HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-10-01, Page 51.1irarsday Ootu'her 1st, 1936. BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL' D' DLEY �� . HOLM,7E S BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC.. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, anst off the Square, GODERICH, Ontazri'r®. •Be een my farm and Zurich, an Special Attention to Councel and ,auto headlight :tense and rim. Court Work. Boy Verner, /4th Con. Hay lir. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed: Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this COIumuq LOST DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH /Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. H. C O' W E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: .... Main Street Exeter - Ontario V'ETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON .Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich'Phone._...9 6- A. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All eiseases of domestic animals treated the most modern principles, IT ;Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to, Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Invain erness Kennels. Office on Mme. rpposite Town Ha Phone 1i6. HEN ALL. LICENSED -AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless us to size or article to sell I solicit Irour business, and! if not satisfied will 'make no charges for Services Ren- dered:. 1}ashwood ARTHUR Wl�R'ER— Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Pioduce WANTED HIGHEST CASH. PRICES —FOR -- CREAM. EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, fEct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides ' and .. Skins Yungblut & Soii INSURANCE, Western Farmers" Mutual Weather Insurance Co.: OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL 11iNCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINES, GF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO iii zount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1935, $20,479,739.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.5.2.. Zates•—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp--Zurich Meat, Also Dealer las Litlhtnini Nods Ilu iii kinds o#t rime lasomauce MEN WANTED For nearby Rawley Routes of 800 families. Write: Rawleigh's, Dept. M.L.-458-,SB-J. Montreal, Can. i FOOD SALE The Ladies of St. Boniface Parish, Zurich will hold a food Sale and Sale of Fancy Articles in the Town Hall, on Saturday, October 17th. NOTICE Beginning October 5th, Barber shops in Zurich will close every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday evening; Mil Desch. Harold Johnston AeliMalt FOR SALE 1-10-20 McCormick -Deering tract- or, used, in good condition. 1 -Mare 7 years old. 2—Sulky plows - 1 -2 -farrow riding plow. GEO. H. BEATTY, Varna, Ont. FOR -SALE A quantity of choice maple and ash stove wood 12 and 14 inches long also some standing timber. Apply to Herb Block, Phone 141, Zurich. For Sale 25 bushels of good timothy seed for sale. Apply to Chris. Gascho, Phone 97 r 9, Zurich, Mineral Feeds "Blue -Seal Mineral Stock Feeds for .sale, manufactured by Canada Mineral Proclacts Ltd., London. Avoid all the corn,...,....-_ments in your live stock by feeding these popular brand, of feeds. Supply always kept on hand at very moderate prices. Leave your orders with us.—Solomon Beeh- ler & Son, Phone` 9.7r14; R. R. No. 2 Zurich. Starter Chicks FOR QUICK SALE Chicks, one, two, three or four weeks old. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Pullets 4 weeks old. J. E McK1NLEY R. R. 1, Zurich NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT Plain Dresses and Suits 70c. Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And Dry Cleaners. Thiel's Transport Ubed Cars For -Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sate: 1930—Coupe, a good one. 1928—Pontiac, a Bargain. 1927—A good car cheap. 1928 Ford Coach, at $100. All have good tires, good upholst- ering and mechanically good; gone over carefully by us. .L : A: Prarigand Son, Zurich DIES AT HENSALL • The .death occurred;a't, Bonsai! . or Saturday evening -of Mrs. Agnes RosF widow of James Ross, Tate of Bruce field, in her 78th year. Mrs. Rios: was formerly Agnes Burgess, and had Been 'n. ;resident of Hensall, for 24 years, where ,she was well known land highly respected. She had been in ill health for some time. Surviv- ing- are four sisters and two broth- 'rs. The funeral was held on Tuns- -day afternoon from the dome of Mrs Sainidi ienck; [Pensa% to Exeter "nctcry, Rev_ A.: Sinclair eond'uct- ,ut; ;ting se:rvi;ces., ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mrs. W. F. Finldbeiner and dough sister, Mrs. W, H, Hoffman. Mrs. Sam Gotschal of Dashwood was a week-ena visitor with lien sis- ter Mrs. J. W. Horner, 1 Mr, Horace j(iopp of Stratford was a Tuesday visitor with his moth- ar here, Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, is spending a few days at the homy of Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut. Mrs. Minnie Fritz of London, vvar a week -end visitor at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. - Mr.. and Mrs. William F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday. visitors at the home of Mr, v"Vrll am Lamont. Mr. Frank Bossenberry, his* son Clayton and Mrs. Snyder of Kitch- ener were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. W. C. Wagner. Mr. Leonard Jeffrey has rented the home which was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston and owned by Mrs. E. E. Clarke at Blake, Mr. Ward Fritz is making more improvements to his residence prop erty, A cement curb is being ,bulh along the street and the driveway extended. