HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-08-06, Page 10 es: Vol. XXxVii No 5' ZURICHID TI-IURSDAY MOHNIIWA', AUGUST 6,1936. .---•••••-••••••••••00 et us al OUR'HOLIDAY TRIP To Quebec and the Atlantic Coast As so many readers of the Herald have requested that the Publisher give a write up' in these cohnems re- garding our holiday trip to Quebec and the Atlantic Const; so in 'our humble way we will try and touch on a few of the interesting things that we were privileged to see.. • As we will remember, the Herald was rushed out Tuesday evenin, July 14th, this enabled us on Wednesday to motor to Gananoque, 341 miles the first day, where •we had another good look at the beautiful Thousaed Islands. The following day we mot- ored on down the St. Lawrence river to Canada's largest city, Montreal, with its population of nearly o-ne and a half million. people. On ehis ecoute. the St. Lawrence looks veey 431000,0.0000,00,0.00r0.000030X0,150.00.1i0¢000000050:. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT., "A Changeless Chit fc st. Chang- ing Worlid.,,P Friday, 8h—Luther Leagae. Thursday—Choir Practice,. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German. Service - 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome. to all Services. E. TUERICHEUM Pastore You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it in that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed for goer 'vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely deperedi on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG„ Re 0. At HESS JEWEL.MY STORE attraetive with. a. number of rapids, and there is for miles along on the Ontario side, canals built to take care of the boats as they navesate 'to and fro. Same of these canals have quite high locks- ' •. Arriving at Montreal shortly efter the noon hour, we had time to go up to Mount Royal, which towers. over the city some six hundred feet, and from those two lookouts ane can see this gigantic cite in all its beauty, the large trees along the wee: streets greatly add to its grandness, as well as the harbor, all the le.rge buildings in the business section are very dis- tinctly noticed here. Then gazing in the distance (as it was a very clear your Rammer French and English for supremacy, in 1'763 It went to tho English and the country which was being settled by French, became English colony. Then in 1775 the .English had to bat- tle with the Americans , under com- mand of Montgomery. So Quebec city became the strongest fortiGed. eity in North America. The large cit - dell which towers 550 feet above. the river, city walls and three of the Towers are still imam:vett. Here one also sees the Plains of a Ir. Claytus Mittleholtz of London, Abraham, where the battle betweet *gag is. visiting with his brother, Mr. Ted Montcalm and Wolfe took for Silittleheitz. Monuments have been erected both generals. A few other nieces of Mr, Emery Ruby or Kitchener, note are: Parliament buildings, .(..'atit- visited with his parents here thepast edrels, the Golden Dog, the Sanetaa meg day) the naked eye beheld the mot ary of Perpetual Auoration; inside which was ,-;howe the handiwork . of Mr. Phi Bedard of Tilbury call - of wonderful landscape as we looked u on the Laurentian ranges in Que- the White Sisters. one table cloth was ed on his brother, Mr. Dennis Bedard 1 Chester L. Smith, Publiez.M.,.. ;L25 a year, U.S. ;L50 in Adie A.ItitEri.AS,n NAY BIS isrs S it 0 Arapr, ,• iZ,:•'''''`'°t;;";1"-i'lLtt.c''',, egteteas. zefeetesgeseeereaeseeee bec, the Adirondick mountains of New York State, the Green Moun- tains of Vermont, and the picturesque hills of Ontario, representing a radi- ous of 100 miles. Upon this mount - priced at $400, and a masterpiece et • on .e.onday. • akin it was; the narrowest' street ' in Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Williams, Mr. North America, where