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Zurich Herald, 1936-10-08, Page 1
'Vol. XXXV E U No.14 HERAL ZURICH,, THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8, '4936. Chester L. Smith, Publish** ;1.24 a year, U.S. $1.50 in A.dvanmE $3.50 L AR]tJAR$, $2 MAY BB (xi:w '1 /A4 Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide 111 your Fall Purchases FIRE PREVENTION WEEK October 4th to nth is proclaimed. by His Excellency, The Governor 'General, as Fire Prevention. Wear. This annual drive against the lhaz<- lards of .fare is sponsored 1&y the Gov sernment, urging the people .to „Bre-• -vent the deva:iting fire Mmes Farmers! Atm! We have been appointed selling Agents for the Celebrated Viking Thabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let as demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And .don't forget, the best feature is the 'unusual easy terms_ LTeral allowance for trade -its. C. SOHRAG de SOW. tf44 ST. PETER'S kEv'angelcal Lutheran Church ZURICH -. ONT. "A Changeless Christ fr at Chang- ing vtlrorkh" ..friday, 8h-Lutber League. -Thursday -Choir Price;. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m. -German Service. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School 7.30 p.m. English cervi ',Everybody Welcome to an Services.; E. TUERICHIEBK, Pastor: iDa.Yau.. Need ;.Gasses? Stop and Think how important it is that you wear correct gfasseo-•aor- rectly prescribed for your vision., Correctly styled to your tae. °$ourl health may largely depend on •vision. P ;BA- IFS FALL FAIR 'The annual Bayfield Fall Fehr r' rotas held according to schedule, on 'Thursday of Last week, with a larger attendance than last year. The wea- thezanan, was again unkind this year, and sent down •considerable rain dur- ing the arternoon, but fortuna'telyl the crowd had practically aTl gather- ed, and the attendance d'id not suffer as much as had it come earlier. The inside exhibits, as usual were very well filled and of good quality, the 'poultry was also good, some very fine horses were again present also some nice cattle. Owing to the ram is the middle of the afternoon, the Dashwood Henrick Memorial Band could not complete their program, and their fine music was greatly mis- sed by the Large attendance. Follow ing are the prize winery. HORSES Wagon Class Brood mare accom- panied by foal, Wm. Sparks, W. E. Keys; Foal, W. E. Keys, Wm. Sparks Team, Wm. Decker, L. IL Rader. Percheron -•-- Foal, Colin Campbell T. Snowden. Agricultural - Brood mare, N. Keys, T. Snowden; Foal, N. Keys; 2 year old, N. Keys, E. Reilley; Team, E- Webster, Miss Brn'vneft. Heavy Draught - Brood snare, H. Truemner, Miss Brownett; Foal, H. Truemner, Miss Brownett; 1 yr. old, -Miss Brownet; Teach, L. I3. Rader, 'Miss Brownet. Roadsters -Brood mare, N. Keys, Foal, N. Keys; Single, H. Truemner. Carriage - One yr. old, L. Mutton Single horse, N. Keys; lady Driver, H. Truemner, Wilbert Keys. Specials - Best heavy Horse, by Society, N. Keys and 2nd; J. W. Mer- ner's special, W. Sparks; Reiley's Special, H. Trueniner, W. Keys; Best Dolt on halter by Society, N. Keys; (W. Scotchmer special, W. Sparks. • CATTLE Grade Cattle - Milk cow, Miss Brownet and2nd;2old heifer yr. , Mas. x3rd, Jno. Etne; 1 yr. ald hea- ler, it Pepper, J. Etue; Heifer'calf R. Pepper, A. Warner; Steer calf, R. Pepper, and 2nd; 2 yr: old steer, It Pepper; 1 yr. old steer, R. Pepper and 2nd. Durham - 1Vliik cow in calf, 2 yr. old, 1 yr. old first by R. Peck; Heif- er eifer calf R. Peck and 2nd; Bull calf, R. Peck, R. Pepper. Herfords - 1 yr old heifer, Heifer calf and bull calf by F..Lorbet; Pe led Angus -Milk cow, P. 'Dear - ng; 2 -yr. old heifer, and bull calf by �. . Dearing. Jersey - Malt cook, IL Brandon. Bo'lstelns - Wm_ Sparks took all prizes in this cIass., Specials - Stade & Weld* special and talcum epeciar. R. Pante See C. E. `ZURB�, E. O. At. HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH I At Dashwood, Satuniay, at 'MeV Ston 4. . WE SELL THE REST FOR LESS Spec WIS for Olctober'.$th,,, Talk, Sliced pmeap e,, Icer ..._ �..-........... 9r Fry's Cocom bails - 19c (Peas; choice (polity., ., 2 dins 25.c 1Kelloggs'' bran; (lakes,, per i*kg.. .1 Oc Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 79c Lux Toile: Sem 4 :23c Salada Tea, 'As brown 'label 31c, yelloww label 27c Maple. 