Zurich Herald, 1936-07-30, Page 4Vit 1 i` 1,4444 4,44 ta,(FAK;!Vikdl[4. 'sesTt•.•u ;'"+.te * „riese=eAassanss�"i .'n: SOMETHING' G NEW --At C. Fritz and Son Shoe Store 0, WIre ARE PLEASED TO .ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ONE OF THE LEADING FUR MANUFAC'z.UIt1NG COMPANY OF TORONTO, WHO WILL COME TO OUR' STORE FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. Thursday, Friday and • Saturday July Oth 31 �t; and .ug ust A st. "Vi�h ai full range of 14)37 rood 1s of Fur r" �, Goats of ail c1 c 'iption,.. This Safe otTers i a Letter Opportunity for Greater Value at , «+ r�r,r Economical ,i'xices, than have- been offered llr,f, : in all previous years of Manufactured Furs; "' war, realize that Valines must be greater, 'r and unlit Better irrespective of 'Price. s x� e�kt"�" y p We leave"spared•no droit to secure only * ; �;,�t:!t the best of Furs in every detail. 1 FUR COATS ARE .ADVANCING DAILY rr. ]{' Now is the. time. we can protect y0tu against any increase in prices, We ;gibe ,f. our Customers Free Storage and Free In urance. Every Garr�lent is Guaranteed. \V 3 i e our representative here with l " " 35 l:eurs of Ercpur c _co, and he can en " r lin'ttc n. you in all questions regardfn;' • F,,, ;, You are under no obligation what- -t.,: i'#1" see=. er. We want you to come •and see .° Our Wonderful Bargains. Direct 'from the Maker oto" the Wearer. No Middleman. ' Now is be time to have year I'ttr Coat Re -Modelled, Repaired, or Fe -Lined =t Factory Cot. A Phone call to -our 'Store will bring our Representative to Your IxHome without any obligations. - • C. FRITZ '`. and SON, Phone 82, Zurich IstiPtais14. 01014fiiieSS i211 VaDurei a'. g gluten s atigrA ed.' tis " Wei.atfi cit i s adla Sas• ata} W >laagA sg 'msgt?V.iia' that goer. 444 r •' yowwr STANLEY :TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. NormanJohnston. 'who have spent the least eight years as Missionaries in Bolivia S. America veturned last week to the Koine of Mr. Johnston's parents, Mr. and Mrs Thos. Johnston of Blake. On 'Sun - slay evening Mr; Johnstoli gave an ad dress in Goshen church telling of. his •experiences in Bolivia. Their many friends are glad ., to see them again, mho their little daughter Annie May of b years. :Miss ' Myrtle Armstrong of Clinton is visiting at the home of her brother John A. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Henry SteckIe of the Bronson were visited, by ,friends of :Markham over Sunday. Art Ps Keys and Elmore" Keys, of 3abybeis • •line • have purchased a thre- shing Machine` from the Goodison Co. sof Sarnia. an advertisement, that it is several miles north of Grand Bend on the Blue Water Highway. The past week the trustees of S.S. No; 11 had their' school well deepen- ed and it is now completed. .Mrs. John Charrette ar the Blue Water Highway has left for St. Clair Mich., for a, few days., The two young daughters of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharme of Detroit, Mich., are spending their school holidays with their grandper- ents, 1VIr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme. • Miss Marguerite Ducharme of flue Water north, -was a Sunday visitor to Verenique Ducharme. I Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey. of Tilbury and family, and Mr. and: Mrs, - J Nelson•. Jeffrey of Windsor, passed the weekholiday with their Rarents, land other: relatives. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Commenting on vacation days, -.should we repeat all the names of *'triose whocalled on friends .and those 'wwvlio .are seeking rest after months of :il.adrd toil and labor; it would more than fill a half page of our paper' e The generation of this Epoch is much' different than those of years gone by. Whey lose this crave of piling • u Ij goods and cash, and they prefer or living a life more at ease and com- fort, for themselves and their fam- ilies, and at the same time it is very. instructive to t`Irern for some travel 'of miles to see things that they have heard of or read in books. i3ut ilo these vacation days include all walks of life? No ! It omitts frog' the band heo0far, r p mer, and he and his fare - the only vacation they are entit- led to is leaving one field of hard ,work to crossinto another that is .:`skill harder. Well, let ua npt have :any ill feeling towards those who are horn lucky, for our turn may yet 'come, Notes—Mr. Joe Masse and soli. Russell and wife, of Stony Point, we - Pee Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Joseph Bedard of St. Joseph. Mr, and Mrs. Sta s n bexr� .