HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-09-03, Page 4t� iitsYnt Joseph and B. Beaver Town 'Miss Marie Simon of St. Joseph, las returned ;to St. Peter's Seminary, :Landau, after spending two months r "'With her parents in St. Joseph, Miss Leona D.enommec of Dryti- Idale was a Sunday visitor to MiS:a +avilina Den.omme of St. Joseph north Miss Therese Masse who has been Coble House Maid fora few priests ,camping at Grand Bend, leis now re- :txirned to. her home, Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Teen $lass returned to his home after spen- ding .a week in Detroit with his dau- ghter. • Mrs. Remmie Deuommc of Drys- dalle was a Sunday visitor with her ily; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yousey and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I family of near Tavistock, were Sun- Ducharrne, sr, -day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinker of St oesch. �Cair, Mieh have spent the week -end Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ZURICH HERALD BLAKE Mr, and Mrs, Sara Rapp and fam- qy of near Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Erb', wore Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mote Erb, Mr. Clarence Gaseho anal Willie Buehler, Misses 'Gertie Bechler, Lau- ra Gesell° and Violet Oesch spent the week -end with friends at Baden and, Kitchen or. Mr. and Mrs, Allen Steckle ami family were Sunday visitors with M: and Mrs. Edmund Erb, ]dr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingericlx and family of Goshen south, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, . Amos Gingerich. • Mr, and Mrs. Antos Ruby and fain With the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs John Charrette of- the Blue Water dlighway south. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hartman of Thedford and Mae Oecar Ducharnie Jacob Swartzentruber were:: 1'[r. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentruber, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and family, Mr Sol Beehler and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich^ 'Sr.., of St. Joseph North, motored to :lir. and Mrs. Wan. Weismeller call Seaforth on Sunday last. ed on Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie on Mr. and Mrs. E;1. Wilhe^lm of Now , Friday last, on their way home to the :Hamburg called on friend: and rely \lest from unveiling of the Canadian !fives in this n:ighborhood recently. Miss Marie Masse who has been -.walking in Goderich for some time, as returned to her home. CREDITON Memorial at Vimp Ridge, France. Mr 1'4 eimiller was an old resident of Hensall. Miss Isobel Manson, R. N., spent a week -end at the old home on the Goshen line, after her trip to the Eastern coast. Mr, and Mrs. D. Turner spent Sun- day last with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. many friends of Beery Heist Douglas at Blake. Mrs. Douglas ac- Thecompanied them to their new hone who has been ill with pneumonia, wi;l in London Sunday evening last. be glad to know that he is improving.Miss Mary Campbell is visiting her Word has been received from uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Copeland, Mich., of the sudden death Freckleton at Port Elgin. of Rev_ Edward Brown. Mr. Brown' was a native of Crediton and a son yof the late Charles Brown. Mrs. Stahl received the sad news from her brother, Rev. Samuel Fink- beiner, of South Dakota, that hiss wife had died. Mrs. Finkbeiner visit- ed here a year ago with friends when ashe attended the fun or al of her sis- ter, the late (Rev.) Mrs. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Either and daughter, of Detroit, are visiting •Chas Either and Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Morrison, at Grand Bend. LIttle damage was caused by sharp ,4eetrical storms which struck the district recently. A heavy rainfall was welcomed by farmers who figure it will make a great improvement m the later crops and dried pasture :lands. It will also be a benefit to learners in preparing their fall wh teatalnd which will be sown shortly. The river flats at N. Schenk's farm ewas the scene of an enjoyable outing when the Living Links Class and the garoadcastters Class- of the Evangelbi al Sunday School gathered far a we- :ner roast. There were about 20 yo- hing ladies present. The evening was Ieasantly spent. Lunch was a happy 1an.1f