HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-26, Page 7.max w,..,,,,.< 0ID lac i S 9.AC *' S0' D aLUE LABEL 2t ' •EES. YELLOW LAM 8c q4h, THE WORLD WtDA mcz=camargiamalJ Liana & Co t Conedo) Ltd., Toronto & Montreal =tam= tpen Shoe By A. Rinner Of greatest, interest in Horseshoe ('itching circles at the moment are the Royal Winter Fair events from November 23rc1 to November 26th. I. last minute rush of rural en- tries is anticipated due to the short notice given. Ilowever, those ..en hand include Langdon and Moynes of Lindsay, Glendenning and Stouf- fer of Stouffville, Sammy Sheerdown of Proton Sta., James Rose of Sas- katoon, Sask., John Simons of Col- lingwood and Dean and Roy Me - Laughlin are from Oshawa and Bur- keton. Toronto is well organized and pro- vides 110 entries. Runnymede, River- dale and Beaches have 20 entries each, with more to come. Next is the new Eglinton Club, with ]f Fair- mount has 10, Vaughan 8, Donlands 5, Dovercourt 2, Trinity 2, and Shamrock 2. I'll not try to pick the winner, but according to their records, it may be any one of these; Buckmaster, Toronto Runnymede; McLaughlin, Burketoa; Ferris and Craggs, Toron- to Riverdale; Simons of Melbourne,' or Reading and Daniels, Toronto Beaches. The Coronation Souvenir Book 32 Pages of Printing Art Will Give Full Details of Histor- ic Pageant and Order of Ceremonies. Preparations for the King's Cor- onation at Westminster Abbey next May include a beautiful Souvenir Programme. This programme as planned, is to be a thirty-two page book, :and a notable specimen of the printer's art, worthy of keeping as a permanent souvenir of an out- standing historic event. The cover will bear the Royal Coat of Arms in colours, and the fly leaf -will carry a photograph of His Majesty. the King, facing a message to the Em= pire from the [Ging himself, A pho- tograph of Mary, the Queen Mother, faces pictures of her four other children - Ei.R,H. The Duke of York, H.R.H. The Duke of Glouces- ter, H.R.H. The Duke of Kent and H.R.H. The_Princess Royal, A poem by John Masefield„ the Poet Laureate, follows and then an article entitled "The King's Majes- ty" by John Drinkwater, and one by Rector Ralitho entitled, "King Ed- ward the Eighth" - Five pages are given to the de- tailed order of the -Coronation pro- cession in London, including a map of the route. His ((,'ace, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury contrib- utes an introduction to the Order of Service, which latter is given eight pages of full detail, so as to sup- plement the radio broadcast, to which millions will be listening in throughout the British Empire, the United States and many other coun- tries. 13y help of the programme the service may be followed with fuller appreciation of its historic tradition. Then cornes four pages devoted to the, actual Coronation Ceremony followed by a genealogical table of the Royal Family from Queen Vic- toria down to the present King and the children of his sister, Mary Princess Royal. his brother the Duke of Kent, and the descendants of Princess Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen Victoria. , By the King's expressed desire the proceeds of the sale of the Corona- tion programme are to be devoted to the King George V Jubilee Trust Fund, founded at the time of the 25th Anniversary of the accession of his late Majesty and Queen Mary to the throne. The purpose of this fund is to provide opportunities for physical culture and other advan- tages for underprivileged youth, a cause which the young King has long held close to heart. Sale of the Coronation Programme will be in the hands of the sti.tionery trade, and, during a period of some days immediately previous to the date of the Coronation, in those of the Canadian Boy Scouts, of whom His Excellency, the Governor-Gener- al will act as honorary chief of staff. No copies will be released for sale prior to April 23. British Railroad, Busiest In World LONDON. - Great Britain has the busiest railway tracks in the world. An average of 54 trains pass over every anile of track in England every day. Belgium has the second most congested railway system, with an average of 43 a day per mile; Japan is third with 36, and Germany is fourth with 34. The congestion is the reason why British railway companies are un- able to run more express trains, al- though their fastest services are the most profitable. The London and North Eastein Railway has disclosed that the average receipts per mile of the Silver Ju.biiee express, world's fastest steam train, running regular- ly more than 200 miles non-stop, are four times the running costs per mile. 'r' •till o„ Com" �rt,al mt di, AS THE GREATEST TRACTION TIRE POR SNOW AND UNIMPROVED ROADS .