HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-05, Page 4�E FI7t7>: itto 111i111QlilllUlllllilippillliillllllloIIdru'r,,o `i INRlilliilliiiimuCfl"!II'lfli!IINI1411111ii!!1'lll'.,I!ill+llligm Altrintworniviornommono THESE PRICES subject to change without Pof co pa,istimg Wagon .....„.................. $7.00 Painting Buggy 6.04 and 10.00 Top ..... 16.00 and 18.00 Recovering Bu -4' 'heels Set 12o04 Rerimming Buggy ..... ........ ,4n _ _,Buggy Shaft ....., ..... .........,..3 .......... ...... 0 Cross Bar 1.01.00 Buggy Reach.... ..................... .. • 2 Buggy Spokes each HESS, the RvairMan liilGral IilSl;iifll;tiifiil'liilllofl?1NIIIflf1HiP,!1i41imOUllllL'RlN9HUlUi1@I11I!llllimiIIlhlllllillUBLlI„lii!'tillifllll„ l,.L,HONi8Nrp iltlp.RaiilNll(IIUilloB9f9lNpillllillP,IIIIIIU i • SPECIAL n Hot `' Tater tern FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE Drive in Comfort this Winter with one of Our Heaters. One of the best on the Installed while you Wait! Market to -.day. SUPERLASTIC TIRES AND TUBES, GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTINLEERING? YES! Zuich Garag TEA EXTRA. LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular $10 Heavy Service at ..6.35 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Scram ice Tires 6.90 Best of Gasoline at per gallon. 23c Lubricating Oils and Greases at Cor- responding Low Prices Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! -Expert Workmanship on all Makes of ,Kars, with Charges Very Reasonable . MOUSSEAU Phone 103, IV Zurich eus and Bois Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman returned home Saturday after spend ing some tir ie with friends and re. latives at Tavistock and other east- ern points. It will be of interest to farmers and stockmen of this community to know that Wm. Oestreicker has just recently purchased that great show and breeding bull "Double Minstrel” a line bread cupbearcr of Collynie bred bull probably the greatest sire of the Shorthorn breed in Scotland in his day. His sire Thornham Min- strel was grand champion at the In- ternational Exhibition, Chicago, and through his use the Campbell Herd became quite prominent. `Double Minstrel"! a bull which ex- cells in that deep thick smooth flesh iiig so extensively sought after by all stockmen in all breeds to -day, and as a show bull he won his class at C.N. E. as a calf. In 1935 he won the C.N.E. Trophy for the best Canadian bred bull. This year he won six grand championships at the stronger shows throughout Canada. This bull has already proven himself a great sire in the Campbell Herd, one of his sons Norfolk of York was reserve champion at Bran- don this year. The get of `Double Minstrel" sold quite readily at this; sale of Doug as and Campbell to the ''';,,::Ai \” 0r . BIS ,. ct beat stocl.i)reeders in U. thi and � Canada. The making of this goad blood to. the splendid bunch of fe- males at Cloverdale should without doubt produce cattle of quite super- ior quality. We , understand Mr. Oestreicker has had several very tempting offers for this animal since his purchase. •1 'We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's ad Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in mild we caxi fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RULBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. 'WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited g BLAKE DRYSD)ALE Rev_ Father Marchand is getting prepared for a Big Bazaar, which will last one week, beginning Mon- day November 9th, and ending Sat- urday November 14th, and to be held in the evenings only, in the school auditorium. This will replace the annual church ,picnic which was not held this. year •on its usual date in September. The pastor expects unusual success, as all the articles on display will be of exceptional value. There will be assorted coun- ters and the games will be varied. Why not come to the bazaar and win a prize. Notes—Mr. Frank Corriveau, who has been ill is improving and able to be up and around `again. Mr. Levi Etue and sisters Misses In Anes and M ie of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Aoron Erb and fain iiiiy were Sunday visitors with Mr.a .nd Mrs. Amoss. Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Swartzentru i►er and family returned home after spending two weeks with relatives in New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Gingericli a nd ;'amity, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Koehler, .,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed EA Mrs. Jacob Gascho and son Mil. Sten from Iinlay City, Mich., were •-week-end visitors with Mrs. Barbara nimbler. Mrs. Bechler returning with them where she will spend the .wisiter months. Wedding bells are ringing en the err,; :on Line. Mrs. Bert Faber spent Monday at alio home of her parents, Mr. and :M:r.;. Rudy Oeseh, g , were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Etue. Mrs. Joseph Rau and son Roy we - .e Friday visitors with friends in Scafor+th. We are pleased to report that Mi Eawartl Brisson Sr., is much improv- ed in health, so that ,he .can be up and around the house. Mrs. Ed. Brisson , attended ti' grand wedding of her neice; daugh- ter of Mr. and MVlrs, Gib Plante, at i. oderich on Saturday. Mr. Isadore Denomme of Detroit visited his father, Mr. and Mrs. Win Den ornine. Mr. Philip Denomme, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laporte are visiting friend .t Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Denomme Have returned after a few week,, visit in etroit. •every. Zurich t rist s' ou GASOLINE is a liquid like water. However, where water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, gasoline is composed of carbon and bydrogen.These two can be combined in many differexntpatterns, called "hydrocarbons". Quick starting depends upon the presence, in a motor fuel, of a group of very light "hydro- carbons". These; as