HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-26, Page 5• e CHI ax.ar, n :tv, 1 nvemper' d6tfi, 7936 Z URHIREIRALD BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL UoLEYE. ] IOL,m�Es Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column; . 1ARRJSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- A ItY OT-ALLY PPUI3LIC, ETC. LOST *OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off A. large black Collie Dog, with a the Square, GODE1 Cl'I,Ontario. short tail. Kindly notify, James Special Attentions to C'onnee;! andRannie. (Phone 90-5, Zurich. Court Work. M•, Holmes may be consulted at eoderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S, D; S.' DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S• BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN LOST A 11!/ year old roan heifer, has horns; ring or slit in bottom of right ear. Strayed; from my .pasture farm Babylon Line, Hay. Finder kindly notify Herb Desjardine, Zurich. STRAYED From Lot 12, Con. 7, Hay; Five head of cattle: 1 red heifer 2 yrs. old; 1 Herford heifer 2 yrs; 3 year- lings, one red, one roan and one wht. 4 have slits in both ears. Finder kin- dly notify- T. H. Shapton, Exeter, STRAYED From Lot 7, Con. 5, Hay, a one- year -old grey heifer with horns and a notch in left ear. Any informati- on notify.—Asa J. Penhale, Exeter. Phone, Crediton 17 r 34. WANTED Horses and Cattle suitable for meat for foxes. J. R. Murdock, Brucefield. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich + A good smokehouse 5x8 has pine sidings. Also a Renfrew 2000-1b. i capacity scales good as new. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. (t Apply to Herb. Block, Zurich. traduate of Ontario Veterinary 1 ` College, University of Toronto. All rtiseases of domestic 4nimais treated by the most modern , principles, Charges , reasonable. Day .or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office . on . Main Street, r.pposite Town Hall.. Phone 116. HENSALL. FOR QUICK SALE LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and . Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-5T. PRODUCE Faim Produce WAN T...�`.:: HIGHEST CASI-I PRICES --FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. 'O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS FOR, SALE. About 50 White Rock Pulletts for quick Sale. Apply to: Theo. Steinbach, R. R. 3, Zurich Lands For Sale Cash offers will be received by the Canada •Company up until December 10th, 1936 for the following lands: Hay Towoship. _ ,. Con. • Lot Acres 6 E. 6 75 7 11 100 7 13 100 7 N% 17 50 7 Rem. S% S16 18 24 8 13 100 8 E1/a16 ' 50 8 E% 21 50 8 E% 22 - 50 8 W', 22 50 8 EI/2 23 50 8 ,W1A 23 50 8 26 100 8 Ste. 27 50 These Tands ,are offered for .cash sale at.reasonable- prices. Address all offers to: ' CANADA •COMPANY, 371 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. I LOCAL nEws TOURIST TRAFFIC INCREASE Tourist traffic to Canada this year Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut andgives indications that a new record Miss Inez ,spent the week -end with may be sett up with respect to the friends in Detroit. number of visitors. For the first 7 Mr. Charles Bartlett and friend months of the year, to the end of spent the week -end at his home at St. July, admissions at the International Marys. Boundary totaled 8,321,671, compa-•- Don't forget the Concert in the ed with 7,378,261 for the correspon- Town Hall, Zurich, this Friday even drug months of 1935, an increase of ng. The best you have heard for visitors of nearly a million. some time. TAKEN TO KINGSTON ])r. A. J. MacKinnon, Medical Health Officer, has complete ' John J. Iluggarcl, Seaforth lawyea vaccination of the pupils of Zurich who was sentenced to three years it ;public school for the protection a Kingston Penitentiary for his part in gainst diphtheria. the theft of nearly $150,000 from The Bronson Line School. R., r ' •*r^ holders of safety deposit boxes in his 4, Hay, 'wishes to announce its Chris- tmas Concert to be held on Deceno Wednesday by Sheriff Robt. John- er 22nd, at 8 p.m. Watch for fur- ston. It is expected that Gordon G. ther announcements. 11'l:acLaren and Robt. S. Fletcher, lHflfi,. per.t Toronto brokers who were sentenced Mr, Ezi Bender of Dashwood 'to five years at Kingston on similar has sold his store property at' Grand chaages, will be taken to the penit- Bend to Mr. Henry Schenk of Lucan eatery the first of this week. who gets immediate possession. Mr. A CLEVER PIG Schenk will open up a butcher shop at the Bend in the near future. Ethel—Austin Weiler, Grey Twp. Miss Ruth Turkheim, who is sec farmer, now down"t believe pigs are retary of the Springfield, Ohio, Col stupid. Weiler had two sows which had the run of pasture and or - lege is spending a few weeks at her home here. It has become nec- chard about the farm.When one st- essary for Miss Turkheim to take out U. S. papers with her position in the U.S.A. Relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Haberer last Monday evening to help celebrate Mr. Haberer's birthday an- niversary. Allenjoyed a fine dinner and returned to their homes