HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-26, Page 4BLAKE Mr. and. Mrs. Sol Buhler and $'awly spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Smith of the 'Slue Water Highway. Mr, and Mrs, Edmund Erb and fatally, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Ginger- idh and family attended the Royal; 'Winter Pair at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerieh and xiaughter Jan, 111x. and Mrs. Sam +x;ingerich and family, spent Sunday at the Mame of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ginger,*ich of the Goshen Pane, Yeah, Me. and Mrs. Sam Ropp and fam- ily of near Hensall, spent Sunday Vitt Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oeseh. Mr. William Pesch is spending 2q sfew days at Toronto, attending The 'Royal Winter Fair. mss Gladys Butson, vva:o isSeeigag- Ca as teacher of the 3 S.S. 'No. 9, }had the misfortune to break her leg while in the act of orarikilig her car lat ;Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Chris. Schultz are spending a few days wtiltii'his parents o t Milverton, .HILLSG'REEN M. Ross Love visited his daughter Helen In St. Josephs llespiemls Lone don. The new built in 'lavatories are, nearing completion. at School Section No. 3, Hay Township,, and will acid greatly to the st^hool appearance ars well as conver:'ience... IMiss Mary Forest spent a few slays at Forest visiting her friends there. .3?Irs. Ross Love and daughter Hel- en are in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, Lon- don. Helen is .suffering from a sore rear_ It is hopes' an operation can be avoided. We all wish Helen a spe- eedy recovery. Mise Dolly Hagan has been nursing art the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Cook sa Hensall. Mr. John Soldan payed a business -trip to Toronto during the week. Mr. W. J. Jarrett and daughter Annie visited at the home or Mr. and Mfrs. D. B. Saunders in London, cal - Tang en Mr. Saunders at Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Centralia visited with the litters" mother, Mrs. Love. -—•16.4444,41.444---• 7ASIA WOOD 'Mrs. Finkbeiner and Cathern 'who lave spent several weeks in Sarnia ,returned home Saturday, Mrs. Wm. Nadi,ger and daughter, Zeta are spending a few days'in Lon- don. Dashwood Public School .concert will be held on Monday evening, December 21st. Mx. and Mrs, Henry Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan were .Sunday visitors in London. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Guenther and daughter Rose and son Ervin were week -end visitors in Windsor. A saur kraut supper will be given in the basement of the Evangelical church at Dashwood, Ont., under the auspices of the Excelcior Adult Sun- day School class on Friday evening, Dec. 4th. Supper from; 6-9 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. S. Gottschalk is visiting with her daughter in St. Thomas. ' Mrs. Henry Schroeder is kept quite busy these days knitting stoc- kings on her• knitting machine. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Seth Brown. Miss Fanny Preeter es visiting with her sister, Mrs. Stacey. Mr. Milford Merner and Louis Rader are attending the Royal Win- ter Fair at Toronto. A special Thankoffexing program will be given in the Evangelical church Sunday evening. Tenth Anniversary The Stitch and Chatter Club of Dashwood celebrated the tenth anni- versary of their organization with a hot goose dinner at the Commercial MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Almost New Top Buggy and 10 -inch grinder with New Plates, at Bargain Prices Please manifest your appreciation for having received credit on Repairs by settling, by Nov. 21st. We now musthave settlements to meet obligations. SUPERLASTIC TIRES AND TUBES, GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING? . YES ■ URicti hotel last Weeknesdasl livening, The dinner OW was attractively arran- ged "axed a birthday cake beating %a candles occupied the ,centre, Con- cealed beneath the cake was slips of fortunes whi& were drawn, .by aitch member, Riots of laughter followed the reading of these. This club is commeneing Its tenth season of „ac- tivity, Each year the