HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-08, Page 5Thursday,, October tEt 9;36 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL .D I LEY E. HOLM.E S IliARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Nor ARY PPUBIaIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICE, Ontario.. Special Attention" to Couneel and Court Work. lar. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr.. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCS—ZURICH 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. H. C• O W E N L. D. S. . D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, &V. Sc. " VETERINARY SURGEON we Office in the Horo late IIsdQrd Zurich Phone -96. a.• Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column. FOR SALE A black Percheron horse 4 years 'old, quiet and reliable. Also a num- her of email pigs, 5 weeks old. Henry Clausius, Zurich, CARD OF THANKS With heartfelt gratitude 1 wish to acknowledge my appreciation to all persons, who so kindly donated tee ward the fund, which was raised for me in thio community, and to all who helped in any other way during my, recent, misfortune. —Simon Gingerieh. LOST Between my farm and Zurich, an auto headlight lense and rim. Roy, Mester, 14th Con. Hay MEN WANTED For nearby Rawley Routes of 800 families. Write: Rawleigh's, Dept. M.L.-458-SB-J. Montreal, Can. FOOD SALE The Ladies of St. Boniface Parish, Zurich will hold a food Sale and Sale of Fancy Articles in the Town Hall, on Saturday, October 17th. NOTICE Campbell, V.S, B•V,Sc. i Beginning October 5th, Barber Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, ;Charges reasonable, Day or night calls promptly attended. to. Also Bre- o f Scottish terriers. Inverness ,'�. _.ek Ott o„ Main Steeet, $enrols. , apposite Towra NSALL. Phone 116. LICENSE]) AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - ,duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no chargees for Services Ren- aerea ARTHUR WEE Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm produce WANTED HIGHEST CAS' PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, -FOR -CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm.S+O'Brien Phone 1.01, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' t Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur. ell Meats, Bologna, Sausages, Ect., always on hand.Kept fresh in Electriic Refrigeration Highest Cash Pricesor Skins Wool, Hides and . S. Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weat her Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE • LARGEST RESERVE BAL :ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT 1AL COMPANY DOING BU'SINES: OF THIS;,KIND IN, ONTARIO Ihenount •of Insumafc0e at Ria o Dec 31st,' 1935, 00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Fates ---$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Year: IE. F. Klopp--Zurich Nest, kloo,Dealer InLidbtnind Rods iiatt s'JL kinds,oL Tire Insurance shops in Zurich will close every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday evenings Milt Oesch. Harold Johnston FOR. SALE in in 1`10-20 McCormick -Deering tract- or, used, in good condition. 1—Mare 7 years old. 2—Sulky plows. 1 -2 -furrow riding plow. GEO, IL BEATTY, Varna, Ont. FOR SALE A quantity of choice maple aud ash stove woe' 1' and 14 inches long also .some stan=ling timber. Apply to Herb. Biotic, Phone 141, Zurich. For Sale 25 bushels of good timothy seed for sale. Apply to Chris. Gaseho, Phone 97 r 9, Zurich_ Mineral Feeds "BI'ae-Seal Mineral Stock Feeds for sale, manufactured by Canada Minereal'. Products Ltd., London. Avoid all the common ailments in your live stock by feeding• these popular brands 'of feeds. Supply always kept on hand at very moderate prices. Leave your orders with us.—Solomon Bech- ler & Son,. Phone 947r14; R. R. No. 2 !Zurich Starter Chicks FOR QUICK SALE Chicks, one, two; three or four ;weeks old: Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Pullets 4 weeks old.. .I. E- McKINLEY R. R. 1, Zurich NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT lain Dresses and Suits 70c. Insurance• Inclnded. This is a con- tract special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And! Dry Cleaners. Tlii 's• Transport teed '`Cars For Sale Ve are offering the following Used 'Cars for Sale: 930—Coupe, a good one. 928 --Pontiac, a Bargain. 927—A good car cheap. 928 --.Ford Coach, at $100. All have good tires, good upholst- ring and mechanically good; gone 'ver carefully by us. L A. Prang. and Son, Zurich it ZURICH,.HERALD LOCAL NES Mr. Claude Meidinger of : ' nd00, visited his parents here over Sunday. Mr. William Grob of Stratford, visited This sister, Mrs. John Brenner last week. Messrs. William O'Brein, and Chas. Fritz were up north a --few days .last week on a hunting and fishing trip. Mrs. C. Either is spending the week with relatives and friends at Brucefield and Hensall. A number! of villagers attended„ii he big fowl supper .at Bruceileld on Monday evening. Friends in Zurich and community are indeedpleased to see Mrs. Mart H. Schnell of Regina, Alb.,. who is at present visiting in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel aid family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wersr of town motored to Kitc:laener on Tuesday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of mar Hensall and Mrs. B. Pfile and daugh- ter Pearl of town were Sunday gu- ests at the home of Mr. anct �Virs. Urban Pfile, 14th con. The United Church at Varna are holding their anniversary on Sunday October llth, when special speakers will be present. Then on Thursday evening, October 15,th they will cele- brate their annual Fowl Supper to which the public are cordially ''in- vited. The World's Series Baseball ended on Tuesday afternoon. with. New York, of course winning, but it was the Yankees of the American League who are champions this year, as they defeated the other New York team 4 to 2 games. Sunday drew the big- gest gate when nearly 70,000 paid to see the game. HUGGARD GETS THREE YEARS John J. Huggard, 36 year old Sea - forth lawyer, up at Goderich last Saturday on trial for the theft of approximately $150,000 of securities from the safety deposit boxes of his former customers, The sentence is co date from the day he gave frimsel f up in a Los Angeles police station, s'n July 1 Iast after fleeing-acrosstlie continent, a fugitive from. 'justice, and had lost all in an eleventh -hour effort to recoup the lifetime ;savings of his wife and of , more than two: score of his fellow citizens. Two of his former brokers, Gordon. G. Mc- Laren and Roht. Fletcher, Toronto, are in Goderich jail awaiting trial on the same oharges. The accused lawy- er had already testified as : a drown witness against the brokers'In.,;ad- dressing the court Judge T. M Cos- tello sand:: "I see no reason why I should prolong sentence. I iieliey your counsel is ,correct Orn Sayiti you want to ' make good -the losses of those you have wronged. A::thin of your type mush have already suffer- ed much punishment, as has .,your family. It has all been distastful,but I must not be swayed. The sentence will be three years in penitentiary, to date from the time of your arrest I commend you for theassistance you have given. Crown Attorney. Holmes in giving yourself up and tell ing all.” Fiftieth Anniversary Observe Fiftieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. • Oswald Fisher just south of town, observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, October 4th, 1936. About '75 gu- ests were entertained at 5 o'clock supper. The dining room was pret- tily decorated in gold and white. the color scheme was carried out on the tables at which the guests were seated. In theafternoon a suitable program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher received many cards and tele- grams from relatives and friends who could not attend. Mrs. Fisher, who before her marriage was Eliza-. aeth Geiger, was born in Hay Twp. Mr. Fisher was born in Tavistock, Ont., and were united in marriage an October 5th, 1886 and settled on the farm a half mile south of Zurich where they still remain. ivIr. and airs. Fisher have nine children:: Mrs Wesley Bowman, Toronto; Mrs. Wil- son Kraft, Mrs. Milton Haas, Mrs. Amus Weber, Messrs Harry, Samuel, 'dward, Ervin Fisher all of Bitch- ner and Mr. Raymond Fisher at. tome. They also have 18 grand- hildren. The guests were as follows )r. and Mrs. Eldwin Witwer, Mr, aid Mrs. Dan Witwer of Detroit; .Ir. and Mrs. Noah Geiger, Pigeon, 4ich; Dr. and Mrs. Milton Geiger of Jrosswell, Mich; Dr. and Mrs. Wili- am Geiger, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. )wen Geiger, Mr. Ira Geiger; Mr. tnd . Mrs, Eric Kennedy and family' f Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher Iensall; Mr, and Mrs. John Gascho,• Ai. and Mrs;• Roland Geiger, Mr. and Ars. Blake Horner, Mr. and Mee. osiah Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chiel and family all of Zurich; Mr, nd Mrs. Wesley Bowman, Toronto; Yir. and Mrs. Wilson Kraft and amily, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Weber, \Tr. and Mrs. Edward Fisher and fani l.y, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and amily? Mr. and Mrs. Hary Fisher nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton taas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin •'•fisher and family all of Kit :hencr. _tis is the seventh golden wedding�T tiniversary, in the Geiger family. I a f WOMEN AS MINISTERS Ottawa---Th.e "Jutted Church of Canada last week became the first church in Canada to admit women to ordination as ministers, voting al- most unanimously to give effect to such action by amending the ,basis on which church union was consumated 'n 1925. The council adopted a re- coramendation brought down by the law and legislation committee and moved by Miss Annie Y+'nnnta'•i Vancouver, Miss Fountain said she felt the historic impot+.an,ce o. • .novo the church was making "as e further step in the forward move- ment of women in our church." STANLEY TOWNSHIP A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of the Blue Water liiighway gathered at their home to bid them farewell. After the address was read they were presented with a purse of money. The evening was spent in games and music. Mr. Wat- son has sold his