Zurich Herald, 1936-07-09, Page 4R E .• BRONSON LINE • )1Th-14. Smith of London is spend- rtn2; two weeks holidaying with her llamas, M. and Mrs. J. Richardson*. ,axid Mis. 0. Smith wale visited awith *lends from Petrolia. Iflrand Mrs. Purdy and family, h ave got nicely settled on the Parr Line for a couple of nionthe. Mrs. Lydia Troyer of Brigden, Welting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Itobt, Stephenson and family. Mrs. Chas. Robinson spent a few *lays with her sister in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Ross and g randdaughter of Porterville, Calif- ornia visited with Mr. 'Wm. Jarrott and Annie. IVIr, and Mrs. W. Huxtable and mss .Agnes Anderson of Centralia, ^visited with Mrs. Love and family. The Sunday School Picnic of the lKippen and Hillsereen Congregations is being held on t4Nednesday July 15, at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. The Cochrane reunion is being held this Wednesday at Bayfield. Miss Dolly and Mr. rank Hagan rreceived word recently of the death tof their eldest brothel., Mr. Peter Magma of Portland, Oregon. BLAKE Don't forget the Lawn Social un- aler the .auspices of Blake United Church to be held on the grounds of the Blake Public School on Friday evening, July 1.7th. The supper will be followed by a good program of music also a play entitled The K han"s Talisman. Presented by the Young People of Stara. A good or- trhestra will be present, also a booth on the grounds. There was a very good attendance int the Blake United Church last -Sunday morning at 10 a.m. The sub- ject 43f the s,ermon was the Good B arnaratian. The subject for the moaning Sunday is Unjust Steward- itIou. are heartily invited, service be- gins at 10 a.m. altIr. and Mrs. Chris Lichti, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Brennerman and daugh- ter from Baden were Sunday visitors -*with Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Baechler. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb, Mr. anal 'Mrs. Jacob Kipfer and son Elgin, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and alle's. Roy Gingerich. Mrs. Charlie Smith and son Rus- esell fromo Detroit; were visiting with Mrs. Caroline Oesch of Blake. • Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb have re-' turned after spending some weeks ,with. relatives and friends in .different parts of the States. Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Gingerich and idaughter Jean, spent Sunday at the 'home Mr, and IVIrs. C. M. Schultz, lb:on- MI Mr, Lewis Beshart of Sea - forth and Miss .Mildred Kipfer ef the Babylon Line were week -end visitors with the former's. parents, Mr.,- and Mrs. Noah Schultk of IVIllvertbn, - Mr. and Mrs. Moses Erb, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer and son with of at the home of•Mr. and Mrs. BO Gth- gerich. Mr, .and Mrs.''Chris. Erb returned home on. Sunday after spending Month visiting relatives and friends in Nebraska, Iowa, Illinoise and other points. Miss Winnifred Roth of Tavistock, is visiting with friends- on the Bron- son Line, for a few 'weeks. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and fam- ily of Detroit spent a few days last week with friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberry of Flint, visited with the latter's sis-ter Mrs. Thos. Robinson and brothere George and Will Reid. Me. •Elston Dowson and .sister Elia are visiting with their sister, Mrs. Oscar Wright of Kenni1worth, Miss Grace Robinson and Miss Gladys Coleman have gone to the 0. A. C. Guelph to take an Agricult- ural course. On Friday July 3rd. the marriage took place at Flint, Mich., of Miss, Geace, Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid to Mr. Kenneth Aus- tin of Flint. Following tae cerem- ony the bridal couple took a trip to Stanley, and on Saturday evening a reception was held in their honor at the home of the bride's cousin, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson, when they were presented with a nicely worded ad- dress and many useful gifts. St. Joseph and Beaver Town In this locality farmers at present are busy reaping a ,bumper crop of hay. The weather for haying has been ideal, but far too dry for other crops. The cottage recently built by Mr. Clayton Smith and Sons of Beaver Town is now completed and up to date, and it is now rented to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Masse of Detroit, for a week. This cottage is located on the beautiful farm of Mr. Smith; just south of Beaver Ton and built on the top of the bank overlooking the haliner and soothing breezes of good old Lake Huron, and anyone wishing zest and comfort and ease of of Nis d . rM s. Jacob Ginger-enind, we venture to say, that no 5613. of the Goshen Line south. 