HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-02, Page 8rit>•W'.nt.1 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK + YI HouseFurnishings New 4 -yd. wide Linoleums in Stock. 3 Patterns to Choose from. Bring your , Room Measurements . and let us estimate cost. We meet Mail Order House ,,,P'>tiic} s,., .,ail,;; 2 yard wide Floor Oils, sq. ydl. 55c 2 yd. wide Feltol, sq. yd. .. ....... »:,.f ' 03c, : 2 yd. wide Baroleum, sc Yyd. 45c Linoleum, Congoleumi, or Feltol Rugs_ o]kro- cured for you at short notice. Linoleum Rugs 9x10% at $11.50 Congoleum Rugs, 9x 10 Y/2 at 9.50 Feltol Rugs, 9x10 1/2 at 6.90 All other sizes at corresponding pries Window Shades, green or cream with roller....49c A Complete Range of Curtain Goods, Drap- ery Materials, Made up Curtains, • Chintzes, Cretons... We Stock No. 1 Quality Goods Only. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, on Hand J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED . . ' PHONE 59 -„ CARE, OOTJRTESY - . and COMMON ' SENSE Are sill the most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident Statistics prove that:' The Greatest of these is COURTESY. . Drive Safely and avoid an Accident 7. . But be Prepared! ----A . few Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Property Rates Andrew MY MOTTO Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Damage,.. Etc., on Application by: iC � lir :Zurich Hess, + r -SERVICE AND.'SAFlfrT,~ t I %' wee••• wiiaaaa••aadoa•NwdwlaOrrslw HARDWARE - SEEDS of this FROST .... Coyne Farm had: Frost We and FURNITURE . s+ -Wire Fencing If you are thinking doing any Fencing FENCE for long life. . in and see our stock a Frost Fence .. the finest we've ever Heavily galvanised special by spice. ears for a lifedr process. Wears can quote you attractive prices. �k. s,1 ,,,lt r� ic:ii:. 4,74'i►�.gm ,lr6dirall7iiar"s ►,. a s 9;Ns .mss Now ion - ._ .4a to �rse.arra spear ®.. year, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! TIGHT k' ' LOCK. ZINC BONDED as enSese . FROST hare It1.1 SAVES YOU MONLY1, • PAINTS! PAINTS! T We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax 9.ti. . fYA ul'. ry�itF 4A.fi.F ii ? ,t5 I C , udyear Balloon and Cora" '(` res and rubes in •all •siz 1 ,..,.,.•,..,.-•k7 Furniture, Springs ands ' Beds."'''Felt and ":M Marshall Mattresses, .. +. .... +........7 t, = Plumbing, Furnace Work, •Evetroughing and Tinsmith - Iing our Specialty. Full line .af heavy and shelf Hard- •'a w ware always in stock. ' & ISTADE • = ZURICH - ONT. 1 QUALITY -- PRICE - SERVICE • Srsassdsw Mo o s RIM in 11 1111111 111111 IIIII 11111 10111111 1 11 {lY 11111111 11111 1111 11 1` 1111111. Ono NEW GroceryStore Amara Coffee (with cup and saucer) per Broadway Tea (with pitcher or butter dish) lb. 65c Certo, per bottle , 27c Catsup, large bottle, . 26 -oz. ..,19c Canned Cherries, per can . 10!c Soap, 4 cakes Many,Fjowers, and, i Karbol 21c Aunt Jemima Panceke�" Flour peCbo• 15cShuMilk (whiteshRe;:Jhsl>), per bottle 1 25c Save Your Caupons,,fq�' and �i�lverwart Menno Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED.' Phone 165 lor 04444 i jHardwar a and Furniture • „ YOUR p1� +,j�ldih� Iilllllll IIIIIIIIIIIHIIl111111111111111111I1111i11111111111111111II111111i111111111n IIIi111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '1y",i1iigiuglillq ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERS LOCAL MARKETS Miss Dareen O'Dwyer is at present • (Corrected every Wednesday) holidaying :at London. Mr, Menne Oesch motored to Kin.' sardine to wiz' it with friends on Sun- day. - Mr. and Mrs. Theo McAdams and sons attended the 1VIcAd2ms re-unoin at A,piain last Sunday. Mrs. Vallett her daughter Herva, and Mrs.Campbell and daughter Bar- bara Ann of Flint, Mich., are visiting at the home of Miss Anna Hes. Messra. George Crozier and Chas. Bartlette spent the week -end with friends, at Bruce Beach. Messrs Harry McAdams and Harry BIlassow were at Detroit and Claw- son lawson City, Mich., on *motor trip last. week.• Mr. Flossie Brawn left for Lon- don on Monday to attend the Wedd- ing of a girl friend • who is to be rnarried at 'St. °Marys. 