wishing Mae Haberer many happy returns A sumptuous fowl supper was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs Roy Merner, 14th concession last Wednesday evening, in honor of their guests as follows: Mrs. Emma. Haw- thorn and niece Mrs. Tucker and her daughter Jean of Huston, Texas; also Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs and Miss Eth- el Walper of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Klumpp and .Mr. and Mrs. L. Rader of Dashwood. A most enjoy- able time was spent by • all. W. M. S. MEET The November meeting of the W. M. S. of St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran church was heldon Monday evening in the church basement. Mrs.,Ed- ward Datars had charge of thde- votions and presented the topic en- titled "Giving Missionary Gives Through the Church." Rev. Turkheim spoke on the help that can be given to the pastor in his work, in the•con- gregation. Clippings were read • by Mrs. Turkheim, and Mrs. Prang. Mrs. George Deichert prayed for' •peace in all the world. The Thankoffering envelopes were gathered and 4 the meeting was closed with the Lo •.i's prayer' in unison. • a-• Auto ACCIDENT Sunday afternoon Iast, about a hal F . of Saskatoon; two sons, Leo, of the mile north of Exeter J. B. Deecioft; of Wingham, .while returning from , }i'lue V✓iter Highway, and Emery of t Detroit, to his home in Wingham: I'Gren� Rend: two brothers, Frank with his wife and daughter, and Mr, and Remie Jeffrey of Sa. Joseph and and Mrs. A. Kirk of Seaforth the! 1VIrs. Leon Jeffrey of St. Joseph and car he was driving suddenl on the icy road and struck Y, /t ete•Qaa9•!D•••®•• mewLoelooti* r.0 mo�Dsosmoses 00000voert•••N �Service;in the United Church. Rev. J. arted to stray. Weiller shut it in a PAGE F iv �rswsMr�r��►��rr••�ra.�s�u,,,rrw�w�oM�o MoMo•�aaM ZURICH CREAMERY • ▪ We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. • • Fat for Churning Cream delivered at OUT plant. • Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price G. a a nteed • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid fo the same • Day. a gra de. ---- Your ,Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY ••••••aetee•••••••••Eab'Jfi1i'v®+,.1PDk�ar :'- YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to ,�„i f Cut Your Fuel Bill I - r� �IALF. Buy Storm Windows and Doars 1 T LET US QUOTE YOU! 8 pen in the shed. t,.ue clay, 4 ,• remaining sow carrying apples in Luer REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. mouth, he became curious, and foil- •i WE CARRY A owed her, to discover she was carry- ,'I;, LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT Ai.L Mg them to the sow h•h + w to was shut + TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU inthe pen and dropped them through ÷ WAIT. a hole in the wall. This 'entl-' ' every day as long as the apples lasted DIED AT BRUCEFIELD I .1F L PHONE 69 An old and much respec;ceu citizen in the person of James McQueen passed away at his home in Bruce - field on Nov. 16th. He was taken suddenly ill on Friday night, up to which time he had been in his usual good health. He took a paralytic stroke Sunday night from which he did not rally, passing away about ten o'clock Monday evening, He was one of the family of the late James McQueen. On Dec. 6th 1854, he was born in Stanley Township on the farm on the London Road 1 miles north .of Brucefield, now owned by Scott Davidson. He lived there until .his marriage on Dec. 22, 1881, to ,Susan Landsboro. They lived for 12 years on the 4th concession of Tuc- kersmith and then bought the Dun- can farm on ;the 2nd of Stanley wh- ere they lived until retiring to Bruce - field 18 years ago. OBITUARY Mrs. Andrew Desjardine died on Wednesday, November 18th at her ' home on the Blue Water highway, near Grand Bend. She was in her 80th year. Surviving are fear dau- f hters, Mrs. Joseph Desjardine, Mrs. M. Gratton, Mrs. M. Mason, all of '1: i ee. Gladys McPhee, Late Mrs. Andrew Desjardine . C. FLBISC .p se ZURicii '� !i�f ++'i' +'1 +4. i +++ t r+Q 3 'r-: •F p •€ ++•F@ .i t F p i . • t 3 € 0 .;. • ••••••••N•••••••••••••••• ••••••••N••••q•••••••.1•� e : Your ., • 1n ter • s Fuel! I® • Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision 1 Ii must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and comfortable. We can supply practically all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with : prices very inorerate... Let us fill your bin! e I Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plcaw points to tit all makes of • • 1 J Cash paid for good Dutch Sets SEEDS! SEEDS! TWe are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. aCoal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. • • i • plows i Pre. u eraotte of Zurich are sisters. • S c 111 l b s & S o in y swerved T,he funeral .was held from the resi• - n tree m Hence to Q -rand Bend cemeter with front of the property of n. Beaver. Dr. and Mrs. Cowan of Exeter and pB. Moore officiated, others who soon were upon) the scene . sent for t '• medical aid from Exeter, and Mm. Kirk was removed' to` :the.COUNTY NEWS hospital where he was treated for