for one ''(i4.r i Cal. Williams, Miss Ethel Wining there - is haally room to travel.. Seine and Mn. Mina Tinlin spent Monday, 3171'00t.:1 are ao steep that they aro all ' - • - at there is great merrymaking in seeps. Reeardlees of these handle:Os i ..dee Berry Badeur of town Ire. re - the winter season with tebegeon, of getting around, one receives 'the - ' c' aturned home after spending some tiv:' very beet of courtesy everywhere.. sled and kis. Just at the foot of mount is the large Royal Victoria . A motor drive to Ste Anne -del WOd..; eith relatives and friende in Universities. While up o -n the Mont. Hospital, also. the well known McGill Beaupre and Montmorency ;makes a nice afternoon's outing. pagglLondon and ,Walkerville. The variona 'officials of the Hay is St Joseph's Oratory Shrine, which Mutual Fire Ins, Co., held ti businew,. These falls are more than a hunrited . is being built by Brother Andre, feet higher than Niagara; but no'- so ; emceeing at Grand Bend on Saturday. geide. Ste Ann contains, we think; "Miracle Man of Montreal" and tho- the most talked - of . Shrine in . the , . usands of pilgrims come here annual.- ly, some to get cured_ through prayer. Continent, over half a million pilg- i. :er. end Mrs. Win. F. Braun and 'Among the fine Cathedrels I Le: Notre :elms visit this place each summergand ! family of Forest, were Monday v •Dame, St. Patrick, St. James, St. An malty receive healing through tbe , ors at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont drew and St. Paul, and several oth- finer art of prager. This Cathedral: ,-ha.s a capacity of about 3,000 people: Hay Council met on Tuesday for ers. Down at the harbor we foued summer season is much too ghe August meeting. The minutes it very busy with congested traffic. an isi gee . ) ' the multitudes of neoples, will be published in next week's issue The following dav we moveit on •mtlall far tThat gather there.; It is a very coetiy of the Itegild. Quebec City, the oldest and most . . . • d A . eiuldeng, .o f fine • arcliecture, and ad-' historma y • ' 1 Air and Mrs Clayton Me co et journeyed along No. 2 Highway our attention was attracted of the fine farms, beautiful homes, the barns not hank barns like here, but the old type of low buildings, some nave that- ched roofs, and all were neatly white, waShed, which has become an annual renewal. Needless to say, the pepu- . lation is all French Canadians, and joining is a argeSeminary. eee• • by is the large Cyclorama a rotted building taking "'vr ef flee maegel- ous painting of Palestine. This paint- ing is 40 feet high and 340 feet long., It is indeed a real masterpiece. There is also the chapel of Kneeling Stens and many other sacred places to lea hold. Kitchener spent the week -end at the heiee of Mr. and Mrs. jocao Ginger- ich, Goshen line south. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Geiger and fathily of Welland, spent a week with friends here. On Sunday after- noon they started. on a motor trip itch „se ii ES SS hopann A SPECIALTY WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAILED IN WATCHES Hess The lowellir Phone 74 Zurich .••••••...*••••••••••Mr.owl.p..“ .1404.4+4+ ',:i-,t604,4Pe(4.>0413,4•4,00 4 4, 4 4 they pride themselves in their primit- Another day's drive brought unsar _0 NeiliCh will take ,there to Ottawa, iVikei 4, ive costumes and their fine homes. the old city of Belfaet, Maine, real, Quebec City, and other points.1 4' No two -horse wagons. all cares, and ecl after the city of. the same narn , 0 we saw a large oxen in .one of these in Ireland. This is MI the coater of tlf," 'f.''' Mr.: and itgr,.. Emerson carts. Like in the New England St- mighty Atlantic. The coast line hi... Overholt t n ,iv2',...,,,,T Goderich; also Mr. and Mr. Geo. te ntes, Whitell 'We visited later, the is rather abrupt mid rocicy MCOann and Austin Smith of SL it , 6 fermerq were