HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-22, Page 8PAM?, rrrP P welmnawsensuorovorrermano THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ials IN New {all Goods WHICH YOU . WILL NEED FOR COLD.. WEATHER IS COMING! Ladies' all wool Sweaters at Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose at Ladies' Flan. pyjamas at Ladies' Night Gowns at 'Ibex Blankets, large at pr. Esmond Blankets, large, part wool, pr. Men's Sweaters, each from Boys Sweaters, each from Men's all wool work sox pr. $1:.98"' 39c 59c 2.35 3.75 98c to 5.50 65c to 2.25 25c A complete Stock of Men's and Boy's all -wool Melton Cloth Windbreakers in stocks See them. Also a new line of Ladies and Misses Wool Jersey Dresses, made in newest styles and colors at very Reasonable Prices. We invite your inspection. Fresh Groceries Always at lowest prices J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 ZURI 1 OHI HI11111HIIl111111111[11111111111111IMUIIQII1111111,lil1Illlll11tl illi 1lN{I II 111111 1111111,11i Hi1illllll� 111111{ilii1i1 Illi1llliltlllllUlligliIl . . CARE, COURTESY and COMMON ENSE Are The most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING. And Accident Statistics prove that: The Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely and avoid an • Accident? But- ` be Prepared?- ' -A few `Dollars will” give" Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Pulilkc :I ,lability, Property Damage,... Etc. L' Rates ',lin': ';Application ; Irk - Andrew F MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFZfl NEW Grocery Store Minute Tapioca; with mixing bowl 2 pkgs 30c Cooking Figs Soap, 3 lbs. for ..... •... ........... .............25c Laundryoap, 10 bars . 25c Tea, Lipton's with tea canbister per ib, 60c Peas, No. { . 2i per sail,,, ..,t, .oar.,,.. ✓. ,,..f.►a..,.:;..,, ,...c Kraft Cheese; per, l6.' j .. 25�. Coffee; , Morning. Cheer,„ � per Ib. ,.. 311.c , Snowflake` Ammonia ,'per pkg.` t .' 5'e Brock's'=Bird Seed; per pj,; ,. ` I5c. Menno Oescl EGGS WANTED. Zurich 'Phone 165 -1 .alio [111111 {_44: 111118 11111111111111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111III31111iliilifi1111111111111111111111111111111111!•111'!liilli111111111:. "'"! e:! !_, r _ ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Alfred: Melick were recent visitors in Michigan. • Mrs. Martha Routledge is at pres- ent spending some time with her son John at Waterford. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner are -on a ba,'iness trip to Toronto, Wednes- • day. •Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and ,sons; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Merner and family were recent holiday vis- itors at Port Huron. A large number of villagers 'en- joyed the delicious fowl supper last Thursday evening served by the Un- ited Church, Varna. The fowl war plentiful and of the very best. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Waldo,. and. LOCAL MARKETS • (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery Eggsdozen Pullet eggs, Chickens live . .. 12-9 Chickens dresses _ ., ... _ 19-11 Hens live 10, S, ? Wheat, bushel 1.02 Barley, bush, ;na1L g 1..09 Farley, feed 75 Oats bush. . 45 Buckwheat, bush ; 60 Flour, cwt. 3.50, 2.75 Bran and shorts .. Live "Hogs, cwt.. . 2.5'0 Potatoes per bag LOO 30 37 to 31 23 beautifully arranged table centred by Dorothy, Messrs Harold and Jim a three-tier cake, After the welds Smaiday to visit the tatter's Johnston motored to Fullerton on Mr , Mrs. renter 'left �' y''motor for Miami; Florida, cohere hey will spend the winter. They will retuuh to Grand Bend next year. • • ;County' Buys Snowplow. 