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Broadfoot and son Stewart of near Hensall also Mrs. McAlister and Brs Broadfoot of Hay Township were Tuesday gu- ests at the home of Mrs. C. Either. 'Via. and Mrs. Len Klopp and fam- ily of Waterloo, Mrs. J. Wagner and daughter Helen of Shakespeare were ,Sunday visitors with their mother, Mrs. Wm. Klopp of town. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held in the Zurich Town Hall last Wednesday, when some in- teresting cases were argued out be- fore Judge T. M. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter and daughter Mtt iel, and Mrs. S. Brown. of Kitchener motored to Zurich and spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mir. .and Mrs. E. Wendorf and daughter • Corona Mary, of Clinton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Gingerich on Sunday af- ternoon, also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith on Sunday vening. Rev. G. F. Barthel 'of Kitchener, end Mr. and Mrs. S. J. :Schiele of Sebringville were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. John England: The latter being a sister of the host- ess. Mrs. K. IKellerman sof Elkton, Mich Mrs. Parkdale, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. H. H. Cowen of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher of Dashwood were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Fritz. Mr. E. H. Axt of town was a vis- itor to Detroit the part week,, re- turning home over the week -end and was accompanied by. his son, Mr eHrbert Axt, Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Charton of Detroit, -who spent the week -end here. Farmers of this district are about finished with the bean crop, and in+ many cases have already threshed their beans which are fincl1ng• a ready, market at $2.25 a bushel. The crop this year is not as heavy as in some years past. With this week the Wednesday half holiday season is over for this - Ammer. We also noticed on Sunday midnight the clock in the eastern larger cities was turned back an •hour to Eastern time. Local exhibitors who entered pouf - try at the Western Flair, London re- cently were successful in carrying off a number of "prizes. Messrs. L. O'Brein, J. Kockems, and A. MacKin- non being the winners. Just a word of warning when a- way from home doing shopping. it would be a good plan when taking off any apparel and trying on new things to have a sharp eye on the things that you take off. The other day a lady was in the city and trying •'on •a new hat, and while she had a i rather good hat that she was wearing, and while trying on the new hat just !aid it on a table, and when she re- `urned to get her hat, to her surprise someone had taken her hat and left an old discarded hat in its place. • HENSALL NOMINATION The nomination for a Councillor, 'or Hensall. Council, caused by the death of Mr. Sangster, was held on 'Ionday, September 28th from 7 to 1 p.m. when the, following motions were made: W. J. Jones, by G. C. ''etty and G. E. Brick; G. C. Petty by W. J. Jones and 3. W. Ortwein. 1. C. Petty resigned immediately af- ter 8 p.m. and W. J. Jones qualified and took the oath of office as a Coun- illor.—J. A. Patterson, Returning Officer. SCHOOL MEET AT EXETER At a .recent meeting held of delc- ;ates from Clinton, Mitchell, Sea - forth, Goderich, Hensall and Exeter secondary schools it was decided to make October 2 the date on which. the 12th annual track and field meet of the South Huron schools will bc+ held. The meet will be held .at Exeter and Principal E. J. Wethy-was elect- ed president and Miss Alma Brown secy-tereas. A vote of thanks was tendered iPnineipal Moore of the Tien Isall C. S. for the mariner • in which lensall ha}idled last year's event. 