HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-22, Page 4VAgE Youit
Isn 'Ards,
ll'eUee Walken Ala jas. INIcAlltater; served by John eishir of the
iieCoehrane end Win, Ilornql West Mre, Wilbert Pilling, te the immedi-
1 1.
Bederd—Denoneree Hillsgreen Ttin
own e Eazt, ei.tolin ,beide, Mee, N
veey peetty end nterestng Wri-
. Pfaff, eistar law and
Preseotetion rang was held on Monday, Octobin on town lioer W. Turner and Wm. ae4 relatives of the bride and groom.
e e.... . b 4, 1 % . 19th, in St. Peter's Church, Drysdale
The friends end neighbnre o' l'`
land Mre. jas. MeClinchey and pail_ t when Rev. Father L, Marchand un- Mr, 4,Aa Mrs. Frank Hagyard, le -
1Y met at their home on neeaday !Rd in Holy Weddlock Miss Leena dal coulple, of Pilot Mound. Man. an;
*Yelling, prior to their d ..paenene to I dangliter ") Mr' all'd 1‘1". PhiliP Den- visitis4 'relatives oa the Parr are
ommee te M. Lloyd Bedard, son a
their new horn in Heresall, end pre -'north this week.
esented them With an addreee and two Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. 'Bedad
r, both
families ofin
the imeelletneelleighbor- W.S.—The Woman's Missionary
Inhales, as n token. of esteem in wbich
they were eld in the community.
hood, The beide wee given In mare Society of the hiillsgreen Auxiliary
-A pleasant social evening was ent.
riage by 'bee father, and was nicely' nett et the home of Mrs. R, Consiet
attiand in Yeleit e silk lace. The brit- en Wednesday October 14 at 2.30 p.
hey ten moving to Honse,11 this
esrnald Plorenee Denomme, sister of, ra. Miss Anale Jarrott' s ,geoup was
eveek -where they will reside in
the bride Was dressed in nice poevderli in charge of the program. The presi-
:Intim. silk. Mee Gnaaeld Denomme acted dent Miss Edna Cochrane presiding3r.
Mr. Wm. Ileyter and Men George owing to this being her last meeting
foe the year. ' The call to worship
as beet man. There were also two
attractive little flower girls in atten-
dance. After the ceremony the
wedding party retired to the grotiedS
parents home -where dinner was
served .and 'later in the day the -party
were entertained by the bride's 'parr
'ents. There was a large attendance,
some corning from Detroit.
join the .many friends in extending
congratulations. The happy eauPle
veside on the farm of Ma..
Denomme sr., where they have the
best Wishes of
• Veld are visiting friende in Flint,
.311Lich., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ernatt visited at
IrIr. Ed. johneton's Goderich,
Mr. and M. Johnston are in poor
health at present but we hope fot
their speedy recovery.
'Mr. and Mrs. Alen Denomme
Windsor is spending the week with
elatives and friends here.
Mr. and Ales. Frank Corrivean who
noent a few weeks in. Detroit, have
returned home. Sorry to say that
Mr. Corriveau is down with an at-
etack of pleursy.
lale. and Mrs. Alvin Wesley and;
'Mrs. Ed. Wesley of Detroit, spent
ethe week -end at the Mousseau home
Mrs. H. Smith who spent several
'weeks with relatives and friends here
ihas returned to her home in Detroit.
Odr. Fred Papineau spending a
flew days in Detroit.
Quite a number from here attend -
*d the food sale in Zurich on Satur-
alay afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme,
Mr. and Ales. Joseph Ducharme sp-
4ent the week -end in Detroit.
Wild geese are very plentiful a-
long the lake at present and hunters
.are seen in large numbers daily try-
ing their luck to pop over a few of
Notes — The services in the Hills -
green Church were withdrawn on
Sunday owing to the anniversary
services in the Kippen c'hurch. • A
good many attended from this -vicin-
ity, and also taking in the FeWl
Supper and choir Singers on Mon-
day evening.
I A number are putting up with sore
throats and colds at present.
A car of vegetables, fruits etc., is
to be loaded for the west on Monday
October 26th at Hensall. A meeting
was held Tuesday eve in Hensall and
the delegates from Hillsgreen church
attended were Messrs. W. Turner
and W. Jarrott.
