HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-06-25, Page 5"L horsdity, June 25th, 1.9.3 6 BUSINESS CARDS LEGA.. DUDLEY E. oi.im s 'Put Your Want, . For Sale Lost Found, Etc. Ads, in. this Column 'W„ dR1$$TER, SO.ierrOja, NOT, ARY PPUBL.I C, ETC, it»?Fecal-•_.•.Hami1tozi Street, Just o5i the Square, GODERICH, Ontario Special Attention to Couzacel ars Court Work. Mr: Holmes may be consulted at =Goderich by Phone, and Plume charges reversed. !:ruse For Sale d A Good Fraine House, was completely re -modelled ouly a few years ago. Will sell very reasonably. House to be moved from present location as soon as possible. Apply to: . Mousseau, .. Zurich DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every' Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday. i�►iE D 1L Io C 4S E N L. D. S. D. T.D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter •- Ontario' VETERINARIAN . W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON ,Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich LOST Between Wagner's Corners and Zurich, an autoatrajer enctboard an. license plate 17444. Finder please ZURICH LOCAL NEWS rs, Oars Haberer was an the nick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs; Abe Ness and Mr. 13: Datars motcired to. London on Monday.Born---Art Zurich, en''Monday June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Gascho a daughter,The S -WT annual• reunion woe ie1d at Grand Bend on Sati,rda3• .vith attendants from. London, 1 .ii. e ton, Shakespeare, Zurich and vicinity Father D, L. Brisson of Mri�ad or, and Father M. A. Brisson of Lenelen were visitors to Mr. Edward Brieson on Sunday. Mr. E. Brisson is Ma proving somewhat, but slowly, Mr. Ralph Utticy who has re `enthHoehad an operation at St. Joseph's- Ho T:ondon, has returned home and �1 s looking real well and enjoyieg hip return to owner.—Robert Baker. FO• R QUICK SALE A. 7 -foot Massey Harris binder Also an Oliver riding plow. Jos. Druar, Zurich. n uf NOTICE We are now taking orders . for Binder Twine. Please let us have your ardor at once. E. Blake Horner, Secy. Club. • 01:410:21Aa,aTuw- ems._..: _•.,• „may, aaem.swaw�crena cxrmioernt HOUSE FOR SALE Consisting of 2M i lots in " Zurich. Good brick house, hard and soft water,. frame barn all in good repair, known as the Henry Lipphardt Estate — i For further particulars apply to: Mrs. George Fee, Hensall. A. R. Campbell, V.5.. B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ?College, University of ' Toronto: All ; :diseases of domestic animals treated j Ty ;tile most modern principles,' Charges reasonable, Say or night wails promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness 'Henneis. Office on Main Street, eepposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron. and. Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- auct any Auction Sale,- .regardless as to size or article to selL 1 solicit 'your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Rene' edered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faun Pioduce WANTED }IIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular FOR SALE Mr. and alre. Henry Eiehlee of Pigeon, Mich., ere, r an,zrng e days with Mr. and Mrs Sam Ropp ox near ler who spent some time in Mich gue returning home with Mr. and 'Mrs. Eichler. Evangelistic meeting . veil Z Corn mance in the local 1VIennenite church in Zurich on Saturday; even- ing and will continue till. july '1st, when there will be a Sunday School konvention on that day. Special speakers will be present for the various meetings. The public are cordially invited to .attend the meet- ings. Tuesday was •observed a ,holiday by many throughout the British Empire, as