Zurich Herald, 1936-07-30, Page 7Her Head Felt Like A Ton Weight Put Right by Daily Dose of Kruschen After suffering with severe head- aches for nearly twenty years, it must have seemed like heaven to this woman when she was free of thein, as a result of taking Kruschen Salts. Here is the letter describing her earlier sufferings: - 9 have had headaches for years. When I was 11 years of age I had them so badly that my mother had ,to take me away from school, They (never got much better, ad I am now 80 years of age. Seeing Kruschen Salts advertised so much, I thought I would try them, That was two .would ago, since then I have felt 'a new person. In the mornings when I get up, my head does not seem to be a ton weight, like it did before taking ' Kruschen Salts. I think Kruschen is wonderful," — (Mrs.) E. D. Headaches can nearly always be traced to a disordered stomach, and 'to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood. Remove these poisons—prevent them form- ing again—and you'll never have to worry any more. And that is just how Kruschen Salts bring swift and Iasting relief from headaches. Australia Census Lists 6,724.305 CANBERRA, ' Australia, — Official figures show that on June 3 of this year Australia's population was 6,- 724,305. Males predominated, number- ing 3,409,336, compared with 3,314,- 969 females. The gain in population for the year was 47,908, or 1,350 more than the gain in the previous year. A fall of 248 in the natural incre'a'se was more than balanced by an improve- ment of 1,598 in the migration figures. The natural increase during the first six months of 1935 was 25,451, compared with 24,939 in the corre- sponding period of the previous year. This, in the opinion of the Common- wealth statistician, is indicative of at least a temporary slackening of the fall of the natural increase rate. Those Leisure Hours Why Not Employ Them Pro- fitably? Specialised training leads to Increased E'ffietency. Increased Efficiency means Increased Earning Capacity. Overcome Inferiority Complex, develop mental power, and equip yourself for better things, Study leisurely In the quiet of your own home. Write Por particulars of fascinating correspondence courses — The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confederation Building MONTREAL. QUEBEC AVE oe HEAR WORTH -WHILE THINGS Life is so full of worth -while things— Flowers that bloom, birds that sing, Willows that weep o'er a country lane, Roses that nod in a summer rain. What thought tae sky is clouded with sorrow? Sun will shine again tomorrow! What is sc. blue as the azure sky, Smiling after the clouds roll by? Summer sunshine, winter snow, Red leaves whirling in winds that blow; Sunset on a distant peak, Song of crickets in drowsy sleep. Life is so full of' worth -while things, Raindrops tapping the window pane, Childish prattle, a friendly smile— All such trifles make life worth while. Man—I hate a bad loser. Friend—Yeah, but I'd rather play with a bad loser than any kind of a winner. Honest work and fresh air used to turn out more pretty girls than the beauty parlors. There was a smile among the classified ads in Times -News, the other day, when an ad intended to say: "Miss Mary Hall has lost her pup" was printed to read: "Miss Mary Hall has lost her pep." Man—Modern marriage is like a cafeteria. Friend—And how? Man—A man grabs what looks nice and pays for it later. Man (excitedly)—Where is my hat? Wife (sweetly)—Hanging on the Iamp. Man—Lamp- Huh! What crazy place will I find it next? Wife (snappily)—On your head, I suppose. Father says he is a success only because of his earning power being more than other's spending power. • When ignorance was bliss nobody had invented bookkeeping. Life, a wonderful adventure, an empty dream, or a continual round of pleasure! Whatever it is, it's nice. Farm Machinery Proper care should be exercised at all times to protect the large invest:. meat in farm machinery from rapid deterioration. Heat, moisture, wind, frost and direct sunlight are "the most destructve elements encounter, ed by farm equipment. Storagemeans protection against these deterioriating effects during the inactive life of the machines and has been found to be the greatest single factor in prolonging the life of farm machinery. The most active period of deterior- ation is during the season of machine use. It