HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-08-06, Page 5e `1i rirsaay, Auorst ovule, Int, BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL iiruoLEYE.HOLMES BARRISTE.iR, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Hamilton. Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario: 'Special Attention to Conned and Court Work. NIr. Holmes may be consulted at :Godeeich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. ,austunawasarilmesauminest.numesssgsrandsonnensaasomnateacamoutgossa ,,DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At .DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTI••EIB'S BLOCK, DASI{W OO.D Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VET ERINA.RIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone --96. . A. R. Campbell, V.S, E.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated y the most modern principiee, Charges reasonable. Day or night ;calls proznptto attended to. Also 3 re - der of Scottish terriers. I'nvernesss ee , Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column. NOTICE VOTERS' LISTS 1936 Municipalityof Stanley, County of Hume Notice 3s hereby given that I have compiled with Section No. 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I hate 'lave posted up at my office at Varna on the 31st day of July 1936, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the sand Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon aid votees to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day of appeal being the- 21st day or Aug- ust 1936. Dated this lst day of August 1936. OHAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk of Stanley Township. INZIMANIMUOVICOMMININIZititi STRAYED Unto Unto my premises, north of Drys- dale, a Collie dog, brown, white ring around neck, and white tip on tail. Owner can have same by paying ex- penses Thos Snowden. • ' Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Greene Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this niar hive to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 LOCAL Ni ZU11CQ 1-1ERAI D '!O'1:10E TO CREDITORS Mr. Charles .Bartlett pert the we- a'k-end at his home in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beaver aid family motored to Stara on Sunday Miss Gertrude Thiel was a weck- .nd visitor with friends at Credit rn, Mr, Cecil Uttley who is employed 'hy the Hallidoy "Co.,,. of Burlington, visited his home here. Miss Beulah Koehler of Kitchene, 's visiting at the Dominion Rouse at present Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith enter- tained a number of friends from lien - sell on Saturday evening, Monday, Civic Holiday, passed off very quietly in town as most of the sport lovers were at Goderich attend- ing the races. Messrs. Len Prang and Ross Johri ston returned from a fishing trip alp north, 'bringing along•a nice catch of fish. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G.° Hess, ac= companied by Mr. and Mrs. Chris; Heist of Crediton, were holiday vis- itors at Gravenhurst, Della, Midland, Wasago Beach, and other paintts of interest: Mr. John N. Cantin of Montreal, gave us a friendly call one day lett week. We are always greatly plea s_ ed to see Mr. Cantin, who always is a busy man and in a hurry when he comes to our village. Ma and Mrs. H. K. Either of Crediton were Saturday. 'visitor$ at. the home of Mr. and •Mrs. Ward Fritz. We understand Mr. and Mrs Eilber are enjoying an outing up. in Muskoka Lakes this week. The 'management of the Zurich Creamery wishes to advise the pub- lic that they are making preparations to handle, in a large extent, eggs and poultry. They will be . prepared to grade eggs and also dress and take care of poultry of all kinds. Mrs. Mina Tinlin and Miss Ethel Williams, accampanied by Mrs. J.M. Whiteside and son Bobby'. motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. White- side and Boldov goiriti nr, to r"e'•r+• conk, to spend the remainder of the sonmmer with Mrs. (Rev.) R. White side - Henry Weher Estate All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Weber, late of the town