HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-09, Page 5Tl arsday, Jbry .rltfi, 1:930 BUSINESS CARDS Put Your LEGAL Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Columna Want, For Sale. DUDLEY .E, EOLMES 1$ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT ,CRY 1 PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH;, Ontario. Special ,Attention to Counted. and Court Work. Mr, Holmes may be consulted at 'Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON .At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and. Wednesday. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXLON, B.V. Se, VETERINARY SUJRGEOON late 'Office in the Home of _Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. of Veterinary GraduateUniversity ao o �Toronto. All;College,oMlleba,e, diseases of domestic animals -treated, 'b, the most moder�principles, get Charges reasonable•ay ;calls promptly attended to. .Also Bre- iaei "of Scottish teiz•ie:i' Inverness 1lennels. Office on Main .Street, apposite Town Ra1L Phone 116. H'ENSSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO COregardless any Auction Sale, as to size or article to. sell. I solicit your business, and if r ofsatfill nale no charges Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Fann Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOIA-- CREAM. EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the arm Choice. of Fresh and Cur ,ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ext., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration :Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . Yungblut & Son INSURANCE Western, Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance .Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS - KIND IN ONTARIO anoint of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, /935, $20,479;730:110 'Total Cash in Bank and ponds $254,6ZT.52:.. rtes—$4.5O per $1,000 for 3 Year, E F. KIopp--Z%nich .A4ent, Also Dealer la Lidbleini Rods FOR SALE .About 150 .bushels mixed. feed, Barley and Oats for Sale. • L, A. Prang & Son, Zurich. FOR R S Two outhouses •at 13. S. S. No. 9, Stanley, Size about .4'x6'. For full particulars apply .to: Wm. Clarke, Secy-Treas., R. R. 2, Zurich. 01111 Honey For Sale We wish to bidorm our customers that we can supply you again with Choice Clover Honey at the follow - owing Prices, in .Cutbirier'.s Contain- ers. 1 Ili. to 50. lbs. 9c. a Ib; 50 lbs. or over at 8c lb. We also have some amber honey at the .following prices: 1 to 50 lbs at Sc lb; 50 los or over 7c a lb. These prices are subject to change without notice. J. HABERER & SONS, 2 blocks south of Hotel, Zurich, Ont. Telephone 122, Zurich. Starter Chicks FOR QUICK SALE Chicks, one, two, three or four weeks old. Barred Rocks and White ?.egliorn Pullets 4 weeks old. J. E, McKINLEY R. R. 1, Zurich House For Sale Good Frame House, was completely re -modelled only a few years ago_ Will sell very reasonably. House to be moved from present location as soon as possible. Apply to: H. Mousseau, - Zurich FOR QI2 CK SALE A 7 -foot Massey Harris binder, Also an Oliver riling plow. Jos. Druar, Zurich. HOUSE FOR - SALE. Consisting of 2x> lots in Zurich. Good brick house, hard and soft water, frame barn all in good repair, known as the Henry Lipphardt Estate For further particulars apply to: Mrs. George Fee, Hensel!. FOR SALE ,.._.... c -MER ALD Mrs. Flossie Brawn .of London sp- ent Sunday with her parents herb. Mr, and 1Vtrs. Peter K.ropf of Wat- erloo' were holiday visitors in town. Miss Ruth Johnston is spending a few weeks with friends at Kitchener and Baden. Mrs. Minnie Burn and family of Resole/. visited with Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn on Dominion Day., Miss Catherine Metrics left on Tu- esday for London to attend the summer school at .the University,. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver of London, visited at the home of Mr.. and Airs. Charles Welber on Sunday. The Evangelical Ladies' Aid are leaving their annual picnic .et Turn - bull's Grove, this week, .Wedimeciny afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Wcseloh am daughter Marilynn Jean of Tecumseh Nich., spent the week -end With: Mr. and Mrs. F. Weseloh. Mr. and Mrs..1Vlorris Neil and son of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Melick. Miss Meriam Callfas and brother of Iiitchenr are holidaying at the home' of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.. Alfred Melick. Mr. and Mart. John Mitchel, 14r. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and daugh- ter Patsy of . Hensall called at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Patterson and son Ray .and Mrs. N. Hoxton of Hen - eel] were Sunday visitors at the Home of Mrs. C. Eilber. The Misses Beulah Koehler, Marg uret Fleischauer and Eiva Mitchell of Kitchener, were visitors at the Home of liar. and Mrs.' 3. W. Johnston.. Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Grab and family of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Cook and Mr. Ed. Brenner ' of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weseloh and daughter of Tecumseh, Mich., accora- panied by Mr. and Mrs": Henry F. Weseloli and Miss Martha Tliiel spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard and family at Loixdon. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, one of the principals of the Gait Public School, was a recent visitor with his Parent. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Braun and family of Forest were week -end visitors at the home of Mx. William Lamont, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Truemner • and family of Toronto spent the t Weok-end with the former's another. They are this week camping at l3ay• - :ield, in their Roll'.ing. Home. ***410053400400 In Police Court Five charges of assault, distux+bing t hc, peace U yswearing, ala,,: wilful damage, were the result of a quarto 'between two neighbors families in Goderich on June 10. The queue), which began among the children with a water -pistol battle, was taken over by the parents and conciuecea aloe; much more severe lines. The case was aired ibeforo Magis. J. A. 1VIakins.7 he; charges were dismissed by His Wor- ship, who urged the neighbors eo try to be friends once more. —Russel •Caldwell, of 'Stephen township, who carne east from Sask., where there is no law against overcr'ow,iirig t <, driver's seat of a car, so he says, ple- aded ignorance of the law when faced with a charge of overcrowding. t o. Traffic Officer N. Lever chased the youth some miles before catching him at Exeter. There were four in the driver's seat of hie coupe and in the rumble seat. A quick chap was inacle a..ader the eye of the on er. 'Caldwell was assessed $10 a Costs, -with an alternative of t days. He was given 2 weeks to pa Ross Sproc'e of Seaforth, wreck his car about a month -ago when h struck another car on No. 8 highwa skidded 100 feet' on the road, the piled up. He was peinfull;- i'ij, , •1 about the head. He cheerfuiiy p=. ,.c. - ed guilty to a charge of reckless driv- ing and was assessed $25 and costs, or 30 days, he paid. -Edgar Holling- er, o Brussels, paid $10 and costs for driving without an operator's permit and Ross Woodhouse, of London, pd. $5 and costs for speeding. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS PAGE FIVE 004001,0010000.0•000004110111140110004*a Se 000000 i • NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. 9 Prompt Service and Highest Cash . Price Guaranteed _ Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY • 1 1 • • 1 1 • awe eeema•eat,t a -as • �S•�R.�;tffYaCNe&G�r :Rd9i1rm Cut Your Fuel 4 .! I i.l�� p. i ALF! r Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU!4. e_ �t REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A , al LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON • HAND AT ALL f en ,1, y. + TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU +p. ,d � .I, + - C. L FL IS 33 44 : PHONE 69 4ftnamoteumenemeam 4y ZRICH 444+'��"�i''Y'..'Sa^ J!'