is important, however, to pro- tect machinery the year round from the effects of weather. Generous use of paint on all wood and metal parts, wherever the original has worn thin, and the removal to a dry shed of all slats, canvasses, knives, plough- shares, cultivator teeth, etc., immed- iately the machine is out of use, will help prolong the useful life of the implement. Pack all bearings with the correct grade of lubricant. Cover all exposed metal parts worn bright from use with crankcase or transmission oil before putting the machine aside for a few days. This will keep out all dirt and moisture from the bearings and off the wearing surfaces, thus preventing excessive wear due to rust. Clean all seed from drill boxes, make sure that all dirt Is removed frons plough or one-way disk bottom, and that they are well greased before leaving. All straw, grain or weeds should be thoroughly cleaned from binders, combines, separators, culti_ cators, disks, etc., before greasing and painting for storage. Bright sunligtht and moisture cause exposed wooden parts to warp and crack, paint applied early will pre- vent this destruction. Metal parts ex- posed will rust and wear; greaseor paint will save these surfaces. Some of the marriages are wreck- ed because the husband and the wife do not understand one another. And others because they do. Little Richard—Mother dear, may I have a nickle for the old man who is crying outside? Mother—Yes, dearest, but what is the old man crying about? ' Little Richard—He's crying: "Ice cream cones, five cents !" That on the moring after a Royal Court has been held at Buckingham Palace, London, the rooms are so littered with mislaid articles that a temporary lost property office has to be set up. All kinds of things have been found—swords, brooches, med- als, and even false teeth. 1 MINING MAKES MILLIONS FOR .CANADA ! IN GOLD AND SILVER PER TON OBTAINED OF ORE SENT TO THE SAM. OF MINES THE DEPT TESTING. '�T OTTAWA - .— FOR With GOLD VALUES like this illIt 1, "IN CONCLUSION, t•AM OF THE OPINION THAT YOU HAVE AN EXTING CEEDINGLY ONE THAT PRO- MISES D PROFITS. "—Rapprt of SES . DOWMAN, E.M,, M.C.I. of E. M. M.M. anda Board or Directors like this iliorso BRUNOI MASKWA GOLD MINES LIMITED has every indication of a With a PROPERTY 4: s like this ARTHUR 8E ryesadcalat K.C., M.A., I Litt.p, F.R.S0 . M. G., OTTAWA, ONT. EDWARvice-Tent D ARNOLD, Ottawa, Ont. Director_WILLIAM DUFF, M.P. Pres., Marine Rly. Co. Ltd. LUNG, N.S. LESLIE G SELL D C.�'C., M.P., LLB., Bell, Pender & West, Montreal, Que. Director–_JO N A_ MCVICAR Pres., Petroleum Eng. Co., Ltd. WINNIPEG, MAN Sec. Tree dams daa� Director Seo. S r JOS. J. VOGAN ' p OTT PhillipsCo., Ltd. AWA, NT , HIGHLY PROFITABLE GOLD MINE The company controls two groups in Eastern Manitoba, one lying southeast of Gunnar Gold (nolo erecting a 150 -ton mill) and tlib Maslt*va gi.Iotip due south of the Rice Lalet goad camp" .At the present time, substantial erewS are natively de'vel'oping both groups. At Bruno, •gomrpoa„cia1 and frequently high grade values over donsider- able widths and lengths have been disedvered. No. 4 vein has been opendd u over SOO fest; t'yfo acini„tional veins, from 2 t 0eet -014e,have been opened up for seve al hundred feet. 1 CAPITALIZATION Authorized Capital (Par Value $1) 3,000,000 shares Issue for properties and ca"s6 (pooled) 1,4*410 s�aM1,es Balance in Treasury 1,550,000 shares ■ FIRST PUBLIC OFFERING 125,000 SHARES AT 3 5 c PER SHARE r 1 1 1 1 At Maxima, a shaft has been Sunk on the vein to a depth of 125 feet. Ore on the dump, extracted from open cuts, averaged *40 to 450 in gold, with additional silver values. E. M. Dowman, Idlning Engineer, states: ''This is 'ono of' the few properties 1 have seen that would pay to run with a email mill." Present financing is for mill erection and further underground development. This stock offers enhancement both market -wise and mine wise. SEND YOUR ORDER IN BY COUPON BELOW. ...