There were two men appointed to
look after each line: The Peer Line
noath of Hillsoreen are R. Consitt,
and R. McAllister; south. Parr Line,
maaptmomialenep ..I•mwm••••
SPECIAL.- On Hot Water .Heaters
Drive in Comfort this Winter with one of
Our Heaters. One of the best
on the
Market to -day. Installed while you Wait!
TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67
From a number of points in Huron
county shipments of vegetables and
other goods are being made for the
relief of drought eufferes in the
Mr. And 1Virs. C. Haugh have now
got nicely settled ,in their home in
Brecefield. Their many friends ex -
tendo them a hearty welcome.
and the meeting opened with hy3nn Geo. Glenn, of the Lona= Road,
25, preyers were given responded fee 'near Kippen, has a fractured leg, the
Thanksgiving, The scripture lesson traidt ef a fall has.
he was going
taw taken. The devotional leaflet Upathe ladder in the barn to put
-Jesus the Great Physician: • was down feed.
taken 1-437. Mies Helen Anderson, Hy- A Bad Fracture, •
rrin 669, silent prayers; Mee. .11‘lina endiss Vivian. IVIeElroye of Blythenill
Love then' led in Thankegiving war
er. The Secretary and Treasurer re-
ports were xead and adopted, Mrs.
W. Turner gave in the Treasurer's
report where the Cochrane family.
ha& sent for a in Memoriam Certifie
cate in honor of their late "nether;
Mrs. John •Cochrane who was presi-
dent of our auxiliary for a number
Thursday, Oetehen .2gnii, 1936'
Gorrie and, in 1881. was married enta i which was still on the pavement. The
.041:°k 110 f1431111*; with her hn65and- Martin car was learned sideways with
An -Anglican also. ono of the Arsti the impact and the Plennsteel ear -
members of "the Women's Institete- ereevenedk ;same distance noreli before,
, There eureiva two sons and 2 dau- ing 1e ditch.
4>4044,0,e,4e-e.4 • •-• -
• 0
. .• ,
. Clu.bbing List
,.. .
t :
ZURICH HERALD and the following Paler
o *
0 *,
for one Year: . . t ....
o •
o -4
0 .* Toronto Daily Globe . $6:0
o Toronto Daily Mail and Empire .....i $6.00
0 4"
Toronto Daily Star ...:.4.....:;.: .... .. .... . . ..,$7.00
0 * Toront °Star, Weekly . $6,00.,
0 4,
L'' • London Free Press . $6.25.
'C. *
, .. $6.25
0 •
• London Farmer's Advocate
London Advertiser
r *$2.25
4 Farm and Dairy $2.75
o : Family Herald and Weekly Star
,or : Family Herald for 3 years
• $3.00
0'. * Canadian Countryman !e, $2.25
2 Weekly Witness
•Seaforth, Huron Expositor
Stratford Beacon Herald
Border Cities' Star, Windsor
KitChene'r Daily Record . . .
. •
' •
• •
' •
• 4
' 4
• 4
$2.75 ,
$,6.10 r'
spend some weeks. in a plaster cast
as the result of a recent accident.'
She was crossing the street near her
home when she was struck by a car
and suffered a fracture or the pelvic
bone. She was taken to the Clinton
Has Injured Eye
Wm. Rivers of Exeter suffered in -
of years as well as a faithful enemb- jury to his left eye one day recently.
er in our Society. The roll call was He was passing some shrubbery
answered by 22 points for Annie when a branch flipped and struck
Jarrotts 'Group and 10 points for him in the eye producing an . extens-
Mrs. W. Turner's group. There we- ive ulcer. The eye is improving.
re 8 visitors present, and one of - ' Engagement Announced
these visitors came as a bride on her wen and Mrs. Gilbert Plante, of
wedding trip to our meeting from Goderich, announce the engagement
Pilot Mound, Man., a cousin of the. of their second daughter, Define
host. The business was then taken.Leah, to Joseph Reginald Carter, son
and it was decided to all attend if of Forest Carter of Goderich. The
possible the South Sectional meeting mairiage to take place at the end of
of the Huron Presbyterial in Cen- October.