10 FARMERS ARE CHEERFUL .Wheat and barley prices jumped to $1.05 a bushel at Hensall, shipping. centre of South Huron, last Friday,• a new high for the year, and quite a few years, and elevators are open night and day to receive shipments. ,given so, some farmers are holding heir barley, convinced it will go to 1.25 a 1' het or higher, shortly. One elevator shipped 45 cars of barley Ix the United States in two days re Gently. The elevators are the scene of great activity. Night and day trucks ire lined up waiting, to unload. On a recent day, at midnight, no less than 15 trucks were in the waiting line. The fertile region from Clin ton to Crediton had good crops this summer. One farmer. with 150 acres threshed 700 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of barley and 400 bushels of beans. Beans are selling as high as. $2.25 a bushel as compared with 50c a year ago. Barley and wheat state' at 70c for this season's crop, rose to $1, dropped to 80c and are now up to $1.05. THE • TOLL BROTHERS who "?'rtr',•-Hi'.c< •i t-1,Hr yr v aro- und the World, will give their won- derful Tra-; elogues in the United Church, Hensall On Wednesday Eve., October 7 The public are cordially invitPrl to hear these interesting young Men. HENSALL Violet Willis and Mrs. Brown, of Marlette, Mich, have been spending a week or so visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Case wer visit- ors at Detroit., and Mrs. Andrew Lammie returned with them, fillow- ing a two week's visit with relatives. Lloyd and Ab. Passmore of Delhi, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mrs. Minnie Muir of Detroit, at- tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. E. Sheffer. • Miss Mattie Elli•1 was a visitor' a` Guelph with her sister, Mrs. Fred. Smallacombe. Miss Edna Butts, who has been visiting relatives in town has re- turned to her home in Toronto. Mr. George J. Sutherland, who has been Postmaster irr Hensall for over 50 years, was retired on Friday last, and a new postmaster will be approin- !ad immediately. Until the •new ap- pointment is made Miss Margaret Johnston will be in charge of the post •office. Robt. Passmore and Norman Sin- clair left the end of last week for Toronto where they will attend the University. - Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smillie of Tor- onto visited a few days with their .son Dr. Smillie here. Mrs. Andrew Moir has moved in from the farm to her residence on B. Richmond st. Wm. Wildman, who is taking charge of the farm for the Owner, mooed out bo the farm. Mr. Wildman had been living in Mrs. Lit- tle's house for the summer months. Dr. Mair, accompanied by his wife and sister left last week for a trip to the West. The doctor expects to return on or about Oct. 6th, but the others will be away for a .longer time. Dr. Donald Steer will have medical supervision of the hospital during Dr. Moir's absence. Holy communion was observed in the United Church on Sunday morn- ing Preparatory service was held on Thursday evening and was in charge of Robt. Passmore. Anniversary services will be held in the ;Chiselhurst United Church on Sunday Oct. 4th, when Rev. J. N. Gould of Sarnia wi]1 have charge of the service. Services will be held at Chiselhurst at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. At the Hensall United church Rev. Gould will have charge of the morn- ing service and the evening service will be withdrawn. Rev. Mr. Sinclair will take Mr. Gould's work at Sarnia Judge Wearing in the County Civ- il Court, London, dismissed the claim of W. W. Revington, Lucan cattle dealer, against Claude Blowes, prin- cipal of Hensall Public School. On Dec. 7 last, Revington was leading a horse on the highway near Lucan, when Mr. Blowes camealong driving a car. The horse got frightened, and jumped right in front of the ear, and killing the animal'• and injuring Rev- ington. This case has been before the ckouats all summer and Mr. Blow- es has had a great deal of trouble and. expense in defending this claim for damages by Revington, FALL Stratford Mitchell FAIR DATES Oct, 1, `2 Sep 29, 30 Wingham ..........Sep 30, Oct. 1 Tesswater Oct. C, 7 13AYPIELD Sep30, Oct!., rkton,., • .. , .. , . , Oct. •�;, 'i it +, PHONE 69 .'�• L 4 PAGE MVO rll00010•••••••••NOOOSI•••• M••••••••••••••O••O•••••••• • 1 •• 3• i • • • a • ZURICH CREAMERY e We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound 13. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ---Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY • • 1 • rrr•0•ros•••••Oosoo socomo Oseoek eee.totto 4ssoo19socom000 o • Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors 0 LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE Y0(J WAIT. q FLEISC V ZURICH 4,1 •x.••00®00000900 ®.QO••00.0.00'0000060661i ®0000 • YourWinter's'• ��e • • • • o Colder •Days will soon be here again, and provision • •• must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home i it warm and comfortable. We can supply practically i • a all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with = prices very morerate... Let us fill your bin! i • Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds : • I Plow points to fit all makes of 1 1 plows I_ SEEDS! SEEDS! '4XWe are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. • L.SchilJ,e & Son 0••••saRRN•••••••••••asew sk• ebeeeseestio•w•••••oe0e00016 risaviimmAmmivsmIilaWaeiAhhwaiobt Zurich Drug Store 1 School Suppiies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Boolis,including the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. 1 PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC, See Our Supply of Tc let Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizera, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. aiC Dr. A. J. MacKinnon,Zurichl Mtl MP A pr Mwr pimp' 11 r�.