Zurich Herald, 1936-10-08, Page 7(KACIHE
Flush Kidneys of Waste Matter,
Poisons and Acid and Stop
Getting Up Nights
When your kidneys are clogged
and your bladder is irritated and
passage scanty and often smarts and
burns you need Gold IvIeda1. Haar-
lem Oil Capsules, a fine harmless
stimulant and diuretic that always
works and costs but 40 cents at any
modern drug store.
It's one good, safeway to put
healthy 'activity into kidneys and
bladder =- you'll sleep sound the
whole night thru. But be sure and
get GOLD MEDAL right from
Haarlem in Holland — you aro as•
sured of results.
Other symptoms of weak kidneys
and irritated bladder are backache,
puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms.
Drought Cause 0 f
Higher Milk Cost
40 Cents a Hundredweight
Increase Necessary'Pro-
rucers Claim.
TORONTO. — E. H. Clarke, sec-
retary of the Ontario Whole Miik
Producers' League ,said an average
Increase of . 40 cents a hundred-
weight in cost of milk will be nec-
essary if Ontario producers are to
get merely production costs this win-
Effect of . the summer's drought
on grain and pasture crops has re-
sulted in an increase of 50 to 100
per cent, in producers' cost for feed-
grains and cencentrates, he said.
Standard price set by the Ontario
government is 4.1C a hundred-
weight for milk with a 3.4 fat con-
tent, Mr. Clarke added. Price of
milk with a higher or lower fat con-
tent was figured at about three
three cents a point from the $2.10
If the standard price is raised, the
price of milk to the consumer would
necessarily jump, said Mr. Clarke.
He was not prepared to say whether
the dairies could sell milk at less
than the present retail price.
Japan's Population
Gain Put at Million
TOKYO—Japan's natural increase
en population,' the margin of births
over deaths, was 760,239 for the first
nine months of'1835,'the government
statistics bureau has .announced. If
this rate was maintained • for the last
quarter of the year, it; produced a
population gain of more than 1,000,-
000 for the year. Only in one pre
vi~aus year, 1932, has the population
risen by more than a million.
The margin of births over deaths
accounts accurately for Japan's
population growth, for emigration and
in -migration are neglible.
The official census for Japan as
of October 1, 1935, was 69,251,260
for Japan proper—a gain of 4,801,-
,801;255 in five years, This pressure of
numbers on Nippon's limited re-
sources is the basis of the world
problem of Japanese expansion.
By Dr, M, M. Lappin.
Among the sheaf of letters await-
ing my attention when 1 returned
from my vadation last week there is
one which is signed "A Worried
Wife," It tells .a story that Is tragle
and reveals conditions of married life
which one would like to think are um
usual, I shall not actually quote from
the letter—it is too intimate—but
here is the gist of the story:—
"A Worried Wife" fell in love with
a man and began courting him. He
posed as single, but it turned out he
was married and his wife divorced
him. When taken to task, he was
able to give a quite plausible explana-
tion, and "A Worried Wife", thinking
him an innocent victim, agreed to
marry him. For the first two or three
years of their marriage everything
went ,well, two children were born,
'and the ','unionpromised happiness.
But it wasn't to last. The husband
"started stepping out with women,"
and . for the past few years "A Wor-
ried Wife" has been living in con•
ditions which make the partnership
impossible. She is willing to forgive
all if only he will settle down and
behave himself. But he is not amen
able to reason and he refuses to agree
to a separation until he is able to
pin something' on his wife and then
he will not be required to support
her. "Do you 'think .he will change
his attitude later on and how should
I treat him in the meantime?" That
is the question which "A Worried
Wife" asks me.
Well, my correspondent was fool
ish in the first instance in marrying
a man who had so, deceived her with
out first satisfying herself as to his
innocence. But sometimes it is hard
to see things in advance. And some
men are` very?'smooth and plausible.
From the facts before me 1 can see
little hope of happiness in thlo union..
There is little likelihood of this
man changing his attitude unless he
can be - dealt with directly and per-
sonally, and that seems impossible,
If there is a Clergyman in whom ''A'
Worried Wifo" can confide and w tom
she .thinks would be able to exercise'
some influence on her husband, she.
could consult him. Ile might lnanaee
to bring her husband to a sense of
If that Is impossible, or if it fails,
then there is no valid reason wily
she should go on living in misery.
Fler husband refuses to agree to a
separation on .purely selfish gr'ounds.
