HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-09, Page 1Vol. XXXVEI No.2 ZURUGH. THURSDAY JAMMING, JULY 9,1936. Chester L. Smith, Publiahed $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Manta,* $1.60 INATM1)6ARS,$2 MAY OM °RAMC!), • - Let us Publish all your Bummer Visits and Visitors •••••••11•110.11.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST. PETER'S !MANY DIE OVER HOLIDAY .More than 300 personas lost theirl Evangelical Lutheran aural lives curing the United States double holiday observance of its 160th In-: dependence Day. A. tabulation discl- oses 330 persoons had met violent de.ath,s, by far the largest fourth of July toil since 1931, when 483 fatalities were recorded. Eight we. re attributed to the traditional fire- works of Independence Day, but mot • oring mishaps -ever present menace of summer weekend. -fattened the total by 199. Airplane crashes, auto races, lightning, railroad trains, bur- ning buildings, celebrators' wild bul- lets and tavern brawls all made their contributions. 4-+ HAY COUNCIL ZURICH - OWE. "A Changeless Christ for Cho:w- ing Vivaria- eriday, 8h -Luther League. Thursday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. in. -German Service. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday Schad. 'T.30 p.m. -English service., Everybody Welcome, to At Services. E. TUERKHEINL, Peetor. Do You Need Glasses? • Stop and Think how important it is that you wear comet glasses --cor- rectly prescribed for your vision.. 'Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely deipmell on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R 0„ At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfik's • Store. The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay' was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday July 6th, with all the me- mbers present except Mr. William Haugh, who was unable to attend on account of injuries received in a Fanners! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance. for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 SCARFE'S PORCH and FOAM ENAltfiELS For inside or outside use • - Wood or Cement ON SALE AT: Johnston and Kalbfleisch, Zurich at.m..1...meracrowEinirrp tegurng=naimingritranallateSEUXF=0.1a1r5 ale Life Bony Sckap., 31rakes. ...... Bovril Corned Beef, 2 idns Kelloggs Rice Kriapiee, 2 pkgs. _ ........-- 2$c Libby's Jumbo Pork and Beams, 2 tins Sliced Pineapple; 2 tins ....... ......-_............23c Orange Marmalade 32-ozjar, per jar - Choice Quality DR natlyea large 'tin. per .tin Aylmer Spinach per tin ..... _ Royal York Coffee 1-1b.. tin, per tin ...39c Fancy Pink Salmon, liees. 2 tins ...- Fancy Pink .1531a1017,; 1:111, tin. each Pearl white Napth.a Sap 6 bars --- Cruichie Sweet Pickles, large jar .. .. ........27c Heinz old fashioned .Siicied PiRelee.--,Ne.r jar Heinz Chili Sauce per jar Lawrason's Suomi -Rake Ammonia per pkg. .5c Lawrasori's Fhulee -per tin at 1'9c Lawrason Sinka, per -...-- Household Wx.shing Soda, per pkg. _ Miracle Whip 82,4 -oz. per jar - - - Magic white Bleach, 'per bottle ....- Shrip American Beauty, per tin .19e Grisha. brand Mreeirla .C.)eannes ffer'salaits Iplairt or frozere 2. tine - ...... 2he Children7S, Ankle, Soikee. nil Cares LadiesHouse.Drutes' es at -- Ii8e,ar11.."25 Ladles Valle Dresses at; mill f08r aled. :WO Voile, Reg, up to 35ke yd. .valing r5c, i..bi. Highest r.0iimikoiriaramicimovsmPiiiesiaikOailiiironsw1ea4ra0 iksta , 114 t fall a few days before theemeeting. The minutes of the June 1st ineeting were adopted as read. The Court of Revisioon against the assessment of the 1936 Assess- ment Roll was continued according to adjournment and the following ed - solutions was passed: iThat the ap- peal of Owen Geiger' 2ibe dismissed and that the Court of • Revision be closed and that the Assessment Ran as amended be adoptedby the CO- uncil as the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hay for the year 1936. The folloWing communications we- re laid before the Council: From County Clerk advertising that 'Cohn- ty Rate is the same as in 1935, viz: $13;894:92. Filed. A petition froul the property owners in Zurich ask- ing for a wider pavement fronting on the business section of thevillage Petition