HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-07-02, Page 4T
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. . . . . . ZURIC
it with'.4 splendidly arrarged #m- b9M *10 T-34150-4 10 4-e West gn,.F'.
1, L st, R F. raise 'am' ON �COUNTY NEW.-$
trad& 010.,y d a large t 11-,v, Mr,'and X -x% Ed, L I den of lfam�
R11 run. D-4 -1mg ithe eveT -. i -s -Inillod with -the -nowness and yAr-
all �ot *r)loma eolit wo*; Johli, A', the week-elld wJ the geot
r Volt -t For The 'Cbwfin'ut rinX 1. our a
66�k Arthur, Lawrence, Mrs. Hot.rold latt . sister, Mrs. �L E'rraft- a04 dmu� rw' 00L- M*NCW 'ast'. Wick
q pp." e0& IMiss jolan Woods Of Bayfield left 11'49 And Xt's, FX=ce 0
tiA Mx& I(elly of Grand Forki; NO- ' 'Mossrs, Robt..MoClinebey, �C, Iqo, oxi Friday fox, Montreal wvd 4,ailed.on iVtler Xt6e, were'presented by lrwia� the trees, the otwe4ow 4nd the bilIx.
actiolars of $,o S No' I Stan-! & of Minnepolls, Louis und Fred of Lukiler on behalf of those present a Oe jproAxWty of nelghbors�
Uy 4114 4heir keadhev xinley, Robt, Armstrong and W, Oil the Montrose on a trip
Mr,V1ctQv Din- Drit4sh, Columbia. KT.s, Mero, 4ade in witha, lovely rock-wX chair -as a T*m
ana '1� ber home with her daiii Mary Arinstrong took a trip to Walpole to the Old Coun-tTy'. She- will visit tj�j
I held 01 Pi�"k ce ;tnd xegret, at
4 Wdeu!"s on Satu,,-,J;,y I She )assed 4way �t Island one day recently, -England., Ireland and pr V
%_ Qroye loss they h%0 sustaied. XIM 0 --mm 'Munday of Wilioal",
_iarHodl. France.,... "$Xonnor was Ins.tantly Idilled lost Moulday. =4
the age of 8 0. years. Mrs. Williamson and two tons of' ImprovirL9 ltezohaw—.
heo- ri, Mundy, suffe-z
'The f4rmeV$ 'Are busy cutt4ilg hay Carstdirs, Alberta, spent a few diw We Are pleased to yeport that Mr. A pretty J�uzxe VweddinX took I
0 ed serious iWirries,: *hen the light 'de -
Monday last at the Manse at Grand -h they were rid-
-in *4 'Viclxiit,!� alid, report zt goQd w1th her sister, Mrs. Will S06tChnioT James HandfDrd, 'who had th6 =i., I Rvery track in whic
�ezqp this yeatm Mirs. Willi-anison has been renewing. fartui)e�.to fall and injure his 'hip Bend, wbon Rev. J. B, �MOOTe` Urd�&& ing'colgile'd With a prrked tralispbxt
DASHWOOD, jo%yndd 1by ]�Wp of Clinton, on,Wo,
acquaintances here, having taught No some itime ago i's tble to leave his be�Zi !'A Marriage GOU C%-TUtelI4, d0419'N-'
aass Liz#ie Love of Hexisall visited 4 North school a number of , year.,5 for a, little while each day. M;r-. Hand, ter -of Mr. and Mm. -Mmris Brenner 4 Wlghwfty� %4 m4le north -of Elgin�
'Wit! Xiss Allille Jarrott, ago. ford,,if � spared will, attain -the good Of Grand Bemd, and George X. Ueu-
T We was, char- Ael& W_�A�ztdywasrushedtq,Lon,
Id aglel�of 97 years On July 9, May shaw of De0ol. he bri -don hospital- w1tere 11 Was, believed he.
A y9mug %,on arrived at the home Miss Phyllis 114d spent the week� Miss Marie Hodgson and Mr. Scott ing in a smart tailored . suit of *Affte had suU-e=Aii fraetured skull., Jlis�
iof Mr. and Mrs. R, Con%itt, oil Thura- end in Centralia, of Westminster were Sunday last lie. long be spared is the,,wish of his in
many triends.-Exeter Times4dvo- sharkskin cloth with el
isitors with Nx. and -Mrs. Haroja �v low'�and brll� aaxidi�ovw= =54 to The critical,
Mrs. McFalls !mbyea her hbusehold v cate, accessories And a._-boulderlette of
zhe W.M.S', will be -held, at Vhe -effects to Bxelt:r *this week where she Penhp-lo, A Long Trip roses sweet peas and.,
y- UjRp4.
241ome of Mrs, R. McAllister on Wed- will re -side. Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Seotcylm6i; St.' Dr� Douglas Clarke,"i0ho bas been is Ale n ri,y, of orest,
day July 15th. ing" k -brief holiday at his home, the bride's oulv atteh4ent,'-', a
Dr. Eugelue 'P4eman of Hamilton, Roy alM Gordon, and Miss Ro�$6,Scoj_ spend'
koit, ,wit1l Godericil,.JeA forcjkosolhtion; in tho. tailored suit of, aqu4. sharkskin W-Kh Z M -CH, HERALD
Xr- W. Jarrott and Annie visited Is spending his vacation with his par- chillex"were visitors in'Det e, P. E isdied 1900
the foriher's son, Clifford 8catchnier. Mack n:ie, d1striqt,"N-.NW,T', where hp white accessories, iind sweet ' 6a�.
;at the -hQme:of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dol.- 'Will be 'in obarp, Of ibiok,�ical invest.� Wilbur A,,, Sears, of Detroit; as gro-
tional Museum OP '40]JOW.Ing ithe T
gMll near HensalL Mr. and Mrs. Norinall.Evans and W. M. S. Meet �ga�i nVoll the Nal oniSman. r Wreniotliy, .3 1$6 'EVERY WEDNESPAT,
Evans of Kitchener, spent d -the h
a re eption was given, Ut ome of
Mrs. George Hess of Hensall, 1's Tlx�e ladies of Goshen WM. S. ent6r-
the week -end with Mr_ -,and -MK,', ---1+y1 -Teacher Hired the bride's parents. NOON FROM THE
-5pendm,g a few days with Mr, and tained ithe Blake -and Varn�i auxillar- He , P*tim
The trustees Q'f,S.S. No, S, Stephen Death of W. R. Si4ith 'Office
TA -S' R. iconsitt' MT. Una Mrs.. -E. Hast of 'Zuyiel., ies on. Thursday afternoon, June 18. have engag'ed Miss Hazel Smillie, 01 Walter R. of,�Seaforthts SUBSCRIPTION RATE6-'$1.25 a,
-Miss Agnes Fairbairn is engaged were Suriday visitors with Ur, and The president, Mrs. R. M. Peck pre-
Hensall, �10 teach the school for the oldeg,.Tosddents "d uiost honaxed,-
-with Mr. and Mrs. R. Love for a few Mrs. D. Scluuoeder. aided over the meeting, which opened collung year, talcing the.p� � of Miss blial-1116 �m6n, died at.,his'llome, on Year& xtoctly in advance; $1.60 In
Quite a nurr�ber of Irends from with quiet music, Followea 'bY-tlltl Gertrude ill Three arrears or $2.00 may,be. charged. Us.