hour. DRYSDALE Rev. Father Brisson of the Lou- don Seminary made a few business calls in the parish on Monday. A goodly number of villagers at- tended the auction sale of the effects of Mrs. Edighoffer at Blake on Wed- nesday. A large number of people of the parish here are receiving tickets for drawings from other churches and with the big crops and good prices, there should be lots of money tr, spare to help others along. The annual and ever popular Lab- or Day picnic of St. Peter's Church here will not be held this year, which many will regret to learn. Miss Irene De La Frainer of Tor- onto, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aden of Stratford visited with the Misses' Gelinas one day recently. Miss Gwen De^ La Frainer who had been spend- ing a few holidays at the Gelinas home, returned home to Stratford with them. =SNAPSNOT GUIL FIREWORKS PICTURES In the picture at the left, an exposure of 3 seconds captured the light of the set pieces on the ground and the successive bursts meanwhile of the aerial display. An exposure of one minute recorded the buildings in the other picture. CONSIDERING that it is an ex- ceptional community that lets a summer go by without the celebra- tion of some sort of event with a display of fireworks Victoria Day, Dominion Day, a local anniversary, convention or fair—the opportunity to obtain novel and beautiful photo- graphs of such a display is lacking to few. Don't fail to be on hand with your camera that night when --the fireworks begin. Fireworks pictures are easy to take. The brilliant, gracefully fall- ing streams of light from bursting rockets and the dazzling patterns of set pieces, both can be recorded with any camera that has a "time" exposure adjustment, and when the films are developed and printed, the exclamations of "Ah! How lovely!" and "Oh! Isn't that beautiful?" are likely to be repeated. Also you will be proud of the pictures as photo- graphic studies, Use a large stop opening and with box cameras, the largest. Ilave the camera on a tripod or some firm support that will allow its being pointed skyward, Set the shutter for "time". For the rockets and star shells, aim the camera at the space where they will explode. Open the shutter and let it stay open for two or three successive bursts, or, if the first one is large and graceful enough, turn the film at once for the next picture. You'll want variety in your fireworks pictures. Be care- ful, of course, to see that the view is unobstructed, and you 'must be prepared to close the shutter should any spectators get too close to the lens. For these aerial displays the chrome type of film will be quite. satisfactory. For large and brightly glowing set pieces, the camera may be held in the hands and snaps taken if you MS the supersensitive panchromatic film and a large lens aperture. Otherwise set the camera for time exposure. If it is desired to bring out buildings or ether objects, give time exposures even as long as s minute. y, 92 JOHN VAN AN GUIs DI;R, ENTII E. HORSE OAKHURST EXPRESS. Standard . Bred Premium. Stallion A Big Well Bred. Horse that will. cross weft with any mares. Will stand for balance of this Season at my farm Half Mile South of Kippen, This horse stood at $25.00,: But to introduce him here his fee is put at $10.00. Payable April lit; DAVID KILPATRICK Kippen Phone Hensall 91 r 11. Mas: Frank Corriveau has 'returned from London on Monday n;ght where she has underwent an operation fol. catarract. We wish Mrs. Corriveau a speedy recovery. -Miss Valadin Bedard of London is spending a few dolidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bedard. Mrs. Ed. Mero •of St. .Clair spent Sunday With relatttives here. Mrs. Tony Masse ., is visiting with friends in Detroit. MVlr. Louis Montague and the Mis- ses Gelinas ealled on friends in Courtright last Sunday. They report: a very enjoyable 'visit, having visited with many friends whom they have not seen in years. DASHWOOD Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Camp Bor- den spent the week -end- with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: E. Tiernan. Miss Kareen Pedersen has return- ed .after spending'two• weeks vacation with friends in London. • Mr. and Mrs. . Koessel and family of Lansing, Mich., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz. Jack and Jim Meerburg of Port Franks visited with their grandfather Mr. Jonas Hartleib last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. D. Haugh rnotored'to Mich igan and spent the week -end with rP- latives. Miss Sigrid Pedersen is spending a week with friends. in Walkerton. School reopened on Tuesday viJth Mr. Keeler as Principal andMiss Pepper and Miss Martinson as -assist- ants. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halbrooks and daughter and Mrs. Halbrooks Sr., , of Continental Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mr's. C. Fisher Sr. Mrs. Wm. Wein who has _been on the sick list was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London where she will un- dergo an operation. Mr. and IVIrs. Clarence Routledge of Kintore, Mr. and Malt. Walter Far-. solod of London and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz of Shipka were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. ' Fas- sold. Mr. and IVirs. Mathews of near London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahrens of El- mira, Mr. Fred Ahrens of New Jer- sey and Miss Winnifred Ahrens of New York visited with relatives here. last week. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger visited in Lon- don last week. Faulhafer-Bender The Evangelical church in Water- loo was the scene of a pretty wedding; Saturday last at high noon, when Pearl Violet, youngest daughter If Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, .of Dash- wood, became the bride of Allan C, Faulhafer, London, only son o,: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Faulhafer, Amulree. The ceremony was performed by Rev H. A. Kellerman, cousin of the bride, The bride looked winsome in a floor length gown of pale blue appliqued net over taffeta. ' With it she wore a pink taffeta sash,' and her large pict- ure hat was in pink lace, her gloves andt o her accessories being in white. She wore a corsage of Briarcliffe roses, lilly-of-the-valley' and ferns, Miss Irene Faulhafer, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid and chose a frock of arnkle length tulip yellow satin and lace with white ac- cessories. Her corsage was of Pre- ier roses and fern. Water Roth of Wellesley, was groomsman. After the ceremony the bridal 'reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seegmiller, 107 Highland Road, Kitchener, where a sumptuous: dinner was served. The bride's cake centred the table. Later Mr. and tMrs.Faulhafer left for the bride's home and other western places. The bride choose a Copenhagen blu crepe frock and a :blue swagger coat with white accessories for travelling. Oxy their return they will reside in Lon- don, • HENSALL The Hensall Citizens Band ok part in a band tatoo at Wingham e. ha, ame: Tuesday eve., and were at the bib; band tatoo at Grand Bend on Wed- nesday evening, last week. Mrs. Bailey of Shelbourne visited the past week with her daughter, Mrs Ken, Traviss. Mrs. Win, Berry of l3rucefrelcl Mrs. Emma McEwen anti Mrs. Mei .. , • Y "- ' ^,..' visitanr 1 with Mrs, Martha, Murdock. is Mrs John Murdock of Brucefield, and. Mrs. McNeil of St. Thomas, we- re visitors here. iVir. and Mrs, Will Love and Mrs, Peter Fisher were last week camping at Kincardine. Mrs. Southam and son Jack of London, and Miss Irene Pope of To- ronto are visiting their mother, Mrs. John Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grani of Lens - Jaw, Mich„ were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Gram. • Miss Mary SStewart of Seafarth, was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. Mabel Miller of Detroit, is visiting Mira Robt. Bonthrou. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weisnieller, who reside in Saskatchewan spent a few days here visiting. They accompanied the Vimy Ridge Pilgrimage, and cal- led here on their way back. He is former Hensel! boy. The Hensall iPublic' and Continu- ation schools opened on Tuesday morning Sept. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Wildman and fancily are moving to the Andrew Moir farm and Mrs. Moir will move to Hensall and occupy the house lately occupied by Fred Kenning. Recent visitors with 'Mrs. George :Sparks were: Dr. W. Schellig of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas of Blake and Mrs. James Douglas and daughter of Detroit. 