Zurich Herald, 1936-08-13, Page 4ATT:O THE BIG PICNC AND HEAR
Huron and Perth Conservative Association
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swarizentru-
Mer were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Mose Gerber,
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb and
'family spent the week -egad at Kit•
rranrNNOIN st
arme of A2troit who have leen spend
ing their •scliool holidays with their
grandpaaents have now :returned to
their Mime. •' •
Miss Veronique Bedard of Wind-
sor, who has spent three woeks in
this neighborhood visiting relatives
has s•eturned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam (G:ingerieh :and Mrs. Peter Masse and three dais-
-family, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Gingerich ghters of Detroit, nMich., have rent -
and Jean spent Sunday With .Mr, and ed the cottage of C. 0. Smith, of
Mrs. Stephen Peachey near Das],- Beaver Town and are Camping for
wood. :two weeks. We hope they will enjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Chris G;ascho and the :balmy breezes of Lake Huron.
family were Sunday visitors with lair Mr. Johnston and wife of Detroit
.and Mrs. Sol Kipfer :.of Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schultz spent!
'Sunday at the honkie .of Mr.. and Mrs,I
Roy Gingorich.
Al'r. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson vielte
• d the latter's ,ister and brother -in-
law, Mr. ,and Mrs. J. Dodds of Lon-
Miss Jeanette 'McAllister spent a
few days visiting with relatives in
Detroit, Mich.
Rev. Mr. Gale of P, y fie ld wa. in
;charge of the sedyices irc•re on Sur. -
day afternoon owing to Rev. E. P.
.Chandler conducting anniversary ser
vices in Bayfield el -Lurch.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson spent
the week -end with friend: at Exeter
The W. M. S. will meet at the
home of Mrs. R. Mc ]lister on Friday
Catherins Gaiser was born Aug.
-143, 1859, the daughter of Mr. and
;Mrs. Adam Gaiser. She was one of
the pioneer settlers in the. community
When just a very young girl ack-
.nowledgcd Jesus as her God and Sav-
lour•, and joined the Evangelical. chur
•eh of Crediton. She was always a
good, faithful and conscientious
-worker in the church, until her fait
tering health prevented her from tak-
-: _.. _was.- ntiae i,art. -On ahem 3rd of
Tan. 1882, she was married to her-
low bereaved husband, John Fahner
This union was blessed with 5 child=• -
•ed: 1Irs. Wm. Ratz of Crediton, Mrs
Mrs. C. Sweet, Mrs. Ed. Westcott of
1,Tsborne, Edwin and Pearl who live
=at home. Her children will always
'have fond memories of the love,
care and devotion that this mother
Testowed upon her children. Four
lirothers and five sisters still survive
her. In the past years, Mrs. Fahner
has not engoyed the best of health.
'Thru all her suffering, however, she
never complained. Her unexpected
death tame as a shock to her family
and friends on Aug. '7th when she
slept away into the great beyond.
God has taken her. The Fahner fam-
ily wishes to thank- the neighbars
and friends for the kindness and syml
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bedard and
'anaily of Detroit, .Mich., are taking
a week vacation in and around this
'Misses Doreen and Aldine Duch -
and Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph Week, also
of Detroit spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette of Blue
Water south. •
Mr.• and Mrs. ..Andrew Jeffrey of
Michigan, and son :and daughter we
re visitors with Mrs. Rachel Denorn-
me over the week -end. Mr.. Jeffrey
who has been away from this district
for 32 years had found many chang-
es.. They returned to their home on
Tuesday last.
Mr. Edgar •Sopha of Detroit was a
Sunday visitor with his brother .Ad-
olph of St. Joseph North.
Mrs. C. Ayotte of Zurich who sp-
ent a few days with Mrs. Rachel
Denomme has now returned to her
Mr: and Mrs. Omar Denomme of
Bayfield Cottage spent Tuesday with
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pap-
Pleased to report that Mr, Edward
Brisson is improving so rapidly, as he
is up and around the house and able
to .sit up to the table for meals
Mr. and Mrs. AIvin Wesley of De-
troit were week -end visitors at the
Mousseau home.
Mr. Arthur Gelinas is busy these
days buying grain off the farmers of
which he is paying the .top prices.
Arthur has had a wide experience in
this line, being engaged in this cap-
acity for many years in Chatham.
Mrs. Peter L. Denomme has re-
turned to Detroit, after spending a
few months with her sister, Miss
Bernette Mousseau.