farm to Mr. Hod- gins .of Kitchener. Miss Kathleen Scotchmer is visit- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Town- send in Gioderich Township. Miss Mary Campbell, who has spent several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton, at Port El- gin, has returned home. Miss Jean Carnie was a visitor with her aunt, Mrs. C. Haugh, at Brucefield. Birthday Party Last Monday night at the home of Mr. Ralph Stephenson, Parr line, was the occasion of a very hal ,iy e being the celebration of his 75th birthday. A sumptuous dinner was provided by his• daughter, Mrs. Web- ster Turner and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Stephenson. Those present besides his own family and their chil- dren residing in Stanley were his brother, David Stephenson and his wife of Bayfield, also' his sister, Mrs B. Armstrong of Clinton. ender sat- isfying the inner man• the time was spent in the old social way, consisting of pleasant conversation, music, etc. Mr, Stephenson has five daughters and one son, two daughters residing in .Manitoba, also a sister, Mrs. D. Armstrong, from whom congratulat- ions were received by maid. There are 13 grandchildren and two great ;iandchild en, heing the t„o sons cf Russell Consitt, His many friends trust Mr. Stephenson will be spared to enjoy good health and many more birthdays. DASHWOOD Special anniversary services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday :October, 18th, assisted by Rev. S. R. Knechtel of Kitchener and the Mississippi Four. Miss Reta Hayter who has been visiting at her home here has return- ed to London. Dr. Eugene Tieman who spent sev- `eral weeks in Camp Borden, has re- turned home. Miss Ruth Tiernan left on Monday for London where she will attend Business College. Mrs Rolbt. Hayter spent the week- end with her daughter in Windsor. Mrs. Ravelle of Grand Bend spent „i t • • • • • t e r r } ZURICH.CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of 'Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 9000•00000,0000011000000000O000000es000000100,00000 Cut Your Fuel -Bill In ,HALE Buy Storm Windows and Doors I LET US QUOTE YOU! + + REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 'r LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL + TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4. i WAIT. I AL FLEISC PHONE E 69 - ZURICH *•+++44+++++++++++++++++++.; +++++++++44++4++-+++.; }'I ++++•I.++ •F+++•€•+++++.1.4.++ F.r IP •i N•OOSOOO •••••.••••••00•• 00•00••ONfiO••00•r•••0••ttl>♦ a 6 Your Winter's Fuel 1 •• 1 : Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home • warm and comfortable. We can supply practically • all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with prices very morerate... Let us fill your bin ! Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds = Plow points to tit all makes of r plows i • Cash paid for good Dutch Sets SEEDS! SEEDS!- We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. L.ySchilbe & Son 7•A M O•os000eee o,000eoao•m000•osoe•••M Lire week end with Mrs. Weber. Mr. Harry Zimmer and sisters Mary and Mrs. Barbar and family of Tavistock and Miss Anna Hess of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Sunday. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N. who has graduated from Victoria Hospital, is spending a few weeks with her par- ents.. Mr. C. Baumgarten of Manitoba, s visiting a few weeks with his father. The Mission Circle met at the home of Gertrude Hoffman on Tues- day evening with 20 members pres- ent. Myrtle Giaiser had charge of he meeting which opened with a hymn and prayer by Phillis Reid and Eunice Oestreicher, after which Betty Taylor favored the members with a cornet solo. Hope Roppel read' a chapter :from the Study Book `Consider Africa.” After the roll call considerable business was dealt with The meeting closed with miz- pah benediction. Death of Mrs. Burmester ''Mss. Minnie Burmeister (nee Nesse) died on Friday at the home of her son-in-law Edward Miar on the Lake Road a mile west of Dash- wood. She was in her 82nd year and had been ill for about two weeks She was born in Germany and had la) lived at Hanover for some time. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Christian Mink of Chesley; Mrs Edward Maier of Dashwood a step - on, Christian Burmeister, a sister, Mrs. Mary Mink, Chesley; 16 grand- hildren and four great grand chil d - ed. Phe funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon at the home of er son-in-law Edward Maier and at Zion .Lutheran Church, Dashwood, with Rev. T. Luft officiating. In- ernient was in the Bronson Line ce- metery. FALL FAIR DATES esswater ............ Kirkton Oct. 6, Oct. 6, 7 YtrmwumWWlnn+YwliWwrwMMEwWAwLNIM Zurich Drug Store 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 School Suppiies We have a full Line of 1 all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Book s,inclu ding the New Speller All High School Text Books, ete. ��. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuinizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. 'st111( or or Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich?" idtP!�1�'l�'1MfRirloR s"lsW!*