HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-09-24, Page 4Velialgeganattqaet • Fatr Moncluy and Tuesday SEPTEMBER 28th, and 29th, : 1936 Program . For Fair Day: Judging of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry BAND CONCERT Four Bands Participating: I-.Iensel!. Citizens' Band, Dashwood Henrick Mem- oriel eir:oriel Band; Grand Bend Band; and Broadhagen Band• All Bands will play during the afternoon of Faid Day. Concert in the Town Hall. Get your seats early A good Orchestra Will furnish music for the Dance Following the Concert. • W. Decker; E. F. Klapp, .President. Secy -Trews 'l Lam,: eill7r"�Y,�'e'i;_"elie fee !._V 1 D lvati!Siriirro P t ZURICH HERALD ENTIRE, HORSE QAKHURST EXPRESS Standard Bred Premium Stallion • A Big Well Bred horse that will ceoss well with any mares. Will stand for balance of this Season at my farm Half Mile Soutli of Kippen, This horse stood at $25.00, Bet tet introdtiee him here his fee is Bet .at $10.00, flyable April. Let, 193';,, • DAVID ICILPATRICIC ]'Crippen Phone Hensall 91 r 1:;, daughter Jean of Ingersoll wisited with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart la7cqueen Margaret McQueen retuned home after spending two weelcs at Bien helm and Erie Beach, Casey. Hudson, of Brussels, accord- parried by a friend, visiteu with hip patients, Mr. ane Mrs. Geo. Iludsdr. ,recently. Prof. Louis McKay, of Toronto University, spent a few days et hie former home licit, hle friends were .pleased to tee him. Mrs. Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan spent a few weeks with her mother; "era E. Sheffer who has.recently pat -,:•d away. Mien Irene Douglas was a'visitor with friends in Listowel, Jessie Dick has secured a °position its London. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and family of ii+gara Falls 'Wee vteiting '1eeee "e"""e'03 et the home of IEII. and lira.- Geo. LAK VIEW Extra Large Type S. C. White Leghorn Pullets are available at .rea:on'z:,le prices, all ages; 3 months.; • 4,months ready to lay. They lay larger white eggs and lots of them. Ask some of the people who bought from us. Telenet - in some Pullets for a good i+tcady income this Winter. Feed prices will not be ;e, high as at firet expected and the increased prices of eggs .should more than offset the higher price of feed. Write or call on us for prices and full particulars. LAKE VIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. Proprietors EXETER and DASHWOOD, ONT. CRED1TON Shower for Bride Elect Miss Beatrice Barnett of Toronto, recently was hostess at a charmingly ,arranged miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Lulu Kerr, bride elect, psior to her departure to her home in Crediton: After the- presentation of many lovely gifts the remainder of the aevening was spent hi computing the "Bride's .Book". Dainty refreshm- ents were served by the hostess, as Fisted by Messrs Muriel . Taylor and 'Olive Gillen - The staff of the Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., Toronto, presented her with a beautiful Westminster Chime Mantel Clock. DASHWOOD Mrs. Cuminings of Chicago and Mrs. Sutherland of California have 'returned to their home after spend- ing several weeks with relatives. Miss Maida Wein is attending Bus inees College hi London. Quite a number attended the Wes- tern Fair at London last week. Mrs. P. Mclsaac .spent a few days with relatives in London last week. Mrs. Hy. Kellerman and Mrs. Hibbs of Elkton, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. Mrs. Hooper who has been visiting an Toronto has returned and is spen- +a3ing a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Earl. Guenther. BLAKE Mr- and Mss, Joe Leis from Well aesley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schlegel -from Tavistock were visiting with friends on the Bronson over the we• ,ek-end. Mr, and Mrs. Edmund. Erb and family were week -end visitors with Telatives at Kitchener. - Quite a number from the 13rasnsos, :Line attended the Western Fair at London last week. Mr..and Mrs. Stephen Peachey and! family spent Sunday .at. the name of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Swartzentru drat Woe Sunday visitors with Mr. .arid Mrs. Aaron Erb, 4. 