Zurich Herald, 1936-10-15, Page 7is MIg GO0140 IC 0 RO
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--that' �, because itDER
coal' bette'� hit
gees "ate "
Lt less Gosh FINCH,isfcot‘tp
A reputation for honesty will at-
tract more trade tiptn a reputation
for trickiness.
The barn church of St. Philip and
All Saints, which has been recently
erected at North Sheen, is built from
timbers brought from the old barn
at Stonewall Farm, Hurst Green,
Oxted, some of them originally
ship's timbers; chairs are made from
an old cedar tree blown down in the
churchyard at Godstone in 1927, and
plain "poppy heads" from the choir
stalls of St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street,
discarded about 1860.
Blinding Headaches
Made Her Helpless
Forced to Lie Down For
Hours at a Time
Other sufferers from headaches
will be interested to read this let-
"Until last summer 1 was subject
to very bad headaches. While they
lasted I seemed to lose my sight and
all power in my hands, and was
forced to lie down for hours at a
time. My aunt (who has taken
Kruschen Salts for 12 years with
beneficial results) suggested my
trying them. I did so, and I've not
had any return of those headaches
for. months, in fact I feel quite bet-
ter. I shall always take liruschen
regularly in future."—(Mrs.) M.W.
headaches cau frequently be
traced to a disordered stomach, and
to the unsuspected retention in the
system of stagnating waste material
which poisons the blood. The numer-
ous salts in Kruschen assist in the
complete elimination of waste mat-
ter, resulting in a purer blood-
stream, and thus helping to bring
relief from headaches.
BY l' IL
Learn to earn a good salary) Take a Shaw
Secretarial, Stenographic, Accountancy,
Advertising, or Show -card Writing Course.
Best results atreseonable oostfrom a Cana-
dian school of 40 years' experience. Write
for particulars;
BN i5
corlripai'es with $208,201 jJt •the preeed,
ing mouth 4nd . $100,043 la $eptetnbot'
of last year. During the month the
Mill handled 16,678 tons pf ore with
nlillheads of $13 per to», against 15,°
358 tons handled and heads of $13.60
in August,,
Spoolcum Gold Mines officials have
been notified that the shares haVe
been approved for registration by
the Securities & Exchange .Commis-
sion at Washington, D.C. Surface
work on the property adjoining Rea
Lake Gold Shorn has exposed nine
veins which have been opened uP
for varying distances. A complete
diamond drilling outfit is on the prop-
erty and has been set, with drilling
already underway. The first hole
has reached a depth of 40 A second
drill is now onroute to the prcpertY,
while a complete assay plant has .ar-
rived and is being set up. Further
channel sampling of No, 1 vein re-
turned values ranging from $9.45 to
$105 per ton. Recently a value of
3.2 ozs. was secured across a width
of 24 inches in an 8 -foot test Pit
located where veins No. 2 and 4 in-
tersect. A crew of 17 men ai'e em-
ployed on the property.
Underground development 1 con-
tinuing at the Sturgeon River prop-
erty of ]3rengold Mines, Ltd., with
drifting being advanced both east
and west on No. 2 vein. ,)live face
samples taken over a length of 25
feet on the No. 2 vein at the 100 -
foot level, gave an average width of
31 inches and average value of $21.07
in gold per ton, it is officially stated.
Athena Rules, Ltd., through J. J.
Byrne, president, who is on a visit
to the property in the ..ake Athabas-
ka area, reports that a quartzite mass
has been exposed on the east shore
of the lake for a width. to 120 feet,
and shows high-grade veinlets at in-
tervals across the full width. A rock
trench, nearing completion, has ex-
posed three zones from 10 to 15 feet
wide, and each zone shows several
quartz stringers carrying abundant
galena, sphalerite ., d some gold Py-
rite confined principally to the quart-
zite. Grab samples from each zone,
which showed no visible gold, assay-
ed. $245, $2.450 and $33.95. Work on
the No. 1 shaft gave assay returns of
$54.25 from channel samples taken
across 57 inches. The No. 3 zone
has been extended another 3 feet,
bringing the width to 18 inches.
Cuniptau Mines produced 100,000
pounds of matte, containing approxi-
mately 30,000 pounds o, nickel and
50,000 pounds of copper, during the
period of Sept. 16 :.o Cct. 1, officials
report. Assay reports on the prec-
ious metal have not as yet been re-
ceived, but, judging from the ship-
ment made early in. September, this
100,000 pounds should contain approx-
imately 20-25 ozs. gold, 140-150 ozs.
platinum and 450-500- ozs., silver. The
market value of the contained met-
als would exceed $22,000, on the
basis of market 1 rice for refined
mei al s.
Production of Siscoe Gold Mines
for September amount,d to $210,316,
a new high record for the mine, and
Ground Grips are the
greatest tires ever built for
traction. The patented self-
cleaning, super -traction tread
snakes its own road through
mud, snow, sand and gravel.
Thousands of doctors, sales-
men, farmers and truck op-
erators who travel over all
kinds of roads in all types of
weather enthusiastically re-
port Ground Grip tires their
greatest driving aid.
