HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-26, Page 2RBI it By KATHLEEN NORRIS "e4 • SYNOPSIS And maybe he didn't remember Sheila Carscadden, blue-eyed, cop- mine." pery.haired and .., lost her job in a "Ah -h -h?" Frank said, as one downtown New York office because awakening. "I remember," he mused she took it too much upon hreself. aloud, "I remember his telling me— When she reached her home when he got bade from that visit— she found that her older 010' brother, Joe, had also lost his job. He fell silent; Sheila could not While Angela, her younger sister. speak. who had been crippled by infantile "You knew that Peter was getting paralysis, was a dmirin g a blue married on Tuesday?" leather purse Sheila had bought at "Oh, yes." a church rummage sale for a dime, Another silence. "Peter told me that he had met "Pve got to see you!" Peter you—I suppose it was you," Frank mumbled. Be was gone, and Frank observed. He stopped the car at the was bringing a small closed ear up forlorn dark Bronx doorway. "Well, to her. In a daze Sheila got in. good night," he said, a little at a "The young lady I'm going to loss. marry lives in. Spuyten Duyvil." he Sheila said, "I thank you," and explained. "I'm on my way there." "good night," and was out of the Shelia sat silent beside him, and ear, and heard it roar and hum away could make no answer. as she mounted her own steps. Her "We've been engaged five years" thoughts stopped her feet suddenly; Frank went on. she stood still in the odorous thick "That's a long time." atmosphere of the dim lower hall. 'It's a good test of mutual affec- About and above lief.was crying; tion," the man said in satisfaction. the banging of pots, the sound of This handsome oldest son of Judge •radios, phonographs, quarrels, the McCann was well pleased with him- voices echoed from behind closed self, Sheila decided. doors. "Peter and Gertrude," he resuin- Her heart smoldered; she stood ed, "were a little quicker about it; still. One look at Peter McCann, they've grown up like brother and and the agony of. that enchanted sister, of course; we're all devoted summer day and night—they had to Gertrude. But Miss Kennedy and had but the one—was upoi, her I wanted to be sure. afresh. He had lied to her, kissed "We haven't so very long to go, her, and she had believed him. wait - now, June. Then I think we'll run ed for him, while he had been court - over to Europe and stay until Sept- ing and winning a rich man's ember." daughter, a beautiful girl in a slim "It sounds wonderful," Sheila ob- suit with furs, who could lose 50 served respectfully. dollars without ever knowing it. "Weil, it's time I settled down," And now beside all that, Sheila Frank said. "I'm 27." He laughed, would be made contemptible m the with relish. eyes of these friends who had loved "Are you four years older thanher father, who wanted to be kind Peter?" to Mamma. They would discover It had slipped out. Sheila's very that she had been play-acting, that soul shriveled with terror. There she had been a hpyocrite. was a sudden change in Frank's Even before this oldest son she voice; it became less sure, less pat- must appear as an impostor. She ronizing, less satisfied. , He spoke was no such artless little angel as surprisedly. she had seemed in the McCann "You know Pete?" house. Mamma would bawl Iterout "I—well, I met him. This sum- tomorrow; the president himself mer, at Tiller's Beach. But I didn't couldn't make Mamma lie. And know until tonight who he was." then all of them, Mrs. McCann and "We only knew each other one Gertrude,' and Frank, would know day. I didn't remember his name. that their pathetic little beggar had been no beggar at all, just a bluffer. Mamie would know, and Peter would hear them discussing it— She suddenly remembered the Paper in her hand, unfolded it, and read it by the hall light. "Be at the Maritime Law Lib- rary, top floor, 4.80 tomorrow," Peter had written. "I've got to see /1/ you." LV see myself going!" Sheila mut- teved. She mounted a few steps ,stopped short, went on again. What to tell them all at home? How to make it sound complete without bringing in Peter, the man that rich Miss Gert- rude Keane was going to marry next Tuesday? What would Gertrude do if she only knew that last August he had kissed Sheila Carscadden, and told her that he had never loved and never would love another woman? Fortunately, even after entering ii THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DRESSING " Aspirin" Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by stop watch, an 'Aspirin" tablet starts to disinto- grate and go to work. Drop an 'Aspirin' tab- let into a glass of water. Ry the time it hits the bottom of the glass it is disintegrating. What happens In this glass . . . happens in your stomach. 