Zurich Herald, 1936-07-02, Page 6ICE
of the
Toronto Does Better
At the end of May there were 80,-
016 individuals on the Toronto relief`
xo11s, as compared with 101,643 on
the sante date last year—a reduction
of twenty per cent. In the first five
months of this year, as compared with
the first five of 1935, the gross cost
of relief in that city dropped by
At the end of May there were 19,-
988 individuals on the Ottawa relief
rolls, a decrease of a little more than
one per cent from 20,218, which was
the total on May 31-a year ago. The
number of families was actually
higher, having risen from 4,580 to
4,604 in that time.—Ottawa Journal.
Starlings Saved Crop
Every now and again the Star's
wandering reporter, Dan McDonald,
runs across something that appears
to upset the usual ornithological data.
Now, from. Harry Collins, of Echo
Bay, he gets a testimony in favor of
the starling, bounties for the killing
of which are offered in many sec-
tions. Mr. Collins says the starlings
last year ate the cutworms and saved
his crop. Next, please.
Recipe For Long Life
Perhaps the only reliable recipe for
long life is a discriminate choice of
parentage and ancestry. We once
heard Sir Oliver Lodge say that a
human being at birth is endowed with
a definite amount of vitality, which,
barring accidents, will maintain Iife
for a certain period of years, and no
more. One thing is certain, and that
is that human beings are never in-
tended to live on indefinitely, other-
wise the planet would become over-
crowded and the rising generation
would never get a chance. "Here we
have no abiding city." •— Stratford
Beacon -Herald.
From Afar
Bicycles In Traffic
A boy on a bicycle and another
playing "tag" on the streets were
killed in Toronto. We have noticed
that some boys on bicycles ride as
though they were playing "tag" with
the motor traffic. There should be
some rule of the road for bicycles.
—Stratford Beacon -Herald.
Status Of The Ladies
Mrs. Geo. R. Mayo has been ap-
pointed supervisor for radio receiv-
ing licenses in. Perth County. Should
ladies be appointed to all those posi-
tions, a householder will soon not
know whether a lady visitor is a wel-
come guest or is just another inspec-
tor, to see if you have the proper eel -
lection. of licenses or permits.—The
Stratford Beacon -Herald.
Doesn't Just Seem Longer
All in all, it seemed clear that
mariage is distinctly beneficial to the
health of the individual. The married
person's life is better regulated with
regard to sleeping hours, mails and
Most husbands have a strong sense
of responsibility to their families
which makes them avoid conditions
likely to impair their capacity as
wage-earners; they, therefore, shun
known sources of infection and haz-
ardous adventures.
Moreover, married couples have a
solicitous regard for each other's
health which often insures timely
medical attention to condition which,
in single individuals, are likely to be
ignored until the damage is beyond
repair. — Brockville Recorder and
0E13 FAMOUS FOR', let
SPASMS■ *wenn
Camp Fires
When you want to cook a meal in
camp. don't hang. the pot. Build a
small low fire on clay or gravel be- tha+ only pip: tobacco can be grown,
tween two stones or pieces of wood and "we grow thst only indifferent -
needed. When cooking is over, douse
the embers thoroughly. It won't hurt
Test Huge Tank
One of the army's new 13=ton tanks being tested at the Aberdeen, Md,. provntg-grounds rumbling
over a three-foot wall. Various mechanized weapons and' new artillery are undergoing rigorous test at .
the proving grounds. '
Sure Signs
When a boy commences to wear a
necktie, he is growing up, remarks
a contemporary. When he cleans his
teeth regularly, parts . his hair scru-
pulously, and shines his shoes, it
means that he has a girl around the
corner somewhere— St. Catharines
Tobacco In Ireland
Irish Independent, Dublin ---farm-
ers have been persuaded that they
can retrieve their fallen fortunes'by
cultivating wheat and ,obacco. Last
year the area under wheat was 1.63,-
000 acres, and we are informed that
Dr. Ryan that owing to .the *et sea-
son there will be no increase in the.
acreage this year. Wet sowing sda-
sons and harvest periods are not of
rare occurrence, and in connection
with a crop so sus••eptiblo to climatic'
conditions as wheat those who con-
template a production ample to satis-
fy home requirements are certain to
ex,'erience some disappointment. It
appears from the minister's statement
pot. In this way very little fire is
just far enugh apart to support the } l ." In any event, if enough to meet
the entire home consumption were
produced, only ten thousand acres
would have to be put under tobacco:
to use several pails of water. Finally, Distributed among half a tiiilhon
throw the charred sticks into the lake landholders, the revenue to the Agri
or river. cultural community would not be
Above all, don't build a fire on
isle codons.
forest mold. This will retain heat for pendous.