.g.'g..i.'g'...g.', ..7�.' iY.'g+CF==+.f.'ts.. !+'i .11.. ' 'moi' '° ' ...'g..i'T' .+++++.i+++ +11 WAIT ` 44 The following are the results of th recent High School Entrance Exams for this district finder the jurisdictice of the Goderich High School Entra n ce Board. First and Second Clan, Honours are announced, First Clas means that '75% or more of the tot al marks was secured; second Class hat between 70 and 74% was ab- in town. Clayton left last week with taineda a number of Galt people on a trip to . BAYFIELD CENTRE the old country where they w,ll call Ftr t Class Hons.—Wm. Armstrong in several countries in the continent.G°rnnn Westlake. dr • eeeeee er'SR4ses6;1'eeeeeeet'ireoselosee weeseeeeee•ee z000420061G • • G OURa " ° PJOE 1 n- • 3 2 _1 41 Saturday, July 4th was a sag holt: Second. class Hons.—Betty Brau- day to our neighbors to the:south of don, .Gordon Horner, 'Elmer Johnston • us, as it was the big nationgl'holiday There was an exceptionally ••peavey raze vasion of visitors from the greed `tJ. S.A. to this part of. Canada.' EXPECTED, ON. FRIDAY Authorities at Goderieh learned .that Inspector E. C. Gurnett, with his prisoner, J. J. Haggard, en route from Los. Angles, had reached Van- couver and -was leaving that city' o_7 Thursday. This will bring the party into Toronto Friday of this week, and the trip to Goderich will be male in a department auto. it will be the longest distance ever travelled 'to being a prisoner to Huron County Goal. We are called upon to record the rapid passing of Mr. William �Filli.ng= am, who has been ernplayed by Mr. oy Lamont of the Goshen line north f town. Seemingly while pitching ay on Wednesday in some way he rodded his foot with the fork eketh ie result that he was rushed to Vic oria Hoenital, London on Tuesday vening late, and was treated four. ek jaw. Unfortunately it was of o avail as word was received here on Wednesday noon that he had pas • - sed away. Mr. Filling'hamn was an English boy, who came to these parte some years ago, and all hiserelatives with the exception ,of one brother Frank, of New Ontario, all live in the old country. He was a very pleas ant and likeable chap and •will., lie greatly missed by his friends. OBITUARY h a I have a number of nice broilers ,tl or sale. Price 25c each. Ferd Haberer, Zurich. r e to n NOTICE We are now agents for the Pares- ian Laundry and' Dry Cleaners of London. Your cleaning and laundry will be taken down Tuesday and returned on Friday of each week Thiel's Transport. ibed Cars For Sale. We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: /933 Plymouth Coach, very reasom able in price. 1931 Ford DeLux Sedan 1929 Ford, Coupe, a good buy. All have good tires, good upholst- ering and mechanically good; gone Over carefully bar us. ALSO a Dwelling House. for kale or Rent air Z'urick L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich NOTICE At this time of the year we fine our books carrying considerable accounts that are in most cases long • oaerdue and should have been paid ;before this.. We are very pressed for money just now and are obligee Lo mail ont accounts, and trust that our customers will appreciate th< credit extended to therm by actino oremntly, as we are badly in need (A zatt triads 'gal o,,,Cf�:' ithis rnoner to• meet e1xr:' +sblig'ations tit 1 to' `- site Ltexald. g'x,< peulto - Late Joseph Jeffrey Joseph Jeffrey of Goderich, who was operated onfor the removal ' of This appendix on Monday night of last week passed away at the Hos- pital early on Friday. He was .65 yeare of age, was a well-known rail- way man. He was 15 years with the C.N.R. and was superannuated in January of 'this year. He was born on the Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, north