HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-12, Page 1,Vol, XXX Y! • I No.19 ZURICH, THURSDAY MOHNJNG, NOVEMBER 12, 1936. Chester L. Smith, Pub/idea $1•25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adva:. 111,50 IN ARREARS, In MAY B CSKA].. er P b• Let the AcIs. in the Herald be your guide in your FaJ1 Purchases Wednesday- was observed; as Arm- istice Day throughoutt many countries • and in many places; observed. as a holiday. In many piecesthe church- es -held services in thanrlcs to tPr•ovid- • once that at present, peace prevails throught most nations: of the world a presentt. Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Wising .Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- . ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate thismachine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the 1.nusual easy terms. Liiera1 allowance far trade-ins. C. SCHRAG 8: SOX tf44 ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ Eor a. ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. ilhursday—Choir Practice_ SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German. Service_ 11.15 a.m.—Sundays School 7.30 p.m.—English service. -Everybody Welcome to aft Services. E. TUERKHEller, Pastor. Chang- ttN .Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Thfnlr hew important it is -that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. -Correctly styled to year faee_ Your; :health may Largely depend on keen aision. See C. E. ZURIBRIGG, R. 0. At HESS JEWELERT STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday-, at Pfles'st' Store_. Twerity :F.ifth Anniversary A very interesting event took place .at St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich . on Monday .afternoon, Nov- ember 9th, at about 4 o'Clock when .members and friends gathered from far and near 'to celebrate the twenty, fifth anniversary of Rev. E. Turk- heim's • as successnu pastorate in the ministry. About twenty pastors withtheir wiv- es were the out of town guests, •ancl among them were several Zurich old boys. Rev. Howald of Elmwood and Rev. Kalbfieisch of Elmira who con- ducted the service. An English ser- mon was preached by Rev. Doman of Mfilverton, who chose for his text Psalm 71, 17; "And God Thou hese taught me from my youth; heather too have I declared Thy wonderous works." While Rev. Hamester of Northeast Hope was in charge of the German sermon and chose for his text, Matt. 6; 10 "Thy Kingdom Come." At the close of the service Rye. Turkheim was presented with handsome purse containing a nic sum of money, for which he in repl expressed his appreciation. very sin cereiy. The address was 'read by M E. P. Klapp, and the presentatio made by Mr. F. C. Kalbfieisch, chair- man of the church council. After the service a social half hour was spent. The out of town guests including Rev. Turkheim and family, the a e y r family many more happy and profit - ilhe valuable gift which was present- ed by Rev. Holm, treasurer of ' the Synod. Greetings were brought by Dr. Reble from the Hamilton and Eastern Conference; Rev. A. Deters` or nesboro brought greetings from•. Williamsford `'arid Sullivan parishes. which were Rev. Turkheim's former charges; Rev. Deters also conveyed bhe thanks of the guests to the Ladies kid and W.M.S., who sponsored the banquet so successfully. Rev. Schuelke of Kitchener, former pastor of the local congregation a also spoke Mrs. C..Eilber is spending a few days at Hensall this week. appreciation', also, Rev' Mr. Bandey of Varna called a few words of a pp ', in the village on Wednesday. Rev. Lamack of Iheidelburg. The nIr's. Peter Ravelle is spending a musical numbers of the program co Mated of local talent both vocal and few days with her parents, Mr. and instrumental, Hymns, community 34Irs. Joseh' Gascho. songs arid german folk songs were Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Hauch of St. enjoyed by all present. Jacobs have been visitors with Rev. Closing grace was said by Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn of town. Stockman of Sabastapol at the close Miss Ilene Volland of Goderich is visiting for some time with her grandmother, Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang, and Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. John