�,, ,•Joon pA _\ • At der " MUD, snow, sand—roads that you thought impassable before—whatever the conditions may be, Ground Grip Tires will take you easily through without the use of chains. If you have to travel on rural roads in all kinds of weather, you will find Ground Grip Tires the best investment you ever made. Put a set on your car or truck today. No increase in price. :Financial Anel a,l News - cording to a wire received by roc iateresls frolrl the above official, '1 No. 1 hole is going clown at a. poi calculated to intersect the. •.ssume extension of a veil previously dale on tIn adjoining Dunlop' group an whose projected strike should oar' it intoe Maritime. Work is also ported well advanced in extendiil camp buildings to house a large crew. The propevty comprises G acres situated adjacent to Pander Cadillac on the south ancl Lipa C diline on the south west. Centreeour Gold Mines resumed programme o1 explorati.n, on it property In Louvicourt TownshipQuebec, this week, according to oil dial wont, Last summer considerahl work was carried out and• a ne break, over a, width of 30 feet, wa uncovered. The break was trace into the low ground where wate made further investigation ditiicul With the freeze-up now on the ne crew of men will be able to trend the swampy area to trace this ne find and also the knowu extension o the main ore found closer to the Cen trecour boundary on the Viconr, pre paratory to an extens ve diamond dril campaign. Rouyn Reward Gold Mines ha concluded financial arrangement which will provide funds for re -open ing the property adjoining Poutia Rouyn and Powell Rouyn on the wes and enable the managed ent to devel op the showings previously exposccl on the property. fn 1J34 c' nsiderable surface work including 2,000 feet o1 diamond drilling, was carried out with encouraging results and it 1. now planned to drill these showings to greater depth and further explore the ground In addition, an import- ant vein extending from the Powell Rouyn through the Pontiac iuyn 'and heading into Rouyn Reward, will be traced for the possible extension into the latter ground. The intensive exillorr tion Program laid out by Lewis A Dunham, vice - P esiilQnt o1' Maritime Cadillac Go d Mines, is already In effect with 11 e first diamond drill hole underway,. ac' al t11 0 d` d e• g 40 �a a• a s A. s d w f s• • s c • Pay Rock Gold Syndicate Makes Big Find In recent development work the Pay Rock Gold Syndicate opened up an ore body of great i nportanco. Assay values ranged from $21.00 to $100.10 per ton over a width of about ten feet in No. i vein. No. 2 vein also shows great promise, al- though not so far developed. The property is in Concession One, Bar- rie Twp., r+rontenac Co., and com- prises 400 acres one•hali Mile east of EIollinger Consolidated Mining Company's property, During the first three mouths of mill operatioa Laguna Gold Mines produced bullion to the vain of $89,- 500, In this period a large part of millfeed was drawn 'from surface dumps, which were built up from de- velopment rock with the result that millheads have been mdc below av- erage verage mine grade. The mill is pres- ently handling about GO tons daily, but is capable of treating 70 to 75 tons. The shaft has been deepened from the 750 to the 950 -foot level and it is stated that values have improv- ed as depth was attained. Over a depth of 40 eet it is stated that av- erage v•erage grade was 1.4 ozs. per ton, against the blocked -out grade •prior to Aug. 1 to .025 ozs. per ton. A comprelren;,ive programme of surface exploration and diamond drift- ing to be carried on throughout the winter mout:.s has been recommend- ed by M. 13. R, Gordon, consulting engineer of Knecht.' Gold Arinee for the property located on Echo Bay, Lake of the Woods -reg. - contract for a campaign of diamond drilling, to start Immediately after the freeze- up, is now being arrange. by the management or the compf . y. L'inanc• iug for the present campaign has been arranged and camps to take care of winter requirements have been erected and are being eulargecl. Production for the first 18 days if November at the Kentand (.Cob, Alines, operating the former Horseshoe Mines in the Lake of the ,Vogl' area, was at the rate of $20,000 per month. ac cording to company officials. Or tats production. approximat.ei;, 50(70 is from the amalgam and 50r:a concen traces, t'iticials also state that al ore shoot on the 9t11 level has no " been extended for a length of '20 feet, and that development is oeiag pushed on a 45 -degree slope on the 9th level, where the ore is running $20 per ton over it 16 -ft.. width. Tonawanda Mines helcling proper ty adjoining Rallied to the wort in the Cadillac gold area of Qdebec (las awarded a 5,000 -foot dfimond drill contract to tart the Ito ec vein which The Pioneers 'l'llou land of Vivid