n. fractured hip and other injuries of I-,'lotelman Dies a serious nature. His wife had a After an illness of several znonths fractured right wrist and a cut on Alex. McCallum, proprietor of the I her forehead. The driver tics ed Commercial Inn, Clinton, died in his November 23,1936. with a small cut hut: 1,i• A badly cut. The daughter, Florence, inwas 1861, a son of the late John Mc - 15, also had a fractured thigh and went The early portion of his life cuts. wass sppent in Goderich, but later he lived at Kincardine and in Toronto. About 25 yearz ago he took up re- sidence in Clinton. He was a Great , War veteran, having gone overseas with the 161 Hurons. His wife died • 5 years ago and he is survived by 1 two daughters Florence and Jean McCallum, at home, by a brother and sister living in Kincardine. Meeting of The Huron County Council ,urichs Popular I The next meeting of Huron Co- unty Council will be held in the Co- uncil Chambers, Court House, God- erich, commencing Tuesday, Decem- ber 1st, 1936, at 2. P. M. All accounts, notices of deputati- ons and other business requiring, at- tention should be in the hands of the County Clerk by November 28th. J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, ' Hides and Skins H. Yungblut & Son INSURANCE Wester.ft farmers' Mutual ,Weather Insurance Co. SOF' WOODSTOCK Dralg , LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec, 31st, 1935, $20;479,730.04 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $25.1,627.52'.. Pates—$4.50 per $1,000 for- 3 Years E. F. Klopp—Zurich gent,`%S1,sc� ('enter inIA!ititaihad Rods kk °'.. L e re lazy NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT Plain Dresses and Suits 70c. Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And ,,Dry Cleaners., Thiel's Transport U ed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1930—Coupe, a good one. 1928—•Pontiac, a Bargain. 1927—A good car cheap. 192g—Ford Coach, at 31:00. All have good tires, good' npholst- :ring and mechanically good; gon' ever• carefully by us. .-... A. Prang and; Son, Zurich 75th year. He was born in Goderich SHOT THROUGH WRIST Arnold. Desjardine, of the BIue Water` Highway, south of St. Joseph, was shot through the wrist and the bullet grazed his shoulder in a sho- oting accident while deer hunting on. Manitoulin Island recently. Mr. Des- iardine had gone north with Messrs Max. Turnbull and Ed. Turnjuil and had spent three days at North Bay before going to Manitoulin Island. They had been hunting- only a few 'yours on the island when in some manner Desjardine's high powered •'ifle discharged, the bullet going `hrough the right wrist and grazing tis shoulder. It was a narrow es- cape from hitting him in the head. The panty returned home, and Mr. Max Turnbull was successful in se- curing a deer. HYMENIAL Colbourn—Dayman The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'layman at Kippen was the scene of ' pretty wedding on Nov. 14th, when heir' only daughter Beatrice Elizab- ;th, was 'united in marriage to Edwin T. Colborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. -;olborrie of Goderich. Rev. E. F. 'handler of Kippen United church, ificiated. The bridal couple were un- attended. Following the ceremony the 'ride and groom Iead the wey to the lining room, which was beautifully lecorated in green and gold with vhite. The table was centred with the bride's cake and a silver vase of yellow flowers. Guests numbered Old Resident Passes One of the oldest and most widely known residents of Huron County passed away at his home in Walton last week, in the person of Joseph Dove. He had :been in failing health for some time and for the past nine weeks confined to bed. Was born at1 Brockville 90 years ago; When 5 yrs of age he settled with his parents on the Usborne Twp. boundory and re- ceived his early education at Lumley school. When 21 years of age he went with his uncle to California, by way of New York and Central Amer- ica the voyage in a sailing boat took 6 weeks In 1882 he returned to Huron and purchased 'a fare, where he resided for many years. Former Resident Passes Wm. Guy Jones died at Clinton af- ter a short illness. He was born. in Clinton and was in his 53rd year.His parents afterward became residents of Seaforth where he engaged in the blacksmithing. 25 years ago they returned to Clinton where the now departed and his father were in partnership in the same trade, he later carrying on alone. He is surv- ived by his widow, who survives with ing about 20 sat down to a sumptu- two daughters, two brothers and a nus hot turkey dinner, served lave 3 sister. Guy Jones was a great war rirl-friends of the bride, Miss Glad- veteran, having gone overseas with ys Jarrott, Edna Dayman and Olive the 161st Huron batallion, anci was �unith, f a member of Clinton Legion. rww6mf(•fm wff ahmrwi hw `f`(R.' s Zurich Drug Store 1 School Siippiies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Books,incltiding the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Tciiet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. wC we r Dr. A J. MacKinnon,Zurich!' lWWWW WAF NW, RNIVIN' MMMT MMR A