HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-02, Page 5T haredaet, July 2nd, 1.'.lti'lu` BUSINESS GIRDS LEGAL Ii.D,L: {'"E , 110.1.4MS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICR, Ontaariiot Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work, :Mr. Holmes may be consulted at 'Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENT -AL Dr. W. D. BR1eCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DETTZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Tlfursday, Friday, Saturday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASIiWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. H. GOWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc: Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. Al]' diseases of domestic animals treateddale by the most modern poi night Charges reasonable. Day or Bre- ederpromptly attended r Inverness seder of S3cottiele to .itpk' . Street. Ilennels. Office ort, Wee rI Qsixe_ 'EWA Ra 'Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- rduct any Auction Sale, regardless" rat to size or article to sell. .:1 solicit tour business, and if not satisfied will : na1ce no• charges for Services Ren- flexed. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood :Phone 13-57. PRODUCE d'am Pic duce A N T •-11) HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, EGGS, AND POULTRY W:,O'Brien Phone, 1101, Res: 94, Zurich B U. T'C'I;I,E.R S Zurich°' Popular T4.1AT MARKET ,Let Us supply you with the orrery Choice of Fresh and Cur- . ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ent., always on hand. Kept r% fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins - . Yungblut & Son INSURANCE �. VVu, Worrt. For Sale LOA, Fob, Etc. Ads.. in this House For Sale A Good Frame House, was completely re -.r c dolled only `ct few years ate. Will sell very 'reasonably. House to be ? 'mov#,d .frond prreseni„location as soon as possible:`,' Apply to: Mousseaji, .:Zurich iF ±t, LOST A 'Between Wagner's Corners and Zurich, an autosthai1e-r endboard and ?license plate 17444. Finder please iret.ur.n to owner. ---Robert Baker. FOR QUICK. SALE A 7 -foot Massey Harris binder, jAiso, an. Oliver riding plow Jos. Druar, Zurich. NO T1GE: We are moor taking orders for Binder Twine. :Please let us have your arder at once_• E. Blake Hamar,.' Secy. Club. HOUSE ";FOR SALE Consisting .taf 2'/ lots in Zurich. Good brick house, Bard and soft water, frame barn all in good repair; known as the Henry Lipphareit Estate For further particulars apply to: Mrs. George Fee, HensalL FOR- SALE HAY—About seven acres of good alfarfa.hay, standing for sale. Apply to—Jaliia Ga etereZurich. der vearrommanmenhave.se. Lori Man's Raincoat on Bronson line, Hay.:,' on Tuesday. Finder please' re- turn to Wm. Thiel, Zurich. A e trantityef seed Buclyih'eat for^ quick sale. Apply to : •Ed. s artman,' Phone. 15-98, Zurich. - FOR' SALE hale`' ar mu6er ori nice • broilers for; sale- 'Price:; 25c• each ' • Ferd .Haherer,, , Zurich. R OR. *SALE z LOGAL rows Miss Anna Datars •is spending < k few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mai,. motored to London on Friday, • The .Evangelical Lawn ,social vv:Os a great success last Friday evening. On Thursday last, Mir. Milton Me Adams and,hiis'aunt, Mrs: Roy Pas; made is flying visit to London. The local Mennonite church is hole •ing special services and are being, ,well attended. Miss K. McLean, t•.eac• er• of< •thi> 1.4th con. school deft for her. hornet et Kincardine ori -Friday. ", , IJ. ,Mr. Norman Gascho, of the Lon,. don Byron San., is spenarng a few days with his family. here. Mrs. Cathern Rader, Mr. Fred. Rader, Mx. and Mrs. Louis Kraft, of Dashwood, were Sunday, 'visitors at the home of Mrs. Clara Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Broc:house, o` South Bend, Ind., are visiting at the home of tivir: and Mrs. A. F. Hess. Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, spending a few days at the home of HyYungiblut. • Mrs. Roy Pask of Clawson, Mich.:,. ]s spending two weeks at the home of her mother•, Mrs. Wm. Bassow and other relatives. .Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and little daughter Patsy of London cal- led at the home of Mrs. C. Bilber an Monday evening. • lMr. J. E. Hamilton of London, spent the week -end with his... to i,1y, who are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John G,alster., Mr. George Crozier, who has been on the local bank staff for about a year has been tratnsferred to Port' Hope, and will be leaving on Thurs: day. George's many Zurich friends will regret seeing hire leave. Miss Nora Fremlin, who has been taking a. course in the School of ,Cor merce, has accepted 'a position in th Banes of, Montreal, Zurich, and take over immediately. Miss Nora will b aisee'cl n town; iCliiiton rows-Rec 1 ord. t. s e " Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truenrner ane 1 family Mr. Conrad Truemner andFTVI and Mrs. W. T. Truemner all otethe 14th con.,, on Sunday 'attendedc'the Evangelical ,clamp meeting at Calk where several thousand people ter- ered on this annual event. t A Birthday party was celebraltiti d at a the .borne 'of Mrs: Wen, Bass an in. honor 'of her grandson, Master ,Npi. man Miller. There 'were about 30 in attendance. All having a very merry time. Mrs. Edward M!cMurchey of Sea mans, ,Sask., is visiting with aerltives and old friends around here at pres- ent. Mrs. Mc;M;urctiey being a dau-' Offer of ;Mee,:Moses Geiger. «1k'liiss' Jessie'MacDona]d,, teaely r of Zui'sch public ;school,' Room; ITT,.' left Eor Tier home near itK.incardine '„in Fridayss MacDonald,,,as well .aa f ;the other siaft • of the school have ,bpeir re-errgag'ed for another year.;•-.•. Mr. and IVlns. Blake Horner of the Consisting of Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay '14th con., motored to Welland for. tTownship, 100 acres of choice farm- the week -end and returning” hone :ink land; situated on Parr Line. Ow- ,they were accompanied by''Mis. H�o.•_ to interests in the West, I wouisi+ner's father, Mr. Moses Geiger, who ?tike to sell immediately. For further will spend' the summer months with. I partieulai s apply to ,his children and friends. Gordoot P1,rhus, i'roprietor, Struck By Auto Iv0TICE We are now agents - far the Pares- ian Laundry and •; Dryr ;Cleaners of London. Your `eleatiinig and laundry will , be ,:taken dorsi Tuesday.' . • and aetterned on Friday t,f each. week'' • - Thiel'° Transport. ' . ' • Uied Cars For" Sale We are offering the:Slowing Used • ` G^ans it'Or Sia e: t933 Plymouth Cniteli,' very reason - 'able hiprice." , 1931 FcirdE'flafux wed an ! i 929' raref Coupe,. a .good buy. All have grad tires, good upholst 'ering'and' nec34anica3l y • good s:'gon, a aover„careffu ;•lits tern Farriers MattiRing,House for;ale cv. coF .3 Yot�' '•c , �ti� t�tl�,}l';Irltc�i k r OF WOOD.1S'TOCK ,•. 14 11 ii5 i4 LS . 1 :,‘01 ti,SIE LARGEST RESERVE BAT.-, • • •CE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- NAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THS KIND' IN ONTARIO' .411abount of Insurance. at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1935, .$26;4'T9;730.0O' Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627-i.52;~:. sten--114.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F., Klopp—Zurich meal, A? so Dealer balidhtuin* Pods awl itakinds of r 1 urante I; cit rut .,st.r': €`f• e �t Y+; At. this tot of be year we fine our books eannrying considerable i accounts that are in most rages lone ,I iv'erdue and should have been train 4efore this.We are very presses ” or money just now and are obliged o mail out accounts, and • trust that )ur customers will • appreciate thr credit extended tee them by acting •, • ornptly, as we are basil!, in nervi c,. ;.; - money to moot our obligation.;. --rhe lXazel& irowietor. Mr. Chris. H. Haugh, Brucefield was struck down by a car on Friday last while wheeling on the road be- tween'Brucefield and his farm on tie Mill Road and had his arm fractured ,in two places. He was taken to Scott ;Memorial Hospital; in Seaforth, POPULAR CREDITON MAN PASSES The Rev. Lorne William Brown for more than rix years pastor of the Hollis Presbyterian Church,' Hollis. Queens, died in 1VIembrial Hospital, Mr. Brawn, who was 38 years old 'ad been a patient in the hospital for eight ,weeks. A native of Crediton tad a graduate of both Toronto Uni versityand the Union Theological Seminary, he was ordained as .a :ninister on May 30, 1926 by the arst annual conference orf the United -..ihureh of Canada. He served . as :as- .isitant at the First Presbyterian h}iroh of ,Stamford • Conn.+ and ..,oi Vov*ar255 1929, he Was formerly. ra, ;eived.into''the Brooklyn-NasSau,Pres 'anterye. He was then ' called to tht, Hgdlis Church: His pastorate' there, v'as,t•featitred by an fir Tease of , the ongregatubn'ttti about":, 850 pe sane„ ilnost double the previous member - Mr. Brown was interested in he Christian education work of his "resbytery, being one of the nine, vho last year reorganized its church xtension activities. Ile leaves his vife, who before - her marriage was 3elen Swazey, of Stamford, Conn; a daughter) four months old, and his "pother and a sister;; Mrs. Charolette is -own and Mrs. Henry Sweitzer, o•th of Crediton, Ont. The funeral. 