HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-12, Page 4BLAKE
xc. end Mrs. Sol I3eehler and fain-
, Mr. and Mrs, .John i,oe.crt from
eaforth,- Ware 'Sunday visitors with
:1111r, land Mrs. Chris. ,iib.
Mr. unci Airs. Ainos Gingerieh we-
re Sunday visitors with :air. and
Mrs. Edmund Gesell,
Mr. John Flazbird svho Vitt, c;rt t,
.t the home of Mr. Rudy
left on Monday for his home in Zur-
quite a number from the Bronson
Line .attended the funeral of the tete
Mrs. Kaibfleisch at Zurich on Sunday
Miss Nancy (;ingerirh was a San -
day visitor `with Me"e la lieren;.i Erb.
Mr. and Mrs. Seen Cling 'ich and.
daughter Verna, lilt-. Chris (Nacho.
spent a few days last week with fri-
ri-,ends at Tavistock tlnd !;Loren.
Mr. and Mrs. Claris. Geis c'.ro and
family ware Slvisitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Steett 1.10a
Mr. and Mrs. ID, J. Stephenson of
Hayfield accompanied by Mrs, Ralph
Stepixenyon, Parr Line, are visiting
friends at Detroit and Marlette Mich.
this week.
Mrs. Jas. Stephenson was taken to
Goderich hospital last week where
,she underwent an operation, she is
improving as well as can be expected
Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Mount
2Elgin Residental School, Muncey,
spent the week -encs with her sister,
Ales. Henry Erratt.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Talbot of Bay-.
field spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr:,
Geo. Ander. on.
On Sunday November 8th the
eGoshen W.M.S. held their Autumn.
Thank -offering c ervicc. Mrs. Norm-
an Johnston, who with, her husband
spent eight years as 1lis: ion arias in
Bolivia, S. America, was the guest
speaker and gave a vete: interesting
=account of .their Work there.
Mr. John McKinley who has spent
some time assisting his son Elgin at
the farm, has returned to his ehome
in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. W: Davidson wer
',Visited during the week -end with fri
ends from Stratford.
M. and Mrs. W. Huxtable
"Miss Agnes Agnes Anderson of Centralia
-visited friends recently.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister an
Mr. and Mrs. R. Consitt and famil
-attended the Golden Wedding Day o
3.1.1r. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt in Hen
mall on Tuesday. Congratulations!
ifrom their many friends in thi
•onrmnnity of which thty were form
er residents.
.Mrs. John- Bonthron of Moose
Jaw, .Sisk., visited during the week
with Mr. W. J. Jarrott and Annie.
Mgr. and Mrs. C. Robinson spent
4.1e week -end in Mitchell.
Miss Iielen Love is on the sick
..Wrist, We all with her a speedy re-
.end Mrs. Wan. 'Conga .of Hen -
are spending a week with Mrs.+rviIle
Snaith and fairiily,
Mr. Wm. Jarott and Annie visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr, Eddie Brisson of Beavertown,
lefton Saturday last for Windsor
ion a business trip.
Mr. Louis Ayotte of Cheyoygan,
'Mich., is visitdng with his daughter,:n
Mrs. Filbert Denome of St. Jos-
Miss Leona Dewey of Grand Bend
was a Sunday visitor with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lton Jeffrey
Sr. of Beavertown.
Mrs. Rachael Denomrne of St. Joe-
eph north, is visiting at Blake with
firer' daughter, Mrs. Paul Ducharme.
Miss Therese Masse of London,
and Mr. Lloyd Denomme spent Sun-
-day at the home of Mr. James Masse
: elf Blue Water Highway south.
Mr. Victor Ducharme. and Mr.Percy Bedard of St. Josepee north,
axe renewing old time acquaintances
in London on Sunday last.
Mr. Norman Geromette of Mt.
'Carmel was a Sunday visitor with
Avila .Ducharme.
Mr. James Masse has a staff of
anent working putting up tine snow
fences in readiness for the winter,
• Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury sp-
ent the week -end with. his parent,,
115'x. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard of St.
Joseph north.
Mr, and Mrs. Rernmie Jeffrey and
Mrs. Rachel Denomme motored to
'Grand Bend on Sunday last, calling
on the forine,r';c sister Mrs. Andrew
Desjardine who is seriously ill at
The bazaar held at the schen"
.house near the church i, largely at
tended each evening. All wishing to
,glass a few evening hours in pleasure
will do well to attend eves,.evening.
as good prizes are awarded to win-
l•� succeesful quilting bee was held
at the home •of •Mrs. Fred Siemon o.
St. Joseph this Tuesday afternoon,
Mi e.
Miss Gertrude xrr
Hoffman l seat
Saturday with friends in London.
Addi en Tiernan and famil;
real 1 -Ilford Ie.ner spent the weekend in Detroit.
Mrs. Tiernan who has been visiting
in Detroit returned horse with thein
....yfi y,v»r..
,."ne j.,..
you have
Ctarting Trouble
change to
SUmislN U D
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1p-WforChevroletand Pontiac
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THIS p(WI I h,11, BUY
ING EX'I'.RA FOR IT ... buy it at the Blue
Sunoco pump. This year's Blue Sunoco
has been carefully, deliberately, built to give
you sure-fire, instantaneous starting all
winter long. And it stays started, too, ready
with lightning -like acceleration, high test
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doubly economical by its regular gas price.
This winter—when it comes to dependable
quick -starting you'll come to Blue Sunoco!
Leather Goods and Harness
gam'; �..
yyh. • „irsz.,,Y
General Store
IVIr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold of numbers on the program included a I is getting along nicely.
• Mrs Geo. Geddes of near Exeter
and Mrs. Jas. Geddes of St. Thomas,
were visitors with Mrs. Jas. Dick.
Mrs. Janes P Leeson rs to Tor-
onto with her sister, Miss Lynne Ort-
wein, who is quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McAllister and
children of Marlette, Mich., visited
friends here:'
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt, of
this village, are celebrating their gol
den weddin on Tuesday. Nov.. 10th.
They were at hone to their friends
and neighbors -from 7 to 9 in the
Mr. and Mrs. Doerr, who have re-
sided in our village for several mon-
ths, have moved to St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer and fam-
ily have moved into the house re-
cently vacated by ,Mr. E. IC. Hutton
and owned by Mrs. H. McCully.
Buys Hensall Store
Mr. Wing Cook, of -the Rock Bot-
tom Grocery Store in Exeter, has re-
cently purehased the grocery and
meat business at Hensall from l�Lr. A.
E. Wberth and will open for busin-
ess shortly. •
sail's oldest residents.
Mrs. Marks of Kansas City is vis-
iting Mr, and Mrs. H. Arnold. She
was formerly Maggie Morrison, and
her father, the late Ro'bt. Morrison,
was one of Hensall's business men
several years ago.
Miss Elizabeth Murray of Milwau-
kee has returned home after a pleas-
ant visit with her sister.
Dr, Gerald Collyer of London, was
a recent visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson and
Mrs. A. Harvey were in London vis-
iting Joseph Hudson' who has been in
he hospital several months, but who
Away on Deer Hunt
Pleases. H, 0. Dayman, Fred Brock
Geo. Tress, Orville Smith, ,'Senn Don -
.'Sall, 1
Geo. Brock, Orville
, t ieTl,
Ezra Willard left for, Algonquin
I Park for a hunting trip.
IHalowe en Social
Th w,public and. continuation WI-
larid�.y last had a very interest-
ing time' from 3 to.4 o'clock wises
the roanrx joined in n Ilabe e•en co-
nte. de, 4;rhusirt prone -sun wise wive
London were Sunday visitors with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold.
Miss Helen Morgan of Thames
Road was the guest of Miss Eunice
Oestreicher over the week -end.