Colonization Blunder,
days aro sometimes fire breaks out Once more, a chicken hatched..fhom
again from it. (
Never throw away a match without ll considered and inept gel/ern-me-k1'4
first breaking it Cigarettes, which I iinterference with the natural eapan
do most damage, should be snuffed + sion of primary production has come.
out between the fingers —Sault Ste- Home to roost. Despite the warnings
Marie Star. from competent authorities of the at
Sylvia Sidney, Actress, Says
She Has Learned
a Lot
LONDON — Twenty-six-year-old
Sylvia Sidney fitted a fresh cigarette
into her holder and said, "I don't
want to talk about my marriage."
But she did talk about marriage,
with a feeling, which must have been
informed, by 'her own recent and
first—experience of it, which ended
in the divorce court after seven
"I deny that marriages among`
Hollywood pepple last less long than
others," she said. "They seem to
—but only because every break-up
is so much publicized.
"My own marriage would have
been just the same if I had been an
unknown stenographer. But at least
I wouldak't have gone to business each
morning . among people who were
looking Tor the first sign of a glum
face so` that they could lick their
lips aria' say, 'Well, that's gone on
the reeks.
• "I" don't think fame has any-
thing to do with happy marriage.
It is the relationship between
two :human beings by themselves
that succeeds or not,
` 11 ,dgii.ger», lies in ,..the people
y themselves. What marriage teaches
you is that to make it succeed it te-
quires the finest kind of people. It
requires more generosity, tolerance,
Sympathy and patience than it is
possible to imagine before you have
tendant risks and the dubious pros
pects of success, repatriated soldiers,°
Three Times — Out ! any of whom had but slight know -
"Three strikes and you're cute ledge of farming, were settled in the
will be the effect of a new he way Northern Mallee, Victoria. Even in
traffic safety program inaugurated riche] soils and more favored areas,
in Neve Brunswick. In the case of , experienced men find farmie a see-
minor offences, a first offender will culative enterprise, owing to .the va-
have his license endorsed and a re- gasses our climate, In tie new
port sent to the registrant. When an l areas thehe our
odds against the settler
Officer makes a third ,such endorse- were far heavier. Given s orable
menta the operator will be forced to seasons, prospects of success became
take his car from the road for at I remote with the slump in wheat
least a month. Royal Canadian 1 prices, and remain remote. hitherto
Mounted Police, who police the pro- the seasons have been almost e.on-
vince, have been instructed to put : sistently against the settlers, who
on a drive for stricter enforcement! have carried on courageously in the
of the traffic law. • I face of drought, disappointment and
Cars will be checked tl rougheut : discouragement. Now a crisis has
theear and such checks will include I been reached where it is impossible
brakes, lights, license plates, and to carry on the lost fight,—The Aus-
other equipment. Cars which pass m- ; tralasian.
spection will display stickers and cars
Iselin; such stickers or with thew Son9 Abroad
out -elated, will be halted an.] inspect- To
ed. Every car must be equipped with
devices for dimming lights and driv- Vernon Hayne in th
Hi folks! Just a reminder about
Joe Malcewicz —we expect the
whirlwind elbow smasher back in
these parts soon now.
That big red -head, Toreny Ped -
den, will accompany the Olympic
cycling team to Berlin this year.
Incidentally, Torchy's brother may
be on that team.
They say money and fame have
not changed that good - natured
Irishman. ,Tames J. Braddock. He
lives in the same modest apart-
ment and still shakes old friends
by the hand with a real, true grip.
Ralph Fountain, 21 •• year - old
youth from Abbotsford, 13,C., ped-
alled his bicycle 3,400 miles in
33i/ days. He had three punctures
on his journey between British
Columbia and Ontario. On this
gallant trip the lad averaged 100
miles a day. He said he passed
through snow three feet deep. He
caught -fish nearly every day, and
fried them by the roadside, He
averaged ten hours e clay through
out the trip.
We'll be back next week with
data on speed records rightfrom
the Indianapolis Speedway. So
long, gang!
If you have any question re•
garding sport personalities or
any particular angle to a game,
write to lien Edwards, Room.
421, 73 Adelaide West., Toren-
to. If a personal reply is desi--
ed, enclose a staropetl (3c) self-
addressed et velepe.
ors are required to dim lights at least (London).
300 yards before meeting another or Thirty years ago; if I remember right:
as soon as it is visible.—Niagara I sailed from England, I was just 'e
Falls Review. boy,
Like you, my son, of whom I think
Asleep beneath the Eastern stars.
Now I a'dreamiug by a Winter fire
Recall my youth, and in the flickering
I see you, and I pray that you old
Will gain your heart's desire!
e Empire Review;
A horse never looks quite at ease
ruling in a truck.—Quebec Chronicle.