'vice was held in the Hollis Presby - 'an Church. Burial took place in ,.inford, Conn. NOTICE Voters' List 1936 Municipality of Township of Hay County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that Have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I hays posited up at my office ;at Zurich P 0., on the 25th day of June, 1931/, the list of all persons entitled to vote' in the said municipality at municinel elections arid that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 'hereby call upon ail voter:• "o ,wake immediate proeeecx ngs to have any error or o=missions cer- Meted according to law, the last da-; or appeal being the 1Cth clay of .August, 1936.• ANDREW F. HESS, Cleric of Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario Darted at Zurich, ,this 30th day of June, 1936. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the repoit of the teromo:tiou Exams. o;L ' /. ,.,o. 0, Hay and Stanley. ` S. order of merit, and the nclas es areames are "arranged as they will be in Septem- ber .Sr. IV---'Jdith Swartzentruber, El•• 1a .Bohn, Anna Foster. • Sr. III— Gladys Baechlei Norma IIey, Mary Foster, Meade Baker, Yo:one Gelinas, Ambrose ''Iartman Vernon Oesch. si Jr. III—•Teddy Jeffrey, Bruce Ba- ker, Arthur •Gelinas, Laureen Oesch, Monica Hartman, Verna Gingerich, Harry Baeohler. 7"31—Harold Erb, Betty Baker, Ivan B` aechler. Sr. I --Stanley Gingerich, Orland Gerber, Jim Dinsmore, Vera Oesch, Leonard Foster, Victor Hey. Jr. I--1Clementt Regier, Roy Ern. Lucille Regier, Primer—Dorothy Oesch, Clare Baker, Irene Baker, Nola Baechler, Edse•] Ducharme, Marie Ducharme. Miss M• Douglas, Teacher. BASEBALL NEWS Well Folks! the unexpected fmaL'; happened. Zurich was soundly beat en tby Staffa in their own backyar•' to 'the tune of 9-2. This was tie ,first defeat the local boys have met this ,year, and as the saying goes "Fyoulctan'tt win them all." ;R4«thout": trying to take any glory .from ,Staffa for their fine victory, it anust-/be admitted that the Flying Dutchmen were weakened consider ably ,due to- sickness of their ace ' peler A. Heideman. However, R. Lillow who pitched for five innings, wasn't given the best of support by any means, as Staffa scored three un- earned rums during his stay on the reoundSi s11 rolii•' Stade retired Lillow to; stilt;'the, fifth and again three un earned runs -scored in, the sixb]i. Well the -bays• get •'rid of a bad game and sheuldiplay ibettler bald from pow 'on; Staffs played' heads • up: ball far the na9s't,,papkiand but for two errors would, have shut out the locals. As usual the battery of C. Kerslake and G. Kerslake were in fine form a nd they are tough to beat if given the necessary support. Batting averages of team and each player' for first half of schedule. R. Stade Lee O'Brein K. Lillow Len O'Brein h Yungb:lut A. Heideman E. Yungblut' .,7. Oesch L. Prang E. Gascho• M. Schilbe • C. Burn Team At bat Hits 22 12 2 1 9 4 22 22 18 27 25 23 26 13- 1 210 9 9 7 9 7 5 4 2 0 69 Ayes. 500 444 409 409 389 333 280 217 154 154 000 328 SALT IN HAY CURING One tenth of the value of the an- nual hay crop In Canada is lost, due to ;fire and spoilage caused by heating according to an estimate made re- cently by W. J. Scott, Fire Marshall for Ontario. ' He points out that this loss is not entirely the result of act- ual fires. Much of it is accounted for by heating that does not reach the ig- nition point but does destroy the• food valine, Owing,,^"tb '°fermentation and •bactezk l >aetion in„the, presence of ,nioiatut`e uThe^'earlstages of heating ist hayeare caused' largely by moulds ,and bacte'ria'thaeoo urr. naturally in bay ,If•tthis''is`net checked the tem- perattures maty rise' +to a point where cheitticed readtitins' are started and more heat is produced, with ultimate ignition. As a preventive measure, Mr. Scott advocates the use of salt, which has long been recognized as a preservative and a retardant of fer- mentation. •If used intelligently it Will slow down the heatingaction in hay and prevent dangerous temper- atures. The amount of salt recom- mended is to u ' . a P •2 to 30 pounds ton of hay. Salt, he poin P aut,will serve not only as a preventive of heating and spoilage but also will in- crease the food value to livestock. 4. 4. • • 0.L : PHONE 69 4. 4,44.441444.++++++++++++++4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++•t•++++4 PAGE FIVE rM010 ► wr iw► •gr,0,w,w00• a4r1rwrawin••rww r 1 NOTICE 1t !YYtG' [S y a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant•. . ':, Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteedi ' • • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same • Day. r v' •• Yours Truly, 1i ZURICH CREAMERY • o • • Ii11•••g•Qp•••••••••••!d•••® OY/p • l •+•• ••••••••••*•9•••: