HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-12, Page 2A blend of the world's most fragrant green teas 1. - .r .. 4.SFX-14:4. 4: O al m`4; n �.v..•..- ...- ....- .n r�i. I.S`: 4 4, .....47.4"..74:4::g1:0:::,:.►t lea ` :.. V 104 4 %+ !,,� I R 1)4.�� tgl p°i Re4 a By KATHLEEN NORRIS �,� �" �' `' 044 It 4 . �. 4 :N. 1,+4 A ti r®4 7,4, SYNOPSIS Sheila Carscadden, blue-eyed, cop- pery -haired and 'a, lost her job in a downtown New York office because she took it too much upon hreself. When she reached .her home she found that her older brother, Joe, had also lost his job. c,le000esaeo 00104 A Ua�a,Kiv EES PIPES from clogging matter Use Gillett's Pure Flake Lye regu- larly and you'll keep sink drains, tubs and toilets running freely. Each week pour it down full strength—it will not harm enamel or plumbing. Kills germs and de- stroys odors as it cleans. Gillett's Lye eases up dozens of heavy clean- ing tasks -- saves you tiresome work. Keep a tin on hand! *Never dissolve lye in hot water. The action of the lye itself heats the water. While Angela, her younger sister. who had been crippled by infantile paralysis, was admiring a blue leather purse Sheila had bought at a church rummage sale for a dime, "This young lady bought Gertrude's purse at the rummage sale yesterda', Mamma." "Oh, at St. Leo's?" Mrs. McCann asked, in a soft, pleasant voice. "Yes, ma'am," Sheila managed to say. "Do you live near St. Leo's, dear?" "No. ma'am. I live out in the Bronx. But I work down near St. Leo's." "She found some money in _Gert's purse — fifty dollars," the man said. "Fifty dollars!" Mrs. McCann ech- oed, surprised. "She's terrible with money," she added, shaking her head disapprovingly. "One ger'rl comes down all the way from the Bronx to give back the mon- ey she needs, that another ger'rl los- es," Paul McCann said. Mrs. McCann shook her head again and looked at him mildly. "Isn't that so, Papa?" she agreed, regretfully. "Ellie, is that fair?" he demanded, challengingly. The woman was serious, sympath etic. "Indeed it's not," she said, with a sigh. "Oh, dear, dear, dear!" "Well, then, you make a suggesaion he said belligerently. "You handle it. Are we going to let it go, like that?" Mrs. McCann looked with infinite kindness and with a half smile at Sheila- The smile invited the girl into her confidence. "He's like that," it seemed to say, "but it's only his way of showing he is stirred." Aloud she said, "It seems. to me the only thing to do, Papa, is do all we can to make the other little girl happy, too." There was such goodness, such simple friendliness and sympathy in her quiet, middle-aged face, as she made this suggestion, that Sheila felt guiltier and more unhappy than ever. "That young girl who was here a minute back is our ward, Gertrude Keane, and it was her purse you. found," Mrs. McCann went on.( "She and our Peter are getting married on Tuesday. Judge McCann and I feel very happy about it." Sheila was ashamed, dazed, fright- ened.' She wanted only to escape. "Tell me your name," the judge said, stopping short in a restless turn about the room.. "Sheila Cars cadden." "Carseadden!" he shouted. It was as if a gun had been fired in the room. "You're from Albany!" "No, sir. We live in the Bronx." "I know ye, I know ye," he mut- tered, transfixed. "Look at the red head on her, Mamma, She's Con Carscadden's ger'rl. Of course she is." He snapped his fingers, walked the floor again. His excitement com- municated itself to the two women, and Mrs. McCann said sympathetic- ally, "Now, take it easy, Papa." DNS Increased Mental Efficiency Means Increased Earning Capacity You can learn to think positively and constructively. You can learn to concen- trate and cultivate a powerful memory, You can overcome Inferiority Corrodes and learn to live successfully. Let us show you how. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 CONFEDERATION BUILDING Montreal, P.Q. Atmeaftuo FROM GIRL TO WOMAN FREE BOOKLET—The Gillett's Lye Bookletshows you practical ways to lighten many household chorea with this powerful cteanserand disinfectant ... tells also, how to use Gillett's Lye for thorough cleaning in and around faun buildings complete instructions for making -fine - q nality soap at home. Write for n free copy to Standard Brands Ltd., rinser Alto. & 7 ;:rorty St., Toronto, Oath GROWING girls are often suf- ferers from female irregularities, ca- tarrhal drains, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the vegetable tonic to give your daughter at such tithes. Hear what Mrs. Win. E. Cole of 13 Hamilton Road, London, Ont., said: "When I was developing into woman. hood I was rundown, weak and pale, I suffered so badly with cramps that 5 would almost double up with pain. Mother gave me Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it helped to build me up so that I developed into womanhood with very little pain or die - comfort and had no more cramps," New size, tablets S0. cts, liquid $1.00, Large Size, tabs, or liquid, 51,35. Issue No. 46 --- '36 Knitwear for School Days Boys and sweaters are inseparable. Here is a sweater with a firm mesh, sturdy enough for the most rambunctious' lad, and yet what a lady would call "smooth." The .collar may be worn high or left open and the zipper front is always 'an added attraction. There are separate instructions and a separate pattern for each and every size including 6, 8, 10 and 12. The pattern includes: a sample of the yarn from which the original garment was knit, a tissue pattern for blocking the garment after it is knit, easy -to -follow working instruc- tions, without abbreviations, and an assembling chart. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred); wrap it carefully and address your order to Mayfair Pattern Service, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. 1 . The orne Domer By ELEANOR DALE Coconut Comes to the ?Arty Guests exclaim with surmn t and delight over the numbet of varieties of little cakes decorated _and trade specially delicious with coconut. "Who would think that you could evolve so many different kinds" — they say as they insist on trying one of each and then probably start- ing all over again! Just try for your- self how many you can make in a "Con! Con Cascadden," Paul Mc- Cann exclaimed suddenly, pointing a stout finger at Sheila. "That's who your papa was." "My brother Neely's named for him, Cornelius." "We were boys together in the old laundry clays up in Albany," the man said. "I thank God for this, Mamma. I've prayed for this! Man-. ny's the time I've prayed that I'd run into poor Con's children. That was the cheapest fifty dollars I ever spent, that Gert lost on us. You've hear'd me talk of the Carscaddens Mamma? This is Con's ger'rl.". "I've heard you talk many's the time, Paul," said his wife, almost as pleased as he, in her quieter way. He wiped his forehead, blew his. nose. His blue eyes were brimmang. wTwas God sint this child our way," he said, clearing his throat. "I hope it was, indeed," said his wife. "Your father was my fr'nd, my dear," the elan told Sheila simply: He sat down, patted her hand; he was breathing Bard. I'll be yours. You may lay to that," he said.. "You'll niver have cause that you'd regret this night's work. Con Cas- cadden's gar'rl. And there's others, is there?" "There's Joe aucl Angela and • me, at home. And Margret and Neely's married," Sheila explained, her eyes shining with tears. "And she raised you all without him, did she?" "My sister Angela was born atter Papa died" "My God, my God, my God," he muttered, "all of you, here in this city, neediu' help, and I not knowin' it! Well, your har'rd times are over. I'll sty nd to you. I'll stand to all of Ye." He was walking about again, agi- tated, inpatient, Sheila was all but crying; there ware tears in lire. Mc- Cann's sympathetic eyes. (To Be Continued) BOOKKEEPERS STUDY AT HOME FOR BETTER SALARY You have the ambition! We have the course! 500 expert accountants all arose Canada testify to excellence of Shaw nigher .account - army Course by Mail Tell us your status --- lot us advise. Write at once, SHAW SCHOOLS' LIMITED DEPARTMENT '. 08Tgay 5t., TORONTO one -hour's session with the bake board! You'll promptly want to give a party to show them off — but you will have• to give it quickly be- fore the family tastes them, for the batch certainly won't last Iong then! Coconut Crested Cakes, Coconut Jelly Balls, Coconut Maroon Puffs, Rolled Coconut Cookies and Coco- nut Date Kisses are suggested and the fun of making them is really exhilarating. Coconut Macaroon Puffs 5 tablespoons granulated sugar, 5 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 table- spoon flour, 2 egg whites, % tea- spoon vanilla, 1 cup coconut, prem- ium shred. Sift together sugars and flour. Beat egg whites until foamy throughout; then add sugar mixture, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Fold in vanilla and coconut. Drop from teaspoon on ungreased heavy paper. Bake in slow oven (325 deg. F.) 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 18. Coco- nut Almond Macaroons may be made by adding 1-3 cup ground, blanched almonds to mixture before folding in coconut. Coconut Date Kisses 2 egg whites, 1 cup powdered sug- ar, 1 cup coconut, premium shred, 1 cup finely chopped dates. Beat egg whites until rainy tthroughout; add sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating after each addi- tion until sugar is blended. Then continue beating until mixture will stand in peaks. Fold in coconut and dates. Drop from teaspoon on un- greased heavy paper. Bake in slow oven' (325 deg, F.) 20 minutes, or until delicately browned. Makes 2'% dozen kisses. IN EVERY PACKAGE� 4.47:... IN ANY EVENT serve Christie's Whenever you entertain. , .. Christie's "Ritz", the tender and toasted, nutty- favored, slightly salted, little Wafers by Christie's, must be your biscuit 'choice. They actually improve the taste of soups, cheese, salads . . of practically' any food or drink you serve. Always keep a few boxes in the home. Everybody enjoys their irresistible flavor. " here's a Christie Biscuit for ever', taste" Winnipeg Bureau Assists Families WINNIPEG, — Miss Elin Anderson, M.A., a Winnipeg woman, director of the new Family Bureau, has no office as yet, but she is busy at work inter- viewing people and agencies and get- ting acquainted. The bureau is hous- ed temporarily in a room off the ^ed- erated Budget office on Main Street. Miss Anderson has done family wel- far work — similar to this new Win - thin job — in the Brooklyn Bureau of Charities. Vocational se_vice for juniors in New York followed. She was also called to Ottawa to do a spe- iai piece of research in locational gui- dance for the federal government de- partment of labor. About the Family Bureau in Winni- peg the new director bas this to say: "It came about through a realization that there v,as a need for services other than relief. This bureau wants to help families in the infinite variety of crises that arise; a boy runs away from home, a girl is restless and dis- satisfied, the father and mother are on the verge of separating. It's a con- sulting service." Kisses in Movies Cause of Romances Films with love scenes cause in- creases in the number of real life marriages. This view was expressed by Dr. Herman Eisif, a Viennese psycholo- gist, in an address in Hollywood. Artificial kisses of the screen, he believes, lead to 'the real kisses of married life. Rolled Coconut Cookies. 