HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-08-20, Page 7Every Fibre Sat• urated and in. a sur Rubberh "0 ST •' 'ONGER Gum -Dipped Cords are only one of the ex- tra values you get in Firestone Tires—at no extra cost. 1 Only Firestone uses this extra process that saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord to eliminate internal heat and friction—the great- est enemy of tire life. Firestone Tires do not cost one cent more than ordinary tires-=- your nearest Firestone Dealer has a tire to suit every purse. See him today. 3814 2 Extra Card Hies Under the Tread FINANCIAL Bullion production at Kirkland Lake Gold Mining Company for the quarter ended June 30th amounted to $182,260 as compared with $192,141 in the preceding quarter. During the 3 -months ended Jun„ 30th the com- pany treated a total of 21,829 tons of ore, against 21,146 tons milled in the 1tlrst quarter. Pandora Cadillac Mines, Ltd., is making application to the Montreal Curb Market for the listing of the shares on that exchange. It is ex- pected that the stock will be listed within a short time. The latest of- ficial information from the property is that the de -watering of the work- ing has been completed, and opera- tions resumed on the south crosscut on the 250 -foot level. At the time of cessation of operations this crosscut Thad reached a point tbout 300 feet from the shaft and was calculated to be within 50 -feet of a new zone that bad been indicated by diamond drill - ling some distance south of the under- ground workings. Widths up to 12 feet were encountered in the new area. James E. Boyle, president of Rich - mac Gold Mines, (1936) Ltd„ in a wire to local officials, states, that first assay results from the No. 1 vein Yielded values of $5,60, $38.40 and 112.00 (gold at $20.67) all across a width of 3 feet and over a length of 100 feet:' Public offering is being made by Milner Ross & Co, of 300,000 shares of Sanshaw Mines, Ltd., located in WENDIGO GOLD MINES- LIMITED Complete information re- garding this junior pro- ducing mine may be had from A. G. WHITE COMPANY 512 Metropolitan Bldg. TORONTO ELgin 6373 j ! : SCOUTING (( Here . There .,., Everywhere ) o 4 brother to every other Scout, Without regard to race or creed o �. The collecting of minerals and fes- sils under .the guidance of Mr. A, IL Tiplin of the Stamford Collegiate was a week -end hike activity of Scouts of the 2nd Niagara Falls Troop, The collection was made in conneetinn with the junior course at the school, Some 100 Detroit police officers are giving part of their spare time , to the leadership of Boy Scout troops. Sixteen troops are directly sponsored by the department. Scoutmaster George Houghton and Clifford McKinistry of Peterborough are attempting a canoe trip from that city to Timmins, a distance of 500 miles. A parade of uniformed Scouts bearing the flags of all the nations represented in Rotary International was a unique and popular feature of the opening of the North Pacific Dis- trict Rotary Convention at Vancouv- er. The boys marched to music rend- Kenakott Kirkland Gold Mines Limited An extensive diamond drilling campaign has been started under the direction, of the company's consulting engineer, James E. Grant, M.E., previously General Manager of the Wright -Hargreaves, and Mr. E. L. MacVeigh, B. A., M.Sc., Geo- logist. This campaign , was com- menced as the result of information gained from extensive development work and geological survey. The first drilling is being concentrated on vein No. 3, where surface values of from $2.00 to $10.00 have been found. On the main break where a shaft has been sunk to over 20 ft. values up to $15.00 have been found. This will be the second point for diamond drilling. On the east dna of the property there is a peninsula separating Me - i Tavish Lake on the west and Vic- toria Lake on the east, on which there is a break about 100 feet wide. A pit 20 feet deep has been sunk in this break and shows favor- able geological formation and min- eralization for ore occurrences and some values have already been found. It is thought this may be a continuation of the Bidgood ore.,' A large crew of men under the direction of the geologist are con- tinuing development work on the five known vein systems, with a view to establishing the extent of the veins. Mr. Grant in his July report said: "The property is so' large and the mineralized area so widely separated that it is going to take some time to make a comprehensive report and with three major show- ings it is like examining three mines and selecting the best one to work on. the Patricia district of Ontario to the north and east of Red Lake Gold Shore Mines. Work accomplished to date has resulted in the discovery of 2 veins on which W. P. Mackie, M.E., recommends a series of diamond drill holes to be put down to intersect the vein at 100 feet. Surface prospect- ing is also recommended by Mr. Mackie. R. M. Potter, M. E,, mine manager of Moffatt -Hall Mining Co. in a re- port to head office states that the mine walls have been completely washed down ready for an examina- tion by Dr. James, who has been appointed coniulting engineer for the Moffatt -Hall property. Mine manager Potter also reports that well min- eralized vein has been intersected with the diamond drill 500 ft. south of the shaft at a depth of over 800 feet in the drill bole. F. A. Mrall, engineer in charge of operations at Monetary Metals, Ltd., in a wire to C. E. Powell, company president, reports that an important discovery was made recently on the property adjoining Arm Mines in the Red Lake district. The management at the ,present time is not disposed to divulge the importance of the dis- covery until results of assays are ob- tained and further details from their engineer are forthcoming. Ardeen Gold Mines production for the' first half of July amounted to $14,682, according to official informa- tion. Monthly output has been run- ning close to $20,000 and for the month of June was valued at $21,000. Millheads, however, have been show- ing improvement of late and final re- turns for the entire month of July is expected to show a substantial in- crease over previous months. Samples of ore taken from the 1004 winze and raise near the 1,000 -ft. level and about 55 feet south of the winze are re- ported officially to run exceptionally high in gold. Issue No. 33 -- '36 19 KENAKOTT KIRKLAND GOLD MINES, Limited Property consists of over 700 sores One Claim North of Bidgood Kirkland, East Kirkland Lake Area Doubled crew of men now rushing surface development under direction of James E. Grant, M.E., Consulting Engineer, and E. L. MacVeigh, B.A. M.SC., geologist. Financial arrangements are being completed to assure for this propertyQveiopment to the roductiof stage, �bir furtiit& iiitokitatio5, write or telephone the company. 