Another Chancellor
Mussolini is to assume the title of
"chancellor." Hitler may take this as
a compliment or may resent it as
an infringement of copyright.—Ed
monton Journal.
Simple Justice
St me interesting observation', have
been reported by a gro'ip of English
and American law students now
studying the Russian cullet system.
The Soviet legal reaehiner;l, it ap-
pears. ie dtstitguiseed for its hem ity
and ;lireetness. Judges. and not the.
lawyers, conduct the trials and pre-
cedents just don't count. Lawyers
are not l'equired, and 'many litigants
conclnet their own cases even in the
higher courts. There are long sta-
tutes; procedure is decidedly simple,
and legal loopholes are practically
Other features -of. the Soviet sys-
tem. of course, are less tenable, such
as that placing all lawyers in a eel-
loctivist unit and thus depriving them
, "Sleeping Beauty"
To Have Lose Life
She Can See and Hear, But
Can't Speak Nor
EDMONTON, --- Fresh from the best
side diagnosis of Patricia McGuire,.
Oak Park's famous "Sleeping Beauty"
Di Rene Cruchet, neurologist and pe-
diatrician of the University of l0ord-
eaux, France, said litre that the girt
will probably live to be a ripe old age
-- a living -mummy. .
World famed. for his discovery 'of
oncophalitls lethargica:, dread malady
which leaves its victims paralyzed,
Dr. Oruchet has been doing reeoareh.
work as guest professor at the univer-
sitifis in New Orleans and Chicago.
He examined Patricia who has been
asleep since February 15, 1932, and.
on his Edmonton visit said she had
appeared to hear and understand
everything he said to her.
"Tears appeared in her eyes when
.spoke of her siblcness," said the far-
famed medico.
His diagnosis convinced him that
the ''Sleeping Beauty" of Oak Park is
Skirts A r e t condemned to live for years, seeing
and hearing what isgoing on
Over Shorts her, but unable to move or speak —
in other''words, living a lifeless life.
The noted specialist looks like the
popular conception of a Frenchman.,
He is slight and wears a generous
beard. He left Edmonton headed for
Color Schelales 'Brighter. Un
crushable Linen
PARIS, Dress ileuses here art
presenting their first cruise and their
beach clothes. The dresses or skirts
vary considerably it style, but they
invariably are word with shorts, . that
are either short and tight or are'inade
to look like knee-length skirts. The..
latter aro either flared or pleated and
are seen most frequently in uncrush
able linen. m
The color schemes are gayer and
brighter than usual, in contrast to the
sobriety of spring clothes, which were
somewhat affected by the period of
mourning in English court circles. A
pair of brown linen beach shorts are
.worn with a bright orange woolen jer-
sey and a. full-length coat of brown
linen .
Beach dresses in uncrusbable'linen
look tailored enough to be cairn on
the street with' a shallow -crowned,
"large -brimmed linen hat to match.
But on the beach, a cape, jacket or
shirt can be unbuttoned to reveal
brief shorts and a brassiere top. The
halter necks still are the most popu-
lar as the entire back can be left bare
and open to the sun.
Beach trousers have replaced pa-
jamas, withan accompanying tailored
and a' backless blouse of bright print
for beach wear. For cruising, the
blouse is replaced with a sleeveless!
silk jersey sweater with. a turtle neck.
Still Hold Hope For
Suffrage in Quebec
MONTREAL — The Woman Spf
rage Bill was defeated in the Legisla-
•tive Assembly at Quebec because the
"party whips cracked," F. A. Monk.
the sponsor of the bill, declared at tha
annual meeting of the League for the
Women's Rights here.
Mr. Monk said he saw no reason for
discouragement. He believed that the
next year there would be a changed
mentality and that the members would
feel "free to vote."
When the women of Quebec do get
the vote they will know a good deal
about it, Mrs. Pierre Casgrain said as
she outlined the efforts that had been
made to reach the people throughout
the province and interest them in the
been married.
"It: doesn't take long to find out
if you've made a mistake.
"That doesn't mean there is any-
thing.wrong with marriage. The fault
is in the people. They will probably
try 'it all over again later."
"Cin your?" I asked.
Tlia answer was a raised shoulder,
a raised eyebrow, a quick "who
knows?." and a change of subject.
• Miss Sidney, who earns 0600 a
week, says she would go crazy with-
out work to do.
"I never talk shop," she says.
"When I finish a film that's the end
of it, ' I can't even remember the
lines I spoke or the names of the
She has one feature the screen —
even in color—has never brought
out. Shy blue eyesywith et fleck of
.brown in the right fine.
foreign Students
Chosen for Canada
Do you like heat and sweat of scorch-
ing noon,
The sun -drenched languor of a tropic
And gaudy scented flowers which die
so soon,
The while you yearn a simple English.