they are found in un- finished gasolines, are seldom. in their proper proportions and usually contain gaseous and too volatile fractions which cause power loss and vapor lock. However, in making BLUE SUNOCO the engineers retain only the desirable, easily ignited "hydrocarbons" in exactly the right proportions to give instant starting all ' vinter long, followed by other hydrogen and car- bon combinations which provide lightning– like ightninglike acceleration, high knockless power and long mileage. TEST BLUE SUNOCO — AND YOU'LL AGREE THAT YOU CAN FORGET T.E. IDEA THAT IT'S NECESSARY TO PAY - EXTRA TO GET QUICK STARTING. For Split Second starts ... change to SOLD BY L. A. PRANG and SON General Repairing and Used Car Sales ZURICH - ONT. ED. NADIGER. Leather Goods and Harness DASHWOOD - ONT. E. RAVELLE, General Store GRAND BEND Mr. Fred Papineau and family of high class and was very much ap- Harold Swan of Trinidad, West ed the King George Hotel. Glen re - have left for Detroit where he has preciated. Indies, occupied the pulpit ot the ceroed his 1 H secured a good position at his trade; • United Church Sunday evening. He ,toolmaking. :A Hallowe'en Social was held by ue of Zion Luther - .air. and Mrs. Francis Pelkier and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Koohen:r of Chatham were Saturday visitors with Miss Josephine Denomme. Mr. Ed. Moussoau motored to Chiselhurst where he purchased a. fine young mare. The masquarade ball held in the school house was a big success, was well patronized and everybody had a most splendid time. DASHWOOD Mrs. Dr. and Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Guenther •attended the funeral of a relative in Detroit last week. Mrs. Sellery of Seaforth is visit- ing with her sister Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mre Leonard 13irlt ani! Miss Verna Birk of Guelph spent the week -end hese, Mr. Harry Hoffman assisted in the Gladys and Isabel Saunudernoc': Anniversary services in Exeter last eVere recentvisitors with friends at.. Sunday. f 1{itohener. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Henderson and daughter Rhea and friend of C;calt 'Miss Nicholson of London, was a Mr. and Mw. f`. Schlundt Plod visitor with Miss Einma Johnston. s Y Widow, Mr. and lairs. I•lenry !!este- Joe Hagan. spent a few days last mayor and. son Leonard wore Sunday week visiting friends at Port Rowan visitors with Mr. and Mts. Wm. Nad- iigen. Colin Hudson, who nas been eerie, The eon cert by the Carolina Jub- .sly ill 'at his home here for re -oral ileo Singers on Tuesday evtnnixii; was rtionths, is showing, some iinpr.ovezn a decided success. Their singing; was encs; the Walther Leag an church, Dashwood on Tuesday, October 27th with a good attendance The evening was spent in playing Progressive Flea, after which a short program followed. A pleasing solo poor y at was rendered by Miss Luft. A cor.- ,St. Stade 1 Melvin h net solo by which was was born in Hensall, a son of Rev. Mr. Swan, who was pastor of the kinds of sports. The family moved. Methodist Church at that time. He from Hausa to Bothwell, where he was greeted by a large congregation resided for ,a time, later going to. London. Mrs. Joseph Hudson Sr., is very 1 her home on S. IZiehmane> Late Miss Kate Moir s education here and was. popular with the young people. e always took a great interest in all. enjoyed by allMr. and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer have both being ' assisted by .moved into the residence on Brock Miss Reta Passold at the piano. A St., that they have rented from. thn very interesting reading was given win. MdKay Estate. Mi Z t Nadi er entMed Rev- erie in Church." After a number of songs by the Leaguers with Glen Waiger at the piano, a dainty lunch was served: The committee in char - Re of the social were Misses Irma Wein " and Reta Fassold, Edward' Gackstetter and Albert Mueller. • HENSALLa Milton O„rtwein and son Lloyd, of Larndort were visitor; with his par- ents here. The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. James McClinchey and fam- ily; who moved into Hensall from the ,Goshen line, Stanley Twp., met at their home on the Friday evening be- fore, andpresented them with an ad- ccs and two easy chairs as a token of the esteem held for them by the community where they have spent most of their lives. They have rented the residence of -Alex; Sparks on the London Road, where they will re- side. Late Glen Blackall The death occurred at his home, 85 Becher St., London, of Glen Blackall a former well known resident ellen loll. He was ill several weeks, with •--+- tr.,,,t,he. Was born in 'Clinton 4S gears ego; a, son: of tTie late Dr. The fainly nro'n- e.1 from Clinton,. to' :!tensa!! where a. n intbcn of years they. conduct~ Miss Kate Moir, a life long resid- ent of this district, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Colin McGi11, of' Belmont, Man. Dr. and Mrs. Moir. and the deceased, left here in Sep- tember .to visit relatives in the West. After spending several weeks there„ Dr. Moir came home, leaving his 'wife and sister there, as they wished'. to extend their visit. However, Miss 'Moir received a stroke and sent for the Doctor -but before he reached his: destination, she had passed away. Dr and Mrs. Moir—accompanied the re- mains 'to Hensall. The furierad takings place at Lot 16, Con. 1, Hay, Satur- day last to Hensall Union Cemetery.. The deceased•was 70 years: of age. Church Re-Opetiiig-, The St. h'aul's Anglican' Church, after the interior being newly de- corated, was reopened Sunday last. The Ven. Archdeacon Doherty of London was the speaker at the mor- ning service. At the evening service D. Frank Anderson of London was the speaker. An anthem vras given by the choir, with Mrs. W. 0. Good- win taking the special solo parts. Mir C',7 ?' in . o ...... r .w... :L colo, mt... t'tm t`r was a !:o" Teer :salter of the.:- Hensall Anglican Church.