A painful accident happened to the
seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Badour when in the act of
loading grain on the wagon, an el-
der brother was pitching shieves and
the prong of the fork was pushed
through the hand of the younger bro-
Mr. Fred Papineau was hurridly
called to his farm just north of St.
Joseph on Tuesday when the barn
was a mass of flames, which is a
complete loss with contents.
The ever busy dog shooter of the
district is still at it, this week the
Collie dog of Philip Denomme suffer-
ed . a bullet wound which cost hind
his life. The Township should 'hot.
ask the ratepayers to pay taxes on
dogs, when they are at libert to be
shot when accidenly strolling off the
property. Some of these dogs that
have recently been shot were consid
ered quite valuable as well as harm-
less. But irrespective of their calm
features, when they get within reach
they get a 'bullet and must go.
1.4^•l•4a•q.•fi•4•i.4e.ww..a'.ie.M++44 4.*..+,,• •++4•a.*++++++++*+.4....4 4
IV, and Mr. Ed,faa and Mr. and Ms,. Clayton Sie-
be'tt and daughter aret of Ger-Mills, Mr and Mr.brt, Miss. Marjorie Sibrtt and L- ,A Big Well Bred 1-lorse that willand and RichardM, Wilfed $chi- cress well with any mares. Willedel of New Dundee, Mr. ;and Airs otand for• balance of this Season atJohn 'Thaler• of Rr�esla, .11gr, and Mrs guy farm Half Mile South of Kippen.'Henry Hesse anal •Missdce Pauliof ']his horse stood at $25.00. But to
New Hamiburg, end Miis .Ella Gens introduce him here his fee is put at
of Bloomingdale .all were .,unday vis.
hors with Mrs. W�ta,$ 10.00. Payable April let, 193.
DAVID KILPATRICKKippen Plone Hensall 91 r 11.
Standad Bred Premium
Mr. and Mas ,L Bruner ad
family of Kanse,s '.City visited herrparents, Mr. said 1 is. G., Oestrichefor a few days.
Mr. and Ms, -E. Sippel of Lan-
ing, Mich. antsa fewda•and Mrs. C. RS1e,ys with Mr
Air. andMs. Calvin Simpsonnd
Mr. and Mr. 'W. Matthews o£ Lond-
on were Sunday .Visitors, with Mrand Mr. Wm. Snell.
Specil Anniversary serrvices will
ibe held in the Evangeial church oiOct. 18th and 19th. -The Mississippi
Pour, colored finale Quartette -Radio Faure will be in attndai
• Honored On 80th Birthday
The family and relatives of Mrs.
John Jackson, who livs a• mile southof town, gathered at her home recent
ly in honor of her• 80th birthday,
when a most enjoyable time was sp•
ent. In the course of the evening Mr's
Jackson was presented with a beauti-
ful mattress and springs by the fani-
ily, after wwhieh a tempting runch waserved : She was the recipient ot.Mrs. Hy. laxngblut, Mrs. IvanYn "• many •congratulations, She came to
ngblut and lftle dautitethe community some 50 years ago
g M;,ss Inez from Ireland. and has resided in the
Yungblut, Mrs. Rau and Mrs. Brown district ever since. She is in excellent
alt of Zurich spent Friday evening health for her age with all her fac-.with Mrs. Hamacher.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gottschalk sp-tales so good.
ent a few days ire .Seafortb last week,
Miss Ida Goetz of Chicago," spent
a few days with `her brother, Mr. and COUNTY NE\VS
Mrs. R. Goetz.
The Heniick Memorial ;and attended Decoration services at Zurich ' Joari Baechler, Off Thumb
Luther•a_ n Cemetery on Sunda = yr• old filer, off
Mrs. Schltz of Detroit, is 'vting `Goderich rhadNthe topo'f tier thumb
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Rcir takeff iacedthMrsW •
• . Schnidock who' spentthe home. ' She, w=ith a playmate, had
at et
past week with relatives retued to ben playing with a ' lawn mowr
Detroit on Sunday • er th
Mr. and Mrs. 'layton Wildfong of bladess of he gthe ot hmachinebcaught in the
Arva, spent Sunday with herMrs. Hamacherwho returned with Steals Honey
them for a short viit- _ A .novel kind of theft is reported
Dr. Lorne Tieran left' on Tuesday from Wingham, where someone open -
for New York after spending his vs- Fother-
D. Tiernan. ed a beehive belonging to eocation with Tris parents, IVIr. andlZrs gil and stole three combs containing.about 25 lbs. of honey. The same
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac and fam-;thing happened last year. Police poin.,
ily of Detroit are spenditheirboli°out that the .theft must have been
perprtrated by someone famiiiarthe handling of .bees.