Prang at Exeter cemetery on Thursday. of the program Rev: Turkheim ex- pressed his humble gratitute for all. that was said and done, and invited the pastors and i church council to adjourn to the par- nonage for a social period, after. which all returned to their respective homes wishing Rev. Turkheim and n wves along with the • n able years in his work for the King- dom. The address Rev. Turicheim: He who has laboured long years in church board and wives and the choir 'his closed field, swerving neither to were invited to the beautiful decor- the right nor to the deft but holding ated tables in the basement with its to the path he has seleced, deserves green and silver trimmings which the tribute of all. looked very charming and where a I Especially is this true when that delicious banquet was enjoyed. The field is the service of the Masker, the pastor, Rev. Turkheim was ushered dedicationof one's life to the allevi- to the head of the table where al ation of the sorrow of mankind. It is neatly decorated chair awaited him. a service in which one may eXpect The table looked very attractive few earthly thanks but .for that reaa- with its three story cake, decorated on, if for no. other, the 'reward will with silver, showing the high esteem. be "greater - in the richer and fuller which the pastor and family are held„ life to come. - The cake being cut by Rev. Turk- I To -day, however, it .is our pleasure helm. The president of the Synod, • to anticipate such reward' to one who Dr. Reb'le of Hamilton acted as toast- has already given twenty-five years master for the banquet. Greetings of his life to this great service and were extended to Rev. Turkheim and who. it is our earnest hope and pray= family by Rev. Fisher of Walkerton Cr, will be spared to give many,many on behalf of the Hanover District; more. Rev. Wittig, Conestoga on behalf of ; Rev. Turkheim, to -day we have the Kitchener district; Rev Mosig of gathered here, the members of your New Hamburg on beha'f of the Strat- congregation and your fellow pastors ford District, his address included a of the Canada Synod of the Evane poem of his own composition which Ithonorelical-Lutheran Church,—to do in a humorous vain described Rev. You honor on the twenty-fifth anniv- Turicheim's life story which was very ersary of your ordination. We have dleverly composed, and enjoyed by met to prove to you our esteem for all. Dr. Keble brought greetings you as a pastor and one ,resuect for from the Synod, also expressed his You as a man aiud a fellow citizen. Rev_ desire for Turkheim to accept The gift we brine is small when measured 'against twenty-five years of Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. sand Mrs. J. W. Horner were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner and family of, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Gott- schalk of Dashwood. 'Mr. Christ Heyrock who has been iii this community fax a number of years left last week with his nephew Mir. Andrew Smith for California. During the last • year Mr. Heyrock made his home with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pisher, south of town. °FMr. and MTS. William Diebel, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peicie and little da - tighter Elsie Mary, all of Kincardine visjted over the week -end at the home ,t; g wire and Mrtl Julit;s 'Maier:. Mrs: Piecle being a sister to Mrs. Thiel. The annual meeting of the Zurich Branch of Western Ontario Bible Society will be held in the Zurich Town Hall on Tharsday November 19th at 8 p.m.. Rev. W. E. Cholerton will be present in place of Rev. Den- ny Bright, district secretary, to ad- dress the lneeting. Everybody will be welcome. • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Garden Patch Golden cream, 2 Ens Blue Boy Coffee;, :I,lb:, bag, reg. 25c value _...19c Aylmer Tomlin juice 25 -oz. tins, .2 fins _ • _.w 19c .Fancy red Cob.ose &alrron 1:-.1b. tin .___..__. , ..._ 25c Heinz pork and lbeansz, arced., 2 'tin ._--.25j Derby cheese, 1141f Ifs_ _......_ . _ 14c Palm Olive. Sozpi 3 cakes . ,�...._.:_.. 