HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-06-25, Page 8,tl"AGF EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK se rnishings New 4 -yd. wide Linoleuins in Stock. 3 Patterns to Choose from. Bring your Room Measurements and let us estimate cost. We meet Mail Order House Prices. 2 yard wide Floor Oils, sq. yd. 2 yd. wide Feltol, sq. yd. 43c 2 yd. wide Baroleum, sq. yd. 45c Linoleum, Congoleum, or Feltol Rugs.. Pro- cured for you at short notice. Linoleum Rugs 9x101/2 at Congoleum Rugs, 9x10% at Feltol Rugs, 9x 10 at $11.50 9.50 6.90 All other sizes at corresponding prices Window Shades, green or cream with roller....49c A Complete Range of Curtain Goods, Drap- ery Materials, Made up . Curtains, Chintzes, Cretons... We Stock No. 1 Quality Goods Only. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on Hand J. G PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are , s.SII t'. -e most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident Statistics prove that: The Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely and avoid an Accident --- But be Prepared! ---A few Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Damage,.. Etc. Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY, eeceaoseeeesee 8D HARDWARE SUMCOMOLoititite Wire Fancin SEEDS and FURNITURE ST FENCE .. . . for long Life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this - year, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! We TIGHT `' LOCK ZINC BONDED ur e+rivsive FROST kelure !ha SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! PAINTS ! full line of the Well Known and Tried Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax ...wear and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses carry a and Proved Also Quick C. Furniture, • a 0 Z Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ,.If heavy and shelf* Hard- ware always in stock.• STADE& WEI DO ZURICH -* ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE I00wAs5! l IIINMIM ZURICH LML • 1111111111111111111 ii 111/11111 it Iiliralillll III►111 III1111111I1111111111111111111 1111t11 111111111111 IIIflillikallitil 1111111111111' NEW Grocery More Broadway Coffee, (With tea spoon) per lb. ..-33c McCormick's Sodas, 2 lbs. 25c Sweet Mixed Pickles, 28 -oz jar 25c 25c Soap Chips, 3 Ibs Miracle Yeast, per box Canned Peaches, per can Cranberry Jam, per jar Ginger Snaps, per lb 10c 15c 29c 10c Save Your Coupons for China and Silverware. Menno Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 111111111111111111111111111IIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIII11111111I11IIII1111111111111111111 111111I111II111I11I11111111 11111111111111111111111111 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST STRAWBERRY SOCIAL A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the Strawberry Social which will be held on the lawn of the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on the evening of June 26th.. Supper will be served from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission 25c for Adults, 15c. for Children. •i—i Miss Clara Weber of London epent the week -end with her parents here. Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon has been confined to her bed the past week, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton. Truemner and family motored to London one day last week. NIr- Milton McAdams of the Bron- sonline motored to Detroit last Sat urday. holy communion service will be conducted in the Evangelical church next Sunday morning. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 17, 15, 13 Butter, Ib. creamery 29c Wheat 72 Oats, bush. 25 Barley, bush 32c Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt 2.25 3.15 Bran and shorts, ton 20.00 Potatoes per 90-11b. bag --LOU... Live Hogs, cwt • 8.50 4 i` Hardware an Y 25t11, 1936 Farnft STOfki„' , E • I THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY qc YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, t ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- TROUGHINNG SPECIALS I SPECIALS! . Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon ............28c re I t We also ,have • Furniture. See some very Atictive Prices Our New Beds, Sprimgg and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE : Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; • Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. 4. BE SURE AND SEE THEM i 4. Johnston & Kalbflejscjj 44 • I Hardware & Funhiture. Whine 63 t 4.f++{ ++++d +++++++++t++ + + ++ F+•: + ++++ ++ ++++' 't"I°++++// 44'lk 4 aki Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Wurrn of town, Mr. and MTs. Dan Oswald of the Bronson, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Mens��� The .main street rnnnmg north and south through town is receiving its share of heaps of crushed stone beor - ing dumped. on the roadsides, and we expect .before long to see the big, mixing machines and tar trucks a - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber and long, and put this street Which. is at. present a mass of dust, into a good two grandchildren motored to Lon don on Saturday, clean and hard surface condition. Miss Mary Merner, who is attend- ing the High School at Elmira, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mrs. John Zuefle of Hensall was ii. 0 0 0 0 During, the recent electrical storm; one of the transformers were burned, out in the north -:west section of town and it took several days with the current .ori and off at times before a visitor for a few days with her fri- the permanent repairs were made. end, lies. C. Silber, a few days last j We 40 not fully appreciate the, ser- vice PT:ydro renders to us until. it. is week - MTs. Lydia Pfile has returned home after spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile, Hensall. instantly cut off, and then we are helpless with our equipment. There was a large crowd of peo- ple present oh Sunday evening to Mr. and 'MTs. Burns or Landon, listen to the fine program pat on by Mr. and