4.4 .,..,w family, Mr. and Mrs. David Ginger- ich were Sunday, visitors with . Ntr. and Mrs. Antos Gingerich. Mr. alicl Mrs. Ches. Gascho and son Clarence, Ma:. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer are spending a few days with friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch spent Sunday with Mr. Bob McClinchey on the Goshen lisle. HILLSGREEN A splendid day and a'fine attend ance filled the Hillsgreen church on Sunday at the Anniversary services. In the morning, Mr. Usborne Little - ford of London, son-in-law of Rev. E. F. Chandler,_ delivered an outstand- ing addz css for a student and is high ly praised by the congregation on his splendid success. His subject being 'The Supreme Demand." Mrs. Jas. W- Bonthron of Hensall sang two ( delightful solos during the service. The Stranger of Galilee, and Ten derHis Wings. The Choir gave an anthem "I will Follow." In the ve- ening Rev. T. A. (Carmachiel of Sea - forth delivered a fine sermon, his subject being "Mary and Judas." Ms Harry Hoffman (Gold.Medelist) of Dashwood, gave two fine solos "When The World Forgets" and "The Even- ing Prayer." The choir rende ed the Anthem Some`body'.s Prayer for You Miss Jean Ivison being the organist for the day. Mr. and Vl,ts, Chas. Robinson sp•' ent the week -end with friends at Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. John Love dnd fam- ily and Mrs. Jas. Love visited wits: "el:el.:Nes in Centralia. Several are taking in the Iocal Fall Fairs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott and Vliss Vera Colbert of Kippen, Mr. end Mrs. B. W. Carlile and Mrs. Jas Bonthron of Hensall, visited at the !some of Mr. Win. Jarrott and Annie. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. •Cons.itt and. cies Annie..Consftt of Hensall visited; .t the home .of Mr. and Mrs. It. 1VMc- rlrster. • Quite a .number attended the fun ral of the late -Mrs, Thos, Butt ac '.ippen on Tuesday. 1-1 F N S A L L, The 'Drummond of Listowel! wa' '>isitor •cv? tl' Tia pare'ite hey' ' :.. and Dine Jee, leeseetenur "any' Dick, cltt,it.?u here. of Joshua Ashton we e. so, • t to hear of. his death on Sur sees- laet at the home. of hie sister, inn Jas. Jivers of Seaforth, He took: ,- \vele epee and passed away node, morning. He was born at Farquhar e years ago :urd spent all his..life he that district, q• Rands -Robinson A quiet wedding took place Satr,_r- Jay eve. aa, t. at St. Thomase-Anglican in Church, Seaforth, when the: Rev. Can on .kppleyard united in marriage `t::c] Mac Robinson, youngest dau- e.iter of David Robinson, and the late 3Ir s. Robineon, to Levi Rands, all of ileesall. The couple were, unattended` The bride wore a dress of white silk eith bridal veil 'and aceessories to match. Her travelling dress was levee cvn with hat and shoes to match; Mn and Mrs. Rands will reside on Brock st. where they have the best of wish es. - . Mrs. Harry Harman Posses • Frionds •of town were shocked to hear that Mrs. Harry Harmon • was found dead in her Home, 'She lived a•• lone and has not been ingood health i'or several years. Early Tuesday morning neighbors noticed a light in the house, and a neighbor„ Miss Gre en, went in and found her. dead.:•She had been married•, twice, her first husband ' being John Oliver ofe dee tralia. A few years after his death she married Hy. Harmon and they moved to Hensall where she purchas- ed the home. Mr. Harmon died in Stratford about four weeks • ago. She has no immediate family but has relatives at Windeor and Mimic() who are looking after the remains. Was of a quiet disposition, a member o ` the United Church and hignly'resp- ected by all. • Late Wm. McShirray The remains of the" late Were Me- Shirray, who died 'on. Sept. 5th at Imperial, Sack., were brought to Hensall and taken to the residence of his sister, Mrs Chas. Blade:w: c ]1. eth con., of .Hay. The funer .1, took place Saturday afternoon ,:coni his residence interment in the Hillsgrnen Cemetery. 