1 better spot on the shores of Lake Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swaetzentruber Huron could be found. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. ,Swartzentruber,1 Mr. Avila Ducharme and sister, 'and daughter Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Verginia and Alphonse Dabous mot - Jacob Swartzentruber, Mr. and Mrs. ored to Chatham, Windsor last Sat - Roy Gingerich attended the funeral urday. -of the late Mrs. Steinman near Baden Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber and 'son of Detroit who spent a few days :family of the Goshen line, spent Sun- in the neighborhood, has taken a trip day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Ginger- to Niagara Falls. eich. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharme There Es nu_ guess work in tbe nailing Of Purity Planar. Twiee-daily baking tests 'by laborea- t ries ensnare even, eepend4:able Unigeren Uallity. Enjoy the SineSt cakes, pastry, rolls or bread yo ever Tasted. “i"urity"goes farther‘ Best in all your Bain 4.4.44444.44.44. 4 .4 4 g. 4 4, 4 4. .4444.1,14 It 4P*•,t **1*4I q4 V" *O• HERALD oFFIcE Do You Know? Mr... MERCHANT! -111, You know thoroughly well that you have power J • in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- • torners in regard to what they buy from you. Your '4, custorners rely on you to give them products which • • in use or consumption, will give they complete • • satisfaction. •4 ‚4 If it is right to use big City dailies and nationaly- 4„ circulated magazines then' by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! • I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and My name is 4. ADVERTISE 4 4 • ZCIftICH HERALD and family of Detroit are spending the week with friends and relatives, Mr. Norman and Exias Charrette and family are spending their swain- er holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John °barrette. The Misses Patricia and Rolelie Masse of Detroit are guests to Mi$s Vironique Micheline. Mr. and Mrs, Hector Laporte and daughter Charolette of Detroit, are spending the week in this neighbor. hood. CREDITON Mr. Henry Silber has returned from Mt. Clemens, Mich., where, he was taking a treatment at the Min- eral Baths. • A very successful Strawberry aun per was served in the United church shed on Thursday eve. Jane .25, Ideal weather condition prevailed and large crowd was present and .parteek of the sumptuous meal. Tlie *gram which followed was rendered by the members of the choir assisted by:oth- er artists, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder and son Gerald, daughter Mary Lan, of Ubly, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs H. K. EilbeL Mrs. Sarnilei Eilber returned with them to theirhome, af- ter visiting Mr. and. Mrs, Henry Ell- ber for a week. • , Betchen---Merritt • : A pretty wedding. was iriferailiZed last Saturday afternoon at 'Wejling- ton St. United Church in London, when Rev. L. IL Currie tinned in marriage Miss Dorothy 7 Beatritee younger daughter of Mr. ,Stephen Merritt and the late Mrs. Merrett to S. Everett Detchen, of London, for- merly of Dashwood, sori;of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Betchen.,' Over 400 participated in the strawberry supper served in the large sheds of the Evangelical church un- der the auspices of the Dorcas class. Supper was followed by .an excellent musical program rendered Yey the Dashwood Memorial Band tinder the, direction of Harry Hoffmai'a Rev, H. A. Roppel acted as chairman., Decoration and Memorial Service , A large crowd gathered at the Evangelical Cemetery . on Sunday af- ternoon for the decoration -of graves and memorial service. Rev. A. Piet& presided and gave a brief ad- dress. Hymn Roc`k ofAges was sung after which Rev. Roppell offer- ed prayer. A ladies quartette inclu- ding Mrs. G. Morlock, Mrs. H. Mor - lock, Mrs. H. Schenk, and Mrs. C. Hoffman sang a selection. Passages from II Corr. 5th ,chapter were read.; Rev. Roppel of Dashwood gaire an impressive and spiritual Message suit' able for the occasion. The. Stars Sun day School .Class sang ,The ' Wareo the Cross Leads Hanle. This beatili- ful and impressive meniorrai closed by singing Sweet By and By. e The cemetery grounds Presented • an ex- cellent appearance and most of the graves were decorates floWers. • DASHWOO D.._ Don't forget the big ball tuerna- ment and Band Tatoo on July 15th. Mrs. Jacob Weber accompanted by Mr. and Mrs. J. .Caltlwell. of Exeter, left last Tuesday for Osnabroola N. Dak., to visit relatives. Miss Zeta Nadiger, of Victoria Hospital, London, spent last .Tuesday with her parents. • - Mr. and ,Mrs. Harry Guenther •of Windsor, spent the -week-enct with his parents. Mrs. G. Chesna of Birmingham, Mich., is visiting her barents, Mr, • and Mrs. Fred Willerte ' Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Smith of Wind- sor, 6 -pent the week -end •with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Miss Mary Burke of Detroit, is spending her vacation With Mr, na d Mrs. S. Baker. ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry. Harris and hinny of Sarnia are visiting' with relatives. Miss Sigrid Pedersen is confined. tb, her home with an attack of prieran..- onia. Two friendly games of ball was played here on Wed. July 1st he- tween Dashwood and a team from Kitchener. . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie of Detroit spent a few days at their home here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raschke and fam- ily of Detroit.- spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ..t.derner. Mrs: Raschke and children will remain here for a few weeks.: Mr. Percy Kleinstiver and' Mr. Rhode of Chicago and Mrs. Hotchkiss of Detroit are spending a week with relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher of Monkton spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Mr. and Mrs, L. Bender attended camprneeting in London last week, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wellington Mair and family of Detroit spent a few days with: relatives. Mr. .and Mrs. A. E, Oestroicher spent the week -end with friends in London. On Friday evening, July 8rd Mr. and Mrs. P, Kraft were Pleasaetly surprized when their children and 44414,44/1404444.444,444.01.441444414411.144,4444.44144.44.4Nr.,14•41.44444444,44111041/tett**44044444,444?, Mr. Leslie Goetz of Chicago is pm ding a week vacation with relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Heintach of To'ront and Mrs, Frank Kohls and son Alvh of Boquen, Quebec were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder, Mrs. Adella Fisher of Zurich spen the week -end at her home here. Miss Helen Moore and friend o Chicago and Mr. Angus Moore ann. daughter of Chicago, 1Vir, and Mrs. Marcela land family of Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moore and Misa Box of Seaforth, were week -end vis- itors with 'Mr. and Mrs, Felix Wilds. Mr,, and Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam- ily of Pontiac, Mich, are visiting his inotoher, Mrs:. Mary Need, 11f.r. and Mrs, Clayton:Phle spent a fear days dn Detroit and Ann arbor. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Pfile of Mt. ClemenS spent the week -end with his Mother, Mrs. Hy. Pfile, Mi, and Mrs. Milford Koch of De- troitaspent the holidays with his par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Koch, a Dashwood MeMOrial Band attend- ed the Band Tat -to in Parkhill on Menday evening. 0 t 1 • I. •••••11,1.4 • HENSALL Lulu. aVIcDonald, Effie zell, Lloyd 1VIeDonald and Jack Faber, visited at Kincardine recently. ,George Sparks, formerly of ,MolVIurtrie's home on S. Richmond London, has ,rente.d. the late Mrs, The. Sunday School of the United ChurZh intend holding their annual picnic on Wed. July 8, at Turnbull's grove. • Mrs. Hassell of Camden, N.J.,. le visiting at the home of her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, Miss Irene Douglas, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Ed. McAsh, of London; are spending. holidays . at Keswick Camp, Lake Sinecoe. Miss Hattie .McQueen, of Albany, N.Y., is Visiting with relatives and friends in town. Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N., of Meriorial Hospital, St. :Thomas, sp- ent the holiday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alex. Buchanan. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Henry, of Cass City, -Mich., and Mrs. E. Smith, of •Detroit, vent a. few days with'their cousins, Mrs. Ed. McQueen and Mrs Robt, Higgins. Mrs. Bert North and daughter of Woodstock is visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Robt. Hig- ging. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hamilton and children are away on a month's holi- days at Port Dover and other points. Harold Bailey of Sheibourne is spending part of the holidays visiting here with his sister, Mrs. Ken. Travis Mrs.:A. J. ,Sweitzer and 'children of the,*ach 9 Pines and Mrs. Bruce, "4EUglaSere of Grand Bend visited with Olen& fo-wil. • Wedding at Toronto A lovely wedding took place on Saturday, June 27th in St. Paul's An glican church, Willard Ave., Toronto when Lorna Marion, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor- onto, and form'erly of Hensall, was married to Harold Robinson White, sem of kr. and Mrs. Joseph White. of St. Marys. Rev. Edward Morley 'officiated and "Mrs.. D. Sime played the wedding. music. The bride who was given