� MINIMS MIMMMI osMINN .e vee �. BEN SMITH, 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 'U.S.A. I ] Please enter My order for. ,, , shares in Bruno-Maskwa Gold Mines, Limited (No Per- sonal Liability) at 35 cents per share, for which I enclose my cheque for in' full paymOlt. I I Please send me further Infermation en I3runo- Masliwa Gold Mines, Limited, without obligation. NAME? ADDRESS , This IsSue having been 'underwritten, the Treasury of the Company has alrady received pay- inept, or commitment to pay, consequently, the pro- ceeds df this sale win not go into the Treasury of the Company, Whose shares are hereby sold to you, NO EXPORT Canada As League Merriber Prohibits Export of Arles To Italy To What does Canada commit her- self when, as a good member of the League of Nations, she accepts the decision of its Assembly to prohibit the export of armaments to Italy? A proclamation in an extra of the Canada Gazette furnishes the an- swer to this question, enumerating as it does the various articles which it is now illegal to export, re-export or transport to Italy or any Italian pos- session Category I- 1. Rifles and carbines and their barrels. 2. Machine guns, automatic rifles and machine pistols of all calibres and their barrels, a. Guns, howitzers and mortars of all. calibres, their mountings, barrels and recoil mechanisms. Ammunition for the arms en- uuerated under 1 and 2 above, filled and unfilled projectiles for the arms enumerated under 3 above, and pre- pared propellant charges for these arms. 5. Grenades, bombs, torpedoes and mines, filled or unfilled and apparatus for their use or discharge. 6. Tanks, armoured vehicles and armoured trains. Armour of all kinds. Category II - 1. Vessels of war of all kinds in - "eluding aircraft carriers and sub- maries. Category III— 1. Aircraft, assembled or dismantl- ed, both heavier and lighter than air, and their propellers or air screws, fulselages, aerial gun mounts and frames, hulls, tail units and under- carriage units. 2. Aircraft engines. Category IV - 1. Revolvers and automatic pistols of a weight in excess of 1 pound 6 ounces (630' grammes) and ammuni- tion therefor. Category V- 1. Flame throwers and all other projectors used for chemical or in- cendiary warfare. 2. Mustard gas, lewiste, ethyldi- chlorasine, Methyldichlorasine, and all other products destined for chemi- cal or incendiary warfare. 3. Powder for war purposes and explosives. Expect during the period of war, Canrda, essentially a peaceful and peace -loving country, has not devoted herself very intensively to the manu- facture of armaments. Their product- ion from year to year in Canadian factories does not reach a very great volume. It thus' involves no remark - table sacrifice on her part to sub-, 'tn the 'ruling of the League of Nations in regard to the export of arms and munitions which have been listed. But she, of course, will suf- fer to a considerable extent from loss of her export market in other commodities which are associated with peace rather than war.—Brock- ville Recorder & Times. If You Eat Starches (Wleats, Sweets Read This They're+ All .Necessary Foods But All Acid - Forming, Ilene Most of Cs Have "Acid Stomach” At Times. Easy Now tri Relieve. Doctors say that much of the so- called "indigestion," from which so many of us suffer, is really acid in- digestion . . , brought about by too many acid-forming foods in our modern diet, And that there is now a way to relieve this , . . often in Minutes! Simply take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals. Almost im- mediately this acts to neutralize the stomach acidity that brings on your trouble, You "forget you have a stomach I" Try this just once! Take either the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS' ",or. now the convenient new Philips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. But be cure you get Genuine ".PHILLIPS' ". Also in. Tablet Form: Phillips' Milk at Magnesia 'Tablets are now 0I. sale at all drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tablet is the equiva- lent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia. }PHILLIPS' MADE IN CANADA LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the co-operative plan has been productive of Splendid results. Selling on the open market means real value for the owners. Get in touch with us. Write—Wire—or Telephone ZYndhurst 1143 CO-OP RATIvE TCOMPAN7f,ELXMITED LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. Union Stock Yards, West ¶ oronto Issue No. 48 — '35 29 Bruno - Maskwa Gold Mines, Limited Reports from the Maskwa pro- perty of Bruno-Maskwa Gold Mines, Limited, in the Gunnar Gold area of Manitoba state that shaft -sinking has now reached a depth of 125 feet and drifting