HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-30, Page 8• WITH THE STOCK TRE STORE „,s' s New 4 -yd. wide Linoleurns in Stock. 3 Patterns to Choose from. Bring your Room Measurements and let us estimate cost. We ineet Mail Order HousePrices. 2 yard wide Floor Oils, sq. yd 2 yd. Feltol, sq. yd. 2 yd. wide Baroleurn, sq. yd. 55c 43c 45c Lin'o1eum, Congoleu'tn, or Feltol Rugs:,.. Pro- cured for you at short notice. Linoleum Rugs 9x i 01/'- at Congoleum Rugs, 9x 1012 at Feltol Rugs, 9x101 at All other sizes at corresponding prices Window Shades, green or cream with roller., ..49c A Complete Range of Curtain Goods, Drap- ery Materials, Made up Curtains, Chintzes, Cretans... We Stock No. 1 Quality Goods Only. $11.50 9.50 6.90 EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on Hand PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 Sift CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are r'. it most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident Statistics prove that: "1 he Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely- and avoid an ' Accident -- But be. Prepared! -__-A few `Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Damage,.. Etc. Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY 14IOTTO-SERVICE AND SAFETY, �ty�m"s.wG','VV4ef.M`•UstA5A.irks'A.�ikiie;04:1dyer.v.;•4:ElSKh"v14"441614. '241'itra*i HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE ag a • FROST FENCE . . . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've evet had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. if you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult .11,' Us....nd be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! TIGHT -" LOG, ZINC BONDED .n esduoivo FROST feature AO SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! • PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried, It and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 0 Ai' o Quick Drying Enamels arid Varnishes; Floor wax ': se .(... uclyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes : in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall '+ X • • • fp • 0 0 t a 0 0 0 fat�lli 71i1D(ill!'.GI'u1uiW lilli l lin j, - NE rocery I !gall il[( 1 afilM13?ilita 3 cakes; CALAY when you buy large' Lsize ri re Genz<ine Pica/di/1i L *TIMES �� &"1111S11 ,d ' for only i�'J wcanef 5 wiFi Pers AND WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP: ASK US ABOUT IT Menu° Ocsch EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 111111111 I 1111111110 I1111IIIII IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111 1111111111i111n1111111!1111111111111111111111111111111 III'I 1111111111111111111I11111111IIIIIIIII11lH li aro OF LOCAL INTEREST Tuesday of next week the Hay Council will hold the August meet- ing. Mr. Fred Rummell of Kitchener was a week -end visitor with friends in town. Mrs. J. Mellhausen of Kitchener *as visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. .Siebert. • Mr. and Mrs. Wurtz, Mrs. M.Haist and son Willard from Pigeon, Mich., visited Mrs. Amelia Fuss on Sunday. Mr. Noah Sararas of Kitchener, was a visitor with friends in Zurich and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz and Eunice spent a week 'with Biles. Amelia Fuss. Eunice is xemaining for a few weeks vacation. Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur J. Aulerich and little son, Richard, of Detroit, spent two weeks holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang. Mrs. N. Scheere, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. John Fritz of Morrisburg, Ont., were visitors at the home of his brother, Mr. Chas., Fritz. Mr. Carl Schnell spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. Mrs. Edgar Schnell Jean and. Joyce, returning to Oshawa with him. .Mx. and Mee. N. Williams and Miss Hazel and Mrs. J. Williams of Tor- onto were guests at the home of Pair. and Mee. Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson of the Goshen Line south, attended the wedding on Saturday of Mrs. David - son's sister, Flossie Stelck to Aaron Jantzi from McKillop Township. Mrs. E. Taggart and niece, Miss Myrtle Raabe, of South Bend, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Weisenbach, of Peoria, 111., visited relatives here, They also camped for a week at the Grand Bend. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: W. L. Siebert were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and daughters, Miss Muriel of Kitchener and Mrs. Paul Price and son of Palmyra, Pen., and Mrs. Flora Brown and son Mel= vin, Kitchener. Mr. Herb Mousseau has workmen busy moving his residentia 1 house next to his garage back from the road and letting it down on a con- crete foundation. This will give Mr Mousseau considerable room around the front of the garage, ,.George Blair, of Bayfield met.Wiith A great relieve from the dire .an 'unfortunate, accident at his home When he was separating his traler which was loaded with wood- from. •his car. The tongue slipped skinning• his shin and the trailer bolt split the webbing of his Ieft foot. Station To 13e Closed The C.N.P. station at Bluevale to be closed on Aug. 1st. ,;as. Dobie, wlio has been the agent and operat- or for more than two years, is being transferred to Listowel. Exeter Resident Dies Mrs. Grace Hooper, 79 year; old resident of Exeter, died. in London. Hospital ori July 11th, after on. oper- ation. Her husband, the late W.H.P. Hooper, predeceased' her about eight years. Died in Hay Fee:a Geo. T. Bennett, 50 yr.• Old 'farm- er of Wroxeter, died two hours after being ..overcome by the extreme heat on July 10. He was working in the hayfield when he collapsed. He is sur- vived by his wife. - ware always u� �.w.�. Mattresses g Plumbing,Furnace Work,Evetroughing and Tinsmith.- g g 3 ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- r ' ware always in stock. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 17, 15, 13 Butter, lb. creamery 29c Wheat 72 Oats, bush25 Barley, bush. ............. 32c Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt 2.25 3.15 Bran and shorts, ton ....... 20.00 Potatoes per 90 -Ib. bag .........1.00 Live Hogs, cwt. .............. 8.50 Mrs. Peter IPaberer is visiting In Detroit. Mrs. Earl Thiel was a recent itor: with friends in- Detroit. Monday Aug, 3rd is Civic Holiday throught Ontario -A holiday. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon and son Archie, made a business trip to Kirk - ton Lake district recently. M. and Mrs. Leonard Heist, of Detroit were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Klopp. Dr., W. B. Coxon attended the Vet- eniary Convention at Guelph on Tuesday and Wednesday of Iast week - Mrs. Amelia Fuss and Mr. and Mrs J. J. Swartz spent a day visiting at Stratford, and New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit were visitors with eelatives „here. Betty remaining for her holidays. Mrs. Clara Decker and Vera have returned from a pleasant visit in Detroit. Vera leaving this week for Wasago Beach, where she is in a summer cottage. We regret to reporot that Mr. Earl Yungblut .of town, at the ball game at 'Seaforth Monday night, in some way while running to second base overbalanced and badly fractured his, leg around the ankle. He was im- mediately rushed to the hospital, and on Tuesday evening was 'brought to his home here. We all join in wish- ing. Earl a speedy recovery. vis - COUNTY NEWS Collar 'Bone Broken Albert Schoenhals, 17 year old Goderich boy, had. his collar bone broken when a car In which he was a passenger overturned in the ditch. en the Lluewater highway, two miles aouth of Goderich. He was a mem- ber of a picnic party. Meets With Accident drouth was experienced last 'Wednes- day and Thursday nights wnen the windows of heaven at last were op- ened and' rain fell to replenish the vegetation, it was some five weeks since rain had visited these parts, and during that periood we have ex- perienced a most unusual heat .wave, which added to the drough. All man- ner of growth is stimulator-, and the lawns are again showing life. BACK AGAIN! 1S1°'E &WEIDO i 10 4 4 4. Y re ST yllr etn( ;Th eet•ai.SiI. ��. to ti iOf4 + °!�� . r :""yl THIS ,SEASON CALLS . FOR GOOD- NEW FENCES ON THE FARM.' LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, I ALSO 'HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT 1.' NEW ROOFING, PLUMING, AND EVE_ 4 .,•TROUGHING 4 4 • ; SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Special .Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 4. 28c 40. in , and" f We also have some very Attractive . Prices F• urniture. See Our New Beds, Springs Mattresses. USED FURNITURE it Two Gadd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Goad Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; • Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for. quick Sale. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging • -fx'alin $2.00 Up. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! 'Johnston Kalbfiejsch 0. 4' 0. .ga 4 �ardw re & Furniture. Phon.ti 63 ' +4, 0+4. X444.=3,4,44+'I I g 44 g'''Ii°I4 k'I','If i ++++++ F,14+gog,., r=344,,,?e+ $ . Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we -can fit you up_ PUT IN IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS,, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Out. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited - As will be expected by our many readers your. publisher is back at it. :,cin this week, and we inight add ,vith a little extra work ' thrown in ry extra ads. , Your .publisher, wife • ind daughter Mae, returning on Sue, lay afternoon from a twelve day rip including Ma:itmeal, Zuebec, the atlantic ' coast alone the. State- of Mains, and home by way the St- ates of Maine, New Halnsnirc, Ver- mont and New York State, crossing at Niagara Falls. The entire dist-I. Found Dead ince (being 1931 miles. As we have Henry Dining of Exeter, an in- ^eceived so many requests to publis mate of the Huron County Home, - 1 more complete account of our trip, wandered away from the 'home and :ve will try and get caught up with} as he failed toreturn an all-night sur work and do so, next week. in' search was made for him, without he 'mean time we wish to greatly I results. The' next morning, Mr. Em - ..hank ourmany friends in Zumicll esrson, who was driving in the Bay- •ncl vicinity for the cheerful word, held road, saw the body lying ontile. Zurich Garage EXTRA EXTRAs LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular 810 Heavy Service at ..6.Z5 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Service Tires 6.90 Best of Gasoline at per gallon. 23n Lubricating Oils and Greases at Cor- responding Low Prices Get"'Youz Reiluircni its' Here, ritre-riir •• Yoizr Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with Charges Very Reasonable H. AlblISSEATI Phone 103. Zurich el1111111111IM111111111111E111111111 l1111111{1!,"f11l111111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111L'Alii;lflllll11i11Ji1111l111111111111III1111111111111111M111lIMPEIMINIllllililillilllillllll IIIIIIIII111uIIIiIIIIi IC THESE PRICES subject. to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7,00 and. 10.00 Painting Buggy ..........o 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top „.:..: 16.00 and 18.00 r Reimming Buggy Wheels Set .....,...aa...... 1.000 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar . »... « ♦w..saMO,..q ............a... 11.005 .00 Buggy Reach ............«......... .... 1.25 Buggy Spokes each ..................'.... .:,.a,.,.aq..«.., 25c EBS the ,epair ,pairMan lllllllllllll11lilllllhl1111111111111111ililllilll11fUliiliillli11111111111111111111(iINIi111IDIIIlUII1111111N111fiI�iHfl!]]LI]]lili11f111i11lill�ldiL'�il11UAlllil11ilii11f<r�!1111i9Ui illi llllil l 111 . � . I i I itlf]QVMJ,L11iJllIlUIlllilA Z 1iR r.W - nN-r. o welcome of e. home. costs no more road near tho overhead bridge. He and a sour look, at once otified the authorities and' - AUCTIONEERING? QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE • :Ian a grouchy face, n Again, to those who welcomed ras Dr. Oakes was" called and liranatuac',: iteibesisatio.641044404141111aiiiimMasseaseiMmommegisemilsose lback home, we say 'Thank You 9 led the marl dead.; M&SSBYJLLRRIS NLWS We Have Opened Our Hospital for Sick Mowers. Bring your's in early for Overhaul lob. Estimates as to Cost cheerfully given. We will Repair any Make. of Machine! Genuine Massey Harris Parts Fit Best and Wear the Longest Come in and See the New Oil Bath Mower Super Lastic Tires always on hand, also used Tires GAS OIL AND GREASE HOW about a Cream Separator Demonstration? 0. KLOPP & SONS Tel. Shop 149 ON Re YES! amommommweentemerremirrem « 6