HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-30, Page 5': htir rtlay, July 3Qtlrp '1930 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL , U LEY E. Uo '.a ISARitl"s'ifEIY, SOLICITOR, 341OT- iARY PPUBLIC, ETC, Put Your :Wunt, /� For Sale Lost, FOUXidi Etc. A4s. in this Column FUR S ALM 1 5CiFFICL�--•HanxiltontrE t, Just s i Young Durham Cow With calf S e the Square, GODE1UCH,, .Ontario, Special Attention to Counsel and Court Wok. :JIr, Holmes may be consulted at '1 oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DIRTZ BLOCK ZUR.ICI:I 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Or. IL IL COW E L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter m Ontario VET'ERINAR1A.N ', W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Mice in the Horne of the , late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich atside.--Apply to Aaron Weber, Bronson Line, Hay. Ritalt7iitfkgLYlN6W1dK'o,1131tI'4�MNWtlWfM.4x11/ASYkR17wtlA9aYICmI�Gf[SCHNu FOR SALE About 15Q bushels mixed feed, Barley and Oats for Sale. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich. FOR SALE' Two outhouses at. U. S. S. No. ll, Stanley. Size about 4'x6'. For. full particulars apply to: Win. Clarke, Secy-Treas., R. R. 2, Zurich. lley For Sale•_ We wish to inform our customers that we can supply you again with Choice Clover Honey at the follow- owing- Prices, in ,Cutomer's Contain- ers. 1 lb. to 50 lbs. 9c. a lb; 50 lbs. or over at 8c lb. We also have some amber honey at the following prices: 1 to. 50 lbs at '8c lb; .50 11se or over 7c a lb. These prices are subject to change without notice. ,Above prices to fill containers good for only ten days more. J. HABERER & SONS, 2 blocks south of Hotel, ZurichOnt. —Telephone 122, Zurich. A. R. Campbell; \1,S, B.V.Sc. j„ , �.:.. .'. TIM. 0� Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All •d eases of domestic animals treated gS y £kie iiiost MOde ri principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night scalls promptly attended to. Also Bre- *der of Scottish terriers. Inverness' Niennels. Office on Main Street, rrposite Town Hall: Phone 11.6. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 3'AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction . Sale, • regardless.. ma to size or article to sell. I ,solicit your business, and if not satisfied will., snake no charges for Services Ren- tdered. ARTHUR. WEBER—Dashwood 'hone 13-57. PRODUCE' Faun. ' ioduce w N T B HIGHEST C.ASH.. PRICES _-FOR -. • ; CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Win.:: O I xkkn Phone 101,' Res..'94, Zurich BUTCHERS . ricks! .Polinlar MEAT MA.BKE T Let Us supply • you with the very Choice of fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bailognas, Sausages; £ct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration !Highest Cash Prices. tor 'Wool, Hides and Skins . Yon l t & Sot INSURANCE Western . Farmers' Mutat Weather. Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE L"AEGEST RESERVE BAL inCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESi OF TRIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1935, 320,479,730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Mates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Yeari E. F. Klopp---Zurich Meat Also Dealer in Lightning Rock Oa all kinds el Fire Insurance Starter OISMIStitta Chicks FOR QUICK SALE Chicles., one, two, three or four weeks old. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Pullets 4 weeks old. J. E- McKINLEY R. R. I, Zurich emry OTTANI ttimx0011 FOR QUICK SALE A 7=foot Massey Harris binder, Also an Oliver riding plow.. Jos. Dr lar, Zurich_ HOUSE FOR. . SALE Consisting of 2ih. lots in Zurich. Good brick ' house, . hard and soft water, frame barn all in good repair, known as the Henry Lipphardt Estate For further particulars apply to: Mrs. George Fee, 'Hensall. 