tralia on Thursday Oct. 22 from our Breaks Leg in Fall
auxiliary. Two delegates were appoi- . Wm. Whitecombe of Kippen had
nted, Mrs. H. Turner and Annie Jar- the misfortune to have his leg broken
rott. The November meeemg is to above the ankle during the past week.
be held in the church with Mrs. W. He was on a scaffold on the farm of
Turner's group presiding over. the W. W. Cooper, of the London Road,
meeting. The study "Men and Wo- when by some means the scaffold
men of Far Horizons" was given by
gave way and he fell to the floor with
Misses Edna Cochrane on the "Med- above results.
ical Missionarym and Annie Jarrott Power House Struck
"The Defeat of Pain and Fear". The The power house in Lower Wing -
offering was then taken; Hymn 252
The meeting closed witprayer in
Slugged on Head
Last Monday eve Geo. Calderon
was found unconscious on the bridge
at Lower Whighaur bee nwo leicknaier
men, he was taken to Wingham Hos-
pital. It appears. that Cameron heel
left his boardinghouse, to ge to a
store. As he came to the bridge two
men approached him and asked him
for a light. Hl gave therm a fighter
and as one of them handed it back
he was slugged. He lay unconscious
on the bridge for a few minutes un-
til the Lucknow men fennel him.
Blast Injured Farmer
And • groat 'fealty more that we cannot enumerate here.
Wo bar., the Agency for, every. reputable Magasine
einadi tiara United Status, and can sive you money
ow the most of them.
Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our
Office and gave Trouble and Money
nrr.ALD OFFICE Zurich
Some improveraent is. noticed.
condition of Daniel WieGowan„
Wawanosh fa.rmer, who was taken to
Clinton hospital unconscious from in-
juries sustained: while using danam-
ite in blowing out stumpe on his farm
Although little hope is held for his,
recovery he regained consciousness..
Paralysis of one side is a present con-
dition. He had lighted a fuse -which
he thought had died out without ex-
ploding the charge and on approach,-
ing to inspect or renew the fuse, he
To Our Creditors!.
Owing to heavy financial obligate -
lona that we have to meet at presentee
we are obliged to send out an umber,
of aceounts, which in most cases area
sniall, yet they amount to a nice lite.
tle Win when there are a number of
them. We trust the people will shove
their appreciation of the credit eke
tended by replying to our appeal. We
bave also given local citizen a few;
for collection -who will in due time::
make a personal can for' the ,amounte.
Established 1900
NOON FROM Ttirl . 1
Herald Printing Office
suiscRtenoN RATES—$1.25*
received the explosion in his face, year, strictly in advance; $1.59, In,
causing terrible injuries, and blinding =mare or $2.O0 may be charged: U.
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid un
Three Cern Crash
A motor accident in which three wkich every
less at option of publisher. The data
Subscription Is *AIL
cars were badly wrecked and two derated on the Label.
Professional Cards net exceeding
elle inches, per year $5.00.
Meraoliane, one verse 50e, 251
ville with his daughter were return
pers‘ons injured, one of them: quite
seriously, occurred on No e 4 Highway
a few rods south of Brueefield last
Tuesday eve. S. leteMath, or Holmes-
) for each additional verse; Card et
veloped motor trouble as they- were' Thal" 5°'
Display advertising made known
on application.
Miscellaneous =titles of not more
than four lines, For Sale, To Rent,,
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One Leiser.
lion 26e, 2 ins. 40c., ins. 50e.
Fame or Real Estate for sale $2.00
for first month, $L00 for each fol.
ing from London when their car de -
nearing Beucefield. Malath leaving
his car standing, started for a garage
and a few moments he heard a crash
and on running back found that an-
other car driven by Mr. Martin. a
Goderich, with Mrs. Martin and
child as passengers, also returning
from London, had crashed into his
standing car. The impact drove the,lowing menthe
hath was stduck by lightning during McMath-car forty feet along alesi
an electric storm. The lightning bit pavement when it took to the ditch. Auction Salee—$2.00 per sin&
�vrfour inche I
the top of the tall chimney and went
down to the roof, ,splitting it in many
places. The roef was.a new one, hay-
HENSALL eeen conapld tejust the previons
• 'day.