Dr. Eugene Tiernan who has open -
violin solo by • Jean Weber, accomp-
anied by Donald Oestreicher; a vocal
solo by Raley Hoffman accoiupanied
by Miss Anna Tiernan and a cornet
solo by Donald Oestreicher accomp-
anied by Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. Ar -
ed up a practice in Tavistock spent rangements were completed fol. a
Sunday evening with his parents. contest to raise missionary money by
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer we- using "Penny Tapelines." Miss Anna
re Sunday visitors in St. Marys. Tiernan and Stuart Wolfe are capt-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher an.i family ains of the sides which were named
and Mr. E. Becker are visiting in Ton "Leaping Lena' and "`Toonerville
awanda and Buffalo this week. , Trolley." respectively. The contest
Mr. Chris. Baumgarten who has ' ends on February 1st, and the losing
been visiting his father the past few side are to be hosts to the winners
at a Valentine Social.
Late John. Snell
operation for tonsils in Dr. Ta lo.r's John Snell was found dead in the
y stable at the home of his brother,
hospital on Thursday. William Snell, who lives just east
Dr. Taylor was assisted by Miss of the villaee on the Lake Road. He
Zeta Nadiger, R.N. was found lying behind the horses by
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Win- his brother as he went to do the ev-
dsor spent Sunday with M.r. and Mrs. ening chores on Monday. Coroner,
R. Baker. r, P. J. O'Dwyer of Zurich was called
lir. and a.fi
weeks returned to his home in Man-
itoba on Tuesday.
Glen Guenther, son of Mr. Melviu
Guenther of Windsor underwent an
rs. Mathews of near and1 d
London spent Sunday' with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snell.
Mr. Harry Hoffman was usccessful
'n winning the silver medal in the
Baritone open class at the Canadian
'Singe Festival held in London last
week, being open to contestants who h
obtained over 75 per cent. in any
.,rrvious festival during the year.
Mrs. P. Mcisaac. was the lucky t
winner of three prizes at a Bingo
•tarty at Mt. Carmel last Friday ev- s
ening. a
Oratorical Contest i
The Young People's Mission Circle o
f Dash
pronouneecdeath due to a heart
seizure. The .remains were taken to -
the undertaking parlors of P. Mc -
Isaac in Dashwood and the following
day taken to the home of his sister,
Mrs. Mary Neeb with whom he had
resided, He was unmarried and in
is 79th year. Surviving are two
fetes, Mrs. Mary Neeb, Mrs. David
Tiernan, both of Dashwood, two bro-
hers, Charles of Cavalier, N.D,, and
William of Dashwood. The funeral
ervico will be held on Wednesday
fternoon from the hone of Mrs.
Vfary Neeb with Rev. H. E. Roppel
inciating, Interment will take place
wood Evangelical church sp-
ensored an Oratorical Contest on Tu-
sday night. Miss Gertrude Hoffman
'resident of the Circle presided far
he meeting. Miss Mary Patterson
,•ho spoke on "The Fulness Thereof"
vas declared the winner in the orat
rte contest
pl and was presented with
ie gond award pin by Mrs. H. E.
oppel, president of the local W.M.
The other contestente were Mire
Ila Witrnee, and Miss Eunice Ons -
reicher. The judges were Gordon
e der, Dr. R. H. Taylor and Miss
ie (in s:r es: -_ s .,.,. _ ,•
in Exeter Cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, Mr.
and Mr•.a. G. M. Drysdale and son
-Tack, and James Pettereon were in
Toronto recently. owing to the critic-
al illnese of Miss Lynne Ortwein,
who had a. serious operation a short
time ago at 'Toronto General Hospit-
.1VIrs. Joseph Hudson Sr., who has
been' seriously. iii for a few wcnles is
still quite weak, she is one of Hen -
and a lunch served, candies and ap-I cement tile 5.40; Sawyer -Massey gra-
pies. 1 der blades 8.10; Johnston & Kalb-•
Simpson--Daters 1 fl.eiseh acct 21.08; L. Schilbe & Son
A quiet wedding took place at the' trach ilg tile 3.50; S. Ropp rd 2:.