Vice President of the. previous year automatically becomes president. Mrs. Addison`Tie roan who was the hostess at the din- ner is this year's president, while the newly elected officers are: Vic.e Pias- ident, Mxs, Harry Rader; Sesy-Treas, Miss Ella Martinson. The nine past Presidents of the Club in order are: Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Mrs. T. Klu,nzpp, Miss Verna•Birk; Mrs; Mervyn T,}e, man, Mrs. G. Wildfong, Miss Annie; `Tiernan and Mrs, Alvin keiierman,' ^ ''44•••+••4444•• •444444 i 4 e 0 ZURICH HERALD'S 4• l • 4 4 Clubbiiig List 4 d i • ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper •e 4 for one Year: Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 , Toronto ;Daily . Mail and Empire $6.00 c :6 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 4 a Toront oStar, Weekly $6.00 4 .44 London Free Press *-- $6.25 4 London Advertiser .$6.25 t s London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy ....... . $2.75 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2,25 4 Family Herald for 3 years ...... $3.00 4 g Canadian Countryman $2.25 4. Weekly Witness ,. , $3,1;5 • Seaforth, Huron 'Ex'positor .............. $1,75 • AP Stratford Beacon Herald ............. ... $54 0 order Cities' Star, 'Windsor $6,:F0 Kitchener Daily. Record, $5,1:0. x 4 m Aad a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every, reputable Magazine .la Canada end the United States, and can save you money on the *est of them. Reflew all your Papery and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money f i.RAL13 OFFICE Zurich e + feel ' ffi•d►4 ' e 4 0•4 set Mfra es ' 1Orel, DRYSDALE Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau of Zurich, and Mr. and M.rs. Ed. Etue were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Joseph Rau. Mr. and Mrs. Marchand of Tilbury are visiting with their son, Rev. Fath- er L. Marchand. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wesleyand Mrs. A. Wesley of Detroit were week end visitors at the Mousseau home. Rev. Father Brisson of London Seminary, attended the golden wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. R. Denomme on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Regis Denomme of the 14th con., who celebrated .their golden wedding on Saturday, have the best wishes of a large circle of friends in this vicinity. . Mr. Adolph Denomme motored to Windsor and Detroit, on Saturday. A large number from here attend- ed the Denomme Golden Wedding'on Saturday. M,r. and Mrs. Wm. Denomme, Sr. also Mx. and Mrs. Alfred Meidinger of the Bronson line, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Denomme. The sad news was received here of the death at Windsor of Mrs. 'Nelson Geffrey, ne Gertrude Bedard, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jb'3.1 Bedard of St. Joseph, aged •30 yea9st after a brief illness. She leaves to mourn her loss, her htusbend, -.father ` and mother, and a large nuiiiber: of sisters and brothers. The furierelewas held Tuesday morning in ' Windsfor.. Saturday, November 21st Mr. and Mrs. -Regis A. Denomme of the .14th Concession with their children and grand children directed their . steps towards the little Roman Catholic church on the Blue Water Highway,. where 50 years ago, but still in the. prime of life, went to pledge •$del- ity to one another far life. To -day, trathron. Mrs. Fred Bonthron, who was taken to St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon don, underwent a serious •operation. She stood the operation well and al- though suffering severely is doing as well as can be expected, Victor Fee, who has been receiving treatment in the General Hospital, Toronto, for the past two weeks, was brought to his home there and will receive further treatment here, Miss Gladys Douglas, R. N'., will be in at. tendance and his many friends hope he will, soon recover. ,Miss Lin Ortwein, who has been quite ill inGeneral Hospital, at Tor- onto, was expected home last week, where she will recuperate, Her sister Mrs. James A. Paterson, who has been with her, also has :returned. • Thursday evening , last, a very ple- asant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Roweliffe, where