of Drysdale, of French parentage, his parents being Ceplian Jeffrey and the late Odiele Mayue. He was married to Leah Den- oinme and came to Goderich 28 years ago. His wife died in 1917 ,and six years later he married Elizabeth Mc- Connell, of Goderich. Mi'. Jeffrey, was a member of St. Peter's Church and of the Holy Name Society. Sue- viving, besides his father, are eight chuldren, 10 brothers and sister's. Mrs. Regis Denoinme, Mrs. Ed. Bris- son, Mrs. Joseph Du,eharme, Mrs. David Ducharme and John Jelffey, all of the Zurich and Drysdale vicin- ity, George of -:Stanley Twp;, Arthur Frank and Mrs. Gib. Plante of God- erich, and Peter of Grand Forks, N. 1). Requiem high mass was sung iii St. Peter's Church on Monday morn , .,c; and intexinent made in Colborne Passed under the provision of It<: - •R. C. Cemetery. gulatiort--Napoleens Cantin. Velma. Martin, Hugh Pollock. %paSe-a--J.anaes Attwood, Belah Due harii`te, John McLeod, Violet Turner Lorna Westlake. • EXETER R 'CENTRE First Class Hon. Lorraine Atkin- son, 'Bessie Brooks, Bruce,Cann, Mar gaiet Dougall,'Wallace b"ahrner, Jno. Hepburn, J'ea'n Jones, Ruby King, Roy Lotter, Ante Hargan, :ruby Pre- seeator, Eldrid Simmons, Florence Southcott, Greta Webber, Rhena Ye- arley. • Class Hons.—Jean Gann, Phyl- xiseUooper, Marion Elliott, [ mmery 'Fischer, Gerald Glenn, Douglas Hill, Robert Keys; Bartle Motz, Harry Parsons, Wesley Ryckman, Helen Sel vel, •Audrey Sims. Passe—Alex. Acton, Catherine Arm- strong, Marie Buswell, Arthur Field, Lloyd Guenther, Max Harness, Phil- ippa Harness; Alta Harvey, Laverne 7Iss lieywood, Grace Hill, Kathleen Kee Ile, Wm. Kestle, Doris Moore, Donald Penhale, Arthur Pfaff, Ivan Prouty, Clifford Quance, Alma Skinner, Ivan Edward Triebner. Passed under the provision of Regulation, Ruby Cutt- ing, Lloyd Hunter. HENS ALL CENTRE Ist Class Hons.--Jas. Campbell, Norma Cook, Russell Hedden, Gord- on Johnston, Cavy Joynt, Margaret Love, Gerald Passmore, Ina Ropp, Ivan Stephenson. 2nd Class hops.—Murvin Johnston Jeanette',Salmon. Pass—James Alexander, Anna Cor nish,' Carlyl. Cornish, Harold Dignan, Wan. Higgins, Clarence Love, Dun- can McEwen, Jack Mustard, Jack Peck. H .DASHWOOD CENTRE let class bons. Jean Grieve, Rich • and HaHmilton, Jean Held, Donald •Turnibiill, Alan Walper, Margaret Wein, Ruth Willert. 2nd Class hons.—Villa Carruthers, Helen "McGregor, Keren Pedersen, Denzil Waldron. Pass—Kenneth Baker, Orva Best- ard, Elda Brown, Clara Dawe, Lorne Devine, Gordon Eagleson, Bernice Palmer, Allan.. Finkbeiner, Harold Finkbeiner, Douglas Gill, Donald Kestle, e Carleton Manore, Mildred Martene, Carl Oestreicher, Olden S4wartzentruber, Grace Volk, Lois Wanner, Carl Wein, Verna Wein, Keith Wildfong, Grace Willert. ZURICH CENTRE First Class, Hons.—Beatrice Bed- ard, Ruth Brown, Vera Flaxbard, Chelse Greta Haiberer, Leonard Hoffman, a' Thiel: 2nd Blass bons.—Venda ]3aecliler, Veronica Deitrich, Cyril Gilegerich. Pass --Bernadette Bedard, Monica, Ducharme, Arthur Foster, Lennie Gjingericli, Karl Heideman, Elva Hey, Norma Jennison, Alva Regier, Ortha Schiibe, Harold Stire, Bo1va • True-. inner, Dorothy Weide. 1 S 1 'We are in ICoal and Coke � W On Overhauling your Mov,-ea•s9 WWe 1`e133ir same with genuine repairs : for Ie4s than jobbers' parts. • Master and Pioneer • Poultr> y Feeds Plow point to fit all makes of plows SEEDS! SEEDS! the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. cis 10001= roWM Son ',•lpo8'+i appa.„zap.i,GF:PCPa+a'3oi:,r,.r0410400 4 flet 4I a li VadlWif tt tMM16, 1t i e' fa : W :- f7Ff,m�, Zurioh]Jrug Store We are Headquarters for all Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of all kinds euC let r mr We Have Paris Green, Arsenate 02 Lead, or mar Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder wit Mothocicle, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, or Lor Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. art MacKinnon, Zuriob lDr1 N Pfo rio