'Leaf socket'. Salmon, '' s. 19c. 1,.s ,....-.-....35c Pitted dates, 2 lbs. 25c- Blue 5c"Blue Boy coffee. l=ib- ...-- -- .- -.. 'a r:;...,... 25c HilIcrest .sl +i .., ':lbs. -,......•. .: �' ' c: Blue Boy Teal„ a►r l clk HAM - Men's Boys Ladies d Children Underwear,, Sweater Coats,, Hosiery„ Etc.. Blanlos„ Flannelette Blast's,: Etc- See . , of Winter : ':t J. W. MERN.ER Highest ' ► Moe Il Leavilt's Theatre EXETER - ONT.• First Showing 7.30. . Second 9.30 Thursday, Friday, Sehirday Oct.' 8, 9, and '10. POWDER SMOKE RANGE The first all star Western Picture with Hoot Gibson ' and Bob Steele, Buffalo Bill, Jr., and Harry Carey. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Oct. 12, 13, and 14th. COLLEGIATE With Jack Oakie, Joe Penner, on all Star Caste. COMING Lottie Margaret, Jentt MacDon- ald and Aelson Eddy. Leicester - Ram, A. Warne Ram lamb, R. Pepper and 2nd; E R. Pepper, A. Warner; •Shearling-e' R. (Pepper and 2nd; Ewe Iamb, Warner. Lincolns - Ram, A. D. Steepe T. Snowden; Shearling ram, . A. Steeper; 'Ram lamb, A. • D. Steeper, Snowden; Ewe, A. D. Steeper a; 2nd Shearling ewe, A. D Steeper., Snowden; Ewe lamb, A. D. Steep.; and 2nd. Oxford's - Ram, F. M©Clymon ram lamb, A. D. Steeper. Ewe, M' Clym,ont and 2nd; also in •Shearlii i ewe ; ,Shropshires - W. Douglas to all prizes in this class. Dorset Sheep - P. Dearing tog all prizes in this class. HOGS f .Berkshire - Aged. boar, x: Sno deny Br n Brood sow, T. Snowden and a.� Young boar and young sow, P. Cor butt. Yorkshire - Aged boar, A. War ,ner and 2nd; Brood sow .and young boar, A. Warner and 2nd; Young sow, E. Webster, A. Warner. Tamworth - Aged boar, Manson Bros; T. Snowden; Brood sow, Man- son Bros; Young boar, T. Snowden, Manson, Bros; Young sow, irIanson Bros; Pair bacon , hogs, E. Webster, Wm. Sparks; . Canada Packers Special, T. Snow- den. POULTRY Brahmas, Couchins and Langshans, John Kockems took all :,prizes in these three classes. Barred Rocks, Utility, F. McCly- nront •',)ook all prizes. Rocks.. White, Utility, Pullet W. G. Clarke; Cock, R. Peck, T. Snowden; Hen, T. •Snowden, L. O'Brien; Cock- erel, W. G. Clarke, T. Snowden. White Wyandottes - 0. Battler took all prizes. Buff Orpingtons, J. Kockems took 11 prizes. Silver Grey Dorkings, 0. Battler. hook all prizes. White Leghorns, Pullet, Miss Bro et, J. Kockems, Cock, J. Kockems, Miss Brownet; Hen,•J. Kockems, Miss rownet; Cockerel, Miss Brownet, 0. Battler. Rhode Island Reds, J. Kockems took all prizes in this class. Campines, Pullet, L. O'Brien, Mrs. Metcalf; Hen, 0. Battler and 2nd; ockerel, Mrs. Metcalf and 2nd; Jersey B]k Giants, Pullet, L. O'- rien; Hen, J. Kockems; Cockerel, L. O'Brien. Light Sussex, Pullet, J. Kockems, I Deihl; Cock, J. Kickems; Hen, A. Warner. ,7. Kockems; Cockerel, K. Deihl, J. Kockems. Guineas, Cock, T. Snowden; Hen, F. McClymont, T. Snowden. Black Spanish Hen. J. Kockens. Black Minorcas, Pullet, L. O'Brien; Hen, J. Kockems and 2nd. Andalusians, 0. Battler took alt adzes• in this class. Bik. Hamburgs, Pullet, L. O'Brien ock. L. O'Brien. 0. Battler; Hen, L. 'Beier' 0. Battler. Bantams, any variety, Pullet, 3. Kockems, F. Gorbet; Cock, L. 0' - Tien, B. Bawden; Hen, L. O'Brien: H. Bawden; Cockerel, H. Bowden, 3. Kockems. . Indian unner ducks, old, 0. nat- io', A. Warner; do young, 0. Dea- ler. F. Kockems. Muskova ducks, old, W. G. Clark; o young, T. Snowden, W. G. Clarke Pekin ducks, old, A. Warner, T. nowilen; do young, 0. Battler, T. r; we, we A. r, T. T an e t, Mc a and, lllis B C B L P 0 0 B 'd 5 Snowden. Rouen ducks, old, and young, T. Snowden took i st. Toulouse Geese, old, K. Deihl, A. WV -armee do young. 0. Battler. `IiJnabden geese, old, A. Warner, do 1 yon -ng, B. herd, A. Warner. Bronz 'Purkeys, old, W. Clarke, A: 'Varner; do young, A. Warner and Furan el. (Pati pigeons, L. O'Brien, and 2nd. d Ta ewertha Special, G. W. Clarke.'4 (Concluded Pott) s Mr. Wm. Beaver of Kitchener, was a visitor in town last week. Miss Clara Weber of London, vis- ited her parents here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber and Mrs. W. C. Wagner motored to Lon- don on Friday. Mrs. Thos. .Meyers who spent a week or so in Toronto ds returned to her home, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Geiger of Pig- eon, Mich., were visitors with relati- ves here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mrs Silber motored