HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-22, Page 1••••••=.., Vol. XXXVII No, IG ER ZURICH. THURSDAY OCTOBER 22, 1936. Chester L. Smith, Pub/take* $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adrenal* 81.50 IN ARREAR8,112 1Clialtillel• Let the Ads, in 00:Herald be your guide 111 your. Fall Purchases WOLVES MAY visrr DOORS Ittamata.00 ani witaaaa Imwkenese ran into a pack of seven shooting 1 Judging from separate made litr Ina and wounding others. The same day 'aliens at Kettle Point Rese.ree, near Beattie Greenbira counted a pack of Forest, it will be z agar& task this ante. -winter to keep the wolf from the +—a door as the animals are much more A New Publication .numerous than in *titer years_ While hunting near Port Frankra Edgar Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let -us demonstrate this machine to you ;mid compare it with all others. And .don't forget, the best feature is the - unusual easy termsLiberal agowance or trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 • Declare .Against Transients An important meeting of represen- tatives of Huron inunieipalitieS,: wag held in Clintonon Tuesday , evening of last week to consider ways., and means of finding a solution of lia the The N. G. NeighbOrhood Gessop; problem of transients and un is the latest star in the Tournalistie ed. Mayor W. S. R. Holmes of Olin firmainent. The editor and publisher ton presided and Clerk J. A. Wilson is Ernest Baxker, who whiles away of Seaforth recorded the proceedings •otherwise dreamy hours of invalidisra• Among the some thirty in attend- • in thinking up gags and jokes on the mice were: W. H. Golding, M,Pt and neighbors and other. items calculated James Ballantyne, M.L.A., of South to produce a laugh. No. 1 of the N. Huron. After a discussion the. op G. consists of thirteen typewritten ion seemed to be that some remedy pages and the Bayfield road neigh- of the situation, " which seems to be borhood is getting quite a kick out getting worse as time passes, Should of it.---Goderich Signal. be found. The members 'wereasked ST. PETER'S fEvangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. -"A Changeless Christ for IL Chan ins Weald." Friday, 8h --Luther Lem -Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. in. --German Service. 11.15 a.naa-,Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Engliak service. Everybody Wean:ones all Services. E. TUER.ICKE111. Pastor. .ADo You Need Glasses? Blaze Solves Problem The promlem of the ream the town of ,Goderich has been solved thought by both provincial and fed- _ Only one member of the wandering eral parliaments. Mr. Golding re - unemployed 'has been seen there this ferred to the -relief camps and the fall and he remained only a few ho- troubles arising vat of them. The utcome of +1,... deliberatiOns was Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch and family of Elmira were visitors in town last week. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London, was a visitor at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler on Sunday. Dr. II. F. Klopp of Kitchener, and Mrs. J. Wagner of Shakespeare were visiting their mother over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Haistaand fam- to speak on the subject ro ily and Miss Edith Klopp all of De - government's point of view.' They both admitted the seriousness of troit, spent the week -end at the home the situation and stated that'at is of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. roblem hat is being given serious Mr. Robert Greer of Bayfield pur- in a chased the 100 acre farm in Stanley Township, known as the Rathwell farm, from the estate of the late Thomas Johnson. Miss Shirley Koehler and cousin tion from PHONE YOUR It RR Broken Spectacle Lenses ACCURATELY DUPLICATED We can determine the station and asked for a night's aodg- 1 that Mr. Turner of Godench moved, of Toronto, were holiday visitors urs. When he called atthe p oLlce at on Saturday he was told, "sorry, seconded by Reeve Eckert of McKill- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Koeh- your Broken Lens. th t Messrs McNeil, Bowman, ler, Hay Township. Correc- a small portion of •-Stop and Think haw imeastant it is •--that, you wear correct glasses—aor- rectly prescribed for your vision. - Correctly styled to your. face. Your -health may largely deetend on keen See C. E. ZUKBILIGG, IL. 0. At HESS JEWElfERT STORE. Every Tuesday at ZURICH • 'At Dashwood, Sitatelai, at Pfdela Store.' old cbap, but the last of you fe owb op, to visithere burned the place down." I Scott and Sills be a committee to "Really, I hadn't heard that, I beg draft a resohti•on to be forwatded to your pardon, I must be off to Clin- the provincial and federal governton." the stranger aniwered. About ents. The recommendation was sug- a month ago the municipal storehouse gested amended to paragraph' 14 of used as ,a winter slwlter forne-,the ordeiain-council goverran unem- nighters„ was destroyed by fire start- ployment and relief and rea, ao - ed by a' transient's carelessness, a' lows: 'That all une14100115ersOlIS Spent the past loss week visiting with her shall be yet:Rested:0 aegistia:la thm eir other, MrS. Albert Rose. Mis. a4,000 • being entaileO. MINIMUM OF$800 FOR TEACHERS Mr. Reg. Epps and family from Any Size and Shape Welland were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Burn motored to Welland with n e Jewell Hess Th them where she will visit her sister. Mrs. Harold Kuntz of Windsor, Phone 74 Zurich !Phone 16 ha -1.s. E. Burn over the week -end. Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek Rosedale Alberta and GLEN ROGERS' , BRIQUETS Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON , 4_4. ;. : „ , home municipality ;.Thatt....`Imunicipal-l•Rose returned with her daughter to ities shall prevideemPleanent :or if , Windsor for a few weeks. none available then to provide The baking sale held in the town 'necessities of life for thett =employ l y ed. That the home municipality. shallIhall on Saturday afternoon bthe members of St. Boniface church was At the West Huron Teachers Con- mean the place of residence or of em- vention at Goderich on Oct'8 and 9th ployment of each person during„the well patronised and a large number . they unanimously passed a resolution passt twelve months. That •'th a rail- of fine articles were purchased by asking that a irtinimum ' salary of ways be asked to enforce.extsti 'g leg eager buyers. islation with respect to it-maienta I Miss Inez Yungblut has returned ssoo per year ,be fixed for public seboal te eaters.. About 80 per cant and that it be made a Voilationard the aae, home after spending a week with her 1,roole jvir. ':Eth Deichert in' Detroit. olt:the‘tdelegates preaentawere from provincial traffic- act:foi-:.dittit..atielarkei { alik• Defeheit, whov has been on the aural schools Where salarlea liaVe ownerttcezive triarsataitatiaralta'aiieli ',..e.. transients travellingr frontaplace ' to • • sick last for some time, is imprdvin been reduced, in many cases as much g as 40 per cent, during tlie last aye place.” years. . A number of splendid papers' nicely. and addresses were given during the • The Hensall Junior Womens' In- gprraicdesedpEwaisdig.,,far TILEMSALV er Highest cash Eggson' stitute held their monthly meeting at two days. The attendance being the I STEPHEN COUNCIL. • - the home of one of its members, Miss largest since 1930_ Officers elected , , - Vera Decker. After the business • averet Hon. Pres., W. H. Johnston, a part Mir. McKay gave a very interest • Exeter; president, JOseph •Creech,, of : The- Council ,of the Township,of ing talk choosing for his subject: faceter; vice -Fres -a Miss : P. Penfold, Stephenmeton Monday, the,5th.day , 'What a Young Woman shoaldkriow 3Cappent 'Seartreas., ,• R. Stonehouse, ofOct. 1936, at a o'clock: All mem- - Goderich; delegate • 0-E.A., Miss bers present The minutes' ofthe pre- was Civics."' A social evening 1- waa then eajoyed by all. at Petifold, ICipperea • vious meeting were ;read and adopted . . , .. . . ,• FOWL SUPPER! WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials, for Qct... 2Z5 2.1, and :24th Chips°, large pkg. each - 17c Peas, 2 tins for . - ... .. .... 19c Aylmer golden. bantam corn„ .2 tins for - 25c Chic.ken. Haddie. 2 tins. for ...... Hillcrest shortenirg 2 1I. --------. 27c Cowans perfection Cocoa, 25c Heinz tomatoe catsup large bottle each ...... Quick oatsbeautiful china, pkg. ---___-_35c Pumpkin, large tin, 2 for 25c Life Buoy Soap„ 3 cakes — 25c Palmolive Soap,. 3 cakes I 4c Superior Baking„ 11-16. tin 23c Cooked spoglatti, 2 tins 19c Lawrasons Fus10 per. in • : 190 Lawrason'z Sinko peT: tin__— Soda I3iscui1s, ;25c Cookies sweet EisCuits, 2 lbs. 25c Red Rose, coffee...guaranteed laryca tmver Fancy Red C8b:ie'Saitrion, 1•11:5tii(1. 