14c Red Rose coffee -4 naranteed to snit your taste) per lb.. Our Sale is Still Going Strong in rOux Thy Gnr;i►s s Derailment There are Czytalotly Loads of. Barg au�ns. Get 'iuun a rear.'e life hit it is offered to you with all the love and respect and es- teem which the heart carr feel. And with it, too, goes the sincere wish that yon may be spared to the serv- ice of the Master and especially to that of St. Peter's Church for many, many years to come.—On behalf of the congregation. Semet Solvay Coke Miller Or ek Rosedale Alberta and GLEN ROGERS' BRIQUETS Tile H:lid Erick JL W. R. DAVIDSON 'Highest cash prices paid fol Eggs on a graded basis: HKNSA.4 Phone Mi. and Mrs. William Farrel and daughter Marie of the Town Line, west of Blake last week attended the funeral of their relative Mr. Robert Anderson are 28 at Pigeon, Michigan. Mr. Anderson while out on a boat fishing was drowned and leaves his widow and two small chil- dren behind, a very sad condition. 0BITUARY Late Catharine Kalbileisch Last Thursday Zurich and com- munity lost one of its eldest and most highly respected residents in th person of Mrs. Calierine Happel who was horn April 19th 1849 in Borg - Iola Hessen, Germany-. Here she was aptised in early infancy and later atified her baptismal vows in her onfirmation. Which vows she has al- ays fondly cherished. In 188(i she oved to Canada with her parents, where she was united in marriage to enry Steinbach in 1868. Tis union as blessed with eleven children, ree -of whole predeceased their other. In 1896 she was left a wid- - for:the first time, but was meri- t()meri- t()John C. Kalbfleusch in 1900. years later her second husband as also called. She p aaed away at e home of her daughter, Mrs. Rud - ph R. Stade, on November u`th,1926 the .age -of 87 years, 0 months and days. Her loss is mourned by six is, Daniel of Holly, Mich; Honey Zurich; Adolph and Fred, of Cav- er, N, Dak; Hartmann and William Detroit; two daughters, Mrs. Chas. fieisch of Detroit, and Mrs. Rud - h ' Stade of Zurich. Of her five thers and sisters only one, Mss. nie Johnston of Zurich, is living. ong the survivors are also 18' andchildren, 20 great grandchild- , and -one greatgrandchild, The acted mother was a faithful mein- of St. Peter's Lutheran Church,I r since Doming to -Canada, and also been active as a member of Ladies' Aid. Although being fined to the house for the last Tiber of years, she will be greatly sed by those with whom she oc- onally came in contact with. The mei, which was very largely at- ded Was held on Sunday afternoon rivt+te service at the home of Mr. Mrs R. 1'. Stade was followed a public service at the church. bl- uetit lit Lutheran cemetery. b c m H w th In 0 cd 19 r,• th of at 17 sol of all of Kal bro An Am gr ren 'del) eve has the coli 711:11 CaSi fun ten ft n and by tett Three perfect diamonds in daintily carved setrings of 18K white or natural gold. • Graceful design 'blends five perfect diamonds in this exquisite engagement ring at RINGS eta, GUARANTEED 11 NG You don't have to be a diamond expert to be sure of real value when you buy, a Bridal Wreath engagement ring for every stone is guaranteed perfect! . _ You know that you are getting flawless blue -white diamonds . . and our prices are surprisingly low for such quality You'll admire too the lovely platinum or gold settings. ' Come in t9morrc4 See Them At: HESS, THE JEWELLER .: $•s•: i010.4`4•,B1P440-44$r24,0.0. .d •.h$ e.3v`rk.•it. t 44,4-.4)44.6.4,..0.64,4, . ar Qa: ct. r„= n.5: 0 0. et dr e• c• ,. R -A e 4 ♦ E E T ALL PRICE COI' IN ♦ Tailored To Measure P TTI N Coxes PRICED AS LOW AS $ 1 9.5 ,itt COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCE tkrila 11+ 4 Oft f45 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS e.41.0 at.4••• 4.4 aD!Y#rAs1,4..e, 47• iti•4,4044,5 Gd:thN.•0.:aez a• :. .a::.r Fall an c inter ere a -y di We are again prepared to :supply your needs for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and Old. .Also Men's and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves„ Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; Cur- tains arrtains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers.; Also Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Halters, Anything in Harness. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HARD. R. DOLItp LAS GE ERA!. NI ERO 'le NT PHONE 11 - 97 to daTateStraeleaeranerragna 5, 5• 0 0 e. Mat