As a last resort she should consult a
lawyer. If things are as the letter uow
before me portrays them, ' this w.o
man will have re difficulty in securing
the protection of the courts. I an).
always hesitant to give that, advice,
bat in this case the circumstances
are such that the woman would be
far better off if the Partnership were
May I crave the indulgence of cor-
respondents whose letters are still
unanswered? My mai) has been un-
usually heavy in the past few wee --
and work has a way of piling up when
one is on vacation. I hope to over-
take all belated correspondence w"1 -
in the next few days
NOTE: The writer of this column
is. a trained psychologist and an ate
thor of several. works... He is willing
to deal with your problems, and give
you the .benefit of his -wide experi-
ence. Questions ..regarding PROB-
should be ad'tlressed to : Dr. M. M.
Lappin, Room 451, 73 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto, Ontario. Enclose. a 8
cent stamped addressed envelope Mr
- News -
At a meeting of the -lard of Direc-
tors of iHllside Mines, Limited, held
at the Head Office of the company on
Tuesday, the 29th of September, on
the recommendation of Mr. Douglas
Baird, M.G., the Board of Directors
authorized the management of the
company to enter into a contract for
a minimum of 2,000 feet of diamond
'drilling. Tliis. work will commence
immediately and it is intended net
only to drill from surface on the pro;
mising showings which have been,dis•
closed in recent work, but also to ex-
plore •at depths of not less than 300
to 400 feet, the large ore body on
which a mill' test is now being made.
The machinery necessary to com•
•Mete both the mininng r'ant and the
mill has arrived at the properly and
is being Installed under the direction
of William Taylor, Mine Manager
Atte of Dome Mines. Some twenty-five
men are at work prospecting on sur
face and drifting will be started im-
mediately on the No. 2 vein, drifting
both directions from the tunnel at
a point 580 feet from the portal.
The finding of a new ore body a half
NE .- S
1—Contract for diamond drilling has been authorized
by directors.
2 -Machinery to complete mining and mill plant has
arrived on property •
3-25 men at work doing stripping, trenching and
drifting. Interesting samples ready for assay.
C Company
244 Bay Street Toronto, Canada
ADelaide 9351
R. C. Beaton Company, Limited,
244 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada.
Please forward maps and full information regarding
Name . 1,404...4.800. r . -. a .'.. 4 it0 .w 0 V .4444.., 1 ....: 0
Address T 0 1 .... 1 1 0 0 0 s 0 1 ♦Of0. u 0 0644440 rr.1 t WIT.
.... .-.:.. wy-i•o.�-/i•ob-�eHi-6-�•b-e-a�-d-o•�o-
mile from the present workings in the
Greenstone formation is quite impor•
taut in that up to date, nothing has
been found in this type of loch-
Drilling of the deep hole, at Lake
Karon, Gold Mines is continuing with
a depth of 450 ft., reached at last word
from the property. At 37,9 ft.,a ruiner
alized quartz vein was intersected and
a section of the core las been sent
out for assay. It is planned to contin
ne the hole another 1,0Q0 ft. at least.
to give .a cross section of the'struct
Agriculturists Use
Planes In Combat
VANCOUVER Agriculture has
taken to the air in British Columbia
where eXperintental flights to cont-
bat pea. alphis have proven success
With the tail of his airplane spout-
ing poison in billowing clouds, Pilot
Maurice McGregor "dusted" more
than 100 acres of peas on Sea Ir -
land, adjoining Vancouver's .Munici
pay Airport, Aerial warfare against
the insect will be continued over
other fields.
The work was originally under-
taken as an experiment. Two huge
hoppers containing 650 pounds of
poison were strapped to the wings of
the 'plane. Metal tubes carried the
tubes under the fuselage where they
joined together in a huge dust spray-
Flying a straight course down the
field the pilot was guided in ' his
work by the white area covered in
the dusting process. By doubling
back and slightly overlapping, an
area of 20 acres was sprayed in halt
an hour that would have taken days
to accomplish by the old method.
McGregor flew as 1•ow to the
ground as possible at a speed of ap
proximately 85 miles an hour. This
is believed the first time an airplane
has been used in farm .work in Uan-
;25,000,000 Drawl
By The Quintuplets
TO"ItONTO--OI' the $100,00.0•,000
which U. S. totrists are expected to
spend in Ontario this year, approxi-
mately $25,000,000 will be drawn here
by the Dionne, quintuplets, according
to. Jack IIamblton,. director of the
Ontario publicity and toariet depart-,
"The man who used to cone alone
from .he United States to fish, now
brings his wife, so that she can see
the babies at Callender. I think it
fair to say the quintuplets aro respon-
sible for about one quarter of the
increased tourist traffic."
For the six months ending Juiy 31,
1,383,735 U.S. cars entered Ontario,
250,528 more than in the same period
last year. 0f 'these 1.058,688 had
48•haur permits, 324,388 for 60 days;
and 759 'up to six months.
Estimating three persons to the car,
4,151,355 United States citizens spent
vacations in Canada, spending:. at
least $10 apiece.
"Returns are 'not• available for
August, the big vacation' month. With
tourist figures up a million over last
year, it is nob unreasonable to sup-
ture at this point. The most favorable, pose that receipts from .tourists will
area has not yet been reach'' 'reach the $100,000,000 mark. Last
year they spent $84,00.0,000.
Kert i,facDonald Red Lake 1001•
Mines has put down eight,test pits on
Watti Island, according to M. L. Bou-
zan, in charge of operations. The vein
on which the pits were sunk has been
traced for approximately 300, and )s
persistent with good structure, J. L.
Ramse]l states, consulting engineer,
who has recommended a programme
of diamond drillings. To date some'15
veins have been located on surface
with principal work confined to the
showing on Watti Island.
W. O'Reilly, mine manager of My-
Lamaque Gold Mines in a report to
sresident, G. E. Farrar, states chat.
No. 2 drill hole has reached depth
of 300 ft. Several quartz „stringers
were intersected and one new 'cin-
showing a width of 5 ft. The. latter o0
currence showed heavy mineraliza-
tion. The programme of drilling is be
ing continued.
Officials of Black Eagle Red Lake
lines report preparation. are under-
way for enlarging the scope of oper-
ations. Gordon F. Summers, O.L.S.,
gel W. FI. Fairburn left for the pro-
perty recently to prepaez for future
work. Mr. Summers has been engaged'
to survey the various ahearings and
vein structures preparatory to the
carrying out of an extensive diamond
drilling campaign, while Mr. Fa` burn
is arranging for the transportation of
additional equipment and supplies to
the property prior to the freeze-up.
Construction of now camps is well ad-
vanced and opening up of the two
principal veins is b-"- continued.
Diamond drilling is continuing on
the Mayrand property of Dunlop Con-
solidated Mines with No p hole inter-
secting 23 ft. of mieeralized aplite; 55'
ft. of mineralized biotite schist with
blue quartz stringers and 4 ft. of blue,
quartz with pyrite chalcopyrite and
arsenopyrite. Assays are now being
made and results should be available
Another shipment of approximately
25 tons of 80 percent copper nickel
matter from the Cuniptau Mines smel-
ter was loaded at Goward last week
for shipment to Montreal. Officials o1'
the company state that this shipment
is of similar grade to the previous
week's shipment which comprises 48,-
000 lbs. of matte. Dewatering of the
Alexo property is well under way and
it is expected that a sample carload of
high grade ere will be made to the
smelter some Cane this ' -eek. A sur-
vey of the company's holdings adja-
ent to the present workings has been.
carried out by Hans Lundberg with
indications said to be pointing to the
continuation of the ore to the south.
A diamond drilling campaign on this
portion of the property has been re
commended by the Cuniptau engin.
Lapa Cadillac Gold Mines, control•
led by Sudbury Contact, has now in-
tersected the "13" vein in crosscutting
on the first level and :visible gold' has
been exposed. Drill Hole N. 4 in this
Section encountered visible gold ani
it was expected that it would be cut
in the crosscut. The crosscut has rea
ched a length of 160 ft. and is pro-
ceed -leg rapidly, with an average rate
of 11 ft. per day being made. The vis
ible gold encountered in the "A"
*eh) had not been indicated by dia
mond drilling but now it has been es•
.aablished in both • the "A" and "B"
'Tile diamond drilling programme is
continuing on the Halliwell Gold
Mines, where three bobs are being
sunk at various points t pre ve the
extension of the indicated oreboay,
Directors of the company have under
consideratio i' sinking of a :haft
which seems justified by the recent
ly-made findings, Sufficient funds tot
such 'ogramme are on hand, with
the compane having cash, ct.'ls loans
and accounts receivable •of $150,000.
In addition there are 1,000,00 treasury
shares unissued, but under r tion at
prices sufficient to provide enoug
Money it is estimated, to pay for the
erection and installation of a mill.
WAKE. ➢P if U
And You'll. Jump Out of Bed in the
Morning Marin' to Go
The liver should pour out two pounds of
liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile
is not fiowingfreely, your food doesn't digest.
It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up
your stomach. Youget constipated. harmful
poisons go into the body, and you feel sour,
stink and the world looks punk.
A mere bowelmovement doesn'tatways get
at the cause You need something that works
on the liver as well It takes those good, old
' Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two
pounds of bile flowing freely and make you
feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they
make the bile flow freely. They do the work
of •calomel but have no calomel or mercury in
them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by
name 1 Stubbornly. refuse' anything else. 25e.
"Lessons are wonderfully helpful
and inspiring,"
y.1 ita,o been able definitely to
Change the habit of —"
"You are a great help and I hope
It is given to measure up."
"Results are wonderful."
We could quote from many more
letters, but the above extracts are
proof that others are being helped.
If others, W1IY NOT YOU?
Give that mind of yours a chance.
Write today for particulars of an
Intensive course of mental training.