fit marriage by her father, wore a robe of ivory taffeta fashion- edin princess lines, the skirt extend- ing into a long train. The groom's sister, Miss Ella White, and Miss Do- rothy .Tindale, were her attendants. They wore frocks of pink taffeta. Colin Bennett was, groomsman and the ushers were Jack Scott, brother of the bride, and Gordon Barker. A reception ev4 held at Annesrey Hall. following the .caremeny, where the bride's mother received with the briday party and Mrse Whiter mother.' of the groom, 'Later the happy cou. pia left on nmotor trip. On their re- turn they will reside in St. Marys. The bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty, of Hensel% were among the guests present. COUNT srEvis A Fine New Barn A fine hank barn, one of the fin- est in the community was raised on the farm of Noble Scott, 2nd Con. Stephen, Monday last, replacing' the one that was destroyed in a wind- Storm- earlier in the season. The barn is 95 ft long hip roof covered with steel shingles. ' Chimney Sets Fire The home of J. A. Westcott, Sea- ford', had a narow escape from fire last Monday morning when the ehim- ney-got• on fire. The flames spread to. Oe roof butt were soon got under control upon arrival of the firemen. The loss is covered by insurance. • • Swimming Pool Improved The Seaforth Lion's Club Park Committee have had new enfarged' darn built and other hnprovements made in the swimming pool. They expect to,open it on July ist. Stole His Own Tools • A farmer at Hanover was given 4 suspended sentence for stealing his own 'tools. They had been left in a machine shop for repairs +and dispute nose over the charges the fa , irno •" "11 rrPA.here(I at t11011" taking them withait paying the bill. i -•d nl'-nm t eaeir-e- .1'uno couit hold the t the in achinist , +04"1"1414++++++.1114+.+444+4elatielatf++++++.444.11 , ;honour of Mr. Kraft's 80th birthday. hada lien on the took., Harnesi..--Jebnsten A ctniet wedding took place at the Winghain Presibyterfan inanse on June 23rd, when Miss Irene Johnston daughter of Iwo. Daniel McLeod, of Goderich, was united in marriage to Isaac L. Harnes,s; of Exeter. The marriage was performed by Rev, K. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Harness will reside in Exeter and will have the best wishes of many friends, injured by Falling Plaster The other morning a large portion of the plaster ton the ceiling of the kitchen on the ceiling in the Ames St. United Parsonage, Exeter, fell, striking Mrs, Page, who was working n the kitchen at the -time. She re- ceived facial lacerations but fortun- ately was not seriously injured. Reeve Seriously Hurt Elston Ca:rdift, reeve of the Twp. of Morris, well known and highly re- spected resident of the Brissels com- munity, was seriously injured when his team took fright, as he was about 'Thursday, July eth, 1930 atevatereetrare...=.,...aele . Ur- rialmand Wolper, (.7ounemoil, has just returned from a very pleas- ant meter tnip to North Bay andi Sudbury. at North Bay, Mn Wolper Who was ;A c panied by Rev Mr. Left of Dashwood, took in the, seeing of the most famous live little sisters in the world the Dionne sis- ters at Calendar. From there they motored on down to Ottawa where 'hey attended a church conferenee. Mr. Walper advises us that he has a lot or country but no where does things look better than in Huron Co- unty: Family Reunion Held Some 200 relatives and friends many of them :born the district gath ered at the 'home of Henry Yungblut Rostock, for the sixth family reunion .Lienry Yungblut is a brother of G. F. Tanighlut who kept store at Auburnt for many years. Representatives came from Tavistock, Zurich, Detroit Guelph, Kitchener Londeshoro emit. Auburn. The next' reunion will be held at the home of Jacob Wagner, Auburn. Offlecers elected were: Pres- to lower the top of a buggy, whirled.tdent, Hurry Wagner, Auburn, secy.- around and ran ever him. It is Un- derstood that his injuries were seri- oue.' LOCAL NEWS Mr. Wilfred Ducharme of Detroit visited his parents over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert of Detroit were week -end visitors with his parents. , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rau, bridal couple, of Detriot were visitors with his parents in town. The various officials of the flay Mutual Fire Insurance Co. held a bus.iness meeting at Grand Bend on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and treas., James Bouthron, Hensall. Stores To Close Earlier effort being made by the • merchants of Exeter to close their stores earlier Saturday eves, Exeter LS; a very busy spot Saturday eve. as a, ram e the main street being linsd with autos, with many cars on the side streets. However many of those a00000 Invov boo ....rou • who come to town that evening leave • their shopping until the last minute and it is to avoid the last minute rush at the midnight hour that au effort is being made t oclose the stores at 11.80. This is a move in the right direction and has been agitated for emme time and as the merchants themselves have decided to adapt this plan they are to be congratulated for their aciaon.