it was our King's 42nd birthday, and his first 'birthday since he has become Ring of this great Empire. In Zurich the places of business were mostly open. The holiday ,was op- ;tional. We cannot help but think of the indifference of humanity, as on May 24th we still celebrate out King's great grandmother's birthday, and call it Victoria day, a national holi- day, but when our present King eei- b STRAWBERRY SOCIAL T1s Ladies of the Evangelical Church are holding a Strawberry e;oolal on the .Church Lawn on the svwiing of June 26th. The proceeds :o be used for repairs on the parson.. age. Su rpev will be served from 6 RUM VIVO • ••••••0404•••••04•0.000000.)0000002i NO/TICELab o .8 pen. Admission 25e ar cl 1lle.. ' We y a F'ke njum of„ in case of inclement weather, the Cents per Pound rlbper will he Col 't cl in than ha,c _ Fat for ChLU'fl nx; Cream delivered at Baur lint of the c uech.1a1"It. Prorxipt Service and Highest Cash Price Guarantees Fiftieth J C th fi nni rers.Ary 11r s• r�, 14:. : and 1VIr.. PPC,+e.r. Braemar -en e 1 l..d'cey. ;Alike received many cangratel z„ ,,, ; ne Sunday, when they celebrated t'u to fiftieth anniver.eary of 'their v , hied Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same 'ire The cl:y s%'s,s c si„rop„at ly> Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY pent at their home �,ti th o'1 Fade ill him Brennerman are ,till enpo, •zp , good heabth -._ and thein• massy fr•ra.zr,Le ,-•--•----....,.______._._�...�-�-�.�..._,_ ..-.•..,•._.... with them many more years of health '-� and happiness together. MANY ATTEND REUNION bd r end r.7 rrai�y o5 their keel, : eSteabeeroe eameteaoleaceaQao r:. e� es as- could be present. Mr. thud' aa�.re e;r:xd::�+r��,;i.c,:.- ,.:a,•;�eaeesswe�c.3sa•,eseu+a • Cut Your mz Arno • Among tho:ie 1 ;io attended the ! ^ 'szJurre Preemie-. , ., . y. j ” 1 r �1i "� �F1 i# .. r ,? near Sarnia, C1 r on Sunday, ,'une 21st, : $ �+ a•' ` zrom this vrcrnit y were : Ivlr. and LET ..r vim; -g, b��s G sari fir' ,ex; ty.x,. .. L -i o REPLACE THOSE WINDO'isl PANES NOW. e. 11$rs Flos r Brown; 1VIr, and Mrs. find ew ] . rt'ess and sons; Mrs. Peter LARGE ASSORTED STOCK ” E' CARR': • Haberer, ars. Emily Fuss, Mr. and (DCK Op GLASS ON HAND , .;,L Mrs.'Ancor v Thiel, Mr.' and Mr.:. Tll.l$S.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE a1. George J. Thiel, and family; Mr. and •rz'€11 I. Mrs. Earl Thiel, RIM and Mrs. Huge : WAIT. Thiel and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ceor e 1•:� Thiel of the loth con., Mr. Gordon .g Block, Calvin Thiel, lig, ;. Ile. •4+ all of the Zurich vicinity; Mr. and .�. • HONE Mrs. John Wurm of Toronto.ee `�' r ,y, *.+./.÷.1-1••d••D•4'••P••i••3••r•i•./..1 kti•+.1-.+ .1..i„0:•f 3••t••ff +.1.• 4-:••i••1r•3••i�•: •i•r'-b•.•,3•.;•.i.•d..1 44 5. BIG LIBERAI, RALLY A big Liberal Rally was held in the Town Hall, Hensall, last Wednes- day afternoon when a meeting ,was called for reorganization, and such items of business as is in general .in -1 terest to the party. There was a good attendance and much enthus-+ iasnz was demonstrated for the Lib -1 ete ZURICH o�e®Q Et �y1�„�E��'a��Gi3C�Q,d�f,;:�mQ7 . • P `a9 '•ram �o�!Joo sow?,t:sf�;iy 000soono SG70000Et oo SO et•a1 party, as they at present have • the reigns of power at both Federal � a rates lass holiday, we hesitate 1* gm � as to shall we or not; Ji ,:'. I ec ez al ® e y .of good and Provincial governments. The re -I w Ij' l+ l? �a ]�j �,, . re sale_. Apply TO MEET AT GRAND BEND organization resulted as follo�ia:• th Charles Zwicker, of •Crediton was repair same � '� HAY—About seven acres alfalfa hay, standing for to—John Galster, Zurich fitiSTTITOLUTICTTI LOST Man's Raincoat on Bronson