� and fain- ily of Detroit are enjoying d two sseeek holiday in our neighborhood. The cottage recently bulls and fur :!tushed by Mr. C. 0. Smite, of the Slue Water Highway has been octal- vied ccu•- • full time and for the inforatis feu red nl those who are not familiar *with the little village of Iieavcrtown rave rnig.;t say, that Without inserting HILLSGREEN ' Miss Dolly Hagan and. Fi+ank have been visited by their brother, Dry. John A. Hagan D.D.S. and Mrs. Has' - an and son John Jr. from Chicago. Also Mrs. E. Hagan and family of N. Dakota and .Miss Mary Hagan of London. Mrs: Robt Hopkins and friend of Hinsdale, Ill., are visiting with her brother, er Alan Cochrane and sister, Miss Edna. Miss Florence Brooks of Stratford is visiting at the home of Mr. and !Mrs. M. Tully and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gorodon cook and son Thomas of Exeter, called on re- latives one evening. • Mr. Harold Reichert and sister El - da attended -the wedding dinne . of their :cousin, Miss Flossie Stelck of at C]inton. on Saturday evening at the hone' . of . Mr. and. Mrs. A. Price. Mrs. Lorne Eiler• and sister Miss. Edna (Cochrane returned to the lat ter's home after a pleasant trip, ie the EasternProvinces. The fine barn on the farm of Mr W. L. Forrest in Stanley„ Twp., i; •pretty well finished and certainly i a well built barn . which will be used for. many :years to come. Miss Kathleen Cameron of Clinton is visiting :at the home of her aunt Mr. and Mrs, .J. H:'" Cochrane, Th.reshin!s has begunin this vicin- ity this week. The crops look bette 'since the rain has came in time to help pastures and gardens: Mr. li. fisher . and friend of Tor eeto called cm Friends here in this » ' pity during Cee wools, ZURICH ERALD ,pz d o 1 et ,c to accom4- (Intended for lai,'t week) Mrss. Frank Farquhar of. Hensell. spen h wteeetwata- ;Tent the weeksend with 'bei brother.' 111r. Alan Coltrane, Master Ronald and Mervyn Stepb an of Henr!al1 are holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. Stephan, Mrs. Lydia Troyer wiho visited 'with, friends in this vicinity left for a vier it with friends in and; around Varner Mrs. Love and daughter Agnes and son James visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. lluxttable in Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Saunders of London called. on relative's in this vicinity. Rev. Hazen of London gave an address on the 'Temperance Unioon in the Hillsgreen church on Sunday. Miss Jessie Johnston; of Clifford. accompanied by friends, visited matt- . in this" vicinity. . Many' are busy cutting wheat' 'in this vicinity, The peat plant is making eat progressthis year. They have extra ':ood weather foe., the manufacturing of it this year, axed prospects are that it will be an excellent sample. so folks, get year order in early and don't be dival,pointcd this 'year when the cold weather arrives ' A number from this vicinity at- tended the social and play at the Blake School on Friday evening. DASI-IWGOD Mr. and Mr,. Henry Lenipke of Windsor are spending a week with Mr. and llrs. ,Taco',; :Schroeder. Harry Hoffman spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar i?estemeyer (';iridal couple) are visiting friends here, having returned from a honey- moon trap out Ws t. Iwir. and Mrs. Chcsn.a of Binning - liana Mich., are wisitingleer parents, 13ie and Mrs. Fred Wil::, L. 14Mssrs Maurice and Howard Klumpp and Miss Selma Rader sp= tint the week -end in Detroit, Mr. .and Mrs. Wire Snell. of Lond- on spent the week -end with her. par- ents, -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S tire. . Mr. and Mrs. Erwin a.Ici:aac and family have returned to their home ,in Windsor after spending a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Me- l:saac. (Intended for last week) Miss Hope Roppel is visiting fri- ends in Port Elgin. • Mt. Robt. Flop loft of Crystal Beach and plies Beesiett of Fort Er- ie spent Sunday with his parents, Mr 'and Mrs. T. Hoperoft. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybeil pf Toronto, •are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybeil.. • Mr.. and Mrs. Millfor'a Mcisaac or' Detroit, spent..the weelt-at4,_Q.,;.4.1. 