Presbyteldan Manse, Exeter,
an Fri -6-5A; A Reichert rd 4 4.40; 0. Groh.
day evening last, when Rev. Viii, $57 J. Desch rd 8 10.03; F. E.
pastor of Caven Presbyterian church,.; Dknoriirne rd 10 3,25; M. Coridveau
united in marriage, Dorothy, second '�� 17 34.15; J. Ducharme reptirs tea.
eldest daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Fred grader
-05; H. Steinbach Road Supt
Daters of Hens'all, to Harold Simp-136.92-
son, of Hensall. The bride was Bain. -1 IIay Telephone Accounts—Bell Co,
tily attired in a royal bine tuncatolls Aug. to Sept. 205.37; H. G,.
gown with accessories to match and. Hess salary .etc. 165.00; W. McBride
carried a handsome banquet. They elixir rate $3; P. Mcisaac extra lab
left for Toronto where they will in: or etc. 1a,20; Bell Tele Co. Direct
future reside. The bride was a val- ories 112.50; Northern Elec. Co. mat .
ued member of the choir of Carmel aria! £31.97; ;Econ. Fire Ins. Go. ins.
Presbyterian church and will be very $24; H. 1Vlousseau error rate $4; IC
much missed by the choir; as she of G. Hess ;extra labor etc. 71.10.
ten took special parts. Oharity and Relief—S. Hoffman .
_ _.a �- rent 3_50; A. Melick milk 2.84; J. A,
Williams Go. flour 3.20; J. Gascho •
AY COUNCIL as Son account 14.97; Tress Huron
re indigent 36.75.
The regular. monthly meeting of general accounts -- Amusement .
the Council of the Township of Hay
sir 5.95; .Perth Fire Ins. Co.
was held in the. Town Hall, :Zurich, ins. hall 20.00; A. Mellck selecting .
on Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1936, with all
jurors $2; A.F. Hess ditto $5; War-
tiie members present. The minutes of 'erl.00 Fire Ins. Co. ins hall $20; D_
the previous meeting were adopted of C. Inc. Co. collector bond $15; O_
as read.
Fee error dog tax $2; IL Jackson re -
After disposing of the comruunic- Pairs McDonald Drain 11.80; Zurich,
aliens the following resolutions were Hydro lights hall 4.20; Mrs. W. Doig
passed: wood for hall $15; W. I. E�dighoifer
That W. H. Edighoffer be appoint selecting jurors $2; Zurich Agric_
ed secretary of the meeting for the Society grant 450; H, Eic:lanaier, ba>l.
afternoon owing to the unavoidable anCe painting hall 14,60; H. !flock
absence of the Township 'Cle;•k
That the motion dated October
28th accepting. they resignation of
henry Steinbach Road Superintend -
trucking wood $3; S. Deslardine er-
ror dog tax $2; W,.,J. Johnston post-
age tax notices 19.70.
The Council adjourned to meet u
ant be re -considered and be laid ev n on. Monday, December 7th, at
er until the regular meeting to be 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon,
held in February, 1937. A. F Bess, Clerk.
That accounts covering payments
for Charity and Relief, Telephone
and general accounts be passed as
per vouchers,
Township Rbads--C:N R, freight _.
g The 37th annual meeting •,
n er.n
of r
gra. Ir blades ,FiO;- iC:' J Thiel cartge alarm Old Boys Association of. '.Cor .
F. C. Kalbiieisch lunrbea 3.30; { Tonto will be held in, the Central Y.
C. Aidworth roads.2-3 $15; W. Cole- M.C.A. 40 College Street. Toronto,
.ean road 2 5.60; Id. H. Pfaff rd 5r on Thursday, November 12th, at 8,15
7.84; F. J. Haberer rd 17 22.20; G. p n. Election of officers will take -
v, -1 irer'iiS 0 S'A At). 'W Yr_y.......1 ,� . t r.1;•r ,
�.� •• ainrnent will in -
39;83; W. Farrell' r ' 1£ 64.85.e elude eichre and 1 edge„ All Ilia
134..1.ne ? r. i, I.a tL(i0; ',scenes eaas een , otrite,s in Toronto core weszesaeds
Huron `Old Boys