1.lCAYSflR�RQ TOR SALE r• bare a number of nice broilers for saTe:'' Price 25c each. Ferd Haberer;' . Zurich. • NOTICE ICH, HERALD Miss V. V. Siebert f: or MOntreal is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wuerth ref Hensall, called on Mrs. Amenia Foss on Sunday. 1VIy M ' xs. letex Koehler has returned home after spending a very pleesaot trip through various, parts of 111'2 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Moritz o" New Kensington, Pa., were recc lit visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Frit.;, of town. Master Bruce Burn, of Nov York City, is spending the sin -timer here with his grandparents, Rev, and 1Vlrs. E. I3urn. Mr. and Mrs. 0.A. Siebert and family of .Montreal who have beau visiting at the home of their parert: the past. week, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weber attended the decoration at Elmira on Sunday, on their return they were acconzpaxi-• led .by Mr,. Donald Bird of that piece who is spendinghis vocation at the home of Mr. Weber's. Mr. and Mrs. Rinion Thiel and daughters,`Winnit, Jeanette anti Dor- een; Elizaibeth. Webber, Miss Salyer Miss Wagner, .Mr. Roy Roueh and Mr. Shaffer, all of Kitchener are camping at Bill Rarich• cottage at Grand Bend. The Primrose. Mrs. Edgar Schnelld an her two little girls, Jean. and Joyce, grave: re- turned to their home, in Sedgewleis, Alberta, ..ofter spending a couple months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert McBride, on the Goshen line, Stanley. Word was received here Iast week of the passing of Mr. Christie Rupp, who died in the Ontario Respite' for Epeleptic,e at Woodstock on. Ally -'20, age, in this 51st year. The remains were buried at Woodstock. The de- ceased was a son of the late Henry and Louisa Rupp of Zurich., and it is some twenty years since the depart- ed became an"inmato of that institu- tion. The Evangelical Decoration Servi- ces on the Bronson Line cemetery on Sunday afternoon last, was well :at- tended notwithstanding the. tremend- ous heat. Rev. E. Burn presided. The Ile nrivk Memorial Band served well. Al ithsacred selectiotas. The zne,ree chorus of the Zurich Ply. Church fav- ored the meeting with t fin selections, LOST Between my farm and Zurich, an auto marker NPJ.89. Finder kindly return.same to—Louis Kalbiloisch, 15th .cncession, Hay. TENDERS WANTED Tenders Will be reeeived by the Council of the Tovrnship of Ray up ;o 1 o'clock, pan,, s` ue;t t 4th i.9`1'31 for contract of pat ting e terror o `' the town hall, including r ephar ine broken window glass, r e prttyir+: panes where needed. TWO coats, white lead and oil. Lowest or .any tender not necessarily accepted, A. 11' HESS, Clerk, • Hay. Township. Dated, Zurich, July llth, 1936. STRAYED, Unto my premises, ,?north of. Dr gs- dale, a , Collic dog, brown, white ring, around neck, and white tip on tail. Owner can have same by paying e.c.- penses.-Thos Snowden. 1OTJCi TO _CREDITORS Henry Weber Estate ersons .claims. a All p having gainer the estate of Henry Weber, late of the' town (4, Zu:xieii, BaciieIor, de ceased, who died on -or about the 23rd day of May • 1931, are hereby notified to rend in to the undersign- ed, Executors, on of before4 day of Au•gest, 193(3, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the last mentioned date the as et' of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July, 1936. Mr. F. D. Rueffer, Waterloo, Ontario. Mr. Henry Bechthold, Petersburg, Ontario. PAGE. {64R0�itii a • NOTICE 1 We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. . i Fat tor Churning Creagan delivered at mint plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed eed Your ,Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. 1 :0eatbe eseeecousaareo manes le o 0e.o i Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY ++++++++++++++++++.:- .. sazt rxr >.e�a Cwt Your }fuel B HALF! rig -Storm ' 7°-_. Doorsdows and. ;. 411 LET US QUOTE 'OTE YOU! wr REPLACE THOSE WINDOW i'ANE:s 110W. WE C,' RR A ++ LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON }MAID AT I -LL :4. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOURtyl.A..lsGZr . flfw WHILE: ',1 a, WAIT. ��• iim4. s againgt the k, , .,,.. 4 4 ,, >:a tai i 44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $+3+ +3• +• ++3++irdn++d•+ ++nL+++ drF,3.a, +++fi+++' •i *l..' + +++44+ (Exeeutors'for the Estate) I� fro BASEBALL NEWS e 8lt4`@ awp,ap. e,A,i?de vli4,�+.ttiee ?,a0a^F,,}ste 9 J4!f+:'S4.t'.el—)eGieosQu4r�.,^•.a7aeeka'.V3G' GA '1+ 'h n e syn 6J On Ovei'lzaudi. g your Alowers. We repair same with geuuiiie repairs g • and Rev. H. Roppel of Dashwood, gave a helpful address, l On July 24th tirc c'xoderich Sailers1(l Jess ar jobbers! parts cane to town and looked up with 3 dy R'•".TURNED FROM TRIP the Zurich boys in what proved to 9g • Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and fam- be one of the het p;:,,ines of the year g ily have returned from a very pleas- Tile final score wal Zurich 4, Coder- Q Master au d Fioneei.Poultry i .€ e GA ant motor 'trio which included a vis- ich 2. It was a real battle all tl,ca, way and only by hitting in the pin- a pi��) () Tit ca ekes were the. local lads able to no ,e �e ,of I out -the Sailors, who played their best ball of the year. The game of July 27th was a disastrous one as far a- 3 w. a�zyutites ,axe :. concerned. .Earl' li Yungbit, our fighting and hard hi • ing catcher, had the misfortune of breaking his leg while sliding bete second base in the fourth inning of the game against Seaforth team in Seaforth. No one seems to know just what caused the break, but it sure is tough on both the player and the, team. By -the -way, Zurich won this game also, by the score of 3-2. cis n it to the Niagara district and the :through New York State to AlhaTiv. from here to Boston and east along he Atlantic Coast to Portsmouth, N. II., where they turned north through the White • 14Tvountains, iiici. corif;..i i;. the hrghersf peaks east of the Rockies, some of which are over 62r)0 foot. in height. They then went over through Vermont State and up to Montreal end Ottawa, where they spent a week with Mr. Dam's ,fit. ants at their summer cottage at Brit -1. annia Bay. fitall ifs plows .01 �.., .. SEEDS! l ..: EEDS , We are chat 1 he Market for Red, ,4.�lke, v��eet Clovers and � Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensel! acid Zurich at all Times.: S W. M. S. MEET aselaateaeteaaeesetetemeeee veeeeee feeeeeeeemo The W.M.S. of St. Peter's Evangel +—+ ical Lutheran church enjoyed the July meeting on the beach at the. lake. Mrs. Jacob 1-laberer had chane of the de'cdons, and gave the topic entitled, New Faces in the Family Album. Clippings were read by lilies M. Heideman and Miss G. Weber. Mrs. II. Krueger offered prayer ,for her prayer partner. rT itn•• ANNOUNCEMENT ;Plain Dresses • and Suits 70c. Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD: And Dry Cleaners. Thiel's Transport Ubed Cars For Sale We are offering the following YJsed Cars for SaIee. L933 Plymouth Coach, very reason- able inprice. t931 Ford DeLux Sedan '.929 Ford Coupe, a good buy. All have good tires, good upholst- .ring and mechanically good; gone )ver carefully by us, ' 1LSO a Dwelling House for Sale or tent in Zurich. • L. A. Prang and Son Zurichhoar. osstrasseressiwortnaimismsefft NOTICE .Atthis time of the year we find ear books carrying considerable ecounts that are in most eases long •verdue and should have been paid efore This. We are very pressed or. coney just now- arzd are obliged 1. mail out accounts, and trust that ur customers will appreciate the eedit. extended to, them by acting a axmpt r, es Vie • are bili*.. • in need of ,i,:' eaortey to meet our obligations. ....Abe1j�1da 111of .4t* HYMENIAL Stelck—Jantzi oelarie eikilfiliMAWMWM&WW- AWA `` ns, A very pret y wedding was solemn•• ized at Duff's United church manse on Saturday, July 251?r at 4.nen. Zit 1I. c h D r were Rev. and Mrs .Schultz of Lin- When Rev. G. E. Morrow united in ...