Detist Retires
Dr. F. A. Axon, well known Clinton dentist, •has been forced by ill -
Health to give up his practice and re -ire to private life.. He has been ser-
iously ill for some weeks, and, it isaid, will hardly recover from a sev-
ere illness contracted some years ago
His practie has been sold to Dr. D.C. Geddes, late of Rosetown, Sask.
Earns PromotionR. G. Hunter, Clinton young man,
rs,reported to be enjoying unusual
ucess in his profession of chemist.hae recently .ben. advanced to the
bsition' of assistant to the director
of" research of the Alton Illinoise
Glass Co., at its head offce at Toledo
Ohio, The Company is one of the lar-
gest of its kind in the world.
days with Mr. and Mrs. P. McIsaac.
Vera Watson- and Gladys Pasmore
have returned after' a pleasant visit
at LondesboroHon. Sam Latta and Mrs. Latta,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Latta and
son of Saskatchewan were calling on
friends in Hensall and vicinity iecently. Mr•. Sant Latta was a formerschool teacher at Zurich.Thelma .Hudsn 'of Londe a is viSting with her parents, Mr..and 'Mr,
C. S Hudson.
Jack Faber and Lloyd McDonald
spent a few days in Kincardine.
Lulu MDonald, Tena McCurdy of
Exeter• and Effie Bell returned from
a week's vacation camping at Kin-cardine.
Grace Brock of London is spend-
ing her• holidays with her parens, Mr
and Mrs. Geo. Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Storey and son
of Norwich, are visiting Mr. and Mrs
Thos. Hudson.Dr•. Samuel Coulter ofToledo, Oh.
is visiting with his father, John
Marion Sinclair of Toronto, issp-
ending her holidays with her parents
Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair.
A miscellaneous shower was tend-ered to Miss Pearl Moir• bride -elect
of last week by her girl friends at
the home of Irene Hoggah.
Emma Johnston, accompanied bher sister•, Mrs. Short of Windsor,
have returned after a vacation at
'Muskoka, Callander and Wasago
Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, Miss Ada
Gram and Miss Isabella Manson o.Detroit, visited their relatives in this
E. L. Mickle and Billy visited with
the former's parents, •Mr. andVIrs.
Ge.o T. Mickle in Ridgetown.Irene Douglas left Monday -last
for an extended trip through the"Mar
r.�• 'te John NIacLarenofSea.4
,Wilfred, of . forth and son
Saginaw, Miich., visited
3`'with W. L: McLaren.
• i` 4.rchie Hamilton and .family - who
have spent the past month in Simcoe
returned home. Mrs. Hamilton re-
* maining for another month.
Elizabeth Murray of Milwaukee.
Mr... MERCHANT! visitedy with her sister, Hannah !Mul 4
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill
4. You know thoroughly*
well that you have power and family are camping at Grand
in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- nd•
• tamers in regard to what theybuyr Dr. and:Mrs.-M. A. _Oa
from you: Your elatighters :MVlis Campbell and
.Re • customers rely on you to give diem products which ` ` Ses Jean and Dorothy
' i v4.1 Toronto were visitors with Miss
In use or consumption, will i e them t • 'Ethel M'>ttirdoeh.
F g y h m complete •
satisfaction. M>?. and Mrs: s . l'
Jame Were n anti.
• Mass Hannah Paterson -r• were on e
• . uiotdr Grip ,Sip north. '.Chet'• called i
-7 If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly= he quints °rr
circulated magazines then,q s a Ctallander.
g by the same token, it is . their oft Eros.
right to use local weekly newspapers! 4
up their new storeof Exeter, opened
1 am the Master Salesman of this here on Aug. ist
;�with a new stock, The store has beer
,; Community, and nicely painted and decorated and
my name is a fine appearance.. Mr. has
twin has charge end r W. assisted
ADVERTISE ?,iiss Irene Id'o r • assisted b�,
Mr e=nd Mr•e .John Dingwall and
illbM 1^hi•h!4•(#4,M:1.'F3++ft ++ #
renter Saul of Stireetsvrll
iellpl' •HeFies edieser****t •t+.f.br a eperat a
£ew days here with relatives.