311.41„ and Mrs. P. Mcisaac. Miss Emma Anderson' of Ailsa Craig "visited friends in town on Sun- day. . Word was received here of the death of Melinda Rhode, wife of the late Chas. Hintz of Romeo, Mich. Mrs. Hintz was born and raised here and will be remembered by roan in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and 'fancily of Windsor, are spending their holidays with his parents, Mr. and .'MTS. P. Mcisaac. • number from here attended the musical Festival in Waterloo on Sat- urday where Howard Klurnp was sue cessful in obtaining 2nd prize for E b Alta Saxophone solo under 20 yrs and was a.ceornpanied by air. W. R. Goulding of Exeter, and Master El- wood. Truemner came fourth n a cla ., of ten contestants in playing comet solo under 12 yrs. and was accomp- anied by Miss Gertrude Hoffman,.botli boys being members of the Hen•riclk Memorial Band. We extend congrat- ulations to the boys. Good Program at Dashwood The weatherman withheld his swei tering heat when Dashwood was en- fete to the largest crowd in the his- tory of the village, conservatively es- timated at 5,000. In addition to an excellent program of sports there was plenty of entertainment includ- ing a band tattooand dancing. The afternoon program was in charge of the Dashwood Softball Club ander the management of Alvin Kellerman when when the four 'leading teams of the South Huron Commun. ity League met in conflict to determ- ine the season's winner. Tlie proces- sion to the ball field was headed by. the Henrick Memorial Band, led by mounted escorts. In the ;:evening a 'rand• tatoo .was 'sponsored by the Her. i Memoroial Band of Dashwood. sender the leadership of Harry. Hoffa man. • Dr. R. H. Taylor acted a: .nester of ceremonies. Participating 'ands were loosest ,Excelsior 'undei tete; direction 'Of; H. Vowdeir; Park- hill Ladies Band ander bandnasti:- O'Neil; Exeter : Concent Band under T,'Wainer; tHensall Citizens Band. under H.»Eickrneier. and Grand Ben Band under Jack Walper-, Each; ban do taking ,the stand played Xai marci- and an overture ver u re aft •c . �which a gro upe of • selections .was played by th. otest Excelsior Band, Interspersing the band number were solo tap and toe dances by Miss •Flora McN7evin of London. A tat dance by little Betty Mctsaac o:f Do {Tort and a pretty ballad dance b• Miss Ona Schultz also of Detroit. Al` ,were accompanied by Miss Selma Rader, Master Elwood Truelnner o' anied by Miss Gertrude Hoffman, At the,, conclusi.en of the band. tatoo 'a. street .dpnCe was sponsored bk the b:iil club, DA,SFHWOQI) FIRE LOS$ IS $S,000 Creamery is Destroyed by early Mending Blaze. Volunteer Fire Brie gad* Quickly on tete Sessile, ,'fere Dashwood Crearnery was com- pletely destroyed early • ,Tuesday morning last with estimated 'loss of $5;000.. The fire was discovered 'bye Mrs, Olaf Pedersen, wife of the pro- prietor. The cause of the fire is an - known, ,The fire, when .discovered, was corning autthrough the upper part of the fraise building. Tin' fire brigade was quickly on the scene but were unable to save tie cream- ery building, but applied themselve, " to ' saving. nearby . buildings including the residence ..-of the. owner abqut 25 feet away and the Guenther Tram - port Company building not far .way. Several times it was feared these biuldings would be set afire lint they were saved. ,Pedersen's daughter, a girl of 10 years; is seriously ill with- pneumonia.' She was remove(Z to the :xorrio of, a neighbor and Was brought home next day. The fire—restated in hydro and telephone lines in the village being' cut off preventing any call for assistance and conamunicati- ol'1's with outside points Until sonic time later. Solve insurance is car - lied on the building. Ver. and Mrs. John Beaver of :B'ay Port, and Mr. and Mrs, R. Bca- ver of Flint, spent a few days with the former's sister, Mrs, . Wm. Snell, Mrs. J. MoNevin and ciaugliter. Flora of London, spent 1„ ieir.vac ation With Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreichcl. Misses . Ruth Kleinstivcr and Mar- garet Held are attending ;Summer School at London University. Mr. and Mrs, A. Zimmer and son Earl ani Mrs. Elmore Zimmer spent a, wc» k's vacation with friends at North flay. •HENSALL 'Oliver Geiger of Fnelon Fall. and E. Geier . of London, visited with their puccnts, Mr. and Mrs. ,0. Gei- ger. . 11lrs. P. Fisher and Eleanor spent , the past week with friends at Brace - field: Harry Joynt left for Byron Saar- toriumn where he has accepted a pas - i. .Mrs. Jas. Dick while going abo,:t her. household dtiities had the misfor- tune to fall and break her hip. She was: taken to Clinton hospital where the :fracture was set., Mrs. Dick has been in poor health •tor some tine. ,Marie Millen. •.of,Windsor ,y.,visited . at'- tTie li iiie of Mr. and MrsChas. Jinks. J ey Faith of London is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook and family are holidaying at their cottage at Wasago Beach. .Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser of De- troit have been visiting for the past, two weeks with Mr. and airs. John Zuefle. • Master Billy Meyers of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Corbett. • • Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and daughter of Souris, Man., are guests or lVirs. Pollock's brother and sisters, Mr. Wni. and Misses Fee. - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. •Bonthron and Harold visited with her mother,' Mrs Yungblut in Kitchener. •Southcott • Bros. of Exeter, who have -rented .the building formerly known as Bean's bake shop, at'e op- ening, up a dry goods and ready=to- wear ,'Sfore here. The store presents a very pleasing effect, having recei- ved a coat of paint, and will be op- ened for business around the 1st of August. Mrs. Grassick, who has been liv- ing for the past few years in Toron•-- to, has moved in with Mrs. W. Luker. Mrs. Shortt of Windsor, is visiting with her sister, Miss Emma John- ston. Mrs. W. 1. Davidson, who under- went an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital several days ago, returned to her home and is recovering .very rapidly. Thos. Welsh, while sawing logs at the mill had the misfortune to get tis hand caught in the machine that, turns the logs ..and several of the Sngers'were badly injured. The Wohelo Sunday School class motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs Seibert Geiger, ;Zurich and presented ;hens with a kitchen "shower. Games :end Contests weir e indulged in after 'which a very dainty lunch was seer - and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and laughter, Mary, returned on Friday. last from a two week's holiday with Friends at Lakeside and other points Misd''Irene Douglas, who has boon in. Toronto for the past two week, nda rkin examination papers, ret rn to,hexhome here. Te Head Hospital Mary A. Buchanan, of Hensall, in- structor of nurses at.St. Thomas Ma- norial hospital, Niagara Falls; since 1028 has been appointed superintend ent of Niagara Falls General klostkt 11 succeeding Miss Ada Hubbell, eel cosigned in June. lWllLLUutlflllUllilil WlWEtWl 112 WllllilWlIL11 i ;w shio Thuilt,''ii' 16: N$y.30th, 1030 ani ii'rlrit ill ill;�'li ii Next Door To Theatre, Phone No. 67. ONERVIDOMICOMBUCEtalifeMSSIMMIIIMMIESEMMUMI OF EN'T'IRE SUMMER STOC For e Thursday, Fx atlla�y , Saturday* THS 'WEEK MANY OTHER BIG SAVINGS •C$ME a.sx wem rnuX as e� • . au .zts±gin-7,2a vI AND SEE THEM! Positively the greatest we have ever ofeed to the Public. All New Styles—Printed Silks and Plain •Shades. ny,AQUjas..�1k» to . , REG 5.5O 'VALUE S ZES 14 T BLOUSES- 25 Only—Silk Blouses Plain or Prints PRICE 751C ^Til.•; f't�y.. IliMlliiflMIIIIIif 1if 50 SUMMER ESSES Sizes 14 to. 20 - »Guaranteed W.asha»'ble. Pure Silk 1.49 SAT. at. 9 A. M. PEA. ITS k: Ch i d�ee s Wiese: Are : Reg. $10.75 Values—in olka ,D.ots=Printed Silks and :Plain, Colors—Regular and Half Sizes. ' LOWEST PRICES . all rice 5©35 111111111111111111111111111111111➢I I IIIiIII III I Ill li11111111111111111111111111111111111111. REG. a10. ---COATS and SUITS -A Special. Lot of Outstanding Bar- ,, _ gains chi All Sizes and Colors—For I\Iiurs.,Fri., Sat. Don't. Miss 'hisses HALE PRICE $s u 1111111111111111111111111011111111111 IIIIIIE1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111 Skirts HALF PRICE; Extra Quality All .Sizes and Colors 1- —While They Last. •• BLAZERS 2.25 ItEG ii 4.50 Pine Flannels in all 'Colors and Sizes. E Fashion Shoppe NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE CL1 T 11111111111111111110111111111111011111111111111111111l111011111111101 ll llllill 'i il?ili1iIl! itl►l i101111l" 1111;111111111!II!Illllllllllllll111111Illlnllllllllllllllllllllllli111