just in the midst of heiT we had our first 'cliP ' in tie. 1 • ' pi .were yip a 'llaying, while here at home the wneat :briny water, which was miner cooi:' • . was being hauled in and threshed. We' •'Phe days were nice and warm but Mrs. Mary Miller over the holiday. the nights very .cool, even in the:Chric Holiday, in London. also noticed some4real spinning whe- els in actual use along the way. big heat wave the nights were se fact the ocean, wllich is cons To -day, Wadnesday, is the big . cold. There is alwage a breeze from' Arriving at the City of Quebee, eve. id dee. hall tournament (lay for Zurich, and soon found good 'hospitality -"dr11,ere° ker in color than our 'fresh- waterth tl • itl Icool . e wea ieunan, a iougi doe 0 4 e• 4 44 • 4 4 0 we could relax hem the e. . , n_. lakes. The tide is also': very tnter- not throated very main wan rain. 0 turns and twists in the. rgate s'"•.' esting, as it comes in kir six houre, It should draw a :big crowd and a 0 stated it is the oldest city in Canada, and then receeds for the salmi time... was founded in 3608 by Samuel • de • . Aed talk about good fish in the p01.1, big time is being lookedgor. , • here you gee taem. st nether (4- -' • I at Every Tuesday at 47.URICII - Chasnplam, and from the first day c - h Mr and Mrs W Welland .rnd sou 1 • it S existence it had to fight contlina drive brought ns 140 Miles down the . • . . ' — - ' Bob of Detroit• Mr Joh Grieve« ond i 4 At Dashwood, Saturdays, at Pile's ously; first the Indians, then 1-Jeth coast to Old Orchard Beach, known ' ' ' ' ' '" ' , 4' for the tine 1.1 mile sond beach, wi•ere Mr. and Mrs. "William Al e.Adams ; :qr.' t . . _ ._ - thoueends are S,..`11 at 1111., or Wl1g and Mrs. Orville McAdams and Jan -I Store« co t' -‘e 1,:...1.. ov. -1,- ..f. ,r.n.o.1 ;tr.. '10ter, sul or T.0 i& 1. -.; ii, a .71 ,,n. ___ ...._ planes take off frdm -he re se'rne. in day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . . lout.. aeross 1 11,. oecan...tiowever• in McAdami II: Lt line. .....,,..trtf4q. 1 i)f.ive)nc: 80 ,..11141- , ,,,,, .. 0 fielear00001043.10X0. Pli „ . .,...o.;„ L, A co,,,•;,10,.._' 1 110 11-ye:a old ds., -...1d.,;. of Mr. 0 4«........ of nnm-ots with Wert,. of and Mrs. Harrington Finkheiner of 3 1 wit,. 1, -. -td- ran,,,,r. f t i f : tisQ ;; 1:en Ll.o. -), :', ''...,,,,v,1,. wilt. .0 or „on...u.-5,- horq..ward erosE,y1. the' 111 the past week and soo ......:,;. tr.l;en et itilliill'. New 14 nine; 411,.., to London 11 o.fp"-E.,1, w ln ; , . .... ,. ay, 2 ..,,, ,t,--..,-, ,,.; told '1 i• co,k,::%:‘ L i; ; -: ' , rio'L.-• , .. '''• i ,, 1.3' • R.') i,' 'Ion .. ,I,' ly, • , 1,,,:•. .• 0 ,;•• • , 4 • i. '`J''' '' .I' ' '''' " . ' '' ' ' 4' ' ' '' ' , ' "t) ' ' :. well ae ag'cli tee petiesg. -- e The Color guarantees the quality Seuiet Solvay Coke Miler - Creek end Rosedale Alberta, Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON. Highest cash prices paid fcg Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 HEINSI=1. _see -see aggegesagatee ese EALL, PRICE CO PETITION IN Tailored To Mea Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS • Chipso, large Pkg. 2 pkgs - . Illic Ilillcrest Shortening.. 2 lbs. '2,fse Liby's Dill Pickles, large tin .23e. Maple Leaf Sockve Salmon, 14b. tin 35e P. & G. White Naptlia Seale send 5 wrappers and 25c. and get 43.50' sloth es 'Brush. Salada Tea. (speciday- brown 141)olll'alf-lb. llic Washing Ammonia,. per .pkg. 5c Sultana Raisins., 2-116s. .. _..... ..... . ... ._..... 25c Kirk's Hard Water Soap, 4 cakes ..:...... ..... . ....... 1 6c Unwrapped Lnuralrer Span. ..7 bare ................ Ring Oscar Sardines, 2 tins ......----,« .. . . , . - — - - .....29z all flavors, pica. . 