stars and bright 'fling skies, Commingling with,a vastness yet 11)1- ar11a wit; That lig tit to many wand'ring barks hall shown, As front their crowded decks with tear -dimmed .0'08, Men saw thy tall pines through the sunlight rise, And beard illy feathered choristers intone, Their measures through the dt'ep un - Chartered zone, Saw nighty streams roll in majestic poise, The leagues of tossing ocean molt t0 view, And soon, enc' gold and purple Lined the wood, Theshelt'ring cabin throngh the Maples stood, And souls to grips with nature's dial - lenge drew, In courage dauntless through in num- bers few, Tlu'y bade a country rise from soli- tude. D. J. KE.RR. The Manse, New Liskeard, Ont. Stuif and Non.sense A Negro funeral once was attend- ed by a ventriloquist whose peculiar powers were not known to the others present. Another Negre told what happened at the cemetery. "Well, sur," he started, "when dey begins to lower ,loo into de hole, he says, 'Lemme down easy, boys.' " "Did they go ahead and bury him?" asked another man. "How de world does 1 know? 1 led de whole flock o' Niggers tri gettiu' away frum dar," After a man finds out he can make a speech, ho starts on the slightest provocation, Lawyer Well, Hank, I can get you a divorce, but it will cost $50. Lawyer - Yes, but that includes court fees and all other expenses. Hank - Well, I guess I don't want no divorce. There isn't $50 difference between them two woolen. Home is a place where modern young sons and daughters sleep when everything is closed. Tommy - What did you catch when you played hookey from school 'to go fishing? Jerry = •A clod at the river and a -Ticking at home. The meanest man of today may not hold the record long. Sue - Did Marietta make you feel at home when you called on her last night? Hal - No; but she made ore feel like I ought to be. Respect Grandpa's Memory--P'or- get his Methods. As a sharp knife severs the rope, so doth a biting tongue cut the bonds of friendship. Friend - Do you think it wise to use signals when you play bridge Yes, if it's my wife who's giving them. What you don't know costs you a lot of money. Think It ove,' Carl How did you like the girl 1 dug up for you, Cleveland? Cleveland As far as T ant con- cerned you can bury her again, It Hurts To 'think About It "Foe Sale - Good four -room house -poor location and in need of re- pair. For that reason priced at $G50. Aristocratic appetites will not want ]t.; A hammer and a saw. a. few boards and a few gallons of paint will make it worth $1,000.00." Crocodile - Why is that young nunrian so stuck-up? Alligator- He thinks he is high- powered because he just swallowed an electric eel. Junior -Teacher pulled something ,:u me today that made in sore. Sister - What was it? .Tunior-My ear. Sister 1105 the baby had the measles yet? Mr. Newdad - Don't speak so louts. Whenever be hears anything men- tioned, 110 hasn't got 11e cries until he gets it has been traced on its holdings. C. W. Greenlands, geologist, has left for tt,e property to spot the Boles. PAY ROCK GOLD SYNDICATE Capitalization: 6,000 units - par value $10.00 --- Issued for Prop- eltics: 2,500 units. Acreage: 400 acres, Barrio Twp., Frontenac County Recent development reveals wide Mineralized hell. High Assays. Write for full particulars to PAY ROCK COLD SYNDICATE OFFICE 523 Bank of Hamilton Bldgs Toronto DOU AUTOMATIC BOOK LE T Most pe0pl0 who have nothing do Make this mistake of doing it. Man - Now, this big fish - Friend - Yes? Man - Why did you let him get away? Friend - We really didn't .have room for him. in the boat, to After the hardest day at the of- fice, the ordinary man needs. only thirty minutes at home to brag him- self into a good humor. Youth's Taste In Music Improving OTTAWA - Antonio Tremblay, who has had long experience in mus- ical activities in this city and very wide opportunity for sizing up au- diences, comments upon the change in attitude of young people toward High class musical attractions which has come about in the past 15 years. "When I brought outstanaing ar- tists to this city shortly after the war an audience made up largely of middle-aged women with a sprink- ling of men, The thing that strikes me forcibly now is the interes maiti- fested by people of id! ager, and es- pecially th,: young, "Through the past dozen years,, more and more men have formed the concert -going habit until they make up a substantial part of aryl audience, The boys and girls are keen, enthusiastic. Lads in their 'teens get a 1'ew dollars together and ask for - not a ticket for a-yletiai event - but a whole course. "There is every evidence that musical taste has improved a great deal in recent years," he col:e!ndvd. $S,660 Paid For Cattle GUELPH. - Sixty-eight llc<.d of pure bred Holstein cattle sold