'Rev. A. Sinclair, of Here Sall offifi'icffiffiiating. Mr. McShirttay was born 69 years .ago on the ; 5th con. of Hay, a son of the /ate kr. and Mrs. Wilson McShirray, When a young man he wenn to North .Dok- eta and later lecatted at imperial Sask. where he was a successful farmer. On Sept. 5th he was severely injured in an accident with a run• noway team and was rushed to Hos- pital, where he died the same day, He leaves to mourn his loss two 'si- te1, Mrs. Peter Murray,' 2nd con• Hay' and Mgrs. Chas: Blackwell, 5th con. May. Mr. McShirray was unmarried. COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Elzar Mousseau of Kippen, -meata few days at the home of her perents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Greenway, recently. Fire in the carpet shop of tat Western Foundry at Wingham de . -troyed some valuable' machine one day recently. It was believed that defective wiring was the cause of the fire. . The many friends of W. W. Coop- er, just north of ICippen will regret `o learn that he has been quite ill re sentry, and it is hoped he will soot recover. Returned from Trip Mr. and Mrs, Peter Eisenbach, Mr ,nd Mrs. Glen Brenner and Mrs. E. J3rei'iner oaf Grand tend, have re- • urned from .a pleasant trip to Mani- `nulin Island, Sault Ste Marie, !North Bay and ;Ceallander, at the later• place they visited fihe points. Ti'i'orsd'aay, isep°toa berr. 24th, 1J3 Pur•ehescs Buialess J, Zrtber,' of Kitchener, has melee ova from Mr. Edelstein, of .Strath. i•oy, the Fashion Ladies' Wear store at Exeter andhas already taken po- ec, sun Mr. acid Mrs `tuber have rd - ready taken up their residence in Ex- eter, titer, Destroyed by Eire The large, well-equipped been. of Wm. ; Quigley, a vile fromKiii,sbri- ig?, was burned to the ground, The; ear's crop had been harvested but ,etc; not tin -celled, It all went up in ,mole, six pigs also being burned, No cause eor the fire Could •be assig- ned, there ' was some insurance.. Died at Centralia.• Centralia lost an esteemed resid- ent by the death of Fred C. Fairhall, in his 84:th• year. He was born inSt- ,nlihen Twp., .:uul spent his entire life in the vicinity.. Died in Tuckersmith Gideon Hislop; a well-known far- mer of Tuatersmith twp., died in the !forth hospital at the age of 57 e,eee. He was born and spent his eetire life on the fwi»'ni on which he cried. and was unmarried. Frayne Reunion The Frayne reunion of Exeter dis- met, was held at Springbank, with isout 120 present. After dinner all went to he pavilion where a concert raw: presented. The president, Ed. Shapton, presided and had a splendid 1 rogram. Besiuest to Centralia Church According to the terms of the will of Mrs. Grace Hooper; of Exeter,who ea esed away recently, the Centi+alize United Church benefits_to the extent of x'1,000. Mrs. Hooper, who before, ,car marriage ryas Miss Grace Oke, had lived in the Centralia community practically all her life and had been a devoted member of the Unite:] Church there until her removal to Exeter,a-few years ago. Higgins-Flett A wedding of much intierest took place Saturday last when Mary L. Flett; daughter . of Mrs. Flett, Sea - forth, and the late Wm. J. Flett of Grim by, .become the bride of Jame: Brown Higgins, of Sudbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Higgins, Hay- field. The ceremony was performed 'at tee home of the bride's grandmo- ther, MrS. J. R. Ilabkirk. Rev. W. A. Young, Hensall, officiated. • Elk in Bruce County Kincardine -According to Game Overseer.- -Ralston, his position is a busy one and • no longer are his dut- ies restricted only to seeing that the laws are not violated. Since the stock ing of Bruce .,Peninsula with elk the game warden has had a Dew duty ad- ded and that .is to keep the animals from becoming so domesticated that they wish to make -their home in the more populous locations of hope Bruce Peninsula. During recent weeks the game overseer has received numerous letters and phone calls that elk are snaking thein homes in fields -and he lice lead .to pimp in his . ear and by use .of 'various means of persuasion, es ive the animals 'out into the woody' Chief difficulty is with the animals which were brought to the peninsula as they are quite tame. Younger elk born. in the pen. are causing no tro- uble. - Another Church The Free Methodist Society of .God erich eonimenaed constructing of a church of their .own at the corner of Park and.'Victoria sts. The new edi- fice, of frame and stucco construct- ioa; '7 -ft. basement with superstruct- ure, is planned to seat .125, and is to be .ready,for occupation on Dec. 1. When taken over from the contract- ors, the 1V.IcKenzie Esttate of Clinton,. it