Francis, who has resigned.
here attended the Restemeyer-Alle- hYmn 'Christ for th� World We. Sing J ie 23kd in his 79ith year.
weeks ago � he sulTeTed a heart'. attack In advance. No paper discon.
mang nuptials -in St. Clemens on Tu- The Lord's praker then in unison, Supper 'Draws .00 while at his.depk. in the store and- a tinued until an arrears are paid un-
esday. 'We extend congratulations. The scripture lesson the ffbh chapter A. successful garden party and week later suffeied a stroke, ftoln lesis'stoption at publisher. The dot*
DRYSDALE , Misses Betty McIs"c of Detroit, of John was read by AlTs, Ben Keys.- strawberry fest�ival under the aus: which he never rallied. Born at H-ar- of wMrjl gvery Subscription fig pam,
and Florence Melsaac ol Windsor are The hymn 'I Heard the Voice of Jes- pices �af ',the Seafarth Junior Wom-
G purhey, a son -of -the late John Smith '10 dejmteA an theLzbel.
spending their holidays with their us [Say!' -was sung. Isabel Robinson en's Institute was held at th, home one of Senforth's first businesj§ mexi ADNE RTISING RATES
of St. Joseph's Hos. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter gave a splendid redaing "What I hvc� of David NeLean, in Tackeysmith, �arxd with (the excepti 'Frofenional Cards not exteeding
Vital, London, is visiting with her McIssac. For." After which Mrs. Henry Err- when.,qllp`p�� was -served to some Oil Of twO y1ull'",
spent 'xi 'C"n'-on and Winnipeg' �e 1% Incites, per year $5.00.
Varenks, -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Etue. Mrs. Rappel is on the sick list. aibt was called to (the front and Mrs. people. An excellent program was lived --all his life in Seaforth being hi
Also Sister Frances Borgie, of Mr, and Mrs. Rappel and family R. MeMinley plezented her with a life given. The' proceeds amounted 16 -the . groceTy business until his death. I Is, Minnoriam, one verse 1300, 2516
--Mondoix. is visiting with her parents, of Detroit spent the week-eild at the membership certificate, also an ad- $300. 94DY each additional verse; Card of
Mtx. ana Mrs. William Ducharme. Evangelical parsonage. dress. Mrs. Erratt -thanked the aux- Dies at Mt. Carn, For 51 years he -had been in
Tbwksl 60c.
in the same store -of which block
Miss Margaxet, Ca -key passed away,
Rev. Father Brisson of St. Peter's Open air services will be held dar' iliary in a fewmell chasen words fot -owned, Usplay advarttsing made known
Be-minary, London, is visiting with ing the 'month of July on the Evall- their kindliess. Prayer was offered Sartuxda�,Iat her 're6idelleje at Ms. apples"M
0 Dr. K Strati_-S4vage Here
father, My. Edward Brisson, who gelical church lawn each Sunday ev- by Mrs. John Armstrong. - We were Carmel -after a lengthy Urnpgs, Sho
Dr. Margarej iStkang-S 3flawmansous articles,, of not more
avage and
ii�s 51uproling nicely in health. ening. The Henrick Memorial Band then favored by a beautiful solo by was in her. 69th year. She ds surv- husb and arrived at the home of her thazi four, Nnes, For, Sale, Th � Rint,
Itt. Ted. Brisson paid a business wfil. assist with the services. Miss Sniale of Hensall accompanied ived by four s"
isters, Misses Ellen and 1,athej�.Henry Strang'of _Usbo�we, 011 Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One Inver.
*Ap -to Stratford oil Tuesday. Miss Ida Roppel of Port Elgin, is by Miss Lammie. Miss Annie Con- Catherine at horne;.Xiss Hanah Of Friday last, but her fuz1ough Eopi tion. 25c, 2 ins. 40e., 8 Ins. 900,
I&. all -d Mrs, Alvin Wesley of visiting her brother, Rev. and Mrs. sitt of Hensall then brought the ra- Hamilton,, and 'Mrs, Brady of H-amil- her mission field -at Dixonville, Afta Fam or Reid Estate for sale $2.09
spent the week -end at the ROPPel. port of the London . Conference ton�and -two brothers, Janies and is short she will not be east mo "I for first zmanth, $1.00 for each ftl-
'M -seau home here. M -n rinel the funeTa, re
our. I The Henrick Memorial Band pro- Branch meeting held at* Sarnia rec- John of ou t Ca 1 than two ;weeks. However� on Sun-'bVIAS Jn0ntL
Mrs. Montague left for Detroit vided tile program for the Straw.- ently. This report was very interm was'held O'ii iMonday morging,at Aft. day, JiTly -5, at the anorning- service
1',' 0), 1- Avetion. 90e"2.00 per vhq1%
--rKiliere she will remain till Saturday berry social held in Crediton on Moll esting and enjoyed. by all present. Garniel - chur with. Rev. , n1ther only she will give an address at Ce-,- �
July 4th. I day evening. -Xss Lammie then rendered a violin Fogellty Ofr1d I iating. en Presbyterian chVrrh, Exeter, oil imertion H not ever four Inches 2s
Farmevs are quite busy with the Dashwood claims two adventure- selection, The offering, was taken
her most intergsting work. Dr. Ma
Meavy crop of hay they have to put some youths in the persons of Wipis after which the hymn 'We Give TheA. Clos.eq For Va�atiou
The School of Ob 1garet aad -hex huslmn(j motored' aRl Ad4pegil ag conimunicationg to.