- •er,Foil Gashed "
• • , Orval Selling' is in GoderiCh 'hos-
Mr. and•Mrs. P. Manson anal daut pital' with a badly gashed get. He is
ghter, Sally, accom.panied Mei an employee of the Goderich Manu -
Jean McQueen were visitbrs in Loh-lfacturing Co., was trimming logs in
don and Ingersoll. a bush near Mitchell when the axe
Miss Mae 1VICNaughton of Toronto, slipped, shearing through his foot,
was a visitor with her parents, Mr. his instep and 'a bone in his footThe
and Mrs. D. McNaughton. gash onhis instep was about four in -
Miss Amy Lammie of Toronto, -wasthetOn
og and.was very deep.
avisitor with her mother and sister,•
Mrs. W. Laramie and Greta. ore M d
•„Now efuniciP al 'Boar
On Friday last aepainful accident 'At a 'special meeting of the Muni -
happened toeArthur Thornhill , of el01,councilthe 'by-law to providefor
London. He was one of the workmen the -erection of a community hall in
who were wrecking the old hotel on. Exeter ,received its second reading.
Queen st. The work was nearing The by-law has been forwarded to
aompletion and while taking down the ,Munieipal Board in Toronto for
the chimney it fell on Thorndale's ratification, and as soon as it is come
leg and bruising and cutting him. Dr
nleted the contract for the new buil-
Smillie was called and the injured ding will be let.
man was taken to Clinton. hospital.. Cudmore--Powell,.
Mrs. McDonald of Long Beeell, A quiet wedding was solemnized
California, who was here attending at Ontario St. parsonage, Clint:ire ,.
the funeral of her father, D• Hislop, when Luella Powell' was, united in
was .a ,guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Re marriage” to Gordon.' 1.A, ,Otidneore,
and snapped off a hydro pole, the car °
being a total wreck. A third car ap-
from London and driven
by H. P. Plumsteel . of Clinton, in
turn smashed into Dr. Martin's car
both of Clinton. by Rev. Mr. ,Burton.
- Miss L. Ortwein of Toronto and The couple were attenkd fey Marg -
Milton OrtWein of London • visited net dndinore and .Francis Powell.
their parents here. ' ' After a 'trip to northern Ontario
Mr. and M•rs. Frank Shaw and fa- they will reside in Clinton.
roily of Toronto were visitors of Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Mousseau of the Two Hockey Teams
Zurich Road. Meeting Tuesday evening last the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson and executive of the ,Seaforth Athletic
son Casey were visitors in London., Assotiation decided to put both a
Joseph Hudson who is still 'in the junior and intermediate 04.H.A. hoc -
hospital, but improving. , key team in the field this coming sea -
Miss Nellie Fee has left for Lon- son. C. P. Sills will:manage the jr.
don where she has secured a good with D. A. Wilson as assistant, while
position. • - the 'intermediate.manager will be ap-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson have' pointed. e
moved in with Mr. Paterson's'mother, ' Struck By • Falling Tree
while Ken. Travis has rented Mr. Richard joints of/ Elimville met
Dr. Murray Fisher with Mrs. Fish- been More serious. With the help of
with an accident. which might have
Paterson's house and has moved in.
er and children of Gravenhurst visit- L. Word he was cutting down a tree
ed his mother and sister, Mrs. Peter in his bush, in falling, the tree slip -
Fisher and Miss Eleanor. . ped on the stump knocking Jones to
Celebrates 86th Birthday the ground. 'He suffered some cuts an
. Mrs. Robt. Paterson,Sr one, of the face which required five stitches
Hensall's grand old ladies,. celebrated to close,- but was able to 'walk to the
. ,
her 86th birthday quietly on Oct. 12, e°11se' and taken t''11-= 1"),Pftr•
with the immediate members of her Fractures flip • .
family present, also a niece, Miss
Violet Willis of Marlette, Mich. Mrs Mrs. Hutchinson, who some time
Col -
Paterson, although 86 years of age, ago came to Exeter from British is quite active in her home. She ie umbia to care for her sister, Mrs. F.
a regular attendant of Carmel Pres- Gill, who suffered • from a fractured
hyterian Church of which she is t hip, the result of a fall about a year
valued member. Her many, friends ago. ' Mrs. Hutchinson was on her
way -up fiown when she fell and fra-
wish her many more birthdaya etured her left hip. She was taken
to London Hospital in R. N. Rowe's
Tebutt----efaff . =balance.