is td be free of indebtedness, one of the foremost principles, of- that faith. For a few years the congreg- ation, solve 15 in number, has been nieetil>g, at McKay Hall, of Iate un- der thel,,xniinstry , of Rev. H. A. Mar- lettt` A $2,000 .bequest in the will of the IateJohn H. Milian, or Goderich who tieaa on, Dec.' 19th, 1934, made the; hu'i�1"ding of the new church pos- sible , Death of Mrs. Wm. Worden The cl"eath •occurred at the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, of Mrs Wm. Worden, e highly respected re- sident of Hibbert;,t east of Hensa]l. She rind been in poor health for ye- ars and took pneumonia and pleur- isy, wee taken to the hospital for tre atment',but passed .away. She was born at Cromarty 45 years ago, a daughter of John Steacy and the late Mrs. Steacy., After her marriage to Mr. Worden they resided on lot 26 con. 11, Hibest where they were hi- ghly respected." She was EM active member of the Presby. church, Crom a/0: Besides her sadly bereaved hue - bared ;she, leaves to mourn her father, enoetStaney of Cromarty, and Mre. Miller of Salfa. Has 96th Birthday • 96 candies burned brightly one Fri- day 'ri-d y on the birthday cake ' of Mrs. Tane Lynn, Goderich,s oldest livitlf• citizen,• who barring unfoseen even'' ualities, will reach the century mark She moved around , conversed and exchanged witticisins with her callers "She can see things we can't see" a daughter' explained, Her he7ring is seccellent. She has a little rheunaateen cut nothing to bothereaboat. Her ap- peerance and .actions ;are ,those of a woman 0170e a Cars Ceash Two•Lendon .men,„suffered injuries to themselves and smashed their car ass; tSunaaay ii tht r"; Seaforth. Vox nseson they ci:ateed into the retie of Geaa,, ,l:Crusse`a care Cracked' 4. 4, ++ .i++<"++3',r11..." 44 . i•+¢+1+ 1.+4.."1"r"4"V,'+ . 1.4.'q ,i+•H+ ; a ✓+.+ .t.+++ 1. 44.1..;.1 •. .ZuZurich Fall lir ... 4. September 2 r+•. th and 29th SPECIAL PRS AND DONATIONS JAS. I3ALLANTYNE, M. P. P.--$10.00 MW 33 GOLDING, M. P.--$10.00+ HORSE.S MENNO OESCH, Miters goods $2.00 for the best halter broke colt any class, GEORGE HESS, Offers a neckyoke fox the hest team of Heavy Draught horses. WELLINGTON JOHNSTON, offers a box of Cigars for the best Driving Horse in harness and buggy. FRED THIEL, offers goods frorn his store value $2.00 fort the best 3 horses in any one Township. STA+DE & ViTEIDO, off& $2.00 cash for the best horse, any breed, truest to conformity of type. J. W. MERNER, offers goods to value of :3,00 from his store for best foal on General Purpose and Agricultural Classes. WM. DECKER, offers x;10.00 in prizes for the four best Sucking Colts sired b3T his iPerclieron horse, "Cartud."; 1st $4; 2nd $ 3,; 3trd $2 4th $1; to be applied on ,service fee of 1937. CATTLE GARFIELD BROWN, offers goods value e2.00 from store for best veal calf not more than 10 weeks old. H. YI.TNGBLUT & SONS offer goods from their store, value $2.00 for best baby beef'. ZURICH C1tlsAliIEtltY, J. M. Andersen offers :$5.00 cash for best Jersey Cow. Good only to residents .of Hay, Stephen and Stanley. GEO. DEIreeI•ERT, offers goods from his store, value $2.00 for best pair Bacon Hogs between 190 and 220 lbs., in weight. For residents of Hay and Stanley_ - JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCIt, offer goodyfrom their Store, value $2.00 for the best Grade cow or heifer ft'ozn Hay, Stephen or Stanley. BANK OF MONTREAL, Zurich, offers $5.00 cash, for the best Cow or Heifer, any breed. Open to farmers of Hay and Stan- .. ley Townships. ]'first prize, $3.00. Second prize $2.00. THE LONDON ADVERTiSER, offers a sic months' subscription, value $2.50, as first prize: for best collection of Garden Ves•et- ables. OTHER CLASSES ' 3a.A. PRANG & SON, offer $2.00 Goods for the best wagon horse on •>• the grounds. C. FRITZ & SON, offer goods from their store, value $2.00 for best .c " 15 largest potatoes by weigh. •� L. SCI•I:TLDE & SONS, offer a bad, of Rog Concentrate stock food, ;- for the best pair of pigs 6 weeks old. •ice Dr. A. J, MacKINNON offers $3.00 cash for the best colIeetinn of •~' e.a 15 weeds, mounted, which are considered most noxious. L' ZURICH HERALD,' offers one years Subscription- to the Visitor 1: coming greatest distance to the Fair. Register with Soeretary: e, W: H. HOFFMAN & SON, offer goods value $2.00, from their store for Best Display of Carpentry. Open to boys under 17 years qi.