Ground Grip tires cost no
more than standard types of
tires. Have your local
Firestone Dealer equip your
car or truck NOW.
This month sees the resumption
of the popular "Blue Coal" pro-
grams, every Wednesday at 9 o'-
clock, over C.F.R.B.
Above is shown Horace Lapp,.
who will conduct his orchestrl to
open the new series.
Veterans Are Thrifty
Writes the Baltimore Sun:—Distri-
bution of almost $1,700,000,000 , in
bonus bonds among the war veterans
has produced none of the more ex-
treme results predicted by proponents
as well as opponents of the bonus.
There has been no foolish spending
spree on the part of the veterans. Nor
has there been an extraordinary
boom in trade. -About $600,000,000 has
been temporarily , added to the cur-
rency in circulation, according to the
estimates of the Federal Reserve
Board, but that can hardly be called
wildly inflationary.
As a matter of fact, the former
soldiers have shown themselves a
good deal thriftier than it had .been
supposed that they would. Although
most of the bonds were issued three
months ago, about thirty-one per cent.
of them have not been turned in for
cash. This would suggest that the
veterans are holding about $500,000,-
500,000;000 worth of bonds for investments.
In addition, it is believed that at least
a part of the $600,000,000 that has
been added to the currency in circu-
irculation is still being held by the vet-
erans. It ma.y well be, then, that not
half of the bonus money has been
Patron — Look here, Waiter, I
ordered chicken pie and there isn't
a single piece of chicken In it.
Waiter — That's being consist-
ent, sir. We also have cottage cheese
but so far as I know there's not a
cottage in it.
rub in Minard's.
Checks colds, taken in-
ternally, Ends skin
blemishes. At druggists
in regular and new large
economy sizes. so
And `l'ai'r, Jump Out of Bed in the
cg, Rarin' to Go
The by yid pour out two pounds 01
liquid bila, int vunrbowcls daily, If thiabilo
is not flowing i I'd Cly, your food doesn't digest.
It lust decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up
your stomach. You get constipated. Rnrmfni
poisons gt into the body, and you feel sour.
sunk and the world Iooksnunk.
Amere bowel movement doesn't always get
at the cause. You need something that works
on the liver as well. It takes those good, old
Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two
pounds of bile flowing freely and make yon
feel "up and tip". Rarmless and gentle, they
make the bile new freely, They do the work
of calomel but have no calomel or =teary in
utero. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by
name! Stubbornly tofuso anything else, 25c.
Students' Return
Means Business
Interesting Figures in Con-
nection With University
of Toronto
TORONTO --With the opening of
University of Toronto business re,
ceived an extra hoist,
One food contract calls for a daily
delivery of two hundred gallons of
milk and another for 40,000 pounds
et butter for the period from Octo-
ber to March,
Two hundred waitresses will return
to work.
The tuck shop in Hart house will
require about 6,600 packages of . cho-
colate and chewing gum and 1,800
pints of milk.
Ties and Ribbons will be needed
for initiating about 1,500 new stu-
And about 100 landladies in the
vicinity of the University have their
rooms filled by young lodgers.
Canada Half Way
Back To Recovery
HAMILTON.—Canada has traveled
half way back along the road to re-
covery, J. P. Bell, former manager in
chief of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce, Hamilton, told delegates to the
Twelfth Canadian Convention of Pur-
chasing Agents, holding sessions
"It is estimated there are still 600,-
000 to 700,000 people unemployed in
Canada," Mr. Bell said. "Normally,
there are 300,000 so it looks as though
employment will be back to normal if
another 300,000 find work"
1,1 TELL
The PERFECT Chewing tobacco
Bulgaria is debating a law to ban
strikes and lockouts.
Here ' Where
) , A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed
A party of English Boy Scouts hik-
ing this summer on the Continent
prepared to spend the night on an
island campsite. One of the rules
of the island was that permission
must be secured from the police far
lighting fires. The Scouts sought the
police station,- and made their re-
quest of the only person there, a
man without uniform. "Certainly,"
the min agreed readily. "Go ahead."
Since he was not in uniform, it oc-
curred to one of the Scouts to in-
quire who their cordial host might
be. "Oh," was the reply, "I'm the
prisoner. I'm looking after the is-
land while the police are away."
The Boy Scout's handbook, "Scout-
ing for Boys," by Lord Baden -Pow -
elf, has been translated into these
twcity-six languages: Arabic, Span-
ish, Hebrew, French, Flemish, Cze-
choslavakian, Bulgarian, Estonian,
German, Dutch, Indian Vernacular,
Italian, Japanese, Malayan, Polish,
Roumanian, Russian, Swedish, Turk-
ish, Yugoslavia, Afrikaans, (South
African Dutch), Finnish, Danish,
Hungarian, Lithuanian and Swahili
(African). There also is an English
edition .for the blind in Braille.