. ' it e 11* li d' 'If i'dat'
•e, •.n.,
' .A. ' gitiei wedding' Was' solemnized '' Pee e , lc e o ,
While attending the ,Wingl4eldira',:4
Dd4id Holmes had his lockets pielod
hi $50, He was 1()1riethydnied"tlie ex
the time, and as he went out' of the
n Ida' neon , 1.0th, ef,
UnitcT,Clidrciianse,Henna when
Pane r 8,46, r., seediid. Icleet daughter o4
re'and Mrs. John efa pfatf o eic-4
kersrnith, ye' united in merrier; td
n R. .fiebbutt, yenrigest son o*r
and 'Mrs. Ose. 'Tebbuti' also of
Tuckersmith. Rev. A. Sinclair officia-
ted. The aeirle was eharmingly gown-
ed and carried flowers. The bride's
deter, Ruby, was bridesmaid, and
was also gowned in a tunic frock of
antin. Feed lVtcDonad of Clinton,
-'ted s rooresman. After the cave-
-me -le returned to tne bride's
home Nvi,‘re n Wedding dinner was
Aktigt441•044414.044)+044 4,04**,414* '04444444.44*+. 4).441$04! 4.4
lniditig icli *des , drO:aected 'at
,periaeri 'lifted' his 'Wall -
it from his hp pocket that contained
the money. He notified the police hat
the light fingered gent had made
good his escape,c1
A resident of Goderich Twp. for
56 years and for the past 12 years
iived in Goderich, Margaret M. Gree:
widow of :Pos. Salkeld, died on Sur -
lay aged 1'7 veers, She was bora i
Address; an Conununications to:
• Seems to be. moonlight, but it's sunlight. A snapshot with a small leak;
apenins,.preft rabilywheri• the sun Is lows will get pictures like this.
Do you knowIt
when making portraits, a hand,..
Sffght overexposure is always arm or leg of the subject is extendedi
preferable to: undereemesurell rauch• beyond the body toward the,
* • * camere, it will appear abnorma111-
A small stop opening roust be le.ango in the picture?
used when both. nearlitand distant • * *
Objects- are tabs sb:arply defined at • In -aging a portrait netachment tor.
the same tune? — close-ups. a piece of string knottecla
* *
at determined distances and kept:
Far good comnosition, the Object in the box -witli the attachment, ine
of: winch:fa interests should never more convenient than looking for a
beplittediittith: %ear of a picture? Yardstick or tape measure to fix the:
distance between camera and spli-d
In'ateniving for pictorial effect, it ieet?
To best not, tie hurry in making the * * *
Most so-called moonlight pictures3
exposure Unless inOving, ObieeiS de -
'nand' immediate action, as a little are made in the daytime and that a,.
th-ne, apent In selecting the. snapshot exposure, with a compara-.
peter proves; tu good' investment? tively email lens opening, when the
* son is near the horizon win produce,
Highlights, ace the portions et a sach a picture?
picture upon which' the greatest * * • •
amount of Tig.14. Be centered: and re- It ia best ;to haVe film, devoloperfl
ifeefeilthiV.-densest- portion of the ororaptly after the last exposure
,,.....,,negative and; titelliglitestportion of Made? ' • •
*ere Pleasnre conies ;re' 'rh' *•1 kee
* * * pP.:
the print? , • , *
Enlargini from sections ofyonr lreyetti prints' 'Mounted !Aran eler.
choke negatives is esouree.of great buns; than keening theni lloosely •
satiefactitin, and that many exhibt- lanYeeberei perhaps to • he lost or .,
'than prints are prepared in this damaged?
way trunk negativeS whiclie taken as * * *
a vitzeleiJack fast the rightspacing Regrets and annoyante come
from. not keeping year negatiVes in .
* * orderly fashion in a negative album .
A. diagonaLxather thati,a futittface. so that, when you want new prints .
on view of a building usually of any'pieture, you know where the
negative is?
.. •
more pleasing, parthularly if a par -
tion. of the building:rein Shadow?