The Institute of Practical and
Applied Psychology
'C. tifodSanding'eratioSanding'Sanding'010
DIXIE burns slowly,'
and lasts longer. The
flavour is rich and
mellow --always!
Queer World y
Miekey Norman of New Jersey
smoked a cigar every day, He start-
ed with cigarette's at fourteen
chain was attached to a carrot pul-
led up by a farmer in Tacoma, Wash-
ington. •. At the other .end of the
chain was a gold nugget valued at
2 6.
SPEEDSTER HEN: Stopping af-
ter a car journey at 50 m.p.h., a
hairdresser 'of Harrismith, 'S. Africa,
found a passenger on his front bum-
per. It was a hen, roosting on one
egg — fast asleep. ,
pocket independent State ir, Pyrene -
ea, 191 square miles, 5,200 inhabit-
ants, •has a standing army of one
Brigadier and nine other ranks. An
increase in its armed forces is being
Westcliff Carnival show has been
won by a small dog whose rat. was
820 to the m'nute.
The American heer-drinking champ-
ionship brought fame to Arthu Ax -
len, of Boston, who led after swal-
lowing half a gallon in 17 seconds.
Raymond De Val, of Milwaukee, Wis.
took 19 seconds to dispose of a sim-
ilar amount.
RADIO FLIES: Mysterious fade-
outs in the wireless programme from
Belgrade were traced to flies, which
entered the condensers and caused
short circuits.
25 Million Tourists In
Canada This Year
OTTAWA, — Immigration officials
will inspect 25,000,000 persons enter-
ing Canada, this year, according to
an estimate made by departmental of-
ficials. The majority of these are the
tourists who only stay in Canada for
a short time, but they all have to be
looked over. That is way although im-
migration is at a very low ebb, the de-
partment's staff numbers 900, includ-
ing those at head office.
In the peak year 1912-13, Canada re-
ceived 382,841 immigrants. This year
it will receive about 12,000. Wbile im-
migration has been ebbing the tourist
traffic has been growing, Every port
of entry has its immigration officer,
but in the matter of smaller ports it is
often the same man as the customs of-
ficer. Canada has 30 ocean ports of en-
try and 186 ports of entry along the
international boundary.
Council Standard
Choose "Bosco" COUN-
ingty foraneconomyd,Permanenqual-
1leavily coated with dur-
able spelter officially
"spot -tested" for quality
—this roofing eliminates
upkeep cost --resists wear
and wea`.her for years
We will gladly send litera uro
and prices, Write us now on
Your roofing requirements.
Canadians In London
London. Overseas Daily Mail ob- •
serves: At Vernon House, St. James'
recently,' each guest had pinned to
corsage or buttonhole a little card
naming the country which she or he
came. Strangers could talk to one
another without introduction. Among
those, returned from Vimy, were
white-haired Sir Robert Borden, the
first overseas minister to enter a
British Cabinet; vivacious Lady Pere
ley, whose husband Sir George, was
High Commissioner here in 1917-22;
and Archideacon Frederick George
Scott of' Quebec. He is famous for
his dash nto -lo-man's land, when
wounded himself, to recover his son s'
Sir Robert Borden is turned 80.
His enthusiasm keeps him young.
When tribute was paid to his war
servico he replied that in those
dreary days one v as thankful to be',
able to give something of one s
energy and strength. {
Referring to the nice things that
had been said about him, he recalled
Oliver Wendell Holmes, who wrote
to the effect that when young, one
is content to have praise in tea-
spoonfuls, as one reaches middle age
it is very acceptable by the table-
spoonful—hut when one is old one t
likes it ladled 1
Classified Advertising,
ened. No dye. Safe. 500. Trial size
26c. Annette, 220 MaDermot, Winnipeg..
BANNING MILL — Rline Champion.;
Farmers say best made. Kline Com-
pony, 121 Emvress Crea., Toronto.
List of Wanted inventions and full
information sent free. TI/P., ItAMMMSAY,'
Company, World Patent Attorneys. 273
Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada.
7ANZIl1Aft—Also Sudan, Somaliland,1
Tigers ta.mps, Tngoland, Caribbean,
Algerian. Central Americans, British
Colonials. This Mag;niearoci(vas collec
Lion free for 5e postage. GRAY STAMP,
Co., Dept. PC., Toronto,
- able improved household articles.'
Literature, sample free. Labor Saving
Devices. Limited, 570 Queen East,
Toron to.
i25.00 weekly made growl or mushrooms
for us or your local market. Patented
formula, write for !aroma don and free
offer, North American Spawn Com-
pany (Dept. Al, Untarin Building
The s
Shows how Co lead glial i. . r
froiu handR rill.' t', at a gi:ll:,i.
Graphologist Room 421
73 Adelaide St. W.
Issue No. 41