Will you love swimming 'in an einer-
ald' sea
Dyedby a fiery sunset's crimson hue,
Yet, long for England, dim and lar
And all the homely scenes that once
you knew.
Yes! like its all she'll call you home,
This island kingdom we all love so
Slio claims her sons wherever they'
May roam,
This Motherland of ours.
So dreaming by the fire this Wintry.
of fees IIn this, our England, sombre -hued
But in the main their systems does' and gray,
seen) to Have achieved one thing --•a, Your Dad salulos you, and he knows
simplified, , direct a n d inescapable I my 0011
court sot-up.-•-I<itelienor Record, 1'1'hat you'll be coming home one dayl
Distinct Shortage
In Domestic Help
Toronto Employment Aents
Say There Is Need
for Cooks
• KINGSTON, Ont. --A student from
France and one from Germany will
represent their countries as exchange
students at Queen's University the
coming session. They are Daniel Vil-
froy and Carole Kreuger. Both are
Mature students and both expect to
conte to Kingston with their doctor's
degree they are now completing.
Vilgroy is 24 and has studied at
Sedan and. Paris. Miss Kreuger is
also 24 and has studied at Bonn, Ber-
lin and Kostock. She is the daughter
of a German government official.
Jack Henley of Oshawa and Edna
Lorimer of Brockville represented
Queen's gabroad last terns. These stu-
dents will be replaced next term by
'Murray Cowie of Peterborough and
Bernard O'Beirn of Toronto.
Swimming baths can now be kept.
pure and safe for use by means of a
new Dutch process of filtration, which
calls in the help of a certain microbe
to fight any disease bacteria in the
TORONTO, — There is a, distinct
shortage of domestic help especially
of experienced cook -generals, accord-
ing to the information given to the
Evening Telegram, both by Miss L. 0.
R. Kennedy, head of the women's di-
vision, Employment Service of Can-
ada, and by Miss Ada Ross, in charge
of the Young Womanls Christian Asso-
eiation employment buseau.
"At.this time of year the scarcity
of experienced help is always acute,"
said Miss Kennedy. "Golf clubs and
summer hotels are opening, and many
girls and women prefer such work to
nositinns In private homes." Toronto
has 2,550 unmarried women on relief,
but Miss Kennedy pointed out it would
be incorrect to infer they should be
in domestic work.
Miss Kennedy stated that during
the last few years many Toronto girls
and women previ'ottsly in "white col-
lar" positions had, on the Employ:
meat Service's advice, turned to do-
mestic work -Others had not been urg-
ed to do so bedause they lacked the
robust physique or because their tem-
perament was such as to make it eve.
dent the switch would be -unsuccess-
Bank of Canada $2,00 Bills
Raised by Counterfeiter
OTTAWA The Bank of Canada
disclosed recently search was being
made for a man who had raised three
or four of the bank's bills by skilful
art work, faking a $2 bill into a $20
on one occasion.
Governor Graham Towers said he
believed there were not more 'than
four of the bilis in circulation and
that they had been traced in Ontario
and Manitoba.
To Check Cheating
Among Pensioners
WINDSOR, Ont, — In a move to
stamp out "chiselling" among recipi-
ents of old age pensions Essex County
Council decided recently, to• furnish
each municipality in the county with
a list of pensioners every three
months so a, constant check can be
made on those being supported in
part by the inunicipalities.
'The discussion of pension chisel-
ling was marked by the declaration
of Reeve Robert Atkin, of Malden,
that politicians are largely respon-
sible ;far pensions being granted to
undeserving persona, Re claimed
that' office -holders frequently exert
their political influence to have pen...
sions granted to constituents after
the local*, pensions officials 'have re--
joated the applications.
The first admiral ever appointed
was William de Leybourne, who was'
mnadeAdmiral of the English Seas
Ie: ear
Stunning and Cool
by Edward n I, ' th y 1091
"My how slim you are P' ex-
claims your neighbor who is quick
to admire your new slenderizing
daytime frock, You'll rejoice in-
deed over the cectes seamed shirt,
simple fitting bodice and the gath-
ered yoke. Don't leave your dress-
making until the days are too hot
to bother about it, do it now and
be ready with something smart to
cion, just think how nice and
cool the neckline will feel, when
temperatures begin to rise!
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1874.
13 is available in' sizes 14, 16, 18, •
20, 40, 42 and 44. Correspond-
ing bust measueentents 32, 34, 36,
38, 40, 42 and 44. Size 16 (34)
requires 414 yards of 35 inch
Write your name and address
plainly, giving number and size
of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin perferrecl)
wrap it carefully and address
your order to 1arbara , Bell', 7
West Adelaide St., Toronto,