HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-15, Page 1'Vol. XXXVII tio.15 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIMININCip OCTOBER 1936. Chester L. Sorith, PubMho% $1,25 a year, ILS, *1.50 In, A:0am* $1.60 IN .4.1t1I4ARS, $2 nal' on.anakaa Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide in your Fall Purchases • Not Trained Far Work Ehnira Signet—The reason why so Many men do not care to aro* and would rather remain. idle is often due to the fact that in many instanc- es they were •not trained to work When hey were young-, remarks 'an exchange. Naturally man does net Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ..ator with a ten year guarantee. Let exs demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. Arid. ^don't forget, the best feature is the -unusual easy terms.. Liberal allowance or trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. 'Thursday—Choir Practice - SUNDAY SERVICES: Chang - 10 a. mel—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. 'Everybody Welcome is all Services.. E. TUERKHEIlik Pastor. Moirmeentwomarnmicsran. 'care to da hard work. The boy who is raised to young manhood without ever having had the discipline of hard work, faces "fife at a disadvantage. He has been deprived of the most valuable part of his youthful train- ing. 4,--a Nothing Like Being The Best Goderich Star—An exchange re- marked that Canada leads the -world in per capita trade, and Captain In- nis adds it also leads the world in per capita taxation. Nothing Ince being the best in. whatever you may do. The same exchange also says that Canada has two of the best orators in the world, Hon. R. B. Bennett and Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. It, at any rate cannot be accused of blind partisian- ship. A Good Fair The 78th anual fall fair of the Dungannon Agricultural Society was held last week under favorable ausp- ices. Some of the classes were so well filled that the judges worked Strenously until dark to cover all the entries.. Dungannon and surround- ing country was in the centre of the ,drought area, this year and it was aueprising to see the high quality,in various classes of fruit, flowers and vegetables, including potatoes. There 'were some splendid species of apples, Also some very good samples of grain but not so many entries. The flowers were more numerous than for some years. , • • Hensall Do You Need Glasses?: i The regular meeting of the Village ;Council was held on the eying of 1•October 5th at S p.m. in the Council Chamber with al Members present, The minutes -of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. 41,—* Couiicil Minutes Stop and Think how Important it is that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed far your vision..Correctly styled to your f,ace. Your health may largely depend en keen vision. • See C. E. =REMO% R. G. At HESS JEWELRY STORE Every Tuesday at =RICH At Dashwood, Satarslayi, at Pfiled • Store, Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. First Showing 7.30. Second 9.30 Thursday, Friday, Sehirday Oct. 15, 16, 17, "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" With Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy. Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayOct. Oct. 20, 21. "The Whole Town's Talking" With E dward G. Robinson COMING Zane Grey's 'Drift Fence'. "Three cheers for Love."' Mrs. W. Sangster, Bickle Fire Eng- ine Ltd; County Engineer. Bills and Accounts read as follows Geo. Walker part salary $45; N. Blatchford, cutting weeds $19; Bon thron & Drysdale supplies $12; Hen-, sail Hydro acct. 5.42. • Motion that accounts be paid. Motion, that we adjourn . --- James A. Paterson, Clerk. HAY COUNCIL Rev. Mr. Pandey of Varna was a -visitor in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Bedard is spending a few weeks with relatives at London. , Mr, Wilmer Metzger of Woodstock spent the week -end at the home of 'Mr. and M. W. J. Johnston: • Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F. Braun and family of Forest were Monday visit- ors at the home of- Mr. Wm. Lamont. The officials *of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company held a bus- iness meeting at Hensall on Saturday There are a large number of wild geese in the community, at present, and some of oils sportsmen have had some very nice bags. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siebert and family of Detroit, and Mrs. Major of Toronto visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Miss Berniece McClinchey of Chis- elhurst, visited her' grandparents, Mr and Mrs. D. Oswald, a few days last week. Thanksgiving Day passed off very quietly in the -village on Monday. A number were out with the gun try- ::ing to .bring down some genie sport. The regular monthly meeting Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler, of the Council of the Township of Hay i,.Pigeon, Mich., are visiting friends in was held in -the Town Hall,' Zurich, oneand around Zurich. They are at Monday, October 5th, ' with all 'the present accompanied by Mrs. Menno members present. ' Bechler on a motor trip to Milverton The minutes of the meeting held: SeptemMr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy, Margaret ber 1st were adopted as read, • Levy of Clinton; Mr. Tdhe lollowiog resolutions.werepasr, a*--tUdd:mWris113.‘euratrtin wurrn of town, were That ty-laW N eareee preeeleik all Sunday visitors at the hoine of for additional estimates for the year Mr. and Mrs. D. Oswald, Bronson ' 0. Geiger reported re the Engin- 1936 for Township Roads covering line. eer's report ion the Queen street drnpayments for improvementsin Zurich . A carload of vegetables is being The Clerk reported re the regis Police Village and By-law NO. 10-'36 loaded at Exeter for the draught tration of land by-law_ .. desigfiating that portion of Townsh- stricken areas of the Canada West. G. 'Walkers report read by the !1* -P Road number Eighteen n - assing. We, here in Ontario cannot realize Clerk. through the Village of Blake as a ' what it is to experience a famine, Melon, that we purchase ewe le.ae.s1"Through High -way" be read three h'ere in this fortunate land of plenty, of coal at $13:50 per ton, one Tram tunes and finally passed. each aealer. I Motion, that acco:unts ,covering pay , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey and Communications ,read an filed as . ment on Township Roads, Telephona, daughter of Detroit were week -end follows: Deputy Minister of Hospit- Charity and Relief and general acco- visitors with the formers parents in 'els, County Judge, Chnir.of Seafortia lints be passed as per voucners. town. Milton is a very busy man in Township Roads — J. Oesch rd 8, the big and busy city of Detroit, and .311.80; Twp. Stephen cement tile 24.- seldom takes off time to run over ••••••••.wwwsmaoramutrayins...eivolit4.3.3...Mal...mleonamnagnonesrasmoiwaiw.M1...maimiimmon...yasouumnure -- clt ''Is14243771'11,5 '''. 01,,,,,,,, _ ere.,...,,oe, 4,--e-• ea '''' ''- - .4 f ,r %, • kL 11 • ' % kVE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials. for October 15th, 16th an.i.176 Aylmer Tomato juice 25 -oz. tins, 3 for -----25c Aylmer Pork arid, Beans, jumbo fin, 2 for—_I 9c Cascade fancy pink Salmon, 2 Sunlight Soap, 3 cakes . .. Swansdown cake flour, per pkg 35c Crothers cream sodas, 2 lbs. Prunes large sweet,' 2 lbs.. ------........-----. 23c jelly powders per pkg. — — Hillcrest toilet paper, 3 lolls 'Tiger brand catsup, large bottle .. 5c _L.._ 25c , 9c Cleansers, big five, per tin Broorns„ extra heavy, each . Men's Sweater Coats in weights aria cams—All • • Wool; Jumbo knit, zeal Mats at $2.25. See our Hi -Co -V Sweaters fox Men in fin an -wadi elasticithit at $3.50. Sweaters for the •whole Farnityl 'We wYi1pay }lithe st Prices for Sells. J. Highest Paces Etc f4gs. 01...........,,,InbennomimmiaireamiRIMItitaironnimire.mikioimaamisammrainfixiiimmiirkeideliMeparki4m4410,....akeropmmiorfrsOanoiliimorsun. 90 F. E. Ducharme rd 10;10.15; W 'and call on his Zurich friends, who Farrell rd 18, 26.10; R. Adams rd are always pleased to see him. 10, 5.80; A. Smith rd S, 4.10; M.M. Bussell rd 1, 5.90;-N. Foster rd 6, 13.75; G. Brock bolts, 1.25;- S. Mc- Arthur rd 1, '7.50; P. -Campbell rd i4 Messrs. John and Eddie Doeves of Clinton, met with an accident, last $11; G. Surerus rd 9e,12.20; R. Mil- ' ler rd 9, 15.35; F. Haberer rd 7, Wednesday evenirg, when motoring to 7urich. Meeting a buggy of which .48.95- M. Corriveau rd 17, $17; F. Mr., A. Workman was in charge, near C. Kalhfleierli lumber lei 1 191.70; • T. Welsh plank gravel pit 4.08; the home of Mr. Sol. Schroeder on T. the Zurich Road. Seemingly both the Steinbach rd 8, 15.80; H. Steinbach Road Supt. 5950; 0. Greb rd buggy and auto came along in the :. 