is proceeding on the 110 and 122 foot levels. On both hori- zons, a new vein, carrying good gold values has been intersected. This vein averages from 2 to 3 feet in width and tests are now being made. A crew of between 15 and 18 men is employed at this development of the company. At the Bruno group, a crew of some 15 men is engaged in surface development. The vein has been stripped for almost 300 feet and has been traced for % mile. The vein averages 3 feet in width. It is the intention of the company to continue development work on both properties throughout the com- ing winter. Hunters Fighting Invasion of Rats SUDBURY, Ont.,—The north end of Sudbury is in the throes of one of it periodic invasions of rats from the city dump, half a mile out on the Frood road. Sportsmen have started driving out to the dump at night and picking off the rats with rifle fire under the beams of auto headlights. Poison also is used on the vermin. TO end aches, pains and sore muscles ... rub in Omega Oil! It actually penetrates right to the spot. Brings a clearing flow of fresh blood, quiets irritated nerves. Soothing relief is prompt. 35c a bottle. Ask your druggist. break up congestion with Mega 1� >• MUM IT IN .. , IT WON'T 111.1STIlt Instant Relief From ITCHING Are you tormented with the itching for-) tures of eruptions, eczema, scales, rashes or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief use pure, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated and inflamed skin, thus aiding nature itself to heal the disorder. No fuss —no muss. Clear, greaseless and stainless —dries up almost immediately. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 85e trial bottle, at drug stores, will prove it—or money, back. D. D. D. Prescription is made by the owners of ITALUN BALM. DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Cows aren't machines. They can get sick or hurt. But Minard's Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs. Thos. Bulmer of Lardo, B.C., found one of her herd with a lump in her udder. "I rubbed it with Minard's Liniment", she says, "and it soon got better." Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Distemper, etc., and equally good in stable or in house. Well named "King of Pain". 88 Somebody has well said: "True friendship, like phosphorous, always shows up best in the darkest hour." Classified Advertising INVENTORS1 AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The $,amsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Panic Street, Ottawa, Canada. SONG -POEM wit/Tams A NEW SERVICE. ROYAL SONG Service, Box 734, Station F. Toronto. tnti'_,4L:1ITta , STOP BEING A SIMO d your5eIP Stop being nervous, irritable, weak, run-down. Take PHOS- FERINE. Just a few tiny drops each day will make a world of difference in you. From the first your nerves w ill be soothed. Sleep will come naturally. You'll wake refreshed and energy -filled. Start taking PHOSFERINE now. FOR Fatigue—Sleeplessness—General Debility — Retarded Convalescence — Nerves — Anaemic Condition—Indigestion—Rheu- matism—Grippe—Neural ,ia—Neuiitis— Loss of Appetite. PHOSF 1 E THE GREAT BRITISH TONIC At Your Drug Store—In Liquid or Tablet Form at the following reduced prices 3 Sews 50c = $1.00' $1.50 The 51.00 size is nearly four times the 50e size end the 51.50 size is twice the 51.00 size. All' the Vitamins of COD LIVER OIL PLUS Bone Building MINERALS Cod Liver Oil when digested sup- plies many necessary elements for proper growth of body and bones. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and the Hvpophosphites of Lime and Soda, prepared for easy diges- tion helps insure proper body and bone development, without the unpleasant taste of Cod Liver Oil. THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES For Sala by YOUR DRUGGIST 4355 A SAFE OINTMENT 25c, 35c (tube), soc„s1; Art Contest Copy this caricature of a young man, make your sketch three inches wide, This contest is open to amateurs only.. (That is anyone who is not earning a Jiving from Art.) Contest closes De- cember 7, 1935. FIRST PRIZE AWARD will be the choice of either a Commercial Art Course or a Water Colour Landscape Course valued at $50.00, and other prizes will be given away, and a prac- tical, creative criticism on your contest sketch. Send Twenty -Five Cents to: GIFF BAKER, 39 Lee Avenue Toronto, Canada