Zurich Herald, 1936-08-20, Page 5a ''1'li:ursdo r, Ali• •rise 20th, 1930 ZIJ1 CH y. MR LT) BUSINESS CARDS Put Your Want, For Saloi Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this LEGAL .. u.DLEY.E.. oLN E IR R.R STER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PP(3BLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just' off the Square, GODERICE, Ontario, Special Attention to Cornice) and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D, D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At BARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASIIW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Or. B. I. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. • DENTAL AL <. SU RG.EON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge, Zurich Phone -96. A R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. 'Graduate of OntaVeterinary College,-University ofToronto. diseases of domestic animals rtreated s, ';,y the most modern principles, night Charges reasonable. Day :.calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- ander of Scottish terriers. Inverness ;I'3ennels. Office on Main Street, epposite Town IJall. Phone 116. HENSALL. 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I ANI IN A POSITION TO CON-. .duct any Auction Sale, regardless as tosize or article to sell. I solicit lour business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren s`lered. ARTHUR WEBER ----Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faun ro e W N L. HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOR-- CREAM; EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien 'Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS 2ur chs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool,- Hides and Skins 1I. Yungblut i& Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather lnswacce Co, OF WOODSTOCK ,r E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- aikicCE OF ANY C•ANADI'AN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING, BIJSINEIss OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .mount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.. 31st, 1935, $20,479,7311.00 Total Cash in Bank and Benda $254,627.52. 3 tes-- $4.50 per $1,009 for 3 Yearns. E. P. K lopp".:'yZu ric h tient. Also Dealer iaLightaine Rads. Column. AUCTION SALE IN TEE VILLAGE OF BLAKE On WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1936 Commencing at 2 o'clock, p.tn. House and Lot. Glass Cupboard Bureau, Dining Room Table, Kitchen Table, ' 6 Parlor Chairs, 6 Dining Room ChairsIf oeker, 6 Kitchen Chairs, Large chair, 3 small .Tables, Organ, 4. Beds, Single Beit, 3 Mattresses, Bedding, Carpets, :frank, Kitchen Sink; New 'Stove,. Stove Heater, 2 burner Oil Stove, Fancy Hanging Lamp, 2 small Lamps, Dishes, 'Glassware, Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, Washing Machine, Ringer, Tubs, Barrels, Mirrors, - Clock, Garden Tools, Quantity of dry Wood and other Articles too numerous to mention. "No Reserve as the Proprietoress is giving up housekeeping. TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Mrs. Mary Edighoffer, Proprietoress. FOR SALE Two good used force pumps for sale. Also •a quantity of old boards and cedar posts for sale, dandy for kindling.—L. A. Prang & Son, FOR QUICK SALE 1-10-20 McCormick -Deering Tract- or in good condition. 1—Oliver Tractor Plow, 2 furrow. 1—McCormick Low Down Spreader. 2—Sulky Plows. 1—Gang Plow. 1 -7 -ft, Deering Binder. GEO H. BEATTY, VARNA NOTICE TO FARMERS That the T- r er's Co -Operative Fertilizer E lant .at Hensell will soon be operating again. All farmers requiring any fertilizer ple- ase leave your orders with Blake Hor- ner, Zurieh; or Wm. ,Pepper, Hensall as soon as possible. Albert Hendrick, President. Starter Chicks FOR QUICK SALE Chicks, one, two, three or four weeks old. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Pullets 4 weeks old. J: E- McKINLE Y R. R. 1, Zurich NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT Plain Dresses and Suits 70c. Insurance Included. This is a con- traet special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And Dry Cleaners, Thiels Transport Ubed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1933 Plymouth Coach, very reason- able in price. 