—Tnnes-Advocate, farruly of Waterford, and Mr: Archic:q Routledge of Regina, .Sask., are Vis -i A New Appointment itors with their mother, Mrs. Jos. Word has been received from Ot- Routledge of town. taws of the appointment by the Do - Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and, minion Government of F. W. Glad - family left on a few weeks holiday man, Barrister, of Exeter, as Official trip to the New England States and l Receiver for Huron County under will also visit with , relatives at the Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Quebec and Ottawa. ! Act in place of Major Corbett, of s Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 'Williams and. Fordwich. Mr. Gladman came to Exa Mr. Calvin Williams motored to St.i eter in 1897 and until the death or: ratford on Monday where they met; the late R V. Elliott was in partner, their sister, Mrs. R. Whitesides, of ship with him. In 3.903 the present Coboconk, who twill visit at the Willi partnership of Gdadman & Stanbury isms home for a few weeks. .1 was formed. For several years Mn._ Mr. Thos. •Snowden of th.e. Mee •Madman resided in London where he, Water Highway north of Drysdale, occupied the position, of Deputy Pot - had the misfortune to have some 201 ice Magistrate with distinction. He. of hisfine flock of sheep worried by, is particularly qualified for his new. dogs the, other night, with high casu--positien, having an intimate acqu- alty list. Dogs worrying sheep seem- aintanee with farm conditions and singly has become quite prevalent in his appointment will be received with that vicinity lately...." •!great satisfaction, eSNAPSPOT CU IM "Off Guard." P h otogra y -re ft n and a g s slicing of the subjects until they were "off guard" netted these interesting snapshots. rivAlKING snapshots of people when where it wul come from whea yors, A they are not aware that they are take the picture. Then, set your leuea about to be "shot," thereby catching them with natural expressions aired in unposed positions, is often called "candid" photography, but we of The Snapshot Guild like the -words "off - guard" photography as more truly descriptive. "Candid" implies there is tflaat kind of expression on the faze of the subject and it may not always be there, but there is no doubt that fear aperture and your shutter speed ac- eardingly.Viratch your subjects froim a distance with your camera con- cealed.33epatient but alert for an in- . teresting situation to develop. Where you see the picture you want to take,, 'locate the 'spot from which you are • going to take it. Then, unless yours.4. is a fixed focus camera, measure . with your eye the distance fronn that spot to Grandpa and the a natural expression he must be "e2f youngster, set the pointer at the guard" at the moment the pitture is right mark, and, keeping the cam- - made, which is -also just what the era -behind you until you get there, . professional photographer waits, to !stroll op and shoot. If they look capture in making a.i studio portrait at you 'before you get .there, be non.. "Off -guard" photography is lots 'of :ebalaut and wait for them to resume. - fun, but there are important points, their activity, or make some casual about it that need to be observed to suggestion that will put them "off get satisfying resulta You can't guard." You see, in order to be a "shoot" thoughtlessly without re- good "off -guard" snapshooter, yotif gard to the direction and strength have to be "cagey," and this exercis- of the light, nor can you forget that ing of strategy to prevent people exposure and fetus are last as in from posing is part of.the fun. portant as for a premeditated pose. Of course, you must know the ea - Nor should you overlook back- pabiiities of your camera. A cameral ground. This means that if you are with ultra -fast lens and shutter, alua going to catch your subject una- supersensitive patchromatin wares, you may have to, do some greatly increases your range of OP - strategic stalking for the right po- portunity especially for feat aotiou, etion. but the ordinary camera, too. will Supposing, for example, you -want make '"off -guard" snapshots if, a picture of Grandpaioutdooramnits- movcesteet of tbe S111)ifet 1,', neff 11001- bag one of the children. Pirsh obr, zap:a. . serve the intensity ortlie light and i 04 ji.)-4:11.11 V,,,::', 7' 1 •