3$ icing St, West ADelaide 2900 Toroxito i Bred by a Boy Scout and Girl Scout band from Washington, and conclud- ed with a pyramid of the many col- oured flags topped by the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes. Thirty Boy Scouts of Boston, Mass., are op a six weeks' summer visit to Italy, as guests of Premier Mussolini. As the Italian dictator wiped out Scouting in Italy, notwithstanding its approval by the Pope, and he is ag- gressively opposed to its teachings of citizenship and international goodwill, the entertaining of American Scouts apptars a rather inconsistent gest- ure. Ono of the fisrt activities of a new Scout troop at Powassan, Ont., was the erection of a 30 -foot flagpole on Observation Hill, and the unfurling on Victoria Day of a new Union Jack. Windsor Scouts intereeted in the making and flying of model airplanes have this summer been appointed to carry out patrol duty for the Border Cities Aero Club at Walker Airport. On visitor's day they warn spectat- ors away from incoming and outgo- ing planes. Twenty-nine Norwegian Boy Scouts are on a goodwill tour of the United States. They are members of a troop at Oslo, and range in age from 14 to 18 years. Faith's Lesson I was dreading the dark tomorrow, For my heart was oppressed with fear And its burden of sin and sorrow, Seemed more than I could bear. But out in the glad bright sunshine My baby was playing the while, His face was so bright and joyous*, Lift up with asunny smile. At last be came toddling towards me With outstretched hands, and said: Mam-mar, me's awfoo hundy, So me's tum for a bit of bread." I gave it at once to my darling, But my eyes filled up with tears As I thought on the lesson he'd taught me Of faith for the future years'. J e 'came to me in his hunger, Be knew I would hear his cry. ,And his royal trust never doubted That I would his wants supply. While 1, with a Father in heaven Who never refuses to hear The cry of His earthly children, Was living in doubt and fear. a For am 1 not one of His children, Though a wayward and sin -stained one? And has not He promised to hear me For the sake of His precious Son? 'You JUST CAN'T BUY A FI NER CHEW/,. The PERFECT Chewin I know I should live in the sunshine. Not in the shadow dim; I know that the life is the brightest That trusteth the most in Him, And just as my own dear baby Came straight with his want to me, `So with faith as childlike I should draw near to Thee. Come with my heart uplifted, Come with the bowed head. Crying, "Father, I too am hungry; Give me the living bread," Hay fever is reported to be cured in St. George's Hospital, London, by "electroplating" the patients nostrils, the process consisting of applying a coat of ironized zinc to the inside of the nose by electricity. Recent figures show that the na- tion's defence can be paid for by drink, for the revenue which the Gov- ernment collects from the liquor trade nearly pays the cost of Britain's de- fence upkeep. GAIN WEICHT C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets are really 4 great tonics — Calcium Carbonate to purify the blood, banish pimples, blackheads and blotches — and Brew- er's Yeast, Blaud's Iron and Extract of Cod liver to build you uP, nourish the blood, steady the nerves and put pounds of solid flesh on thin people. Start to enjoy life, to look and feel your best today — all drug stores. $100,00 FREE in cash prizes .Ask your druggist for C. C. & B.. Contest Blank. The only faith that wears well and holds its colour in all weathers Is that which is woven of conviction, and set with the sharp mordant of ex- perience.—Lowell. Classified Advertising ARTITICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CQ._ 126 Wellington West, Toronto. I proved limbs without shoulder straps. Free catalogue. AUTO ACCESSORIES MEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts shipped everywhere. Satis- faction guaranteed or money refunded Prompt attention to enquiries: Levy Auto Parts, Head Office. 735 Queen St. West, Toronto. PROTOOBABI 'r YOUR ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED, printed with free enlargement, 25c. Photo -Craft, 1835 King East, Toronto. PILMS DEVELOPED ANN7 NY ROLL FILM DEVELOPED A Printed, 250 coin. Reprints, 10 id' 25c. Windsor Photo Finishers. 102 Wel- lington St., Windsor, Ont. BICYCLE and. AUTO TIRE EARGAIRls •c2 UP, AUTOMOBILE TIRES; Bicycles, $10 up. TransportatiOh Prepaid. Free catalogue. Peerless, 198 Dundas West, Toronto. PBOTOGRAPRY YOUR ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED, printed with free enlargement, 1gii. Photo -Craft, 1335 King East, Toront2. PILMS DEVELOPED ANY ROLL FILM DEVELOPED AND printed, 25c coin. Reprints, 10 idf 25c. 'Windsor Photo Finishers, 102 Wel- lington St., Windsor, Ont. }, : ORSE, 5001411 - SEPT. 4. t® 1.2 a action a en tta with sust eW $1,0� open ;: ;• rnnovtit ° efot�u �vt...130sion .v nes is smilitary i �altcompe competition s°a�teeat bxe s i ree r, 1� ansa''featnte' three ti stiision otter nos/ feature, dare, "*Cavalry *C a al fito f EmP' e", in v a'c21e Rize : ng,c l'tfullyunif uniformed va 300. etb' cimission tte i avati,ni.ts. YGenetat s included). Ca Reserved 60c (Qicc, 65 crude 098. et�ca sl ticket s90 , 6$ le uS , Res ale at sPeetMooa 9 c Nike226anea Sl noxaDsp"6san �iiteaiaFri�ts pre t9