5c Genidatt' Pg1tI!4sz-M4 orygapswegpm Certo Jollies, all Fruit, tligiu;IVar' aer.,4144'W pee bottle ic i.1791P1MTP. '"•`` Golden wax BezILS, 2 21 g41511.agerggg,nfecalgef aa Veil, extra Special, up to Jr'I APB' a5r, yd. Specihi ret, • 1BUTTE 306.t pin Yard 1 5c 9{11, rt S K Ladieie Silk Bloomer.; and Paatees, Reg. Price 7.5c. Special price AnUr ' Fuldiosbiont.fd Silk Un, itiz rSert;tese, NVeight, per pair ..... ;Mkt 1-lighe3t - 1,4 N Acme 114.0 re CONVINCEFf01 f..1-fX a ?MP ., z_41 14214340 .ii:PABALitella'S ANL.;1t r.4 Di .. I A. • '1•'''', Of •.` hitt .l., t. l ata 'idea grws . 1-.:1'tlOle v t 1 1 Y 11I!111f t (%1 y.P! o'..,•01`1-'1 , : ..,,,..44.7 6 P4.6, c,Kata4a,N404,4>1.''',P- ,,,,,,,,, 1 !rg ')t'4 ,Lf,j10 foot. me (...„1.,,,,n :1it.4.: 40 0 i^ ,.,',';4C1, On ;',,,,.,1•.;i:. N fier- i of Vermont eget y,,..i. 'Mansfield noon, August 11th. A 101; iotcrest• 4,1911 feet; and Now vork '-l-t.stte. has :-ing Pro':,71P11,1,1,-,-aarl1'-..,11i• The it, Adiron.1m.lts :kite. of which .:Nit. Dashwthei r."( nice. itil ietiel will be L.I.,,,,,,u,s,ar„;,,%`-^m,a,=311,vg mis„,,,,:iy,,;=iwasi=7,47,m.5zand-a-im;-4=2;7,-=,,mar,,r=v2.•=3,,„Eramm; A'zt. ''",/,' "' :"1 'Y'V"-I.. (:),:rlt rt:rey ii,r,..,4 f;,t 1-; +be hhi.::•,t, piesent wit% ,,uitebl, mike. The 11 li l' e .....',..1 .!...1.:., t,„' .. . artlrneessrtawar as While we did not scale the surnmits •. • of ill of these mountains. 1't ther The proc...ain public ano cordially invit,1,1 nitend. ;14, or -03,, thf' paAor, he.v. E. T']ngland Ststfxs 4 14 0 i0101111th:1110'.18, nYnctirlisr A 13 id s irtvlo; •. • ".:4 3 41° 1111-1( sr; Lilrougo. tInOne of the worst accidents that s mountains with only a gas -station to jut'. '1 amt.. In these States all the build,lngs nye of wood pahqed waite, the boo -es, of 01,1 •.;'reen shotters and nearly mostlw of three story 111 • lnlig,ht. The houses are adjoined hy Todis'ings or the farms, this • df.nto the bef.- y jil of snow eoth t'intor. so there is no snow to.shmel - going from one 1 1dUn lo arotifer. :ling two ni.rlits • 71(1 ! 11 day eestieg hp en the cliff of Wand- • 7,1'i -011 1 a we found "ohr way 'back hoine. through the fertile, --1•1 the 'n1107t farming section oil our 1 98.1 'trip. A much needed rain visited. "..ra..ticsflly p.11 of these .dry areas on nnd much in :need as 1*.iti New York State the drinkilig aerate was getting quite low. • We indeed appreciated the ,l'w111- Cfnrte home" greetings extended his 'by our tr,any Zurich friends, and peornise that D.V. we will serve or .:umny patrons to the best of our ifb- iMty for a whole year, till we bust, , le -401110r VlOntiOn period will coity• goes out to him and his familydie, the sympathy of'the entire common- ' Thank You! • ' IIIT0000001000000000014004000101.,•00000.010000000100010010000froto.• haPpenod in 4.11; 001.-„;..1 i. ...est on Tuesday forenoon to Mr, .7.1imon of who is em- .loyed with 'An Pot •,,• of the 1310n 0.1 lint . w•e'r:- ing the threshing 11101011.Thoy e tlueshing at the farm of Mr. 4., was in Oa act of oiling $ome part of the inachine When a fetenee e:1 Whieh 111' steeped bed out of place with the result that Mr. cal.c.fece his thotin.„, ;:.,,f1) 'WO foot into 141'- d. of the reachine„ and befog. 001.11,1 be relieved the leg NSW telTrAy 11,..111- :.,led up to the knee. hnon of Zurich was 3 led and he hurried the patien, 1(1' Clinton Hospital, where ;.fier a thorough examination, it Wm; doeitiod to immediately amputate the lee at the knee. This is indeed a very sad affair, as Mr. Clingerich is 0 young man just in the prime of life, and • Spring WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STC OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtains. and Curtain Materials, )1-lovice Dresscs, and Boys' Shirts, &noels, and Overcits, Sweaters, Boys' Bloorzters and Pants. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boss. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'Root Seeds, 5 10c. package Garden Seeds. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND o! • l41 DOLIGLA GENERA T phsolve n - 97 SLR KE 1 easowassaummamoaaaramosoaamoraaisg a