about 40 relatives of Mrs. Roweliffe (nee Mae Horton) assembled to re- new kindred ties and do honor to a trio of Western cousins in the pers- ons of Mrs. J, Bonthron of Moose - jaw, Sask., Harry Duquid of Eston, Sask„ and Mrs. W. H. Mears, of Hay- ter, Alb. Mrs. Bonthron and Mrs. left for their homes in the West af- ter spending a few enjoyable weeks with their many relatives and friends in and around Hensall, 85th Birthday Party Friends and relatives from as far distance as Vancouver gathered to join with Mrs. Richard Welsh in cel- ebrating her 85th birthday. Mrs. Welsh, together with her husband, who died five years ago, and members of her family, came to Hensall from Devonshire, Eng., 57 years ago, mak- ing the trip on.tae boat Sarmation. Six years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh celebrated their diamond wedding an- niversary. Among the sons and dau- ghters of Mrs. Welsh's family, num- bering 11, and of whom 10 are still living, the following were present from a distance Mrs. A. Yungblut, of Vancouver B.C; Mrs. A. Johnston, Ninga, Man; and Mrs. W. J. Seed, Vancouver. Other members of the family present who reside in Hensall were her daughter, Mrs. A. ,CIark,and het: sons, Thos., lumber manufactur- er, and Wm. There were else a num leer of other near relatives. .._�: COUNTY NEWS • Wolf Is Sought Reports of a wolf being sighted in Kincardine ` Tp., about four miles north of the town sent hunters into the woods along the lakefront in an effort to bag the marauder and the bounty of $25. Crash at Exeter Despite a recent snowfall, Exeter they came to renew those' vows and was clean of motor accidents until to return thanks to our blessed Lord' Monday ,when a motor car skidded on for the blessings he showered upo ;Main et. and damaged the Dashwood them during those long years of stage. The mail was removed by wedded life. At nine o'clock a choir of mostly immediate relatives sang the Mass of the Blessed Sacrament. At the Off ertur, Mrs. Louis Durand daughter of the couple, sang• bebuutiful, Ave. Maria, by Ro Sewig: Dai Ing Hely .Communion, Mrs. ' J. Gelihas, sister,! of Mr. Denomme' 'and her two sons, Harvey and Claude, sang iii. a 'Trio; Veni Jesu. The : music was played by the church organist. Rev. Father Marchand officiated at the Mass with Rev. Father Brisson of London, ani a nephew, in the Sanctuary. After the ceremony a family breakfast was ser ved at their home for their children and •grand children. At four o'clock p.m., a pa••ty of about seventy invited guests . sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner prepared far the occasion. The cou- ple were blessed with two sons and three •daughters: James at home, Harry of Saskatchewan; Mrs. Louis Durand of Drysdale, Mrs. Harry Rose of Zurich, Mrs. Ed. Parks of Wind- sor and nieteen grand children are living. Mrs. Denomme was Miss Pauline Geoffrey, daughter of Cyph- lin Geoffrey of the Brue Water Uig - way,, north, before her marriage. Mr. Denomme has been a member of the church since he was a boy in his ens. He is now 70 veers of agcy Sale Mrs. Denomme is 71, and both e of a t -n. • position, and very active for their 3. Guests were present from oderich, Windsor, London and .i • •oit. HENc 4.. e. lira and .Mrs. J. W. Bonthron,,we in. .Hanover attending the funera. • .' the late Mr. Peppier, 'Tile e local deer hunters, who wen` orth on a hunting trip have return- L , ed home, and had no success. this �4 year:: •. WmJarrott of Hillsgreen called e on friends in town Monday last. 4, Mrs. Ed. McQueen spent a week e risititig with her niece, Mrs. A. 3. < Sweitzer, at the Beach o" Pines, a Harold J3onthron, who is attend - 0 rag college at Newmarket, spent a 5 ,week -end at his home here. • Mae McNa xg ;ton of Toronto, sp- • r'•t a week -end with her parents, Mr e• ;rd Mrs. Dan McNat;jghton. '4' 1,san ?