granted. From Dept. of High- ways enclosing copy of Regulations respecting Twp. Roads fox 1936. From Bell Telo. Co. respecting of - fee made for Bell line oast of Dash- wood. Offer of $300, confirthed, The following resolutions were peg sed: That Clerk advertise. of ten- ders for painting the exterior of the Town Hall. Tenders to be in hand* of the Council by August 4th next. That the Collector's Roll for 41936 be returned by the Tax Collector and that he be paid his salary and post- age account. That accounts cover- ing payments of Twp Rcraa, Charity and Relief and General Accounts he passed as per vouchers: Twp. Roads ,for May and June:---' S. Ropp, rd 2 $7.60; J. Oesch, rd,8 19.50; T. Steinbach, rd 8 14.22; '11.' Milier rd 8 5.60; C. Aldsworth rds 3 4.80; W. Farrell rd 18 6.40; A, Zimmer iron culcert rd 14 9.24; H. Steinbach -Road Supt. 53.90; W. Col- man rd 2 11.35; A. Smith rd 8 3:75; F. J. Haberer rd 7 3.35; A. Reichert. ird 4 6,25; C. Aldsweeth 2-3 10.46. 0. Greb rd 6 6.25; U. A. Vile rd 24.35.; osSS,U epairs to Vracyer 2.5O ! gott.seatt rcl 3 14.05; ,Welsh 1566 yds. gravel 125.3 Ga-een rd 5 7.40.; N. Foster rd 6 14.15 G. Jeffrey rd 15 2,20; Johnston Kalbfleisch act. .95; Twp. Stephen file rd 6 11.95; D. Tiernan cement rd 14 27.90! J. Oesch rd 8 8.60; M. M. Russell rd 1 -8.00; R. Adams rd 10 2.40; M. Corriveau culvert rd 14 16, 50; J. M. Richardson rd 6 $6; S. Mc- Arthur rd 1 5.25; Geo. Dick rd 3 252- 20; T. Dinsmore rd 18 $8; J. M. Ziler rd 10 3.20; P. Campbell rd 14 eer Austin Hey and boy friend of pDaelterhoitts here,spentthe week -end with his Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner, and family, and 11r. Conrad Truemner of the 14th con., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walden 0.'FoW. rest. 3)r D: Bryce wishes to advise the public that owing to a vacation, his offices at Zurich and Dashwood will be closed during the week from jely 13th, to ,July 18th.. Rev. C. Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. David .Gingertch, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ging- erich andefamily attended the funer- aI,11'mofrstdhaye.former's'brother-hislaw, Mr WITH Joe Swartzentruber at Baden last • ' LOWER THAN IS CHARGED IN ,Me. and Mrs. George Howard and THE LARGER CENTRES. daughter Evelyn of Exeter;za lVfxs. Al SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAILED ma Thurston, Mrs. EliJane Truaxe f Vessel) Mich., were visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs.. J. Allan on Etiday last. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY and Wi1liain Mc- Adams motored to Detroit and Claw - Syn, Miich,, or Sunday. Mrs. Roy P sk who has vikited relatives here, r turned with the boys to her home ir Clawson. Mr. and- Mrs. Seth Brown and 1iss Doris Kleinfeldt of Staffie Mr. d Mrs. Orville Beaver and little ughter Norma, of Woodham, were Sinday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ward Beaver. Great iniprovements are being ade to 'ant main streets in town as c. new asphalt ,Pavement is prac- - ,iaid.by the time the paper this es out - rhtswill say good �' dust, rough roads er mud in wet.4eason. A big improvement. The Blue Water Highway north of Drysdale, which is to be paved this summer, at present is in a very dusty conditfon. On Wednesday of this Week workmen are beginning to work in readiness to the asphalt pavement which vill likely take till late in the fan: Most of the labor employed. are residents of the community. .‘ 4.05; W. F. Jennison crushing and'nidi Werd was received here that Miss Margaret Steick R. N., accompanied • trucking 1055.67. Hay Telephone -Northern Electric; matelial 124.88; Hobbs }Rime Co'. creosote 3.25; Postage, excise, etc., 12.48; H. G. Hess salary 165.00; P. Maclesac salary 3 months 587.50;- Boll Telo. Co. boils Apr to May 119.12; E. R. Guenther cartage 2.40; Stromberg-Carlson Co. supplies 31.93. A. F. Hess part salary 125.00. Charity and P.elief--,Teeas. Twp. ';0Jivray, indigent 7,03; Ilnkere 2..'e6; S. Hoffman rent indig, out b.5; J. A. Williams iloure2.75r Menno Oesch, groceries 11.95; Glad- whi Meliek milk 3.68. General accounts -Postage, excise et. 10.03; Zurich Hydro, lights town hall 2 mons 4.61; D. Triebner &Inge ed 5 35.00; Mimic. World, coilectors