The Town Council of Brampton,
Ont., accepted an offer of the local
Boy Scout Troop to replace the pres-
sent drinking fountain at Main and
Queen Streets with a new one, the
town to assist when necessary. The
vrork will be done by the boys under
the supervision of Town Engineer
D. T. Black.
Interesting overseas Boy Scout
and Girl Guide visitors to Niagara
Falls in September were a party of
24 Scouts, 8 Girl Guides and 32
Scoutmasters and Guiders from War-
saw, Poland. The party had been
visiting various Scouting centres in
the United States and taking ins-
tructional courses for a period of
three months. They sailed for home
on the Polish liner "Pilsudski" from
New York, September 24th. The
Polish Scout and Guide visitors were
especially interested in the colour-
tone illumination of the falls as seen
from the Canadian side.
Reports on service given by Wal-
laceburg Scouts during the summer's
Old Boy's Relation included: The
care of six accident cases,—a la-
crosse Mayerwho had suffered a
broken rib; a child who broke the
head of a wart, resulting in a severe
blood flow; a lad struck in the eye
with a baseball, a boy suffering from
shock as the result of a fall from the
bandstand, and an Indian lad with a
crushed finger.
Ess a
eadache Fast
Get Real Quick -Acting,
Quick -Dissolving
See .Flow
In 2 seconds by slop
watch, an "Aspirin"
tablet starts to disinte-
grate and go to work.
Drop an "Aspirin' tab-
let into a gloss of wafer.
By the time it hits the
bottom of the glass it is
disintegrating. What
happens in this glass
happens in your
For QUICK Relief
If you suffer from headaches what
you want is quick relief.
"Aspirin" tablets give quid; re-
lief, for one reason, because they
dissolve or disintegrate almost in-
stantly they touch moisture. (Note
illustration above.)
Hence—when you take an "Aspi-
rin" tablet it starts to dissolve aI-
most as quickly as you swallow it.
And thus is ready to start working
almost instantly , headaches,
neuralgia and neuritis pains start
easing almost at once.
0 "Aspirin" tablets are made in
Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered
trade -nark of the Bayer Company,
Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look
for the name Bayer in the form of a
cross on every tablet.
Try it, say it's marvelous.
and Get—
- with the delicious Flavor
A Proc]uct of The G{`tNADA :TARCt-1 COCi1PANY Limiteri
Listed to "Syrr„p Syiiphonies” every Motlt.:r1 tat •, 't f) ft ti t) ?fi
".•.ro.."C'..-".S..i.�,'-..`"':•...•!L�"„"`rtzi-'�^ii.'e"...:5't�'iv,C...°"�.�'"..uifa''�i.+.d?.7.�r roan.u,,,Y .T.rC'..R�..^+. ..-�'Y
Gold backing of the world's cur-
rencies is double what it was seven
years ago, a British expert says.
Classified Advertising
HAIRDRESSERS not doing Pen; anent Way,
ing, ve teach and equip you free. Fur-
ther patt:culars, write '..,:x R, Listowel, Ont.
IINo. di e. Safe. 50e. Trial size 25c. an'
nette, 220 McDermct, Winnipeg.
FANNING MILL — Kline Champion. Fara)
ers say best made. Kline Company, 121
Empress Cres., Toronto.
of Wanted inventions and full information
sent free. TRE RAMSAY Company, World
Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank: Street. Ottawa,
ZANZIEAR — Also Sudan, Somaliland.
G Tigerstamps, Togolaad, Caribbean, Algeri-
an, Central Americans, British Colonials.
This Magnicarocious collection free for 50.
postage. GRAY STAMP Co., Dept. PC., To-
improved household articles. Literature,
sample free. Labor Saving Devices. LIalii;ed,
570 Queen East, Toronto,
525.00 weekly mace growing mushrooms for
us or your local market. Patented formula,
write for information and free offer. North
American Spawn Company, (Dept. A.), On.
tario Buliding, Toronto.
Haarlem Oct Capsules
Fine for Weak Acid Kidneys
and Bladder Irritation
One 40 -cent box of these Tamm: s capsules
will put healthy activity into your kidneys
and bladder—flush out harmful waste poisons
and acid and prove to you that at last you
have a grand diuretic and stimulant that
will swiftly cause these tri;Y,tes to Genre.
But be sure and get GOLD 11FUfl AL
Haariem Oil Capsules — safe and harmless
—the original and genuine — right from
Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney
and bladder trouble and never suspect it. —
some symptoms besides visits to hatbl',"m at
night are backache, moist palms. pt.ffy eyes
and scanty passage that oft -times smarts
anti burns.
Shows how to cerin Ida
from handwriti.'i;, at a glance
Grapi;!ologiat Room 421
73 Adelaide St. W.
Tarot to
Increased Mental Efficiency
Means Increased Earning
Y..n can learn so (tit -<t ir..es 1 cry and
Constructively. You can learn t:, concen-
trate and cultivate a power''ul tnerenr'y.
Volt can overcome Mferiorty c',anpi+
and learn to live ::uceesf,tlt: Let us
rit.xe y•tt
'1 Jie Institute of Practical acid
Applied P guts e-gy
010 oc..-a° znz:IT R a'.e'21 Xvess,: x::4:cz
I.bn > ai O.ttebno
Issue No, 42 --- '36