`or.7,_o:r of Lvnion, Isite l 4 ' .,..1 L r parents, biz and Mrs. d',W. truck. John Norry investigated. On Saturday two cars left No. 4 between Exeter and Elginfield and on Sunday an Exeter man took the ditch near � ritchell Change;t i Business .',s T. Carter ge Son who have been in the baking business in Clinton, the Mllveen store for the past year and a half, have salt 'out to W. D. Wily liars who for has come down from Ethel, where he has .been conducting a eheeseentaking business, Mrs. Me- llveen Quos a former Clinton girL A.Councillor Vies In the death at Dungannon of Ar- thur Culbert, 51, the • coanmunity lost a Iifelvng resident. He was mar- ried 26 yea= ago: to Annie Johnston of Ashfield, who with four sons, four brothers and Ave sisters survives. Mr Culbert took a leading part in public life and ,was treasurer of the United church,' and for 121e past • two years he had been a member of the Ashfield Township: 'Counci'l. Cut by Turnip Pulper Alex. Wray, Fordwnch, who is exxr- ployed by •Crosby Sotbern, had his. left hand: caught in a turnip pulper, suffering cuts on the thumb and sec- ond finger which required 6 stitches. Twin Calves Twice a Year John Schultz, who resides south of Topping, is the proud owner of a ,cow, which fs a cross between a Here - feed and a Holstein, that has given birth to twin calves twice during the past twelve snonths and all are fine healthy stock. A Cruel Trick An irate "west -ender"' is keeping a •watchful eye for prowlers near his home after a disgraceful happening The householder one evening opened the door to let in the family cat, a beautiful golden -striped animal, when a strange black cat walked in. At least he thought it was a strange cat until he discovered it was his own painted black. It will go hard with the perpetrator of the outrage if he is discovered--Goderich Signal. 'Started For China Chong Wong, who is in the employ oD C. Wurtele, Goderich started for China to -see :his wife_ and three chit ,dren.' .He is :a member of the widely known family of Wongs in this sec- tion of Ontario. Before leaving on a five month's holiday he was given a substantial gift by Wurtele to defray his. expenses. A number of friends met at the C.N.R. station to seee him off. Rush For Licenses Radio owners in town who do not hold licenses axe worrying fallowing a visit of the District inspector, ac- companied by a "Mountie." The post office experienced a record rush and sold out within a few hours of the arrival of the inspector in town. Many citizens, when the local supply of licenses gave out, drove tonear- by towns to secure theirs.—Seaforth Expositor. Death of P. M. Chesney Pearson M. Chesney, one of the respected residents of the community in which he lived, passed array, in Tuckersmith, on Nov. 12th. He was the son of Mrl and Mrs. Hugh M. Chesney and was born on the home- stead on :which he has always resided on Nov. 1860. On Oct. 1887, he mar- ried Annie Straiton, of Goderich, who predeceased him in 1983. He was a, member of the Egtnondville United Church and is survived by three sons, Injured Near Exeter Andrew Kirk, , wail known Turlrer- smith farmer, is n,,Seaforth lias;it a ` .following an accident Exeter, whets .the car in which he was a pas- senger turned over. Ile had a leg and jaw broken, serious internal he juries and a :fractured. skull. Hi, wife, who was a passenger in the same car, which was driven by their son-in-law, is suffering from a fract- ured vrriat. Smashes Mali Box Wilfred Murchison, of Norwich driving on No. 8 Highway throui;: Seaforth crashed into a Hydro pol, in front of Northside United Ciiurci and from that ta a mail box and st andard which was broken .off at .tin ground. None of the throe pa"1enr ere in the car were injured, although th'1.o car Wee danxaged,, i`lovembar 26th, 1936 The many friends of Mrs. ' John'C„ sorryto know I3ei•l, of Kappean are sbe. had cite misfortune to fall and break Ian snide which will lay her up for a while. Firae, AE Goderich Damage of $3,000 was caused by • fire to/^,the residence and contents of SLY W. . MacEwan, Ceoderich. The fere started in the attic, from a defective chimney, :it is thought.. The entire upper portion of the house was bur- ned, and there was heavy damage from water and smoke, although much of Lite furniture was removed. Insurance was •carried. Firemen fou- ght the fames for two hours before gaining controL Safe Stolen at Brussels The e East Huron Emporium storage plant owned by Mrs, J. C. Phompson of Brussels, -was broken into and the safe removed. The burglars were• very polite after taking the safe out. they put all the officeequipmentback in its proper place. 