'When you wake up with a head- ache, do this: Take two quick -act- ing, quick -dissolving "ASPIRIN" tablets with a little water. By the time you've finished dress- ing, nine chances in ten, you'll feel relief corning. "Aspirin" provideS this quick relief because it. is rated among the quickest methods for relief science has yet discovered, • "Aspirin" -tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on e very tablet. Demand and Get- s c. reenot- IA Arm 550. Laraf r cr.+ COOSS The Horne Corner By ELEANOR DALE Holiday Cake Some .people say that they are ser- ved so much dark fruit cake at 'Christ- mas time that a lightcolored Christ- mas cake is a treat. It .certainly is delicious and a bit 'of a contrast — hitt why not have some of both.? What could make the season more festive for alltastes? A good light-colored Christmas cake is 'an asset for many occasions. , Holiday cake is the perfect answer for the light cake. You will :gel the Christmas spirit beginning to thrill you as you start buying the ingredi- ents. You can make it 'well 'ahead of time so that jolly task will not interfere with the later Christmas rush. Very special holiday frostings can be made for it. In fact you can add these later if you like arid two different ones as you use of the cake at a time. "ee - - ENRICHES BLOOD BUILDS NEW V-IGQUk, ejb.Aet all goorl:15rA a:Depf. Stores • Sales Agenti,i4orpld T.0.41Pke rim use half HOLIDAY CAKE 1e.i. :Taps sifted cake flour, 1 tea- spoon baking powdir, 1/1, teaspoon salt, lic?. cup butter or other shorten, ing, % cup sugar, 5 egg whites, an beaten, 14 cup finely cut ca.idied cher. lies, 1/2 cup finely cut citron, V2 cup seedless raisins; 1/2 cup chopped blan ched almonds, % cup coconut, prem- ium shred, IA cup almond extract, '1/2 teaspoon Sift 'flour once, measure, add bak- .- ing powder and salt, and sift togeth- er three times. . Cream butter thor- oughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg whites, one at a time, beat- ing very thoroughly after each. Add fruit, nuts, coconut and flavoring and mix well. Acld flour, a small amount at a time, beating after each addi- tion until smooth. Bake it a Ire pan, 8 x 4 x 3 inches, which has been greased, lined with heavy paper, and again greased. Bake in slow oven (300' F.) 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until done. A suggested frosting for the fir t half of the cake to be used .tefore New Year's is Mistletoe Frosting: 2 egg whites, unbeaten, 1% cups sugar, 5. tablespoons water, 13 tea- spoons light corn syrup, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Combine egg whites, sugar, water and corn syrup in top of double bra- d; beating with rotary egg beater un- til thoroughly mixed. Place over ra- pidly boiling water, beat constantly with rotary egg beater and cook 7 minutes', or until frosting will :;Lnd in peaks. Remove from .boiling water; add vanilla and beat until thick enough to spread. Makes en- ough frosting to cover tope avt sides of two 9 -inch layers, or top andsides of 8 x g x 2 -inch cake (generously). Decorate with wreath of mistletoe, us- ing dragees for berries and 'slices of angelica or citron for leaves and stems. Double recipe to make three 10-incli layers. A holly frosting may also be>made from the same recipe except that candied cherries or small red candies may be used for berries. A Main Course Dish Poached Eggs with Peas in Cream Sauce: For three eggs.and three slides of toast make a -cup of dream sauce with two tablespoons each of butter and flour, one-fourth a teaspoon each of salt and paprika, and one cup of milk. Add one-half cup of green peas from which liquid has been draineu, Break fresh egg.; into a frying pan of boiling salted water; draw the pan to a place where the water will not boil: when the eggs are set, run 0 spatula between each egg and the pan, then let stand undisturbed until as firm as desirec1. the kitchen, she had a few minutes in which to recover herself, Joe and Cecilia Moore were there, mur- muring at the table. No one else was in sight. it appeared that at the Dinato golden wedding party downstairs, an hour ago, somebody had been stabbed, and while they were all off to the police station, Angela was sitting with the -poor old lady, and Mamma had teeen. the two children around the comer to Coralia. Presently they both returned, and then the new coat and hat had to be handled and admired, and the story told and retold. 