AMfty- Melsaac and Fred Hoperoft who but Thine Own" w:�s sung as a inmerce, Clinton, the way., taki7fg about a.week to
Mirs FAward Wesley of Detroit is paddled their way to Detroit last prayer. A solo "The ' unclouded'clo8ed -Friday last, Daring the year
the students- hay travel the 2,700 railes: W. -Sava;el T= HMALD
,owpending a few weeks at her old week on their hicycles. Leaving here Day" was sung by Mrs. Barldey. All e won r4ore than 80
3honlehere, the Mousseall. homestead. at 4 �o'clock in the morning they trav- :,offied in singing the National Av.�_ certificafteg fx.om -the Educational De-
34-ks. John Denomme is spending elled as far as Mt. Clemens where them, after which Mrs. A. McXlnl�y paxtments of,the Gregg Colripa�ly for
�Ifie holiday, July Ist with her parents -they spent the nightt. Rising at 4 pronounced the benediction." Typ6*rjtjng;of tlip
McIntosh. Co. for C6�imeicial A . 1111til
ZTx. and Mrs. Philip Denomme. o'clack the next morning they re-ach-
Mx.s. Isadore Denomme of Detroit ed their destination at six R.m. Th- n;eeic; of the Dugan Co; for Accur-
her boys intend spending -a raw weeks ate and Artistic Typewrithig. Aftey CU I L
Tvs epey0ng a few weeks with eSNAPSPOT,
iemiter, Mrs. Fred Papineau. with Mr. and Mrs. M. McIsAl�c in :.HE-NSALL the piresentdtion of diploiiias, the stu
Miss Bertette Mousseau has re- Detroit. dentzf and teadhers eW.'oyed a picnic
4turned from a fourweek's enjoyable The quarterly Board of the Eva . n-. THE COLLEGE 'TRACK MEET
Urip to Windsor, Detroir, Walkexville gelical church held their first meeting Engligement ARnounced
Di Steer, who recently bought the
Vmd Gross Point. While there Nliss in the lb-asem6nt on Tuesday June 3 0.' niedi i Mr. -and I Mit. Williagm McXenzi� of L-4
ml pract ce of Dr. Collyerl wiLl Kippen aertci4fipe the 'ViLgagement of
XDusseau enjoyed an airplane Ade The new Superintendent Rev. A. E- take possessioii, on July Ist. Dr. - I - Dramatic action and
'Trom the Windsor airport. _"u"' their elddA�dfdughter.&in ::Vizaibeth
Pletch of Creditoxi took charge of the, yer Will Temain with him for a week Pictorial value were I
has been received here of meeting, itill he jets acquainted in HenslIa. to. John 1-1. OixTrfe) S&K of Mr. au� both captured in ihese
dea.b. -of ero, t Ur C' Clinton, the, smartly taken' ama-
A Mrs. Ar h urrie
t Mrs. John M of'
gr. and Mrs. Alex. Smillie of To- nia' 'pig arly in July,
'Grand Yorks, N. Dakota, after an rriage'to -take --snapshots. For
ppn�o visked'. ithel past week witb teur'
A,�oad . . . . . . . . . . . .