roll etc. 12.13; F. J. Haberer, stock valuer $6; L. Resteineyee, one head cattle killed by clogs 25.00; J. Geoff- rey, sheep killed by dogs $10 Water- loo Fire Ins. Co. insurance 7.50; A. 1.0. Hess part salary tarp. 125.00; 3. P. Iiau attending to disposal of dead pig; 1.65; C. L. Smith printing, t.ktivertie; ing 57.40; R. Knight, one head cattle killed by dogs 16.00. The cauneil adjourned to Meet, a- gain on Tuesday, August 4th , 1.30 o'cloock in the afternoon. • A. F. HESS, Clerk. gr -f - - - siumeuriveims ' DECORATION SERV IC E BRONSON LINE CEMETERY HAY TOWNSHIP SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 13. At 2.30 o'clock Pmgram will consist of Decoration Graves, Special Singing. Adclres- le$ by Rev. E. Burn and Rev. 1-.1, Reppel. Also Musical Numbers by 'the 'Hendrick Memorial Band of °wham 0 ti, (35 instruments,) hy Miss Witte, R. N. of Long Branch; Ca4;went by airplane to Seattle. Wash., from there the boat to Van- ceever Isle where they are spending the -vacation with the formc'r's bro- ther. Mr. A. HeSteick. at Royal Oae, Vancouver Isle. . WINNERS OF SCHOLARSHIP The Hay Township Memorial Scho- latehips, e.! .1,; • • three pupils ;row th,‘ 'i.evee sip ee .171.V tie Mil marLs 021 the, .Entrance Examination, were won as lst, Chelsea Thad; 2nd Yrera : Flaxbard; $rd Ruth Brown, an ot the 'Zurich &hool, S. S. No. 7 HO Township.• We congratulate these pupils on winning these splend- id asearde. Wt. regret very much to learn of I thee painful accident which befell :Primcillor Mr. Wrn. Haugh of the 1,10. con., the other day. In some weY the end of the rope of the sling heIr. Haneh'sbarn became detatch- eck and:While I.Vlr„ Haugh was makings! 't4e repair the carriage became trip- ped, which. let Mr. Haugh down as the earriage crossed the barn, with• the, i'eSult that he was lowered :30 idly- with the ,slack created in the rope that he hit the beam with a tremendous force with his body and :ceasing bad bruises. Mr. Haugh will ba -laid up for some time ,but we are happy' to say he is improving very faVeraCy. HYMEN1Ar.., PRICES CONSIDERABLY IN WATCHES Hess, The Phone 74 Jeweller Zurich The color guarantees tic,fe quality Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and. Rosedale Alberta, Tile and trick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid Ear Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 HENSALE. :, 4,400,T,4-t,,,4b tk. 04,0,,00.4141-0.0 004 .4.4,5.a...Q.,Q.4,p,o4kovvo.tvve-04-14%,04,v,v eo. ✓ co, • o. ••op vp- 6 0 • 1P• d.: . e. . go- . .e... 4 OP. • el. • a.' + CO' * ItlY•." • 0. • 4N4' • ISP' • OA • • 10' ek, • qq,' : e ,.. • S •- * *13 • li, O & , • f0- • 0'.v, • ,S, • V- • 4',i. • <VP 4, e • c.0 . 4 • ..'4, • * cl' * . te 4, 0 O etc, . .0., # 4.5, • C.I. te 4 44.4.4,0.4.41."01.43 4 444%00 cii:, 44? .4. +1,4N4,4*,1 Co 4.'3.1.0 4".'1,1.%- •,',..`" c,' 4 - • ..: .. ' ..r. C. ,I. 4; -i: . •t .„ . ALL P ICE t.....01VIPETITION E,,,,,,,,,i • IN Tailored To easure Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $19.50 COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED! 11401:"?.) P"'21 • EMBALMERS AND D:RECT ./1.11•••••••••••••••••••••••• A very pretty but quiet wedding took, place at tbe United Church Manse, Welland, Ont., on Saturday JUly 4th, when Miss Pearl Elder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Elder Of Hensall, was imited in marriage to Me. Delbert"L. Geiger, son of Mr. and SKT.g. Roland CT i of Zurich!. Rev, Roy M. Geiger, uncle of the k groom, performed the cerent,r*, . The bridal couple left later- on. a short motor •trip to Nigara, Toronto Everybody Invited and North Bay, Their ineoy friemlsi The Cemetery Board, join hi nearty ecmgrai.vtl6Q1is., , r6ivigaisigamoirrawma, ..,. annb an WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtains, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Men's and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls, Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots,. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 and 10c. package Garden Seeds. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND" R. N LT)Osi t'Cil '153 r4011 inu GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 -97 azgagaywrzwargawmagazffszizzarowmatui If' 0:Vs,