11Mrs, Susan Straut of New York is visiting her cousins, Mrs. Hannah Tay lor, Mrs. John Dinsdale and Mrs John Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Gallagher of Gorrie were visitors 'with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins. 117x.•. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill are away on vacation. Mervin Brown is assisting at the drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Claude L'Iowes and daughter were holidaying at Grand -Bend last week. . Mrs. Geo. Laughton of-Toronto,ie visiting' with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Chas. McDonnell. Vern Pettigrew of Regina is visit- ing here with his sister, Mrs. George Hess. Mr. Pettigrew is on his war hone from the Olympic games in •Germany in which he took part. Miss Irene Douglas, who with fri- eends was on a motor trip through the Eastern. Provinces for the past Month, returned. .lo her home last Week. Word was' received here of the pas- sing of Harry , Harman, formerly salesman for Cook -Bros, Bewail.. He suffered a stroke and passed away at his home in. Stratford, where he has lived for the past three years. He was employed as a car salesman of that city and was in his 70th year. s• "COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Thos. Butt of Rippon has been quite poorly, and her many fri- ends hope she will soon recover. Woman Is 92 Years Ninety-two years young. This is how Mrs. Wm. H. Reed, Dungannon looks when celebrating her 92nd bir- thday, at the home of her daughter, Mis. T. 'Dickson, when she sits knit- ting away. Annual Rally The annual rally of the HuroniPres byterial Women's Missionary Society will be held in Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 8th. There will be two sess,-ons: morning and afternoon, and an in- teresting program has been arranged for each., Mas. (Rev.) D. J Lane of Goderich is the president New Parking Lines Workmen, under the. direction of the Seaforth Street Committee, have completed the marking of Main st. in conformance with the recently el- tered parking by-law which permits side parking. A brilliant yellow pain. which it is claimed, is more easily visible at night, is being used. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs: Isreal Taylor of Lan- don, formerly of Clinton, celebrated their golden wedding. They spent the day with her brother, W. Stevens, on the old Stevens homestead near Clin- ton, where the .marriage took place 50 years ago. e Returned From Abroad Mir. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper of CIin- ton have returnedafter an eight week's trip to England, where, they visited their son and his family and a brother and his family and thoro- ughly enjoyed a very fine holiday. Boy Injured at Exeter. Harold Brintnell, 8 yr. old ,ran of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brintnell, Exeter, Sustained a fracture of the left hip and was taken to Loundon Hospital where the fracture was. reduced. He was •scuffing with a couple of other lads when one of them attempted to throw him and in falling his leg be carne :t'wisted and suffered a bad fro ctui^e. • A Good Show .After the hot, dry summer which is just closing one• would hardly have axpected such a flower show as Clin-- on's Horticultural Society put on in. `he town hall. There were 475 entri- es and some expressed the opinio- .hit it was the best exhibition in 31 years. Secretary Honored Chas, R Stewart, for manv year :ocy-treas., of the Seaforth Highland ::and utas presented with a ring an4 .d:lies by tho president, Wm. herr ; <w t J .. atA 4.Y .a tit • Thursday, September 3rd, 1 )3P t this at c st Looks pretty smart, doesn't it? Of course, it requires running water. But a Duro Automatic Pump- ing.System will provide plenty of running water From your own well, at little outlay. This layout (three pieces), ready For installa- tion, complete with all fittings, is only $70.60 The Duro-Special Pumping Systeme, all +Canadian - made , capacity 250 gals, per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized T .elt,, 25- or 60 -cycle 110 -volt, motor is only $81.50. 'rrms if desired. Hyde Frees GM _s x turdDwellers Electric current wilt be provided—Free of Charge—for • operating electric pumps to pro- vide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems. Duro-Special With 30 gal. Geavan'ized Tanis • • • Wri.e for free illustrated equip- menton bathroom equip- ent or ,plumbing supplies.. FOR SALE BYe. STADE and WE/DO EMPIRE' BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver on ;the occasion of his retirement re- cently. It was stated he had! been a faithful worker in the interests o the organization. He is moving 1%3n -treat, where he has secured a position_ Charged with Attempted' Suicide John Beacom, Seaforth, was re 'cently remanded an a charge of at- tempted suicide. He who is 34 yrs. old and (blames damestic ;trouble for. his plight, is alleged to have swallow- ed wallow ed a quantity of cyand'ide of potas- sium. After having received medical treatment he was placed in custody an Goderich_ leave the court room. Receives Appointment fie' Geo. Ovris, Wingham, received. word from. the Department of Labor - at. Ottawa, that he had been appoint 1 ed inspector for the' work being done - on the roads for Dominion Governtn-- ent District No. 7. This will include, work being done as follows:: Blue: ,' Water Highway, Kincardine; Goder-• ach to Bayfield; Bayfield to Drysdale; Mitchell to Elginfield; W000dstock to. Princeton; Elmira to Waterloo; Mk. •Creek No. 5; No. 4 Hghway, north mf Blyth and at Walkerton. His in- spection will be on road graveIling. and bridges. Bruceferd'.Boy Mier. Billy Ross, 4 yr. old Brucefield lad, was struck down :by a car on the high way near his home and was taken to Dr. McMaster's hospital at Seaforth, where texarninatiof revealed a fract- ured skill. It is thought he will re- cover. Billy was crossing the road in front of a car driven by J. A. Smyth of Bothwell, and becoming ex- cited, ran directly in front of the car. Smyth turned' his car into the ditch in an effort to Miss the boy, but caught him with the front. bum- per: .injured: Threshing Hy: Delbridge while assisting' with .the threshing at the farm of his son.Horace, in. Ueborne, received a nasty gash in the had'. when the drive belt broke. They bad finished the thresh- ing and wore in the act of cleaning up. the floor with onl'y,.•a, few forksfut of grain left., where the belt broke. The fork he was using became ens tangled in the.belt, and whether if was the belt or fork that struck him he did not know. The gasin bled.badly Car• Accident' . Leo Baker of Goderich was pain- fully injured abou tthe face and 'dead and was�badly shaken when his car � plunged from the road over a 15 -foot embankment to a creek. The accident occurred near Auburn when a rear tire of: his e'er blew out. The ar swerved and left the road; corn.'ng to rest in two- feet of water, for- :unately right side up. The vehicle, which was taken from the creek on Tuesday was badly damaged. Mr. Baker suffered a severe gash on his face which •;repuired several stitches. Pleaded Guilty Owing to time consumed by the brokers' cases in police clew , nearly, all other cases were laid over for a ort, .Capt. 0. Goldthorpe of Bayfi 1:1 pleaded guilty to using profane rtutee on the street. He stood at attention while thte magistrate sai;i' 50 and costs, paid the court clerk, wnd turned briskly on his heels to Injured at Sawmill Con. l3aechler, 16 yr. old son of Y E. Baechler, Goderich, was seriously injured at the plant of the Goderich Mfg. Co., when he was crushed be- tween the log carrier and a buffer in - the sawyer's department. The boy was standing in front of the buffer when the carriage was released after taking a log to the saw. The machine shot ,back against the lad, striking-, him in the chest and fracturing three - ribs and his breastbone. The boy nt iso suffered internal injuries naturee.., He was unconseiou for a time, but. after treatment from .the doctor h� was removed to his honie, where he is convalescent. FALL FAIR DATES' .Following are the dates sat for Fali1• Fairs and Exhibitions of interest in: this section: Iiderton .... - - . Sep 101 Blyth .. Sep, 11, 1B.' Sep. 11 12 Sep 1^: iS Sep. 17 18i Sep. 18, 191 ... Sep. 24, 25 • Sep. 21,, 22 ▪ Sep. 22, ' 23 Sep 23, 24 Sep 24, 25 • Sep. 24. 25 • . Sep 25 • Sep. 24. 25 • Oet. 1, • Sep 20, 30't . Sep 30, Oct..1'. • .. Oct, 6, ... Sep. 23. 2.) Sep. 30, 'Oct./ ores( _ . .. ...... Sep, '20 30 Tavistock Kincardine' Milverton New Hamburg .Ailsa Craig .. - Exeter Goderich .. _ ..... Listowel .. ... . Lucknow Medford ......... Parkhill .... Seaforth ..... - . Stratford ....,.., Mitchell Wingbani Ttesswater ZURICH ., . 13AYE+'IELD , ... . . IKirkton , . , , . , Oct. ,i '1 'nwi.•,..w� . -20 Toronto treTational) Aug "1 Augc, ;See 12 London '(Western) ... Sep 141 1