HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-11-05, Page 1'Vol. XXXVII No.18 THURSDAY MOHN1 .O'a NOVEMBER 5, 1936. Let the ids. in the Herald be SUCCESSFUL ExnuirroR. j increased interest :and better exhib- its than former years at nearly ev-+ A Crediton correspondent writes. ery fair. Eight head of cattle were 'Wm. Oestreicher has again finished exhibited at nearly all of these fairs his =rounds at nine of the main fall an26 second n lading fairs, including Goctericls, ]Exeter, prizes 'and la third. prizes, Seaforth, Blyth,. Wingham„ Brussels, 7 first prizes for herd competition a Ilderton, Wingham, Teese ater and gainst all breeds. One of the fairs Zurich with his Shorthorn cattle. had no classfor first herd,pso that this one Be reports a splendid: success with herd only fair, a rather. coveted honar for any breeder. Fanners! At tionu! We have been appointed selling 'Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let las demonstrate this machine to you .and compare it witk all others- And ,don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowaucn for trade-ins. tf44 C. SCHRAG & SON ST. PETER'S tEvangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. "A Changeless Christ far Ciraag- iag World."' :Friday, 8h—Luther League. "Whursday—Chair Practice_ CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS The ninth annual County Champ- ionship Public Speaking and sixth an- nual spelling match were conducted in the auditorium of the Clinton Col- legiate Institute, on Saturday after- noon, Oct. 31st. There were six con- testants in the Public Speaking, sev- en in the recitation and twelve in the spelling match. Following were the first prize winners: Public speaking, Stanley McNal1 of Auburn, subject, "Transportation"; Recitation, Billie Stewart Dungannon, "Nothing to Laugh At"; Spelling match, Annie Morgan, Hensel!, and Harris Stewart of Fordwich •second. LOCAL NEWS day. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, Mrs. George Stoskoff.: and Mrs. Frank Jacob or rriitchell, attended the big fowl 'supper here 4.M.;,",, Thursday. l.tr. H. G. Hess, local hydro man-' ager, wishes us to ask the Hyclro us- ers s ers of town to kindly co-operate with him in keeping .down ,the peak 1oad;: during the next few rather critical'' months. When you notice the `wink!' in the power, please turn off a, many lights and other appliances as you possibly can. With a little bit, of co-operation there can be a save. ing of .$100 effected in a single month; and no one need be deprived of us;> ing all the power they require. But; please don't all get on the line at the same time. It is too costly! Thank You! We are in receipt of the following. communication from a former popes. lar resident of Zurich, who was loved" by all ,residents of the community:( Chester L. Smith, Publisibut 81.25 a year, U.S. $1,50 in Advancic yt.oq iN AltrcxA,RS.M6 IL av 131:14.101191 00 yqur guide in your rall Purchases Mrs. John Albrecht is visiting for a few days in Bayfield. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Birk of Guelph, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Routledge. Mrs. C; Eilber has returned home after spending the week -end at Hen - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher and son Bobby spent a pleasant week -end at Kitchener. Mr. and :sirs. Herb Desjardine we- re Sunday visitors with friends at Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth of Kitchener were week -end visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman are improving their dwelling proper- ty by the addition of a fine new ver- andah. Mr. and Mrs. R. 5. Kalbfleisch, of Detroit visited with the former's par - And we cannot find words of ap;' ents, Mr. and Mrs, F, C. I�albfleisch predation for these words 'of en* of town, couragement: Mr. Alex. Mousseau is at Kipper} Toronto, October 31st, 1936 a week or so where he is looking af- Dear Publisher: Enclosed find'ter his son Elzar's garage, who is. cheque to apply to my account fox up north on a deer hunt. the Zurich Herald. I may say it is always. a.welcom Mrs. Albert Rose of town is at visitor to our family. You are to' present spending a few weeks at be congratulated on continuing your• Windsor with her. daughter, Mrs. aper all through the Years,. of de Harold Kuntz, who is not very well SUNDAY SERVICES: at present. Mr. and Mrs. Glias. Scotchmere pression when so many towns and 10 a. m.—Germain. Service. of Hayfield were Sunday visitors at villages were forced to cease pub, -1 17.30 a.m.. Sunday sic the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Al. -.ii lication. It speaks well for yourself l Mrs. Albert H. Schnell who has ver p.m.—English Welcome s ee: brechtbeen visitingrelatives and friends in and your subscribers who must have Everybody Welcome to 'ate Services. Mr. and Mrs. George Brenner of stood by you loyally when difficultiel these parts for a few' weeks left on Mid�and, Mich., visited relatives here were great. With kindest regards #o Saturday for her home in Regina, yourself and family. 1 am. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. V. Wilhelm of a few days last week, also enjoying Yours Sincerely, ; the fowl supper. Dr. B. A. 'Campbell she Home Mrs. Emanuel Voll�an of..o e . - !the ho and Herb DesjMrs. of ah E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Do You Need -Glasses? Stop and Think how is ipor it is . that you wear correct glasses --cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. • Correctly styled to your .Your Your health may largelydepend. vision. See C. E. ZtTh BRi . R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH !ked with Mrs. Amelia Fuss and at- minimum requirement is much '1 s Vie.$ tended the fowl supper Last Tants- 'The graduates are: Geraldine L. Arm At Dashwood, Sam. 'strong,. Charles E. Baynnam, Flor- ence E. R. Bell, Betty R. Coates, Florence M. Dunsford, William C. Dunsford, Beatrice M. Essery, Jean E. Horner, Paul A. H. Hess, Quimby F. Hess, K. Patricia Martin, L. Nel- son 'Pepper, Norman A. Sinclair, Alexander D. Strang, M. M. Grace Strange, Irene C. Sweet, Roylance 'Westcott. near New Hamburg, were visitors at d CY d rrch of. Mr, and Mrs. J5osiah Hay was a Sunday visitor with he_r mo- ., GOOD SHOWING MADE .S +i aras the past week. Sher Mfrs. Wm. s. Henryr town,. Exeter—That pupils will; contzl�{4.. Mr. and Mrs. Hy Vo•11and Dirt �• Taggart, Miss Myrtle to a l • themselves when abiiityaf d Mrs. Q. the ch were Sunday. visitors at appl. home of Mr. and Dirs. Louis opportunity are factors is evidenced Raabe of South Bend, Ind., and Mrs by the standing of the 1 students . of I Alois Welsenbach of Peroia Ills., Sclulbe. Exeter High Sshool whose graduatiijn motored over and visited friends afso - Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wnrh from j diplomas have just been received byl enjoying the fowl supper last week. pp Memphis, Mich., visited at the home Principal Wethey, from the depart- They left on Wednesday this week of _Mrs. last ria Puss anal other tri -inert of education. The diplomas in -for their respective homes. ends Isere last week. dicate the passing altogether of 468 1VLr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh• -Mr. . departmental papers and seven more and Mrs. Urban Pfile of the 14th con middle and one more upper school enjoyed a pleasant motor trip to paper would make the average eight will begin, and it will do the buying Pigeon, and BadsAce, Mich.olower school, 12 middle school ; jun pubhc well to carefully react over 11Ir. and !vis. Wm. Rupp and Mr. for Matriculation; and eight upper re large posters and come to the and Mrs. Alvin Rupp of -Detroit, vis scl cool papers (for each student. The es store real often. Beginning Friday of this week the big annual sale of merchandise of the general store of 3. W. Merner �w..LY*uurtt,•••+• -._-� .�.•`—..__`--"'•STIlEl2. DC➢S'�!i!R'CL:SX�- is Starts F ay Nov. DO NOT FAIL TO COME .AND GET YOUR WINTER. DRY GOODS :NEEDS OUR GROCERY SPECIALS lbs., for .,_�..'_...__... __ _..._.25c: Sultana Raisins.„.. 19c Pork and Beans, ,23 -oz, 2 tins .:25 c Soda Biscuits, 1-1b. bags, 2 for lh-...-. ..1Oc Molasses. Snap �aist:els'Is, per... �- 5c Handy .An onia., per pgk M .p. _....lac Spaghetti 16 -oz. tiny, finis _._.... ......_..� "� Cascade Sallac iSalmon,i.� !tins ,� iodized, 2 gigs ._15c Salt shaker, 1 �,c Cocoa,, Iaos __ . 27cHillcrest Shortening, 21b - - 31 c Salads' Tea„ 'brown la-.. .. -� 31c . : I..� _.--._.. .. . Saluda: Tea,, ��?' ._.,...�..._. PHONE YOUR 0 • at women • FOR Select Solvay Coke Miller Cr( els Rosedale Alberta and GLEN ROGER S' BRIQUETS ' e Heid Brick r Highest P ices Cur Three perfect diamonds in daintily carved settings of 181; white or natural gold. Graceful design blends five perfect diamonds in this exquisite engagement ring at RINGS See Them CP IR RANI EED NG: aim k side ink ./ You don't have to be a diamond expert: to be sure of real value when youbuy a Bridal Wreath engagement ring for every stone is guaranteed perfect! .. - You know that you are getting flawless blue -white diamonds ... and our prices are surprisingly low for such quality You'll admire too the lovely platinu;tt or gold settings. Come in tomorrow!: At : HESS, THE 'JEWELLER • A BIG SUPPER All roads led to Zurich last Thurs- day evening -to the big fowl supper 4 k 0 t e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 •s • • 0 4 4 s sponsored by St. Peter's Lutheran congregation. Early in the evening 4 a 4 4 8 e B • •0 O • • around five o'clock cars began to stream into town and by about nine o'clock the last ones were served.. The grand total of some 1150 peo- ple were fed, and very well fed too. While there were ample supplies left to feed two hundred i:.ior' people hid they been here. But bad weath- er in some distant parts preeeni.ed a goodly number from coning. It set a new record for attendance at a fowl supper for this year in the com- •niunity, and is slightly less than the tremendous crowd pete;eut last year. 'There was an abundance for one and all to eat approximately 7. fowl were roasted and served, and the con gregation of St. Peter's Lutheran ,are to be congratulated on tyle way they put this big event across. OBITUARY Late Herbert C. Bonder Death carne as •a relief of the suf- ferings of Herbert C. Bender, aged 42 years and 10 months on Monday night. The- deceased had an infect- ion in his head a few months ago, and after a critical operation in •a Toronto hospital, recovered suffici- ently to return to his home where it was though he would recover his good health, but alas it was not to be so and after considera:,Ie suffer- ing and all that human hands could do for him, he passed away. Deceas- ed was born in Hay Township, was ,i son of the late Mr. and "sirs. Her- man Bender, :and is surv..ve-d by his sorrowing widow, two sisters, Mrs. Sol Schrader of Ifay Township, and Mrs. prank Waekerow of Webster, N, 'Y.; Two brothers, William Ben-' der of Babylon line, and Henry leen-1 der of Detroit. The funeral is being held this Thursday afternoon to the "iurich Lutheran church for service a.:='l When= eerxc.:•t,f1 for itltel'm'netit W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid for Eggs on a graded. basis. Name 1.O ITOSALL E MEET ALL PRICE COMPETITION IN Tailored T';r. Measure Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $195S COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE. CONVINCED! EA/MAI ? lEl S AND fa>'` NEPAL Q seirame.ta.tao• Ad4raa*aadffSa.•30,0l9d: >w cr•w -- 4 Fall Mere !RECTOR :.Tu0.YiJ.�Yi."IC :Y:.. .diiM,S 'J.+.,u..5f.� Ge'!`E ` 4 MMITt inter se We are again prepared to supply your needs rt for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and. Old. Also Min': and ,Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves.. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes. Cur- tains Flannel suitable for Dresses; tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's 1 -Heavy Rubbers: Also Men`s Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs,; Halters, Anything in Harness. y FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, Na ,Fi0 UGLAS GENERAL, MERCHANT PHOE �A/'1