of Zurich, Bachelor, de - :eased, who flied on or about the 23rd day of May 1931, are .hereby e lot' ifiid t •� o send in to the aide r�ig„cz_ ee, Executors, on or before this 115th day of. August, 193ri, full pait.ci.lui; of their claims. Immediately attc' this last mentioned date the aeset , o° the said estate will be, dist�il,n4 i, amongst the' parties entitled thorn...). i, having regard only to claims of wri :i: they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July, 1930. Mr., P. D. Ruefl'er, Waterloo, Ontario, Mr. Henry I3echthold, Petersburg, Ontario. (Executors for the Estate) FOR SAL r A young Durham Cow with calf at side.—Apply to Aaron Weber, l;ronson Line, Hay. To Destroy Ants The mo;;;, satisfactory material sv far disco red for destroying ants, saye lite Dominion Entomologist, is soodium :h'.oride, sold by druggists 'ii the i ct t of a fine white powder. As sodium fluoride is somewhat poi ono:t:,, care should be taken to. prevent ch'ldren or domestic pets from gaining access to it. Make Cheese Guarantee A0 $1 0,000 guarantee to help sta- bilize cheese prices on the Ontario Cheese Boards got final Government sanction at- a Cabinet meeting; sit Queen's Park. The hove to stead, the cheese market and give Ontario Cheese producers a boost was an- nounced by Minister of Agriculture Duncan Marshall. He stated that the guarantee wIl] get the Cheese Pat- rons' Association a $100,000 hank. loan to use for purchases which will keep the market steady. etr Catch Young Eagles • PAGE FIVE. wr�s�+�rr�r�rir�rw�r�iw�s�sMwr+���r��►��s�o�a��r�®��a��sa��a�es, O ZURICH CE.M; We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound P. 64 64 Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same ».e Day. • 1 • •YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and nay Cash ''r -,r your Eggs and i Poultrytit Highest Market Prices, according to grade.—_ -Youzr Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY !mooree berlteo@1®4svveoelssooc,00 c timer— o 4S,6I , °x i;itriweeE@ eel, ow* ear Cut Your Fuel Bill In HAL! yy .x. Buy Storm. Windows and DCGIS LET US QUOTE YOU! ;' REPLACE TI -103E WINDOWPANES NOW. WE CARR ."' A ••3 4 ee LARGE ASSORTED STOCK. OF GLASS ON HAND AT d_LL. 4' 't' TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORIC •e 1WHILE e, Lae 1. tit WAIT. 2 . • PHONE. 60 44) ii ÷ LEISCE .1. ZURICH 4 a• t. r•.&•+++•t ;•..4-?•• ..F •u.$^Y••-4•4.+•i•+•;• •II•3 ++g••t.. •.t•ti• •+.t ., , ; ,, •, +ti,come nC.G"u3ssoo at +of'+r ee4a1 i ^ Ct 0,*(50 1® On Overhaulin-g your Mowers. We For A 'rare c' ptere---ez "'o y0iti ' eagles S� > a ; yy • , Sri ire {' pp� ��pp y�t4.e,g 5 with a•repairs 'tS �!d � �.EL � �.,—•i.'.. 121a,1ic, on I'11(1 ;�r by Paste L"n,it_ i �.. � Y'V � �.Y.1 Y..•�7• �� �� � $i 1 well and Geo. Poen r i 'Helmets. Office on. Main Sir W e wish to inform our customers emosite Town Hall:., Phone 116. HENSALL, :LICENSED AUCTIONEER for- Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct .any Auction Sale, regardless me to size or article to sell. • I solicit dour businees,, and if not satisfied•'wil`l :make no cliarges for Services Ren- -dered. ARTHUR tW3EBER--Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE ai 3dCe WA��T,rD HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Phone 101, Res- ?4, Zurich BUTCHERS r chs Popular :MEAT MARKS tirm4T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ed., always on hand. Kept xesh in Electric Refrigeration ?Highest Cash. Prices tor Wool, Hides and. Skins IT, -Yui gblrut SoTi INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ffl LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- I JAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO :Amount. of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 3Tstt t935, $20,479,730:00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,{527.52. Mates— $4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Tem E. F. Kropp—Zurkh 4'104 blsa Dealer fa, L jhtnine Itod� *IA all ltii iL' c t Vim ask.: keae. {F:+ that we can supply you again with' Choice Clover Honey at the follow - owing Prices, in Cutomer's Contain- ers. 1 lb. to 50 lbs. 9c. alb; 50 lbs. or over at 8c lb. We also have some amber honey at the following prices:1 to 50 lbs at 8c Ib; 50 lbs or over 7c a lb.