1931 Ford DeLux Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe, a good buy. All have good tires, good upholst- ering and mechanically good; gone over carefully by us. ALSO a Dwelling House for Sale or Rent in Zurich. L. A. Prang and Son, Zwick Fire- Destroys Trailer -While S. J. V. Cann was returniug ,to Exeter from near Hillsgreen with e Toad of pine stumps on a trailer •drawn• by his auto the wood caught fire and both the wood and trailer 'were destroyed as well as a x -cut saw .that was on the load at the time. The origin of. the fire is a mystery but one theory fa tha't the rays or the hot Asa ait kiaAsof rise Ltimmouge ,sun refected: off the steel saw started LOCAL NEWS Mr,- Oliver Turnbull of Grand Bend called in 'Dawn. on Saturday. : Mr.. Lambert Kllopp is visiting With g his another, Mrs. Louisa KloI p Mr. and Mrs. Albert '.Smith. M Crosswell, Mich., were recent VIS) with relatives in town. Miss Violet Fx'emlin of Clinton, was a week -end visitor with her sis- ter, Miss Nora Frenalin of town. Merrsr. Les, and Cate; VVilliants, Geo. Hess and Dap •Oswald motored to Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swoitzer of Waterloo were 'visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber, Bron- son line. 1Vlr.and. Mrs. -' Theodore Wagner. Who spent the holidays with the for- mer's parentsin town, have Ieft for Guelph where Mr. Wagner is teach- ing in a Collegiate: Mr. and Mrs. Hilton. Trueznner and family of the 14th con., were Sunday visitors with friends. at London. Their daughter Belva remaining at London for a week's holidays. The modern• improvements around the gas station of Mr. Herb Meost,oau. are progressing nicely as consider- able filling has been done and mech inics are still busy with the interior. The Cities Service Gas Co. are having a man examine and test auto motors for efficiency at the- garage of ich, the Sixth Biennual Convention of Milt Deitz. It is .surprising what all the Luther League of Canada to he they can detect with these modern held on _Labor Day, September 6th instruments. and 7th at Trinity Lutheran Church We have been asked several times and St. Paul's Lutheran Church. about thte dates of the Zurich Fall Girls Gather At Kitchigar.�i Fair, which are September 28th and Girls 65 Catholic girls � , m 29th. Part of the copy of the prize =,--ls aIluro , lists are now in the hands of the camp this week on Lake lauron, Mi,s llic�: 'thiel .of town is visitir her c ousi-t. at London. horn—At flay Township, on Au ust 13th Lo Mr. and Mrs. John ltad Twin Sons. Idr.. and Mrs. Fexd Mi1ler.anrl so 'Norman and Mr, Geo, Cox of , t .4th concessien, . visited her motile ths. Bassow on Sunday, Mr, L. W. Derbyshire and ilttl daughter Jeanine of Toronto, we ru weekend visitor$ with Mr, and; Mrs. E. M. Dagg. , Mr. Derbyshire is Ma.t. Dagg's brother, Mrs, Latch and son John .froth Kitchener, Mrs. 1+1, Thompson of •Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. D. eh weitzer of Waterloo, were visitors at Rev. and Mrs, E. Burn last week, Mrs. Wm. Clements and sons Lara, Jack, .Bob and .daughter Joyce as. Miss Ellen Barritt all of London vis- ited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. T. IVFcAdams on the Bronson line. Mr. and. Mrs. George J. Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel. Also Mr. r'.d Mrs, Carl Haberer of Zurich visi' L Mr. Henry Daer and 1vir. and Mrs Roy Daer of Auburn, last Sunday. rg i 0000 WA►o'00*04.04/0Mfr+N0100dsataag a.s..400.00**90006010ll g•'. .ZURICH CREAMERY �: Rade AG AGE w We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. fo he • Fat for Churning Cream delivered at aur plant. r,� �► Pro., Prompt � Service- �an Highest et ....Cas Cash ., Pae. r eGuaranteed e 1 • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same S o• oI Miss, Gertrude :Turkheirn, Beatrice Thiel, Harvey Clausius, Albert Dei chert, Charles Thiel and Rev. E. Tor'. helm of town are intcadaig to m,ator to Hamilton Ont., to atti;,id r 'r,a ates, from the Luther League of Zur- miles south of Goderich, Kitchiganu printer and in due time will be done in due time: Camp is sponsored by the C.W.L. and Among the new threshing equip- menis purchased recently is the new outfit purchased by Mr. George Reg- ier local thresher. This machine is of supervisor. Prizes will be contributed the very latest in design and in "ad- by the Stratford and London subdiv- dition of the many other irriprovem- isions, ents it is mounted on rubber tired wheels. PICNIC AT BAYFIELD Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Witmer of Exet- er, have moved their household (..