25C Ladies* Silk fiall fashioned Hose -pr.. All winter undertareariStiniiinZtoel J. MERN Highest Pikes fee agga. •name 1140 bal Motion, that a grant of $20 .pd • to the Grand Bend School Fir to assist them in the payment of prizes. Motion, that F. W. Matlock be and fs hereby appointed Tax Collector sorea by St. Peter's Lutheran church during the pleasure of this Cuncil, at Zurich on Thursday evening, October a salary of $95 per annum and post- 29t1. A large number of fowl have age and that he furnish a Bond of a been purchased for the occasion, Bonding Co. for $4,000 for the due .more tables will be set up, and pre - performance of "his duties and that' parations are made to handls almost the Canada Bank of Commerce be an unlimited crowd. Bring your fra paid the usual collection caarge for ends to this big supper and you will taxes paid to the Crediton, Exeter, all say it was the best ever. :and Parkhill Branches. . Motion, that by-law No. 508 . to. appoint F. W. Moriock, collector of taxes during the pleasure of the Co- uncil of the Township of Stephen, of Mrs. George Binnie, nee Johanna having been read three times be pas- Meidinger. The deceased had been mad and signed by the Reeve and for the past 40 years a resident of .Clerk and the Seal of the Corporati- Saskatchewan, living for a number I n attached thereto. of years in Moose Jaw. Surviving ie i Motion, that the following , pay are her husband, Mr. Binnie, 0110 Aheets and vouchers be paid: sister,. Mrs. Joseph Lett, both of • Moose Jaw,Sask; four brothers, NJosephMichael, Jacob and William, N. Baker, rd 22 84.56; W J. atoll- :like rd 2 6.50; S. White rd 3 :88; L. Hill rd 4, $2; E. Chambers ' ing place on September 3rd, and the • • ‘ COME! COME! The public are most heartily in- vited to the big fowl supper spon- DIED IN THE WEST e ••••••-***************** • • s • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • Woad was received here recently of•the passing at Moose Jaw, Sask., • • • • • ...e,44•••••••••444.444:0444***41:- /R • ilt • e o. ek, t• • "40: 4111.' - OP, I*. iv, 0,.. et, el,. 0.*',, vt• et. et. Ow • $ 1 9.59- l• e••• et- •••• •fr, • iv, • . . 4*. • ek.- COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE 0,.. • 0, • 4,, • dr. • CONVINCED! 0. • er. • e• • iek • • 177. IP II II- I- , ii ' 'rn 0 an. io: s, . 4* • 0 . ,..:, ,,-i,,,,..-:: ;., • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS it -ea • et • ea • et • .11P • 4. ..... •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• • 04••••,,r.•4*••••0444. 4, 4 'V • • WE MEIET. PRICE COMPETITION IN Tailored To Measure Clothes PRICED AS .• LOW AS rd 7 Meidinger of Zurich. The death aaa. "°""'"'""'""•••"""'""""'"-**--"""'"*""'"'",--T.L..'"77-1="'"--:2--""Tr. mommomam IllantatalaninVIIIMMUMBMIS282642"as .157, H. Yearey rd 9, 3.15; P. Reg - burial took place in the Moose Jaw ter ad 10, 47.86; D. 0"Rourke rd 11 cemetery on September 8th. al...65; B. McCann rd 12 133.52; P. 13, 2.80; H. Turner rd -19 8.40; W. . _ Desjardine rd 16 $2; S. Morrison rd DIES IN CHURCH Desjardine rd 21 18.17; P. Eisen- There was great excitment in the hach rd 25 23.45; J. Klumpp rd 26 St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sun. - 4.03; Geo. Eilber upt. salary 58.50-; day evening when previous to the N. Baker rd 1 78.30; Pay steet rd 17 evening service beginning Mrs. Jamas 10430; Pay sheet rd 2 166.5a; Jas Flynn, housekeeper for Mr. John Ztler gravel $60; P. Desjardihe ad, 4.6 Pecker, dropped dead from heart at - MO.; M. C-. Sweitzer rd 15 9.37; Pay ,taeli. She formerly.; resided- near sheet rd 2 23; liCrediton 'and ,taidaserite to attach on .Ptiders-a-F. J. ,Wickwire,. printing, , Thursday of last. we4k. She is suiw- 4. $4; •A, E. Ravelle; 'grant to Gaeta' ived by two daughter amt'a son. He r Bend •Sehe'ol :Fair $20; Centralia alga husband and a 'doh. were victims of n t for tile 41180; ayell. tragedy in Usborne TowtilishiPwae-, operative Oa Cereen Can. Bank a commerce, cashing rd bent seven years .a.go, when they ebeaues 1.50; Geo. Eilber making re overcome by poison gas while road tile $78; Ed. Willert weed in- working in the well. Inimealately to specting 3164; Mrs. Flynn's dropping Dr. P. J. 0a The Council adjovened to meet a- Dwyer Was summoned but he could gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on do nothing more than pronounce her Monday, the 2nd of Nevem e , at 3 dead The Parkhill undertaker call - o'clock -p.m.ed Monday end talk the remains a' 411111111 . ” i Herbert E. Eilher, Two. Clerk, way. • ' ' 111461".""glaillimulimmaulli."16,111611':1111""""Wr' , • • Spring and Slimmer GOODS WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curains, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Meds and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and OveraBs,, Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots, Paints, Oils and Varnishes., Root Seeds, 5 and , 10c, package Garden Seeds. ‘, FRESIr-l• pRo.c,ERIFs ALWAY ON HAND N. DOUGLAS GENERAL. IIIIEROHANT 11 — 97 • ,BLAKE 4.