14 was tken to Henfreyn. where it was broken into and checks to value of $1300 that were not endorsed and silver amoun- ting -to over $70 was removed. Paper was found near the safe. The police. are investigating. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY. NOON FROM THE e Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25. as year, strictly in advance; $1.60 in arrears or $2-00 may be charged. U. 44, S. $1.50 in advance. No paper diecone tinned until all arrears are paid un., less at option. of publisher. The data Carriage Operator Injured of which every Subscription ie pail: ..When the lever that controls the is derated on the Label. • carriage in the Baechler mills at God ADVERTISING RATES erich failed to hold, Carl Clark who Professional Cards not exceeding was operating it, received a badly _see inches, per year $5.00. wrenched arm in his efforts to stop In Memoriam, one verse 60c, 25c the carriage. Why the lever failed to , for each additional verse; "Card of operate could not be ascertained bye, 51See, the rnillmen. That the carriage did+ Display advertising made known not go through the wall, as has been, on application. kirown to happen in such cases added) Misce3laaeous articles of; not more ta the. mystery.—God. Star. than four Mines; For -Sale; • To Rent. Death of Mrs. F. Cook'Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.; 'One insert Margaret Lorimer, daughter of the :tion 25e, 2 inn- 40C, 8 ins. 60c. late Geo. Lorimer, and widow of+ Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.O8 Frederick Cook, died at Bright on for Drat month, $1.00 for each fa - Nov. 11, at the home of her daroght^ Iowing month: et, Mrs. Routley. Born in Chah'asxe, Auction 8.Q0 Que, 1855, the parents came io Hoer- Sales -42.00 per single on and settled in Colborne Twp. when tnaertion if not over four inches be deceased was three years of age. She length. was married to Fred Cook, Dec. 25, 1877 and her husband predeceased her in 1927. Surviving are 6 soils.. Address all communications to: THE HERALD eLeSNAPSWOT CUIL Good Photographs Are Worth Taking Care Of Pictures like thiayou:don twant to lose. The place for them is in an album... 1GSSESSTNG• Viet picture, terming ▪ Ito, it.repeatedly and showing it tie friends are the chief delights o8 phategrapiay: Making. the exposure is, /lobe sure, exciting~.Btit tine: pros- esa is, momentary whereas the prod- lasts. ' Eaeh print is proof ot Your hold - w ork ` ritfi a earners,ptus a graphic reminder or seine incident that thrilled yon, occasion that you en- joyed, or place that you •trisited, plea alt expression of what you taw in the subject at the time Thus a pic- ture can furnish permanent pleas- ure, a pleasure that env be shared with other people. To be fully enjoyed, however, pin tures must be treated like the valu- able possessions that they reailY are. Soiled or broken prints, astray in bones and drawers, can hardly be a source ,of pride to their owner They deservo proper care, .Are your photographs a reproach to you in Lille respect? Here conies a darer Give yourself a photographic eve.- ming, devoted to organizing your pictures into a collection that you.. may be proud to show. .Assemble all your old negativesao and pick out those for, which prints,. are ]acicng. Some of 'the' best may • be missing. Almost everyone gives. prints away and a .collection that is: planned without ebnsulting'old neg-- attires is likely to be short of manor fine specimens.. With your complete lot of pic- tures before you, classify them. lby - tropics or dates and put them intro an alburn..Pat them into an album -- that's the remedy. There they will ,be safe from such sufferings an broken edges, curled corners, thumb, brands and other afflictions which rage among prints that do not get proper care. Then you'll have your pictures in such shape that you can. And them without delay—and give ,'Durr trienda S. nook now and then v LtC::Caut tzpolo,y4. Ito JOHN VAN GIS 'S,l'•T it. •