to London on Satur- day. Miss Ida Brill who has been for some weeks at Kitchener has return- ed home. A large number of citizens of the village attended the Bayfield Fall Fair on Thursday afternoon, Thursday, October 2.Dth is the data set for the big fowl supper in St. Peter's Lutheran chureh, Zurich. Hay Council met on Monday for the October meeting. The minutes of the Council will appear in next week's issue. Mr, and Mrs. Lee O'Brein and family were Sunday visitors at Galt, while Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter at Kitchener. Monday next, October 12th will be observed 'as Thanksgiving and Day a palslic holiday. Most of us have much to be thankful' for the .past year and this is a nice reminder of such bless- ings we have received. Some real nice rains visited these parts the past week and the farmers tell us that the plow is going along nicely now. It is a big help to the late sown fall wheat, and Iate past- ures. • Messrs. Jacob and John Reichert, Mrs. Hy. Yungblut, Mr. Earl Yung- bh*t and Wilfred Klopp were week- end visitors in Detroit, •where they visited with Mr. Ed. Reichert, who is I not so' well. Special Thanksgiving services will be observed in the A. M. church, of the Branson line. The special serv- ices will begin on Sunday evening, and on Monday there will be three sessions. Rev. Earl Mast, •of Bayport .Mich., will be the main speaker. The public -are cordially invited. W. M. S. MEET The September meeting of the W. M. S. of St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran church, Zurich was held in the Sun- day School rooms recently. Miss M. Heideman had charge of the devot- ions and also presented the topic en- titled 'The Whole Program of the Whole Church." Clippings were read by Miss G. Weber, Mrs. I. Yung iblut, Mrs. M. Schilbe, Mrs. E. Turk - helm,. and Mrs. L. Prang. Rev. E. Turkheim gave helpful information en the topic. Mrs. K. Mousseau of- fered prayer for her prayer partner, Mrs. E. Kropp read the than;.offering thought, Mrs. H. Krueger read an interesting letter from 'her prayer partner, Miss Susan Glatz, a Mission- ary in India. Womens' Institute The October meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute was held in the Council !Chambers on Tuesday even - Mg, Oeto;ber Gth, with a good atten- dance. The President, Mrs. T. Meyers presiding for the business period. In the absence of the Sec- retary, Miss MacDonald ,read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. IL Hess„ Mrs. J. Hey and Mrs. MacKin- non were appointed to arrange for a concert to be held in the near fut- ure H urea rs. ess, who occupied the chair for the program introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Boyce wino gave a very interesting tair on "An- cient and Modern Dentistry." A demonstration on "Smocking' 'was in charge of Mrs. J. W. Merrier which was very instructive. The roll call was responded by "A goon supper WO ' During a social period follow- ]ig 'the meeting, refreshments were erved. on pate r Broken Spectacle Lenses ACCURATELY DUPLICATED We can determine the Correc- tion from a small portion of your Broken Lens. Any Size and Shape Hess, The Jeweller•' Phone 74 Zurich 'blue coat The color guarantees the quality Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Alberta Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid fee Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 HENS -all els••••••••♦••••••••••••• 0••••••••••••••♦••♦♦O♦44r•i•. e• ALL • ♦u ♦i• Qtr •s e,. +r* ar • • ♦ • • • ss •• ♦ • • ♦ • • ♦ • • ♦ • e. a 0 ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • • • ♦ • WE. MEET PRICE COMPETITION IN Tailored To Measure Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $19.50 COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED!4. w O. 44ro• Wili II IN - Ile ,0 0 0 0, • .1. • 0„ •• 4,, 0. • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Spring and Summer GOODS WE HAVE A WELL., ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz,. Curtains, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, en's and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls,, Sweaters, Boys' • Bloomers and Pant Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 and 1Oc. package Garden Seeds, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Re e LAS GENERAL IV/EPOttlAtV T PHONE 11 ao97 E3LAKE