1VBss , iV'oxa ,F{•errain, of. the Bang: of Montreal:staff, spent the week end}` at her home ill Clinton, attending a wedding on Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Deters and. sons are at present spending their vacation at ithe 'home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed.' Datais, Sr., and other relatives and friends. , TO VOTE JULY 27th. Winuipeg-Mpnitoba voters, ex- cepting in two northern constituenc- ies will go to the polls ,on July 27th to elect a Government, Lieut -Gover- nor W. J. Tupper, after a surprize 'Cabinet meeting of the Liberal -Pro- gressive Administration elected four years, ago, dissolved the ,,Legislature, set *i-ioxninatioon day, as July . ,17, • , aril election 'day ten days later. SOCIA. A,T .DAstovooD Daslindod, Jimme 26 '- A successful stsanvberi"y''socia1' "was held' `on • 'the, lawn of the Evangelical church at, Dashwood, under the joint auspices of the Ladies' Aid,. the choir and the Henrick Memorial Band. During the supper, music iwas furnished by the band. Rev. H. E. Roppel acted as chairman for the program presented in the 'church auditorium. The pro- ceeds amounted to $85. . ANGLERS GET SHARE God+enich--Huhdreds• of anglers hereabouts were up with tee sun Sat- urday to usher in the black bass sea- son. The mouth of the Maitland Riv- er was dotted ,with small tugs and smaller crafts. Conditions were ideal with an overcast sky and murky waters With the result that nearly everybody got his • quota. Archie Johnston landed a five -pound beauty and Bob ,Henry. afour-pounder. Lof- tis Dancey, R. C: Hays, Dr. Mabee, Jim Donaldson and other confirneil old time disiplels .:of Izaak Walton were at ithe fishing grounds before day -break and back home in time for breakfast, all with good catches, ready for the frying pan. CREDITORS' LOSS HEAVY Eggs 17, 15, 13. Butter, lb. creamery 29c Wheat Oats, bush. Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush. Flour cwt. Bran .=and shorts, ton 20.00 STORE. THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW 2 FENCPS ON THE •. FARM.' . LET ' US SUPPLY YOU WOVEN: WIRE, '�'# :: T'HE r, BEST 'SOF . ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING PLUG •+1 TROUGHING • AND EVE: SPECIALS! SPECIAiS! • Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c We aha have • some very Attractive �*, • Furniture. See Prices � in. Our New Beds, .Springs . and Mattresses, USED FURNITURE I Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites . on Hand; : + Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Kitchen Dining Tables; 'i, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. 4. One Donee Used Rockers ranging horn $2.00 U 72e.4. EE SURE AND SEE . THEM I p• 25 + , &JOhgt3iOYI Furniture. Phone 6$ • .......i•.�Fd�Ft#�tf4!i�4444{�I.444i+++++t�4�Fi�4. �t�F�F�Ftt�[N! tit - 32c 2.25 3. Potatoes per 90.1b. bag ........1.00 Live 'Hogs, cvat. 8.50 • Word has been received in th parts :lawyer J. J. Huggard, the Sea - forth :lawyer wh'o escaped after dis- posing of a great many of other peo- p1e's securities,. finally gave himself up -at Loa Aegles, CaL Being pen- ngess and up against it leo surrend, erec't to the police.. Ontario Officers 11� ,,I ,• nrlr`es m1 on eir way to bring him, ,back to ,Godern -hwhf-ere he, anlJ, be - cantle a. ben der.., of the Cogan•.Goa$ fair son i4 soetime at least, „ 1,1 II; TO' STUDY' TRADE • tJ' t`•. 'f • -,;1 E1,.,• • ; . +4<r.TJ- .'-,Q'ttawa .Four trade and tariff ex- pexts of the Canadian Government sailed Friday last, from Montreal for England, where they will co-operate ,with their oppositenunebers la Lond- on preparing the ground -work for (a new Canadian trade agreement wxth.ithe, United Kingdom_ 't4--4 •„11i4K1yS IPP'ERWASH PARK The,,Ontario Government will take over a stretch of Ipperwash Beach on Lake 'Huron, north of Forest, one half mile in length and containing apaproiimately 200 acres, it was•an- noulu ed. by M. D. McVicar,. and" W. A. Guthrie, M L A., following, an inspection: >aif thearea Saturdays fast made by premier Hepburn and C Waters',comptroller,, in, compani With the 'I.ambton, ;members, of' the; L'e'" islalt `ire` . ;gunderstood' und.erstood ,the Gyeriinient'llaan Option en the ysrpVeity lat .it Priee otf approXiinately $1(6,060. The'. intention is to take over the park as from July 1, but it isnot expected there will be much de- velopment