Do You Know?rk
girlhood years. She has for the pea
years ibeen on the teuciiing staff.
North York Collegiate, Toronto.
Jginac Royal. Canadian amt..
Murray' MacDt nald, papurar Gode
ich boy, after rl,ualifying, as a s
geant in E company in a course a
Camp. l
the Royal Camschool, London, h
been accepted • as a member of ti
Royal 'Canadian Regiment. Ile mad
appliratrion during the: tune in wbic
he was taking, the course and hi
app.limetionr was accepted overa Ian
list off waiting applicants. He will report to the regimes:• on, Aug. 5th.
serve three years.
Camp Outfit Burne
Dressed in their Sunday best and
all equipped for a pleasant weekend
at the lakeside 'and returnrng• horn
with nothing but their bathing suits
was the sad experience of four young -
people who had their clothing and ail
equipment burned while camping• atn
Grand Bend Sunday last. Mr. a
Mrs. Eric: Campbell, of' Exeter and
the ratter's sister; Miss Evelyn Hod=
gins,. of Lucan, accompanied' by Eug-
ene Beavers pitched their • tent in the
tourist camp at Grand Camp intend-
ing to spend Sunday and' Monday.'
On Sunday morning- while enjoying
a dip in the lake their tent caught
fire and 'was destroyed together with
their clethiztg, suit cases and other
equipment. The fire alto destroyed
the top of their car: Campers neap
by saw the fire and went to '
the re-: and pusher] the caraway con
fining .the damage to, the top. The
loss is estinmated at around; $30-0.00.
Iniad ;, Almost X3th, 11)30.
t We arepleased to report that M'r,
ut Sion. iGiirgericli,who had his leg ani„-
jee, a at the knee last week in
Clinton Hospital, Is improving as well]
a& did be expected,
Mrs. Angus Patterson (nee Miss
Agnes Sas
nes .Luther) died on Saturday .in
;l' !SL Joseph's hospital, London, after •
several months' illness. She was ill
her 54th year and is survrved by
g her trOgban L; one son of Stephen tp. .
lawn &nnh`ier, Mrs. Arnold Ravens •
Grand Bend, and Anna at home; tree
brothers, Johan Luther, of Blue Water •
Highway, George Luther.and James,,
McGillivray Twp, and a sister in
,Sarielaiaky, Mich. The funeral service•
el was held from her late home he
Stephen Township on Tuesday to the
iGrand Rend cemetery for interment.,.
Mr. Christ. Gingerich of the Bron-
son line, Stanley has returned from T
London Hospital, where he was op-
erated on for an infection on the
Established 1900
Herald Printing Office
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 ba,.
arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 1J,
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- •
tinned until all arrears are paid uh-•
less at option o3 publisher. The da'
of which every Subscription is ]said
denatecd on the Label.
Professional Cards not exceeding
3551. imcbes, per year $5.00.
In Memoriam, one verse 60e, 25c
For each additional verse; Card of
hanks., 50e.
Display advertising made know
on ap 3lication.
lWiscelhomocso articles of not mo
an four lines, For Sale, To Rets
anted, Lost, Found; etc., One Inst
ton 25e, 2 ins. 410c., 3 ins. 150c.
Farm or Ileal Estate for sale $2. �;
or first ~month, 11.00 for each is
'ng month.
Pleased to see Eari Yungblut up w
and around while his broken leg is i
on the mend. With a special appar-
atus it is now possible to be up and
around instead of lying in bed for 6
or more weeks as previously:.
Auction Sales ---$2.00 per 'singlesertion if not over four inches he
Rev. and Mrs. Roy Geiger and son,
with I of Welland, Mrs. Blake Horner of Sin
the 14th Concession and Mrs. Ed. lei
• Fell Off Load
Dan Dew of Usborne, the other day
had the misfortune to lose Iris bal-
ance and Fall backward off a load of
grain. He was taken up and had rup-
tured the tendons of one of his legs.
He was laid up for a few ceays but is
again around.
Hail Storm
Quite a hail storm passed over the
Porter's 'Hill district the other day
when the fanners along the line got
their crops pretty well threshed out,
but fortunately the hail fell on a
rather narrow strip as there was
none a mile south of town and none
two: miles west of it, but just a spl-
endid rain Aka was needed so
Cement Flooring In
Workmen are now engaged putting
in the cement flooring for the new
reservoir for Exeter's waterworks sy-
stem. A network of steel bars has
been put in for reinforcing the ce-
ment in. the floor of the tank, the
steel weighing 4, tons. This week
the forms will be erected for pouring
the cement walls. The work is being
dons by a firm from London.