-4-Iness of a period of five months. th * 5on, Dr. Ivan Smillie. - , of 1 1. . . I "I thepole vkd1t,1340tare
Although she never was confined to STAN -LEY TOWNSHIP err 'ss"M `49iWepewi ne �(jollegt- a K-1 filter.was used
Mrs. D. Cantelb spextattig; a staff, e4t torl�h6r --,h,6m6 - at Paris" to I accentuate.the plo.,
Z bed., the end, caabe suddenly on -1 s
douple a at e.s
iid'sails on the torlal',value of the
of weaksl%idl
p-sath. *2dn'Mero is the velict Pik Ont , las Thursdql%
��of the late John Mero, who pTede- (Intended for last week) as Jean Glaiidis of Tulsa,' 0 �j a., Athenia fronit-U& rq41-on Saturday clouds.
take "i'khther differeht trir
-five years ago. She -was Mrs. A. Armstrong of $eafor,'th, is a guest at the'llorne of 14r. and
ceased her on her third trip across the Atlantic.
�She w.i
'a daughter of Bazil Durand and mar spenta ferw days withher sister,'Rlrs Xxs. C. A. bL%edonell. t
this. year and,w vi
triied in the R. C. Church here some Geo. Dowson, last wepk. 111 "*sit Norway, the
Isalyel' Soundercock underwent ar. "Land of the Midnight, Sun." She �kgg�- T��
last. e in the Warld's SundaySch-
state that Airs. opersition Monday
60 'years ago and lived -in Bayfield, We are pleased to
"eke, ,and Rensall before going out Dowson is improving in health will tak
and 'Mrs. John Parki, visited fOr a few
opl�.Cpnvention, �`O
Wmt- Mr. MeTo was a blacksmith by able to be around again.
816, later pipe,
days at th&,,home?�-q� her spll?,-.vand m
-L'ifil the beauties and
'daughter-in-law, Mits,,_01ar-
ul�.:n9rth,,it6 td,k
0_,fnce Park&, of Zurich,:
A115g..-fo,spend hWd;bk lh�Pa-i
7 s
Joe qlagan 1i lbdfd'
PLnt 'A feW daYs liel I u0'will!:rn,&ke th*,irttufh�,
with fii6idk. atAiort ill,owanl. ..%. r turn a
hip. on,,: th,�; QVe;2M'-':1'
Mr. W
he nfiUing of Puriiy
There is no guess work in, t
ted on a �,qw gojp, Loit
era _w�g)e4 4 fdoli
FUUr- Twiee-dally baking tests by Our laberai�- Hd-spitaf,-' `�-' improving, p�pcly w- -Wlz Diecriat beaiorth(��
pected home this week. The death ocui�edl following two
of., pa
tories ensure even, dependable and uniform Mr., and,-Xrs�. 'George Petty left slight strokes a ',three, we-
ysi g.',
eks ago, at h%* residence, 'Seafbrbl�,
VmatitY- F -010y the finest Cakes.) Pastry, cons or Friday f Or Toronto, where they -w.,
attend the weiding of their grand- on Friday bf A16xander, A. MeLenn-
bVMd you ever tasted. "Purityro go" jarthcLr. an, an esteemed and' L-Wknown re -
daughter, Miss Mar1QJi!,Scott. The
sident, Dece
ased wit a pa#ner with
,wedding taki pl-ade Saturday. Mi'�..