1.• "The loveliest people you ever `saw, Mamma—they're all so happy and so knid, and laughing toge.ther! "Paul McCann, I ritnimber the name well," Sheila's mother mused. "He was a square -built feller, wit'a head of black' hair on 'im." I . (To Be Continued) serseirameastrit..-ecooree=atemai "it Helps Mer That's what 98 out of 100 women say after taking this medicine. It quiets quivering nerves, gives them more strength before and after childbirth, tides them over Change of Life . . makes life seem worth living again. LYDIA E. PINKIRAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND omemos Put toast on individual plates, pour over it the sauce. Drain the eggs with a skimmer and set above the sauce. If preferred the eggs may he set on thetoast rand the sauce poured over 'the whole,—Mrs. Walter Gamble, Penelon Falls, Ont. Attentieen! We will pay $1.00 on publication for the best main course dish,. pie, mice or preserve recipe received. HOW TO L., NUR ,L:ONTEST Pleinly write or print out the in- gredients and method and send it to- gether with name and address to Household Hints, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Predicts 8 -Hour Day for Nuises Health of Those in Training Needs to Be Safeguarded, Says Dr. L. F. Barker ,TORONTO. — The day is near when the eight-hour day for 'the nursing profession will be general, and when 24-hour nursing attention will require not two but three nurses —is the statement of the famous Dr. Llewellys F. Barker of John Hopkins university, who recently visited Dr. H. A. Bruce, lieutenant -governor of Ontario, at government house. When told of the pathetic instance recently of some 30 young Ontario nurses in training being diseovered to have tuberculosis Dr. Barker said that all over the United Sates, a much more humane and modernized system of training in the nursing profession was readily Faleirg shape. Stricter medical examination before admission to the course of training, frequentmedical zheek-up dur'ng the period of training shorter hours, strip ter diet more frees alt ard sun- shine and freer houre were being a Joi-ted Da every hand. "In the larger centre' said Dr. Barket, 'they have the university eourse in narsing, as at the Univer- s.ty of f .P:,nto. Nowadays various gn,des of trairied niirses are re- quired. The highest grade n'ust, be atademica•ly train'd as at tLe uni- versity. The great technical ad- vences in medicine one; sttgery re- quire such advanced training for some of our nitr:es "But it will be hard to displace the old-fashioned hospital training, and there will always be a chief demand for nurses of this standing. The method of training, however, is being modified very greatly to ac- cord with the increasing freedom in all other kinds of employment "In some places, the eight-hour three - shift nursing day is, 1 believe al- ready in practice." `'Would the rate of pay remain the same say $6 per nurse?" "1 be- lieve," said Dr. Barker, "the rate per nurse will be lesr in the case of the three -shift day, but the total per day will cost the patient a lit- tle more." Uncrowned Head Is Used On Coinage ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. — Newfound- land, at the suggestion of the Do- minions' offices, intends to adopt for use on its coins the uncrowned effigy Of his Majesty as hitherto used in the coinap,T of the United Kingdom, and hereafter- to he used in the United Kingdom and the Dominions. The crowned head of His Majesty will continue, however, to be used generally in the colonies. Wil n PONCIN Chef 45 N E S And initate Elad,111,er Fkirh Mani Out For 40 Cents Co to your druggist today and get this safe, swift and harmless diuretic and stiteulaut—ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Di! Capsules and start, at once to firsh kidneys of waste mate ter saturated with acids and poisons, That's the way , to bring about healthy kidney activity and stop that bladder irritation which often causes scanty passage with smarting and burning as 'Well as restless nights. Remember, the kidneys erten need flushing as well as the bowels, and some symptoms of kidney weakness are: Getting up once or twice during the night—puffy eyes—cramps in leg —backache and moist palms. ' But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules — the original arid genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland—the price is small (40 cents), the good resultwill NUM your ex- 10-36 Order thisl,,-,,,,'i744:. tradegnarIced .. , -fr,,,f4.4 Sr 4N„....A , l&i.e, • .