2 cups coconut, premium shred, cut; 3 cup heavy cream, 2 cups sifted cake flour, 1 egg, unbeatsn, 11/ teaspoons baking powder, 14 tea- spoon salt, % cup butter or other shortening. Add 1/ cup coconut to cream; let stand. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift. again. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, creaming. until light and fluffy; then add egg and beat thoroughly. Add flour, alternately with cream, mixing well after each addition. C1.iI1. Roll 1-3 inch tlr 'i on slightly floured board Cut with floured 3% -inch cutter and,place on ungreased baking sheet. Spriarde with remaining 1i/ cups coconut. Bake in hot oven (400 deg. F.) 12 to 14 minutes, or until delicately browned. Mates 2% dozen medium cookies. Cut in fancy shapes; decor- ate with coconut, nuts, raisins, Strips of citron or dates, bits of candied pineapple or cherries, small cinna- mon candies, or colored sugar, if de- sired. These cookies and other crisp cookies will keep fresh for sjme time when packed in a jar or tin with a tight -fitting cover, and stored in a cool, dry place. THIS WEEK'S WINNER Mince Pie Without Meat 11/ cups chopped apples, VI cup raisins, seeded and chopped, VI cup cranberries, chopped, 1/4 cup currants 1 tablespoon shredded citron peel, Y4. cup suet, 1,4 teaspoon stilt, 1/2 tea- spoon cinnamon, x/ teaspoon nut- meg, 1,4, teaspoon cloves, 3-4 cup sugar, 3-4 cup juice 1'rom canned fruit, or 1/ cup water aril cttp vinegar from sweet pickles. Mix in order given, and boil for about 15 minutes. This gaantity fills one very large or two small pies. Lemon Sponge Pie 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cug sugar, rind and juice of 1 femon, 1 cup milk, heat before milting with other ingredients. Beat white of 2 eggs and add kin, Elora, Ont. last. Bake with crust. —= Betty Ran - Attention! Send in your favorite recipe for pie, cake, main -course dish, or pre- serves. We are offering 1.00 for each recipe printed. HOW TO ENTER CONTEST Plainly write or print out the in- gredients and method and send too gatherwith name and address to: Household Hints, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, He said that studies in Austria ha convinced him that marriages inereath ed in certain districts after the e hibition of pictures with passionati love scenes. . Film actors, he said, often fall love through performances before thh camera. "Film players, directors and ea era.imen," he added, "cannot hlri falling in love. "They are imaginative and ilppre sionable 'people, and sulbconeciou they are deeply affected by lot/ scenes!' FINE FOR KIDNEY AND BLADDER WEAKNESS STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS LOOK AND FEEL YOUNGER Keep your kidneys free from waste matter, poisons and acid, and put healthy activity into kidneys and bladder and you'll live a health. y ier, happier and longer life. One most efficient aria harniles way to do this is to get from your druggist a 40 -cent box of Gold Medal' Ilaarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results' will surprise you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney tremble are' backache, moist palms, leg cramps,' and puffy eyes. If you want real re- sults, be sure to get GOLD MEDALI —the original and genuine—a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic—right from Haarlem in Holland, Give. 'oux _..,,. kidneys a good clean:ng once In L. while. giapy Nerves Yield to the soothing action of this medicine. You will eat better :. ; sleep better : : feel better ::: look better: Life will seem worth living again: Don't delay any longer. Begin taking it today. LYDIA E. PINKNAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND When You Wart to . 6ka6rize Stomach Fast Try B leis Aialazi.ng Fast Way —The "Phillips" Way Millions Are Adopting On every side today people are being urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of "acid indiges- tion," nausea and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL- LIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after. eating. OR — take two Philips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Relief comes alinost at once — usually in a few minutes, Nausea, "gas" fullness after eating and "acid indigestion" pains leave. You feel like a new person- • Try this way. Get either the liquid "Phillips" •or the remarkable, new Philips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Each one equals„a teaspoon of the liquid. Only 25? a box at all drug stores. • ALSO IN TABLET CORM: Each tiny tablet is the °quilt- :.lent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia: Mnoa IN CASAO A m L u P ' 1v'1 Es