6. • 4.80; Bridge rd 1, 27.70; Stade & 'middle of the road, and unfoitunat• W ei de mos ateetc. 35,25; j, el, ely the both pulled out in the stone , ., Ziler rd 10, 12.80; CAldsworth d direction to avoid a collision, with the . r G. result that the horse's heart crarhed 2-3, 6.50; G. Dick, rd 2, 4.80; . J —teree rd 15, 43.80; A. Mousseau into the front of the car with such e force to the break Eddie Deeves' rd 3, 49.75; U. A. Pfile rd 14 1.80; R. Munn rd 1, 120.80. arm very badly, and the horse was • ii.njured to the extent that it had to filar hriu-nicipal Telephone -- r'lli iee shot. Neither vehicle was over- &, Hov,,ard, batteries 13 :13- .75. ; F. ',. *Guenthee cartage 2.60; Dell CO. 50 tuened,.and aside from smashed gins directories '7.50; Northern the ear. was only slightly damaged. material 266.10; P. McIsaae 3 mons. ,' El"' Co' The Clinton car contained a load of dweire salary 537.50; C.N.R. freight direct- YtriZnagriPcleil3 to 01 e . awt the on ojnr, trheniiim• la; cofree 4.45; Treas. Stephen ref and tele. taees $23; F. Gerry Co. bat- meeting. teries 18.75 Bell Co. tolls july-Aug. YOUR HEALTH!. 347,99; Stromberg-Carlson material ‘ :57.4.91 H. G. Hess, salary 1,65.00; P. Your Health, is your greatest as - :Mc -Isaac, extra labor etc. 46.11; Sta- set, and it is the duty of all citizens de & Weido creosot, tc. 23.5a. to preserve your health as much a; e Charity and Relief — T. Welili ,possible. The Board of Health of labs $15; G. Block tracking slabs Hay Township, of which Dr. A. J. re50; J. A. Williams & Co. flour 3.20 MacKinnou is Medical Oracee, m D. B. Blackwell stump fence $7; Sta- issuing a letter to each parent and rde &1%‘reitio aoke .8.20; Menno Nob. pupil . of the Township which reads, groceelese12.88; A. Melick milk 4.27 as ftllow:s S. Hoffman Tent 3.50. To Parents and Pupils:: General Accounts — Jai. Gascho. „ On making my labor hall $5; Stade & Weido acct. annual. visit to the school as Medical 4.45; II, Eiekroeier petit painting 1111 • Officer of Health of the Township of $49., Grand Bend Schoolfair greet Hay, I shall be .preparecl to vaccinate i5; F. 3. Haberer etock valuator $7; the, children for protection against J, diptliexia. The Previncial Board of L. Thestemoyer, cattle killed $25; Albrecht labor hall, $4; F. C. *Kalb- 'Health strongly recommends that all ileisch lumber etc. 6.81; Chelsea! seht01 children be protected by vac - Thiel 1.st S.M.S. 17.50; Vera Flar-rcination. A nominal charge of 25c. bard 2ral 10.50; Rath Brown 3rd. I will be charged each child. The par - The Ceencil adjourned to meet a -lents are asked to inform the tescher erain on Moxlay, Nov, ' 2nd, at 1.301..op their thildren if it is their wish en the afternoon. . . I to have this done.,—Dr. A. J. Mac - 'A. F. He ity Cl.trk, Ili,intortt Medical Officer of Health. A .Bad Accident Broken Spectacle Lenses ACCURATELY DUPLICATED We can determine the Correc- tion from a small portion of your Broken Lens. Any Size and Shape Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich at The color guarantees the quality Sennet Solvay Coke Miller Creek andt Rosedale Alberta Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid fox Eggs on a graded ;a1aEsaitiz., Phone 10 J•.*****4-********••••0,04, ..714.1.46‘e,c•etoofpe,zr*ec.a41-40,?•, •k. go. tIV 0, tic eft' 07. 12, ‘1T, 0, 431 o• 414 44. '5' 55' .40.° 72.x55 Tre EMB.XLMERS AND FLTNER.A./. ti'IRECTORS • 4,5,4 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e. • • • • • • WE PRICE C E E T, ALL NIPETITIO IN Tailored T. Measure Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $19.50 COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED! Ormow•WerWOMMIn••••IF.14.1.%1MtV6,107•7•31711.1171,21/M19•WMAIIIM arallitE2CESEMEtharP$VMMEWEI1=Talrailthataill1=2.22 rhhEMZEreign=la Spring and Sum ier WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtans, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Mese and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls, Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants,. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots„, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 and 10c. package Garden Seeds. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND: R. N. LA:A. S GENERAL ONE 11 M.97 amownommosomporansuraaramouamo MERCHANT BLJ4 KE ,2212M2,2222821322310M2+22122b1112$06