done this year as the total appropriation for all parks purposes, in the .province is said to be only $25,000. It was announced the Gov- ernment has agreed to a refinencing of the 'Tedford Cold Storage which is partly owned by the Government and this will ,be, done atan interest rate of 4 per cent. instead of 6% per ,cent. Claims against John J. Haggard, missing Seaforth lawyer, range Flom $1.53 to $15,000, it is revealed n, t .statement of affairs compiled un- 11er the 13ankrtuptcy. �ict,,, d,� i\Tot3ee jmave Ibeen''Sent'td `creditors froth the ;Gta<ranty .Trust Company .dlf,,Csn, It linporary citstodians of the estate, notifying .theih of the 10rSriKeting of creditors which is being held , oil+ 7�7ne 17th ate the town hall. Total }liabilities • are listed' as $150;6091.1'2 ;and assets, including fixtures, book debts, cash in bank and cash surren- der value; of life ,insurance policie., •4•t 1372.00, leaving an apparent de- ficit of $150,237.12. The largest in. lividua.1 loser listed is Alexander Campbell, Seaforth, $15,000. It i:•a il'(licted losses may reach $200,000 ,n1 assets $2,000, which would give creditors one cent on the dollar; al- lowing nothing for expenses. SCHOOL REPORT .The following is the report of Pro- motion • exnms held at S. 8. No. 14 ITo. Sr. IV -Allan Crerar 66.2. To Jr. III.: Blanche ;Green 83.1. Luanne Ropp 82.7. To II -Jean Alexander 81.5. The highest mark in spelling. (50 ) was obtained by. Blanche Green, in Arithmetic (98) by Jean Alexander, in Geography (92) by Allan Ca -ear. M. I: Wwrkman, Teacher, SCHOOL REPORT S.'. S: No. 11 Hay. Promotion anis. Names appear in order llq .&1'l l rt �`,�N+ 5 .b fi Sir. IVCeeilia Masse. Sr:;: iii; plronse' Jefi'ir'ey,'. Huber Du'oharin . ,,,. Jennison, Eileen. Pat- ;to.ranalr ;L?o •.. Piexrel, Dueharme, Rena Claiser, Ruby Gainer, Lorne Belo: - ling, Pearl Jennison, Louis :Masse' ,,Sr. II -Gerard Jeffrey, Ivan Masse Antionette Masse. Jr. II --Juliette Masse, Ortha Geis- er,' Archie Masse,' Blaine Ducharme, Boob Jennison. S,r. I-tlltigrti ,Ilendrick. Jr. I -Elmore Bexerling. . Average •al;itenadancc 19. F.nnrol:m • ent for yr, 23. ' :School was opal '18614 days. IL H. 13rokenshire,, Teache. Ex. of Mens 0,04.B0y9 orkShOe'§' Zurich Garage EiTRA EXTRA., We have put in. a Stock of Good( a Cl iff i r s • , • " . Wil'S LAl<tGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES nd Boys' Work Shoes, and JUST ARRIVED invite the public to ,come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOriiEr4'S ' RtniBERs. MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFIT .FD BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING G . Your• Patronage 'Sof icttecl` - Regular $10 ffeavy Service at ..6:35 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Service Tires 6.9er " Best of Gasoline at per gallon. 23c Lubricating Oils and Greases at Cor.. responding Low Prices, Get Your Requirements Here. .whert p`. Your Dollars Go the Farthest!' Expert Workmai ship on all Makes of Cars, with mages Very Reasonable - IE. MOUSSEATT Phone 103. " • Zurich ImlllI111t11101111iIfUINII1Vll11(il(glpmlti(11111Up1(3 . 41R1Q(lnllllj o Ilf l(Itt i(nIo u ti !s„iry�t p@ylliUllJIIfIIAtI�IiUI�INIIUIII�ll ngire , t_ `THEE I 1 I • ij�i to i'e without Notice Painting Wagon - . $7.00 and 10.00 =„ Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top Rerirnming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft . Cross Bar ' ' 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 . 1.00 . 1.25 .....-- 25c Buggy Reach 11;44., Buggy Spokes each SS, 'the Repair MMai • I •, :111l111m11111111111I111mIfmlmlllmmhml U11m11111(Ufm1611111mlim11f1(Igmf1M1 iM11111111111• 6111111(Ilii}11.I,'i1111 mtllmJilml!IfgmllmlmiIMTImg 11111lm11111 , MASSEY=HARRIS NEWS We Have Opened Our ; Hospital for Sick Mowers. Bring your's in early for Overhaul Job. .Estimates as to Cost .cheerfully given. We will Repair ansy ,Makc.a Machine! Genuine .MasserAtAtitatarts, Fit Best an • r r (i : Wear 1,,, ,i el` TP'T',+ ;gust t } v(�omPw9rnb.5eenlhT. tskiw. Oil 134h' Mower Super l..t *ie. •T 4 al vv$j 1 an I/and : Mid' used Tires' GAS ` ' . OIL ' A.ND GREASE How about ,a Cream Separator Demonstration? Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS ,AUCTIONEERING? YES! ,