Mrs. Jennings of Thedford, the Hensall band under the able were Sunday callers at the home of leadership of Mr. Harry Eickm.eier Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown. of Zurich. Hensall has a young and enthusiastic band with some very Miss Audrey Foster of London„ fine players; and they played a good spent the week -end with her friend, class of .music to their many listeners Misses Deloris and Florence Mittle- in Zurich. Come again, iboys, and holtz. we hope the next time, the weather- man will be, a little warmer. Mrs. Flossie Brown of London is OBSERVED A HOLIDAY spending some time at the home of The :Kin'g's Birthday, Tuesday of her parents, Mr. and MTs. Charles this week was .observed as a public Weber. holiday in Exeter. Thirty-six merch- Miss Jessie MacDonald of the ants and professional men of the public school teaching :staff spent town had signed a petition agreeing Tuesday at her home near Kincard- to close their places of business. The ine. day was a statutory holiday and the Exeter Race Committee had establi- shed this date as the date for their annual ;race meet. . On Wednesday, the day fallowing, the usual. halfholi- day* was not observed. TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS , TO MEET Announcement has been made that the annual convention of the Huron Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associati- on will' he held in Clinton Collegiate Auditorium on Saturday, June 27th at 1.30 p.m.. The speakers will in- clude Dr. X. M. Field, Mr. E. C.. Beacom and Mr. Albert L. Bruner, President of the Trustees and Rate- payers'. Association, and the subjects of their addresses will be: "Educat- ion—Then and Now," "New Basis of Grants to Schools" and Education and Security." The officers of the Association are: F. Powell, Presi- dent; B. Thompson, Vice -President, and Mrs. R. Davidson, Secy., Dun- gannon, Ont. ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Huron County Achievement and Programme Planning Day was held in Clinton on .Saturday 13th, un- der the direction of the county coach Miss Floro Durnin, Dungannon. There were thirteen entrants in the morning, while fifty were present for the afternoon. Miss Florence P. Eadie of Toronto, assisted with the Judging and addressed the girls on projecf work. Auburn, and Zurich Hubs, had the project, "Dressing up Home Grown Vegetables" and Sea forth, Dungannon, Foxdwiieh, Wing - ham and Bluevalc had "Being Well Dressed arid Well Groomed"' .In the morning' the girls judged exhib- its in the various classes while at the afternoon session' there' were •two de- .. monstrations. The Auburn group demonstrated, f'Vcgetables Plates', while ."Zurich 'demonstrated "` he' Vegetaebl'es Go.to Sello'oL'l . Misses Gentrude and Melvina Schade of London visited at the home of their mother and brother on the Blue Water Highway south last week. To -day, Wednesday, the Entrance pupils of the public schools of this district are writing their exams., and this is always a strenous time on the pupils. Messre H. Adsett and J. IVIcKen- zie, Hydro engineers, of Toronto, and Mr. K. J. Lampman, superin- tendent rural Hydro, Exeter, were in town one day recently. Mr, and Mrs. John Eckstein of the Bronson line, and Mr. and Mrs. Alb- ert Hendrick and ,grandaughter Dor- een, attended the Eckstein -re-union at Port Huron on Saturday. A .goodly number of citizens at- tended the memorial services on the Goshen Line cemetery last Sunday afternoon, where a large number ;e‘thered to decorate the graves oT i;he departed. oes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited Zurich Qarag FiiTRA QieXTR15 LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES .JUST ARRIVED Regular d$10 Heavy Service at ..6.a5 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Service Tires 6.9ek Best ofsoline at per gallon. 23e. Lubricating Oils and Greases at Cor- responding Low Prices Get Your .Requirements Here, where: Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, .with Charges Very Reasonable. a MOUSSEAJT Phone 103. Zurich 111(11111111111111111?011I1111111111111111iliiiI NfiSll IIIIIIIMInll11N111111111111RIiIIIIIllillllilV;li!'ll'hlt 1111111$1111111&of i l!u1P1JiI11171IMI!!iditolililPdliG!!Ilid111111111111i111111111111111111>I111111 TFIESE PRICES subject to change without Dlotic:e Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy - 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 CrossBar .................................... 1.00 Buggy Reach ................ ..................... 1.25 Buggy Spokes each ...,... ....a...... 25c HESS, the epair Man ILIUM !HILI IIIM11111111111111111111111111111I11111111111011111111111011011111111111111111011111111IIIIIIIII 0i11101011IIIII1IEIN H0011011111111011IIIIII1ID IIIIIIIIIIII01110111111101111111111111111111111�1 On Friday June 26th, the mercan- tile store of J W. Merner is eom- iencing •a summer sale of all mer- 3handise and gro,eriss, See the pos- ters for full particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook, Mr. Ed. Bran- ner of Kitchener, Mr. Clarence ]lren- �ier of Hensel]; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd `••lendrick and family of the Blue Water Highway, spent Sunday at the ',ome of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Either, Mrs. Henry' Eilber, ktrs. George Ei l- '>er and 1Vlrs. Wentzel o•f, Crediton, and Mrs. C. Either of Zurich were aleasantly entertained to dinner at 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward `l'ritz of town, last Wednesday even- ing. MA.SSEY-IIARRIS NEWS We Have Opened Our Hospital for Sick Mowers. Bring your's in early for Overhaul Job. Estimates as to Cost cheerfully given.. We will Repair any Make of Machine! Genuine Massey Harris Parts Fit Best and Wear the Longest Come in and See the New Oil Bath. Mower Super Lastic Tires always on hand, also used Tires GAS ` . OIL AND GREASE How about a Cream Separator Demonstration? Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPV & SONS Rea. 6,7 AUCTIONEERING? "YES!