`, These prices are subject:to change without :n••-ove 1. t.,: to fill: containers good for only -ten days more. J. HABERER & SONS, 2 blocks south of Hotel, Zurich, Ont. Telephone 122, Zurich. Starter Chick, FOR QUICK SALE Chicks, one, two, three or four weeks old. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Pullets 4 weeks old. • �. E• McKINL,EY - Me ,s.rs. Harry `Rosenberg, and. ()li- ver Ganger of Brooksby, Sas10 wa— re recent visitors at the some. ' of,'Ca, firm neerNile. 8 miler: +t1i ' 4' Mr. and Tyles. C. 0, Smith, St,�Josoplr east of:,.Goderich. While pial;°ng :'r-; el ti he Iatter, Mr. Gaiznger was a form- er resident of that section, but When still a boy moved with the latter to the Wet, •rid he notices a number of changes in 25 years or more. The former, Mr. Rosenberg, is• a -Western boy, and it was quite an lilspiration erase atop its head, showed fight. It; �• for him to see cherries,' patens, and eeckrd and clawed viciously at Rout -1 ' apples grow on trees, and -'also ,wa Jt4dge, but he hit it over the head with 2 interested in'.. the nice' shade' tiee�t, aestotat club. The blow would have' 5 and wonderful farm -her ro ee - r t i y;il?ecl a bag gobbler, but the young have here in old Ontario. They r e eagle eoon'revrived. They w e proud SEEDS ► SEEDS! of•thei2 capture, brought their pri:s; s . We are in the Market for Red �1lsi?:e?veet Clovers and in a crate to Goderich to stow the ee , folks whet eagles looked like, and a ` Timothy Seeds. crowd soon gathered. The male hurl T c0 LI a ``'1+.E rig in a swamp the young- 'n ware . ai t tedaby a hi 'ing sound. They looked ground to see the two big bik r .aster and s ` 4 " 6 , Poultry o ? 1, bite perched on a stump five feet j I 4 �l l l j _1 i E' �' `� ' beth. The female bird was easily cap-' Plow points to tit al makes of • tt,red, but the male, with a white all makes i -r, for les the i <jobbers' parts. plows turned with a new r)o age autr which the former got at the feelory et Detroit, this being a saving' of $125• from the Western prices. Brookeby is in the Prince Albeit t'istriet in measured live feet, wings spread, and Saskatchewan. the female, four and a half feet. OBITUARY = CREDITON Miss Helen Tougla After -a tedious illness, having pent five months in the Community Hospital, at Clinton, Helen, daughter of Mr. David Tough and • the ,late. Mrs. Tough, of Bru c dield teed erly north of Blake, passed away, on 1t. R. 1, Zurich Tuesday of last week.Miss Tough had been a great su:!et andi'.her death came as a happy- rel a e -fl oin N 0 TICE pain and weakness. She was an pit; child and her mother died just ;Ave years alto. S'1e was .. a member of ANNOUNCEMENT Brucefield United church, a member of the choir and active in ch iieh. work. The funeral took piece 'lege Thursday, services • in Brucet?nl'd church. int.. m _'rt. in Pa,i, d a e vn- etery where her mother is also buried Painful Accident Given a lift by a motorirt who e: car was later ditched at St. Joseph, Harry Maxim, age 21, of Wincleog;, was taken ih a critical condition to Victoria Hospital, London on Sunday He is suffering from a nactured skull and injuries to one wrist. His hitch -hiking• •companion, Jack W at'd; also of Windsor, suffered a bad lacer- ation to the forehead but he was Int- er able to proceed to his home.. The wo youths had been hitch -hiking, their way to their homes. At Clinton they were picked up by Chas. Wile 'cinson, of Wingharn, who was driv- ing to Ipperwash Beach. Maxim rode with Wilkinson in the front seat and Ward in the back seat. Just as the motorist made the turn at St. Jos pia owards. the Grand Bend from he .Zurich ,Road the car swerved and ran '75 feet along.the shoulder of the road to bounce over the cement end .ef a culvert. Although the car re- mained upright the right front door. few open and Maxim was thrown ,forward into the windshield, then fell out of the car. Wilkinson, was tumb- led out on top of Maxim as the car took another lurch. Ward was thrown against the side of the car but re- trained within. The driver was only shaken up. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon of Zurich, attended the two injured and ordered Maxim's removal to the Lon - ton hospital. The accident was in - 440,)t^,1 ''"" •"�f%lc, OlPcer orm:an -"lain Dresses and Suits 70c, Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And Dry Cleaners. 'Thiel's Transport Uhed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1933 Plymouth Coach, very reason able in price. 1931 Ford DeLux Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe, a good buy, All have good tires, good upholst- ering and mechanically good; gone over carefully by us. ALSO a Dwelling House for Sale or Rent in Zurich. L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich NOTICE At this time of the year we fine our books carrying considerable accounts that ire in most cases lone overdue and should have been paid 'efore this. We are very pressed for money just now and are obliged „to mail, out accounts, and trust that our customers will appreciate tht credit extended to them by •acting ptomptlys,• as we are badly in need oi' his mom's/ to r.aeot our- obligations >i e. l' aru]r3, t'xalti�%etQT Sprinr;bank Park was the scene of an enjoyable outing Friday after- noon -when the Evangelical Young People's League held their annual picnic. The picnic was in charge of Gordon Ratz, aesi ed by Mrs.I ru,•- enee Weie and M fj°ata Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zuviea 8 at all Tines. 3 8 eee'•)"+re • e ai..,:.•roe' til*.EiFy ret*Yle leovt",gada .'i,'140.,:.� .r:•'.,, Pace metl' • are as follows: ~r'1 - Eldon Snaith, Austin Fahner; Ls. lies I Norma I+inkbeilier, Aldona Wue1tt'.i; Three legged race, Irene Pelting, 1".'. Kerstine; Rope contest Floyd Lain-• ports side; Paper bag core t, Ia Hirtzel's side; Cu.p and straw race, Alvin Kin'-hFiner, Dorothy Ratz; Lad ies: ki ldng the d -eeer, :verge) lrh tlr-; beiner, Irene Fahner; Feeding the,, elephant, Alvin Fingbeiner, Dorothy Rtatz; Men's bail throwing, Hairy Hirtzel, Austin Fa"iner. Obituary . Lydia Adeline Klumpp, wife of I John.Klumpp passed away peacefully y, Friday_ morning July 31st aged G4 years, 11 months and 23 days. In vent ti she was soundly converted and became a useful member of the Cre- diton Evangelical Church. In 18112 slier was united in marriage to John Klumpp. This union was blest with two daughters, Yrs. Alfred Holtz - mama and one died in infancy, Silo is ;survived by a grief stricken husb- and, John Klumpp„ one daughter three brothers, Henry, Edwin and Al- bert Falmer, all of this community and one sister, Mrs. Chr•istena Rogers of Saline, Mich., two grandchildren, one brother predeceased her in death. A private funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at the home with the fancily and relatives after which a, public memorial service was held it the Crediton Evangelical church. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. E. Burn, of the Zurich Evangelical ohurch, nonducted the funeral. Rev. Burn delivered a memorial addrees and paid glowing tribute to the life of the departed. The choir rang very effectively "Some Time Will Understand". Mr. Clayton Si ins and Mrs. Wm. Smith sang at the church. Burial took place to the Crediton Cemetery. The pall bear- ers' Were t Henry, Edward, Albert 'and Henb Feltner, Wm. Smith and Nelson Schenk. The flower bearer's weree Harold and :iloward:Il'oitzmann Lever, of Clinton, who placed .no Ila ve y Pfaff, Claire ,Sparliug, Tidt- blame oa •the Wingham. man. • • j ward Schenk acid Paul S.chetlk.. \14r8 3.: `��'t t Vi B6 SF Lti' ' S3 f Gi AVAM�14d 4vi L,T n n R`• w. ean e fee - a We are Headquarters fora�� Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of t all kinds p asr We Have Paris Green, Arsenate" Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder Z Mothocide, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, Z err Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. et eR it w r J. MacKinnon, fowukgpmffmkpkommArmvvklqw;FIAmsv/kmAp I\��