`: Se of age. 1 ti LEELAND WILLERT, offers $1.25 sn bread tickets for 1st prize Z Light Layer Cake, also $1.2:5 in bread tickets for First prize t etDark Layer. Cake. - +§, se H_9IST'S BAKERY, offers $3.00 in purchase tickets for the highes;h .4°, -y points- in class 22„ Domestic Science and Baking. $2.00 for let 4- ._ y; and $1.00 for second. + Dr. P. J. O'DWYER, offers $3.00 in cash for best display of Ladies' re + Work, Fancy. 15 pieces only, open to exhibitors of Stanley, + Hay and Stephen Townsh pre. ;l; ; THE AGRICULTURAL CHlIVIICALS of Port Hope, Ont., offer two t . ' 125 -ib. bags of A. A. 2-12-6 Fertilizer One bag for the three 4. heaviest Marigolds, and one bag for the 2 heaviest Turnips. :; , • SILVERWOOD DAIRIES LTD., Wm. O'Brien, Zurich, Ont., Best ,g, : 4 cash market for ereaan, eggs, poultry; offer $5.00 for second 4 y prize of Agricultural • Team. _1- ;;. MASSEY HARRIS Co., offer a special prize of .$5.00 to be applied : • on purchase price on a new machine for the most points in grain I - * and seeds including potatoes and roots. Y" • THE MONARCH leNITTING Co., Dunv"rile, Ont. Donate a box of .t a- Monarch hand knitting Yarn as a prize for best hand knitted e - .g, garment made from Monarch Yarns. : '`1_ J. GAScH'O &. SON, offer goods from their store, value $3.00 to the +' winner of highest number of points in Class 18el*, Horticultural '` and Class 26 Floral: $2.00 for 1st and $1.00 for 2nd. .§ BEST Eight Articles of food suitable"'for .a working man's supper•;e- •i' cream, sugar and tea count as one article; bread and butter + ' 4. . as one article. The following three prizes: 4. • ist. THE ROBERT SIMPSON CO.., a Three Piece Carving Set ' f • priced at $7.00. i• • .. 2nd. MOUSSEAU'S GARAGE, $2.00 worth of goods. - • ▪ 3rd. MILTON OESC1d, $L50 value of goods. -le -r+ ZURICH FLOUR MILLS, offer a 931b. bag of Purity Flour, mann- e^ j factured by Western. Canada Flour Mitis, for lst prize loaf of .�.. ' .1.. bread made from Purity Flour, purchased at Zurich Flour t�t, • " Mills. Also a 24-1b. bag of "Daisy Girl" Pastry Flour, manu- .s.. .l, factured' by Zurich Flour Mills for the bast dozen Tea Biscuits tt. made from "Daisy Girl" Flour. Purchase slips to accompany each entry. Sazparate entries ret3uired 0 e- iee ;.d •r•s•7i+• »i•++ -4.44.4 3+4. oe. ;4.L ++++•:•++++++++++++++++++++ , +,•§++c+• r• - bout 2 blocks north ;f' the highway. !Furry Lavas, near Lucknow, ha& Neither' Kruse of the other occupan- his right leg fractured while diggings• is of his car, Don. Patrick, was hurt, a pesthole at his farm. A large stone• nor was their oar damaged. Chas. rolled over on top. of him and frac- Biggar, passenger of the London ear :tuned the fewer of his right Ieg. He: had lies head severely cut when it had .almost completed digging the went through' the windshield of the post hole when the accident occurred: roadster. He•, was given medical at- His nephew, Law. McLeod, who.,wase tention. The driver, and owner, Wm. at a neighboring farm, heard hire ;cal'. TToldan,, . also of London, ,was only ,lin 'and ewnt to his assistance: and' elightil.y injured. Chief Snell invests- freeing him. He was taken to Wings-. ;aced and ]raid charges against the ham, etospitese London 'driver. • Auto Accident Thursday fast Mrs. J.W. Hanna' of Wingham was driving her car at Bayfield when it left the road rmd ran into a pole, bleaking it off. Mrs. Hanna was badly bruised and had a rib broken. She was ,removed to her home from her cottage. Her son Jno and Isobel Robertson, were passeng- ers In the car. He was only slightly 31 years, his jewel`.ry vttore being' stilt +hake/ tee and Miss Ralserteeot bad occii.pied and stocked, although littlee• eel ' eve do'oe ii it since he had beer• Leg; Broken:Lee Heavy Stone unable ,to attend it himself. Passing of W. R. Counter A well-known citizen and business • man of ,Clinton passed away in the - person of Win. R. Counter, who died at his home. He had been in very - poor health :for some years and had: been confined to his bed •for about, five ;months. The last time he wee; • able to be 'out was Good Friday. He had been in business in Clinton for