>f -ince will,. have their first opportunity :feats to town from Exeter. Mr. Wit- of seeing mand hearing Hon. Earl Rowe try slier will work at the eggs and portl- newly -chosen leader of the Conserv- and branch of the loom creamery.. He; ative Party, when he spears to the has had a number of years experience monster basket picnic and rally at in this line of work at Dashwood and hayfield on Wednesday, August 21,. at Exeter. - Arrangements for the picnic are m Mr. Simon Gingerich, the unfor- the hands of a strong joint committee timate young man who last his leg representing the riding associatiu.s in a threshing machine recently, was of North and South Huron and Perth on !Saturday brought from rsie Clin- and frim all indications it will be one ton Hospital to his home in town. The of the largest outings held at Bay - wound is healed nicely but still is field in many years. A fine program quite ,tender,and it will take some is in the course of preparation, with time before the remaining part of sports and amusements to entertain the leg will get its natural strenglli Loth old and young. While, chief in - Mr. and Mrs. George 'Schricrr rnrr terest' nats.tally will centre in the 1 son George Jr., Mr. 'ige '.,inl:ah, f •INT ,?1e farmer -leader, Hon. Earl Rowe, Kitchener; Jr., Mr. Mrs. Earl t,.iiv ' _there will be other. Conservative not - i tiles present to support and pay hon- rence and Mr'son Neil and Mrs. Fred, Bien of Rochester, N. Y., and Mr;• or t, ...their youthful chief. Among; and Mrs. Herb Krueger and family these will be Col. G. Drew of Guelph 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry rf, runner-up to Mr. Rowe for leadership of town spent Sunday at the home Krueger 14th at the Toronto convention. About Concession, two we ^ks ago Col. Drew accepted this year is under the direction of Miss Josephine Pigeon, of Stratford. There are mostly from Stratford and London: Rev. Fr. 3. A. Cook is camp Fire completely destroyed the bare. and contents . owned by Mr. Fred Papineau and occupied by Mr. Fred Siemon, just a little north of St. Jos eph. The cause of the fire is un- known, alai the contents belonging, to .the tenant Mr.' Fred., Siemon, •is a complete Ioss such as -"Chickens; and . pigs and other effects Farmers in this sectors are about through with another harvest, and while the drought and the heat did lessen the crops some, still many far- mers have to stack grain outside and it looks like "-a land of milk and honey"; oats are threshing at many places over 50, bushels .to the • acre, and barley and wheat 30 and over. So with the big prices now prevailing it will put some real cash into the pock- ets of the farmers. A Dodge car of Detroit and' bear- ing a Michigan license the other day while going along the 14th con. near the Zurich Road, took to the side of the road hitting a culvert, and made a terrible mess of itself,being almost a complete wreaks-- Fortunately how` ever, no one was seriously injured, aside from minor bruises. The wrecked machine was brought up to IPrang's garage in town from where it was loaded on one of W. F. Jen- nison'a trucks and hauled to Detroit, OBITUARY Late Lorne Taylor u., Lorne Taylor, an esteemed resid- ent of Stanley Township, passed a- way Wednesday last at Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, in his 37th year. On July 28th Mr. Taylor was seized with an acute attack of ap- pendicitis and was rushed to the hos- pital to be operated on but his con- dition was critical fronrthe first ow- ing to a weak