+ 6a1. .wood. Rev. Schultz was called oar •Ioly 1Vlatrimony b'los..ie 'xiirzabetn and addressed the.. society as also did 'Steidle, daughter of Mr;. A. A. Price the pastor, Rev. 3!, Tn•'lzheiret Thr and, the late Arne I•I.. Stelek of Stan - meeting was closed with. the Lord's ley Township to Aaron Jantzi of Me - prayer in unison. Atter which a ,ltllnp Twp. The bride was beent'-. delicious lunch was served by the .committee. Mrs. H. Krueger,' Mrs. El Deters, Miss I. Yungblut,. Bliss Cr. fully gowned in -white baronnette satin, fitted on princess lines, boor length, white sandals and a halo of Weber. The , remainder of 'this p1S:- orange blossoms completed the cos - markt evening was s -pent in tume. She carried a bouquet of red hymns around the campfire. A hearty Premier Supreme roses and maiden vote of thanks was tendered the rem- hair fern. Dorothy E. •Stelck, sister mittee in charge. SPORT NEWS - BASEBALL TOURNAMENT AND • BENEFIT • On Wednesday Almost 'rth a, Dew... of the bride acted as bridesmaid be- comingly gowned in pale green suede Lace with net, a large picture leghorn hat with matching gloves, green san- dais and carried yellow Pornet roses and maidenhair fern. Mrs. Lloyd Jantzi of Goderic.i, 'mother if tthe groom acted as groomsman. The ball Tournament will be held in the groom's gift to the bride was a sil- Zurich Diamond as a benefit for Earl ver dish, to the bridesmaid a silver Yungblut, to help pay expenses for pendant and to the groomsman, a the unfortunate accident he had in gold tie clip. Following the marriage: the last league game played at Sea- a wedding .dinner was served at the forth on Monday night. Teams from home of ;the bride's parents, Stanley Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Zur Twp., Mrs. W. J. Davidson from Zur- ich will compete for the day's cham•• ich, sister of the bride received thee pionship. The first game is to be cal- guests into the living room. From led at 1.30 p.m., the second immedi• there the bride and groom led the way into the dining room. There the colour scheme of yellow and green was carriedout, yellow candles, roses and a large wedding cake mar- ked the brides table. Summer flowers and a large white wedding bell com- pleted the decorative scheme. Miss Vernet Picot and Miss Margare Durst, girl friends of the bride, acted as table waiters, also carried out the colour scheme by being dressed in yellow andgreen, none a e y follow ing the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi left on a motor trip to Strat- ford,New Hamburg, and Niagara ately , after the first is eompteted and the 3rd at 6 p.m. Every person with t 11 dl ;porting blood in his veins should be out to witness this tournament We Have Paris Green, Arsenate 02Lead, end help'the local boy, Duke Yung - hint, who brookoe -his leg in treing Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder ,*4• give the baseball fans a run for their money. Duke deserves all the sup - letwe can give him and more .so, ' Mothocide, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, "� let each and every one of us go to ) the games which are for his benefitet only and .show him that appreciate I1 I di t 1 f ll Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. er his work as a fighting ball player and at 'a good sportsman. Band music will M be ‘furnished by Hensall's Cith en I N+ K Band, or some tither band from this Falls. For travelling the bride wore rr g Dr. Al J. MacKinnon, . district. Buy a ticket for the amen, a blue and white checked silk taA'-ta Mt even if it is impossible to attend the dress with white felt hat, shoes, ,pnrs it, m Showyour sportsmanship and 'and gloves ter match. On their returrt same. S p 7ifft4,,MNIVRAWN/WRIV �� it i ;ill make this benefit a success, i they will reside in . iyicltiallo Twp. ir. InVniMr.r.l,• otore E We are Headquarters for all Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of all kinds lag