Highway Surface Treatment
The connecting link on No. S'High
way going through the Main St., Mit-
received x e
, ac
top dressing
in places where repair was necessar
This is being done in conjunction
with the work now in progress by the
Department of Highways, the entire
stretch from Mitchell to Sebringviile
undergoing surface treatment.
Lands a Muskie'. .
Geo. Brown, of Gioderich is the en-
vey of all local anglers. One day re-
cently he hooked a 15 lb. Miskie,
near the mouth of the river and lan-
ded it after a 30 minute fight. He /vas
none toosoon in landing it, fo?;cone
thread of the gut on'his hook had
piled Under the strain. It was' flee
first'muskie .George could''7•emextili4
being caught there. It was his flcky
day; for he also hooked' (i'•fine Mier:
-Addison—Trewartha "
A wedding of much interest took
place last Wednesday on the beauti-
ful lawn at the ionic
of Miss Susan::
Acheson, Holmesville, when Esther
Leila, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs
N. W.Trewartha, Clinton, was united
in marriage to Rev. Arthur P. S. Ad-
Lison, coniston, son of De. A. P.
krlilisoe and Mrs. Arlifisrn, 'T'or.•onto,
Ilea bride is wall known and poirrla.r
in the distict whets: she spent he -1
McMurchey of Biggar, Sask., both •
Address all communications to:
sisters of Mr. Geiger, are away- on
a holiday trip to Quebec.
Pictorial 'beauty and scenesor
human Interest may be cap-
tured almost anywhere by the
vacationist who keeps his cam-
era ready, as shown in these
pictures taken on an automo-
bile tour. The picture -taker
stopped the car, instead of,•
'whizzing by.
A S EVERYBODY knows. one of the
C1 important pleasures of a vaca
tion trip is talking about it after
wards. It is a rare person who has
ell '
his friends e
"grand" time he bad, of the paces
he visited, the beantifnI scenery, the
interesting people he met, and vari-
ous entertaining experiences. like is
a good raconteur with the ability to!
make word pictures, his; friends are•!!
likely to listen for quitea while, but,
on the other band 1! helloes/et know
how to telt his story interestingly,,
he may leave to, give: in: to bored
nreah's,". or a counter attack Isom,
his listener who,. the chances are, bas.
been on a vacation, trip.hintself, and
wants to telt hie story,
• llowever m+asivsleus and interest -
Sag a. trip is,, and, however well one
is elite to describe it in the course
of time the memory of it becomes
dim, too vague to; be iiitiiring any
103/ger even. to oneself: How much
are you now able•to'telIabout scenes;
'people and places on, your first auto
tour, say fifteen years ago?
There is.only one sure•ways to keep
these memories from.fadirrg and that
'is to take a camera with you on your
trip and take pictures. Wit4hr,ar cam-
era, at feast a half dozen rotta+or6 filn.
and a determissa.tion to taken ad,van-
Cage are all pictnse-taking oppena uni.
ties, you can create a picture :glory
of your trip that no words, writhes
or spoken, call tell so vividly, and it .
- will live: Yon always will enjoy look-
- ing at these pictures --and, as to'tell-..•
ing the story to your friends—be-
sure they will always be ready to ]core .
When they won't listen!
Too often it happens that when
starting en a vacation trip, he who;,
has a camera neglects to take it
along, :or, if' be does, too often fails •.
to take advantage of picture oppor
tunities. For example, it is easy„.
when one is rolling along the road..
in an automobile to let an interest-:-
ing or beautiful scene go by with
'sant stopping the car.
Make up you mind before you start .
one. vacation tour, 'whether by auto-
mobile er Otherwise, that You .are,go_
oto bring hack a picture record of -
the principal and most interesting.,
tlai;ags You see; and tell any travel-.
lag comfranions without a camerae
that when you see a good picture
they mast give you the chance to get,
it. Iteminud them that this is a
wire trip, trip, .and, especially if you go by
auto, that this business of whizzing ;
by the scenery just to get to the next
Irolace in the quickest time is silly:,
Impress upon them that stopping to
record an interesting picture will be
`oa'or'tii incomparably more in per-
manent value than the few minutes:
wined at the end of a day's journey
Get the pieta 'res as yeas go.