Ilantyne al- t'h' late Chas- B`roadfOO1t' Tor three
Katie Scott and lVhs Ba
e rs in the American Hotel, Brus-
'so - attending-. y. a
Laq sels, and later in the� Commercial
Mrs. Mary Me 1�n, of Durhain
who has ibeen visiting at the home af 40tel, Seaforth, for, � 12 years. He is
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, has retur- survived by - his a soln and day
ned to her home. ghter. the same fnsfant,he3
BIF-70 tures of highly 'amatle zum l'!lr& at
allyoute Damn Died at F6rt Hur n FOR']* 0 usi
Mrs. Ed. Sheffer and Mrs. Fred 'The death 9 and Pictorial interest. thka yaur does and:7va should eat h them J
Manns are -visiting for a time at occurred sud&nly oii camera to a college or'athteek club Asing to,leave the -mark. This 4.a
Port, Rowan, with the former's son- Wednesday lest --of Albexlt�'Cinteion, track 3neet -this' sprin& Here is pletur6tbat tian be snapped with an -C
G�derleh Twp.,4'1n his 97thyear, at s desperate iewastitiow in P_rfinv.7 camerk it -You are not too-,
w and. daughter,' Dr. and Mrs. I hown
Reid. the home of-h&,zon in Port Huron, speed, skill,,strength and., endurance z"r-,7hek trY for-, victUres'at the z
hehioirliage s the, At close, range a
krs.,Wrn,. L'ammie-abdGreita were RXich. A heal A, : ' Y. -A 'witli bre,ath-taking lbxilshas in
death' Mr. ,Cantelon had races and thrilling egbnta� I.r, jump,- shutter Speed is necessary, else
low at Brantford last week, attending the call' Of. I ariuls Itkel3., to�bk,_,
gTaduation exercises at the Brantford gone over on the -24th -of May last to Ing, offering a vide'elkoice, ormzalte� Bylaw leg: or
hit his ison and Rihd ibeen ping q— r -xe&'Wfth the ordinary, c4meirg6,
4 v blur
School of the Blind. ial. Alsi�, there 1w iffsDlhyed for343ar 4
4 boixt as usual, his death coming -as a
4 The new band Aanil is nearly con, lens the youthful liuman. hod�p W the� se�kthe at it's greatest spe.ed. I
4 great -shock to his lanxili, 'Jj4 was-; a tlifta ai'it 6,0widest 60erdnj,�,
4 -pleted and will have.. a very hand- 0 perfection of its, musimultir, dlevlelbgp-� *16 jaU a IM
son of th6 -late 0 th, Ition. 10 to 15 yarft-
some appearance., go. Canteloli;' who ment. . 14., L % I
HERALD 01K CE came to ithis icou4ry -from I-Ala�&in DWIF in front �of the line, and
Mrs* Fred - I Shiallacoiinbe of Guelp4l Any kind of eainera�eajb be Una,
an enlargement firaza
;s 1831, as a ]ad ofkeleven. ior certain -shots"" atr the meeU. 'it
spending a fe,.'v days �Isiting heir '"it I"' thi -negative, to show the a*.,
sister, Miss Mabtie Ellis. Honored Before Leaving those with ldgb soeedl shutt"Me" nat,
D o You Know? ti'Dh tD good advantage, The-tasiter.*
Mrs,'IL-aird. X-11ekle and'ehildrep ..,Rev. -S. K, G4fp'donj Bak., 'B'.D., unally are beA fbr, tow rear action., your�,,�liutierthe cl'
closed -his mi oser you ma get..
are sp.en&1n'g,.','bL imonth, nistry -of Caven Pre�b � y
at Rondeau terian Chu Y_ Inany case, forthe ftStaCtfQnsh0t114 '*�si-A*izcilon of which the hwman,
Park, r0h, Exeter . Sunday last the camera sbould 1w loadta vM1 'body -is; 44p�Llile can be stopped! at,�
Mr... MERCHANT! Miss Nel-he Fee is spenaing. the, With services both,,�
�Iiorning and even supmeasitive, filta, an&4 ttio- slintt-er , 11-soo si��It from any angle but Itt -
'illg- He has accepted � a call to Chats
ith:M!� Hugh McLachlao
set at a speed that wilt- cwftb� tbw 2s for such a'Picture as this
ower �t " B�uidieiA. worth, near Owen, , Sound. Cavell partieWar action- beffig- taken. Then ' tO abaut At an
You know thoroughly well that you have p 416 wide. enouglf',6'
Mrs. H, Little is making. solue iyu. congregation had, i�l)lcniztea at Riy- consider light eonditions�andmttU- "'ev!tr 'All a- vii t ,
ion r" zu4ners, be—,
-in your Store, to influence the decis' of your cus nrovements to her home, on Oxford erview Pirk on V e, T
aphragm b*Ta3igjh- tue, 16 con- emse 49 ore ramatic pica, 4
�dnesday ve'last
4 torners in regard to what they buy f om you.:, Your I to say good-bye sisivent WitkHgTWknd-i;huttA3r twe-much attim. anfbe sto�ped'iii.
r -Sbreet.