for a total of $8,660 recently at the 13th in a series of Holstein auctions held here since 1931, Buyers came from all parts of the province and from the U. S. A., and bidding was brisk. Top price of $225 was paid on two cows and others sold as liig_r'° as $200 and $220. Foster Hen: A Rhode Island Rcd hen acts as guardian to four Manx kittens when their mother is away, • and even when she is not, at Tarn ner Farm, Botley, Hampshire. The site of the great world camp of Boy Scouts to be held in Hol- land next summer is appropriately known as Vogelenzang, or "Song of the Birds". Rover Scout William Hanley of the 12th Ottawa (Knox Presbyter- ian) Scout '"roup won the Edward Blake scholarships in algebra, geom- etry, botany, and the Moses Henry Aikins scholarships in mathematics and biology at Toronto University, the whole totalling $1,225. ■ Accordine. to Mr, J. B. Brown, of the British Columbia Vimy Pilgrims, no organization in France did more for the Canadian visitors than the French Boy Scouts. Apparently there was no one to meet his party when it arrived at Lille, tired and sleepy, at 11 p.m. "Then came the Boy Scouts" - convoyed them to their respective billets, and only left thein when all were taken care of, at 1 o'clock in the morning. Bicycle ambulances were present at this year's football game at Mon- treal between McGill and Royal Mil itary College. The stretchers were not an anticipation of heavy easuaI- ties, however. A thousand or More Boy Scouts were present as guests or the McGill Athletic Board, and during half-time put on a . coot show. including a cycle ambulance demonstration. The Scouts, headed by the famous Vickers' Scout Troop band, were formally reviewed by Principal A. E. Morgan of McGill. • d R Since organisation by the Set:ttlo, Wash., police in 11128 of a "School Boy Portal", not one Seattle school child has been trilled, and but six have been injured none seriously Under direction of the Police De - pertinent some .,rmo boys, ii shifts, control traffic n:1 + guard going and cooling school -111,:ren at 280 street 01Ossings. During the first, year's ex periment troy `trouts were 5C Out- standingly alert and efficient" that the Police moiled the Seattle Swat o1'genizatiof to lake charge of the work. Because .'i the office detail menet', and rho fa1 that Stn,' direr'+, n would tend to eliminate non 6couts, the invitation .vas '1*- lined A full ti ,e orrice 'lrf: c I eel"vas STOPPED IN A MINUTE .. Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot. eruptions, or other akin afflictions? Por quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Proscription. its gent?* vile soothe the Irri- tated skin Clear, greaseless and stainless --- dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it --or money hack. 20 Issue No. 48 '36 D -1 then designated to head the 1'atrel. The constant caa,i oning and oontrof of children on the way to and front' school has had a generally neneficial Effect on Seattle s accident figures.. Ar compared with accidents prior tot 1028, child fataJi'.ies Jlave been re- duced by 40 pet cent. and injury t gases by 25 pei cent. • Classified Advertising WANTED IN TORONTO WOMAN TO DO ROi:SEWONK AND WY girl to look after child, Mother and daughter would ho suitable. Write particu- lars and references to Box 09, Wilson Pub- lishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W„ Toronto. STAMIMERING STAMMERING corrected, Write — free helpful booklet. William Dennis, it, 145 Carlton Street, Toronto. INVENTORS? A n OFFER TO OVERS INVENTOR. List] rt of 1S anted Inventions and full Information sent tree, TRE RA MSA O. 'mpan y, World Patent Attorneys, 27a nano Street, Ottawa.; Canada. PET STOCK CANARIES HAVE JUST ttl:•:.'L:1VjELa ANL'nilat kA large shipment nt Canaries from Iiurope.• Write f.,1 wholesale prices, Good opportunity to make money. Any quantity shipped any -1 where, CANARY IMI'OHTINU CO., 1 LINOTON ST. WEST, TORONTO. STAMP COLLLICTORS BARGAINS 1 LPieree tVEt L„ri, 1 L dullai!,,' t.• , 1 ,lli •a k'1 che, alts, h, reign, U.S.A., 'reoancells. 130111c - thing honef:Ily recommended. t.al•:e vacket fifty cents James Shrimlt:in, tradeca, Sas- 10,1chea .n. Member C:math.;; 8 -sun ties. TO END PAIN rub in Minard's. Checks colds, taken in. ternaily. Ends skin blemishes. At druggists in regular and new large economy sizes. 9, F. 1 ri i cry ; raVQ,., 'KING Q ' HAVE YOU An Aima in Life ? rho race may not be to the swot, 1( 00 battle to the strong -- but, Inc ;lues ilii life DO g': to the mentally alert and e1- 1lcient. Yon call htiot; dn'eetl.,n to beer ,da (1(2 and learn 't:t.nastcry 3Ienlal I 1111,0} Is 0 01111.01' olot Raining. write l,n• prn'ficla ,, :N of t.4,,.:ua s, •. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 1.ON1ln)::n' L'iox Rta4;. Montrenl, P.Q.