heart and complicati- ons Deceased was a son of the late, John Taylor, was born on the Blue Water Highway, a few miles south of St. Joseph on the faun now owned by lMr. Sam Hendrick. He was mar- ried to Miss Kathleen Pollock about 16 years ago, who survives him, a- long with a son and daughter, Hubert and Nola; his mother and a sister, Miss Retta Taylor, Forest; two bro- thers, Harvey and Victor, of Stanley Township. The funeral took place from the family residence on the 4th concession of Stanley with intcnmeflt in. Baird's Cemetery. the post of campaign manager for thy Conservatives at the next provincial election, whenever it comes. He is an outstanding speaker and will support Mr. Rowe on the speaker's platform at the picnic. The picnic will be held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, and there ,vill'be free parking. DONATIONS To Assist Mr. Simon Gingerich As continued from last week, we are happy to again publish the list of j contributions that are in to date: I $5.00 contributions; Henry D. Stec- kle, R. N. Douglas, Wm. and Mrs. E. E. .Clarke, F. Rudy ()ascii.Roy McBride contributed $1.00 each: Rev. Turk- heim, John D W. Horner, Ferd Haberer, W. H. Tal- bot, Len Talbot, Roy Scotchmer, Jno Scotchmer, Robt Dewar, Joe Greer, Robt Green, John Greer, Carl Hous- ton, Norman Greer, Geo. Dewar, Al- van Workman, John Rau, Archie Armstrong, .Ed.' Talbot, Albert Dunn, •Rose ,Snowden, 'Colin Campbell, Jno. Turner, Geo. Campbell, Paul Cleave, Alvin Steckie, Wm. Slack, Art Web- er, . T. M. Snowden, David Gingerich, John Etue, Clayton Smith, Jade P,a-1 ker, Ed. Stelck, Norman Overholt, Sam Hey, Melvin Overholt, Mrs. Barbara Bechler, Gerald Snider, Mrs Carolina Oesch, Geo. Jeffrey, Mrs. Mary Edighoffer, Oscar Ducharme jr Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Yule, Alvin Rau, Lang Foster, Mrs. Jos. Rau. L. Jeffrey Jr-; E. A. Westlake, Harold Fin/ay,Maurice Durana, Clarence Park, Chas. Rau, James ,Allan, Chas. Laporte, John Laporte, Loyd Etue, Edward Deters, F. Corriveau, Leon- ard Sararas, Albert Bedard, Joe Wild - John McDonald, Fred Turner, God- erich; The following $2.00: Chas. S. Badour, Louis Durand, Fred Watson, John Watson, Sam Ropp, Mrs. Merano Baechler, Wm. Oesch, Oscar Koehler. The following 50c: Wm. Thiel, Jack �SCotohrner, Peter Duchartne, Alex. :Etre, Jos S. Bedard, Thos. Westlake. Wm. Scotchmer, Jas. Dewar, Russell Sreenan, Hy. Gillman, Gustav Bohn. 'Mrs Jos Sararas, (Correction in last week's report, Mose Erb 50c. should have been Mose Gerber 50c). A Friend 50c; Mose Erb $2.00, Appro- ximate total to date that has been reported $281.75. Zurich Drug Store C. Kaibfieisch. $4.Ot? Dr:Dr: P. J. O'Dwyer $3; Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and +Poultry at Highest Market Pi ',ces, according to grade. -.--Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY C80e000gblNti&0Q9eiD4E+e00000r00210 ed 00x? O4k.0e s0..;f.AM0004110*c ,';1) 0 • a • u our a 1. Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! fa.+,EPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A .g .S- I. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4. • TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU i } S_ WAIT..16 -s- 4 PHONE 69 + �wrccm COD _:s,L "Ras ,,F -.1: 'E' �T ® ZUWUI 1 4. 0 0 e 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 9 1 08 G ere eatama *f tiJ:.7is.ir 9s,traeci.¢+*sooesgo*e9'i ?* OUR On. Overhauling your Mowers. We repair souhe with genuine .repairs for less than jobbers' parts. oy Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all makes of $ S plows SEEDS! SEEDS We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. is v o01000ere 000'a0e$ass sbrr aassasaaras rasa asaa/,a,*:aH x arokaansflosartacca 1 2 0 $2; The foliewmg have. " !MOTH eicherE, David Fuss, J. We are Headquarters for al! Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of all kinds We Have Paris Green, Arsenate 01 Lead, or lic or or Mothocide, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, or OK Mr Ifor K� it ee Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. Or. .r J. MacKinnon,Zuri wr.A���ch� pmvoo m PwA'MRPMHJonis