Custorners rely on you to &ive them produc"i lich PO,P ITIAO Itost.1"111%glPi -T/10 or 115a,
ay '0. 6' k' �iia�*:.meet are, thwIlgish � or the 200, second. it the angle. 1%
tu use or consumption, will give t Celebrates 92nd B1,r"thc! t;the ''W r ADPIM orldii' - �V#bt and yc)w:;
hem tomplete and'a Ab'
Xig. 'Win. He I iast dash iand,fiba, -last J4mr. Wtftd� I *T* 2�`WQW J�
eiithu� id ni
MY, onp�.�Of Aensall's ' t- ` ''; , , - -
ac 'WtIO, 40 yard Iturdlew4hiere trequently 3A talun
--a -Joictures of JuMpE4'rd
"rand old ladles, eelebrat�d 'tu ?dA"*f %45d(dre Is always aii in—
her.'92, p
a lAte.d fligin on,th6tcati-t6 th,e i6sitioa. og,,tlke� tunners is only
-irthday Monqay In -. A" 't y er s of lizthe& Here� am top
. * t� ren XAan
If it is right to ti$'e big city dallies and nationa1yr,_,,,,: phere a dlii�iipnc��J' S6�A 01!0ause AL the highest point X
-1 8 's .111�d during ViIIG t6 pr 6�d and stiprenie. effort. BtLt Smst ,
. -J. ;%4,yj.t,4 - ,_ Of U10 JuMP.- U You time the ana-p,
circulated manazi "'If 'h
ines then, b th6 same 1 o en, I is ieve for W
�y ,dni,,ng tn extend cb:6gratulati- tiful clock. got it Picture of the start of a race. 14 instant, you clux usualir
h r. Gordooit'te dve
right to use local weekly newspapers! yapeived numerous telLA_ ftttingly. r.N,
of couvze, you CaWt. get both ih tltl� actloit. even without azt
an f4leghaph from outside Presentation Made' strildnC
1. am the Master Salesman of this'Communit nd ;i0lits. She was the recipient of tha y tart apd finish ot tile game raes,,"biat
Y, 4 the start, of one of th6 13 -y, 19 ali WWI shot upward of
Ir n About 40 frf' rolimimsu, 6
my nanle is '�eau f endsand previous nel-
ti, u Presonti'and4owers-
;IenrV, Who was firs IVI'Iss J MrS, ghbors of mr. and Urs. Jas. ilranc�e heats Will do. Get In position bosihe a "le Vaulter ifist as he elears the
t ane Lain Of lGreenway gathared at their 110mcl tlio track for tin angle shot showing liar. Iff there are clouds against-,
A D V E RT mie, was born on,the LAnimie honie' to express appreciati6r, ,Of the kind., the row of'contestants ae they wWch W%i bodYwill be outlined, it is:,
`-'ad 1�wO miles'' West' Ott BrueMiel crou6h At the mikkk. see :�Ou worth while to. clap on a sky filter
.1d Lm F,,)ont '30 tics�s and A-06dwill vvh* 11 til .1, thpt.
0-'000- "W"'", *4 ++.+.*++44 all of h�!r 10?12, lite in exerc:nd 0, ],a � �ey I .td have Owil all in the pict , Th M_ U,-Iara yon srboat
ty. 111ing their jv,,� ]I We
that Community.. The C., Jelice watch for Une s4arter to i-alse'lhis eb JOHN VAX,GUTLDl0t