11' The :'Co-lintyr of Huron bas just ac�1 • •cepted delivery of a new $9,000 com- bination snowplow, truckandscrap- er, at powerful machine, The latest' of its"type' `•A • few- years ago' County Mrs. Ross Johnston, who has not been 'enjoying good health: ,. Mr. and Mrs. Win.' Braun and fain- Hy arHy of Forestcalled. at the home " `of I Mr. Wm. Lamont On Sund ay They were returning from' a' visit with fri- ends at Chesley where Mr, Braun has a sister. Wald goose shooting is. meeting with much favor with our sportsmen. ,Council annually passed .a resolution These `geese are unusually plentiful not? to sn .vplow its roads in winter, this year, and while they are a:s7nal- holding a<. waste of money, but ler . species' than the usual Canadian I there has' been 'a reversal 'of official goose, they are not so wild and are opinion: in the last .two years. shot mope easily.. • r) or., I: ''Mr. ;and Mrs: `Wm: •` O'Brein, ire:' . : ar Ratd.On `Raffles.. • turned on Sunday from a pleasant A' tgiifii•' of Heron -County consta-• visit with friends at 'Crosswell, Mich. hies 'the `other., night in the Wingham where Mr. O'Brein enjoyed hunting pheasants,,. and reports these pretty game birds as quite plentiful in that State ... r: A• P006 SWIM:M'ER , Ina certain; lake legion a, ' hint; sold, a, young pig. to .a .farreer, aeross a lake, an.ci delivered'it by teani, fol- io -Whig the highway :.that . ran around 'the end of, the' lake ---a distance of 7 niil.es: The' next .morning , the • young pig was back with its mother.: The;: swimming distance was one mile;and t-i'f L L. S C R E E `it was quite impossible for the de - district went cruising in search of an alleged 'raffle and found it. Their arriv'cil put a damper on the proceed- ings `and`there was a wild" scramble: for •the 'eintz' " The,,'•scene• w well policed; .hOwerve4. and,iwith 4he,rexce.; ptioa of two "men, who it Is stated, made a steak fort home, all were nabbed.: •;, :1 !ermined youngster to make the jour- pMN•••••••O••••••s►••59•ii••N•• ' i ney by the highway: Ex. SEEDS and F oR kruRE A goodly number from town �t- HARDWARE tended the anniversary services at Blake on Sunday, as members of the Zurich Evangelical choir took part. COAL ]1d,OOK • . s There were also a number of angel - era attending the onDSundayd eEvening, marl anniversary Sunday evening, as the services in the local Evangel- Iical church were lifted. H.YMENIAL Greb—Scott • 3 A quiet wedding took place at the Bonner Presbyterian manse, Toren- ,• .to, on Wednesday, Sept,. 30th when Colder Weather always demands the more suitable fuel for;:,your heating equipment. Let us supply your needs with the right kinds of Fuel at moderate prices. ill arsaa);, ttber ief34 YOUR Hardware 'and 'Furniture STORE • THIS SEASON CALLS FOR , ,GOOD NEW FENCES ON• THE FARM. LET.:US SUPPLY, ;YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN' WIRE, !ALSO 1-IAVE BARB WIRE. z SEE US ABOUT t ; �• NE%V ; ROOFING, . P ,UMBING,, , AND EVE ,� 1. x >';: TROUGHING . . • SPECIALS! SPECIALS! } Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c + f •. IW aim have Furniture. Sex USED r FURNITURE some very Attractive Prices in Our New Beds, Springs and . Mattrestee. I Two Good UsedCtesterkieid Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tabes; Kitchen Chairs Frtc. All Big Bargains for quick Sate, 44 One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up.. i BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Johnston &c Ka lbtle' h Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68- liens 3 teens and Boyst Zurich Garage ork ShoesExTR�� .EXTRA We have-- put -in a• Stock cif Good . Choice , • quality Men s nd Boys Work Shock and invite ' the public to come in and we can fityou up: PUT IN A SUPPLY OF lidEN*A$b Speaking of Raspberries in Octo- ber, why yes,` right down here at Hillsgreen Peet 'Plant, they can pick thein like tame berries. It takes the good 'soil and .fine weather to have the berries in' October, folks ! Mr. Jas. Cochra(ne of Toronto spent the week -end with his sister Edna and brothter Alan. The Townline east gave a shirv- ri'ue' party on Thursday evening to r and Mrs. Alex; McMurtrle who arrived,' home after their wedding trip to the home of his parents. Bk. and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie Miss Velma Ferguson, who spent a couple of weeks With her cousin Gerald Parson retu,rned• to her home near' Ohiselhurst: . i Miss Annie Jarrott entertained the Ice Cream folks of the vicinity to a panty on Tuesday evening . at her home. (Intended for last week), The autumn. Thank offering of the Hiilsgreen W.M.S. was held on Sun.- day un-day afternoon in • the church.. Mrs. Johns of Elimville was` the guest sp- eaker for the - occasion and ,gave a fine Thanksgiving address. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson were visited' over the week end:: with, re- latives from Stratford ., Mr. and a Mrs. H. McMifrtilixie . M. Scott, of Toronto 'and formerly •{ of Parkhill and Mr. Simon Greb, of Exeter, were united in marriage by ., ; Rev. G. C. Lamont. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Greb enjoy ed a trip to Niagara Falls and points in the Southern States. They have PAINTS! PAINTS! • recently returned to Exeter where they will reside in future, and where We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried = their many friends are extending and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 1 best wishes. Brenner—Sinclair Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax = Gc-odyea,r Balloon , and • Cord Tires and Tubes: A pretty autumn wedding took yr Mace at the home of Mr. and Mrs., . ,.,, in all sizes' ..c > ' Thos.' ! Wallis; Goderich, .on: T huts= G Springs. and.. Beds. Felt and 'MI arshall day las obeli 1 a Furniture, th ' 1 d ht 't d' Mattresses Joseph' Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- w ing our Specialty. Full line .af heavy and shelf Hard-. +]: ware always in stock. • • STADE 8�, WEIDO� 2VRiCH - ONT. WOME1+i'S ` RUBBERN, 1EIEAVY iiUBBERS. ETC. GARF IL ED. BROWN Victoria Streiet: :Zurich. Ont. GIVE' 'EXPERT' WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING our Pafron e: Solicited u t .. t,• LARGE` SHIPMENT OF TIRES '' Ji1rST ARRIVED Ilegutar $IO• Heavy Service at ,..6.35 Beg.16.75 HeaiTy. Service Tires :6.•se Best of Gasoline at per gallon- 23+ Lubricating -OHS and Greases at Corr • retipieiding' Low Prieee . - - Get Yea: Requiiosents Here, what* Yoart.i%liera ea ibe Farthatt Expert `Wbilmti aship 01 all Makes or Cars, with Charges Very Reasonable! H. MOUSSE•AIJ Phone `103. `' ' Zurich t wen Li ii r. Wa'i' . "i. .lav i Kxppen spent Thanksgiving, wi,Ith eir on y aug, • er, was ani e • m W Jarrott and Annie f; marriage to Stewart` Brenner, '• "kr, and Mrs. W. "Weido 'Visited of Grand Bend, eldest.:son .of :Mrs: A.• friends near Chiselhurst, ,rs. Love is visiting leer seri , Mr. Brenner of Grand Bend, and the late M Ezra Brenner. The ceremony was and WS:. Ross Love and ,fami0: performed by Rev. C. F. Clarke be- Mx. and Mrs. C. Robinson visited fore a high bank of ferns and roses, with friends in Mitchell. r.. Glenn. Weido visited with his 11112111111212MN I11�1111211lli2121111111111111111 h.Shan. 11101100* ihtiefr • r to r u. ..k. Gdr_a Painting Wagon .. $7.110 and 10.00 Painting .Bugger. ... 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering • Buggy Top • 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy. Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft ................. 3.00 - -Cross .Bar 1.00, Buggy Reach 1.25 s Buggy Spokeeach ......... ... .... 25c' w USSJ• RMan the U@; , : Ifilll11111111111INlilllligpllliii>I >7111 " ; " : Iil 1111l11l11fl1g I NI MI!(nt1191@ ESIIIIII®IMIIIIIIII 4 I The bride was given in marriage by +.*MitN !(•*!*!!I► 4. 4. }. } 4. + + Mr... MERCHANT! + You know thoroughly well that you have power • in your store, to influence the decision of youreus-. tourers in regard to what they buy from you. You pcut � products > ch stnien rely ora you td gnve,laerna ' • 4. in u• se or consumption, will give 'them 'com lete: 1- satisfaction. • • jp OFFICE Do You Know?' , If it is right to use big city dailies aid nationaly' c' circulated magazines then' by the same token, it is t. f to use local weekly newspapers!! s + r her father, and immediately after aunt and uncle on the Goshen line 1 t the ceremony Mrs Wallis received 1 south of Zurich. I am the Master Salesman of this Conte+'.. and c' my name is -. •assisted by Mrs. Brenner, mother of Kiss Marjorie Datars visited her, t. the groom. The couple, with their aunt and uncle on the Babylon Line QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE parents and close friends from De- Master Gordon ,Moir :of Uaborne, + broit, Grand Bend and 'uoderich, sat visitei9 ,her .ea'usin .during the Week- I Meir** down to e wedding breakfast at a end- ADVERTISE