`" 'blue coal' dealer . • • ...rhe colour VI i r ' fuel from the guarantees the 4 quality. ''''I'' ' 'ii• -r... . v. 1.4. ., -fel i 1. t, • ,, ., t oli , , -....„; ii; P k A' c ss 1 ..yik 1,1,A '-tibtt 14Z ' ttr. • ' , 11 A Bib and a Tray Cloth This clever tray cloth and feeder set will charm any baby into eating up his spinach. A spring-like effect is achieved by thepale pink sprays embroidered on blue toweling. This pattern will solve the problem of a gift for your favorite infant. The set includes • a tissue patternand a sewing chart for making the feeder, sample of thread in which the original articles were emleyoidered, embroidery transfers for the motif •illustrated in addition to motifs for three pairs of bootees and numerous designs which may be used on dresses and undergarments. The pattern also includes- working inetructiona for the motifs, directions for making the tray 'cloth and color sug- gestions. The pattern is made in sizes 6 months, 1 year and two years. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred); wrap it carefully, .and address your order to Mayfair Pattern Ser- vice, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. By Way of Contrast The Toronto Star writes:—The total deadweight -debt of the United Kingdom, which rose from 27 413,- 800,000 on March 31, 1935,to £7,- 800,400,000 on March 31; 1935, showed, on the same. t,ay of this year, a reduction to $7,795,900,000, A reduction in 0 national debt is such a rarity nowadays that the point is worth noting, A very different conditiur. is -ob- served. in the United States. There the national debt of $16,185,000,000 on Jane 30, 19030, had risen to $33,- 779,000,000 tby the same date. of 1936, and it is expected to be $34,- 189,000,000 by the end of the pve- sent fiscal year. In Canada the growth has not been so rapid. The net public debt - was $2,177,800,000 on Mereh 81, 1930, and had risen to $8,00(3,100,- 000 on the same date of 1.930 It will probably be close to 83,100,, 000,000 by the end of the current fiscal year. Prelude to Surrender that. I he scythe of time !IlaSI SEVer " And the men I've 0001.1 front ag,- le age are dust the dead world over ! But gren1 there he no break between their hearts and my soul's lover And grini: that caeh one's. altar, (iod, and the flame of his email hotly , Shall hive l'ellthsvfid all Thy wrath to ruth by truth and tny sotil power, To the end that lifered torch wee fall at Thy feet in lifeless eni hers. And move Thee. Lord, to judge (he last no more than he remembers W. Rief. Before my 11001.1 is bowed. 0 God. ant my eyes are closed forever On the scenes of all my 3esterdays pectations. E VVEET POTATOES Washington. --ee New Jersey's Issue No48 — 36 sweet potato crop was estimated at . ' 2,320,000 bushels for this year by D-2 the Agricultural Department. Ne arl y 30,000 trips through Oar adian canals were made by ships )i Lite last 12 months. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If thls bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in thetowels, ties meats rap your stomach. Youget constipated. Harmful poisons go into the body., end you feel sous. sunk and the world looks mink. A mere bowel movement doesn't always get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver' Pills lo get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel -uu and up". harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel bo t have no calomel or mercury in them. Asir for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name! Stubbornly refuse anything else. hie - Woman's A ALL wo m e it at some period of their lives need a • strengthening fettle like Dr. Pierce's Ira- vorite Prescript,ion. The voting Woman who FP ffer from monthly pains, the expectant 'mother ...nro who has nausea and other disagreeable sympioms, or 113e: ged woman who experiems "heat flashes" should take this tonic. Mts. Mary Turner el 15 Devonshire St., Guelph. Ont„ said; "Pros- pective mothers would do well, 1 belieVe, to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This tonic was of wonderful benefit to The. It helped to keep ma strong and healtity and relieved me of that tiredfeeling, also the many aches rend pains to which women are subject dining motherhood." Buy today! Me its The Creaphochart Shows (IOW to Iwo character trorn handwriting, at it giance lac PREPAID Graphologist Room 421 73. Allactitic St. W. To75.orao steammornri • •