that the aged lady had spent her last. four winters with her stepson. Messrs. Ferdinand, Theodore and Edward Haberer, and Lorne •K1oppi motored to Toronto last week and at7:1 tended the Beekeeper's Convention:• Mr. and Mks. Chester L. Smith, and 'daughter Mae, attended the rec- eption held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Herald near Shakespeare, in honor of their only daughter Wil- ma, who was recently married to Mr. Alvin B. Sippel of Milverton. Mr. J. Zuber and Mrs. Zuber, of Kitchener, who took over the Fashion Ladies' Wear in Exeter, have closed up shop and departed with the stock over the week -end. -Times -Advocate. Cold wintry weather has set in ov- er the week -end, on Monday and Tuesday mornings the mercury drop- ped down within a few degrees •, of zero, and to -day, Wednesday,• thete is several inches of a snowfall. •'. It looks as if winter was set into stay.i Messrs. George, Wilfred and Byt. ron Ducharme and Mr. Claude Geis inas motored to Toronto • the past week and took in the Royal Winter Fair. They were representatives of the Zurich Junior Farmers Club, and were entertained to dinner by the Massey -Harris Company, who also �••tYira••r•dt•••••• �•�••••• 9 showed them through their plant. • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE The Agricultural Societies of Toron- i to entertained the boys to supper, and it was a most outstanding day for he party. Huron Old Boys AT REGINA COAL and GOKE; i Colder Weather always demands the more suitable fuel for your heating equipment. Let us supply your needs with the right kindsof Fuel at moderate prices. • ri • • PAINTS! PAINTS! • We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, p Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax 1 Cc odyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes: • in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf Hard- er ware always in stock. 0 (STADE 81- WEIDOI ZURICH - NT OBIT'. • r.atta, a former school principal of QUALITY - PRICE -- SERVICE $ Zurich public school, and w1 -o voirrrl Premier Aberhart's greetings, who, 41••AAI••ei NIA•...*** i•M ' by the way is a :Seafoxth old boy. eGt Five Years Lpst Thursday at Goderich Gord- en G. lgacLaren and Robert S. Flet- cher pleaded guilty to charges of the theft of bonds and securities valued at $94,300 and forging and uttering a power of attorney in the name of Alexander ; !Campbell, of Seaforth, and each was sentenced to five years in Kingston Penitentiary. FIetcher's sentence,dates back to the time of his ,arrest.',' These brokers handled or sold the securities that J. J. Hug- gard the `t forth<;ILawyer was invol- ved, with„ nvol- ved„,with, • Lake Huron in, Tempestous Mood What has been described as the worst blow since 1913 held up ship- ping on the Lakes on Thursday last, according •to Capt. Wendell Brown, of the str. Schupp, which made for Goderich port the following day in the afternoon, some of the Iargest of the • lake boats chugged the western shore of Lake Huron for protection during the westerly gale. Members of the Schupp's.crew reported the ship was raked from stem to stern, with dseks continually awash under �treni- endous waves. Sons and grandsons and likewise daughters and granddaughters of the POSTOFFICE REMOVED folk who did the pioneering in Huron On Wednesday evening last the county last century filled the Blue Bayfield postoffice fittings were trans room of the Champlain hotel, Regina on Tuesday night, Nov 17th and rev- elled in memories of doings around. the Georgian Bay 50 or 60 years ago. Hon. Mr. Justice W. M. Martin pre- :Thursday,O e'ii b Y..' 26th, 1934,' n .o ri'r `4 i", 1•,e4.4, 4,, ,T? 'R' 4,404,44.0+TT 44+,t„31.0:.. *.i' 4+44 .i.4. ,.4 44 44. .1, a YOUR1 is I Hardware and Furnfure 1 STORE . , i THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW t .' FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY I YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, t ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT t NEW. ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE.. 4; TROUGHING 'a' SPECIALS! SPECIALS! .i Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per 'gallon 28c 4 4. 4, 4. 4.4 4 4. 4. 4 We also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Johnston & Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. ferred to the former bank room in the residence of the posmaster, Mrs. M. F. Woods, where !business is now being. carried on. The present lo- cation affords a greater working sided .over the delightful function and space and is more convenient than contributed a share of praise for the men and women who turned the Ont- ario forest into cultivated farmsteads J. G. Gardiner is secretary of the as- sociation and the vice-presidents are Alex. Broadfoot, Moose Jaw, and H. G. Hicks. Cider -making days were re- called by the invitation cards. An old dinner horn that sounded like Gabr- iel's own trumpet and whose purpose was to waken the hired man was one of the queer •recollections called up. Mherewas a moment of immortality, too, for the chap who we ^',,ised to eat a couple of pounds of c:.'.:�^h as fish was good brain food and who was ready with the retort corteous. There were a long list of Huron old boys and girls present, and greeting were received from Hon. and Mrs. Tames Gardiner of Ottawa. Mr. A. 1-I. Schell, an old Zurich boy had receiv- ed a number of copies of various we- ekly papers in Huron, which were soon in the hands of the gathering One of the speakers was Mr. S„1. the office which has been in use since October 8, 1922. After the fire in� Bayfield in which three stores and residences were burned in Nov. 1921, which included the store of H. Dreh- mann in which the postoffice was lo- cated, the postoffice work was carri- ed on temporary in the residence of the postmaster, the late Dr. Ninian W. Woods. As no ssuitable location Could be procured, the postmaster was obliged to erect the building which the postoffice has been 'situated ever since. GARFIL,ED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Out. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited • Zurich Garage EXTRA EXTRA LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular $10 Heavy Service at ..6.35 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Service Tires 6.90 Best of Gasoline at per gallon. 23e Lubricating Oils and Greases at Car. responding Low Prices Get Your Requirements Here, where! Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with Charges Very Reasonable H, MOUSSEAU Phone 1.0 Zurkii 111111111111111111111111111111UtW.lISMIllu 11Ig1111111111NIfIp1111111111111N11011I1UV1111111111111121IlIImI1111111111110IIIIIMI111111 i11111111111111111111111G11111ME111u11111*la1111249 THESE PRIGS" subject to change without Notice 1 PaintingWagon $7.00 and 10.010 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top ... 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach 12o00 3.00 1.00 L25 buggy Spokes each .............. . ........r,Y,.... -.. 5 • HESS, the Repair Man__101Eil NIIIIIIIIII NOTICE At this time of the year we find our books - carrying considerable accounts that are in most eases lonv overdue and should have been paid before this. We are very pressed for money just now and are obliged to mail out accounts, and trust that our customers wi11 appreciate the credit extended to them by acting promptly, as we are badly in need of this money to meet our obligations. -The Herald Proprietor. 111 11 IIIII IIIIIIIIIfI IIUT lI{II! 1111111 ,111111111111111'111;/ I�Igf9lidfiir?Ifiill@I(�IIIIlgIfIIIIIIiIIIIIIDII)!�IINI�IIIIIIIIIi�di HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?rir Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power,. in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers us tomers in regard to what they buy from you.; Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and .nationaly- circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use :local weekly newspapers? I ani the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE 1.0,113 111111111112111111111111 11 1IIU11I P! fUljr!:.41,4011 , iIlit1' 1 41"