line, Hay., on Tuesday. Finder please re- turn to Win. .Thiel, Zurich. FOR SALE A quantity of seed Buckwheat for quick sale. Apply to—Ed. Hartman, Phone 15-98, Zurich, FOR SALE I have a number of nice broilers for sale. Price 2.5c each, Ford Haberer, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay Township, 100 acres of choice farm- ing land, situated on Parr Line. Ow- ing to interests in the West, I would like to sell immediately. For further particulars apply to.: Gordon Pybus, Proprietor. NOTICE We are now agents for the Pares- ian�� /� Laundry and ' Dry Cleaners of 'MEAT 1.1ARKE 1 London. Your cleaning and laundry will be taken down Tuesday and returned on Friday of each week Thiel's Transport. •Friday evening in New York city well as the whole continent when Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,. Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK IntE - LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF .ANY CANADIAN MUT- 3TAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 3ist, 1935, $20,479,730.00. 'Total Cash in Bank and: Bond's $254,627,52: ",mate --$4.50 per $'1,OA0s fear 3' Year E. F.Klopp—Zurich anent, Also Dealer iuLiidhtning Rods. Anti all kinds of Firre amanct Though without a licensed airport returned as pr ,idea:, Urso. John 1'„ • e i i l i �'repairs Grand Bents will '�1 alcExven P •� � �"� y ' for 7 of Ontario on July 8 when 7., the fecieral association, whsle YHarz� • e ' s than ' parts. Harry � �0,���e�'S 3,� �Sm 20 airplanes will be the Civil aviation Brae ld ns se •rout'- r ^ •Smith is honoraryi ' Ross- Taylor, Owen Geiger and Mrs..) S. Williams are vice-president. South; Huron Liberals returned George Stan. t bury, K.C,- Exeter, as president of he provincial association, ")anti Frank! fe Fingland as secretary. Honorary presidents are Owen Geiger, T. G. e •Snillinglaw and John Essery, while 1 2 vice• presidents are Dr. J. W. Shaw r centre or land there, president, and r carrying aviators to a party which has been arranged for members of flying Clubs 'between Toronto and Windsor.While there will ire nearly a score of .airplanes at the lake re- sort, it is not to be an aviation meet, in the- ordinary sense. There will 'lie no flying demonstrations_ . The a+i— planes will be used merely as a means of transporting the flying 'club mem- bers. leers. Swimming, danceng and similiar entertainment is being plan- ned for the flying enthusiasts. Mem- bers from all clubs in the central zone, including, Toronto, elamilton, St. Gather:ines, Toronto, Brantford, London,, Kitchener, Waterloo and Windsor. Arrangements are being made to :have the airplanes land on a golf course near Grand.Bend. W. M. S. 'MEET The Women's Missionary society of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran church met recently for their mon- thly meeting in the basement of the church. Mrs. 'George Deichert had charge of the devotional exercises Dash - and presented the topic entitled "Our Sports Wednesdayday will be held in h. t Wank in Puerto Rico." Clippingswood on July 15th. At we- 1.30 p.m. a softball tournament 3 re read •by Mrs. Herbert Krueger,: games, the four leading teams of the' Miss Inez Yungblut, Mrs. E. F. Klopp. South Huron League. At 7.30 p.m. and Mrs. E. Deters. Mrs. L. Prang a monster band tattoo, six bands in - gave the Thhankoffering thought'. eluding Forest Excelsior Band, Park - Rev. E. Tuerkheim addressed the hill'Ladies', Exeter, Hensall, Grand Society on the :Convention of Synod Bend and Dashwood. Street dance which this year celebrated its sev- after tattoo sponsored by Dashwood enty-fifth anniversary ball club. Old and new time dances. The Big Fight J. it&cGavin and Mrs. ,D. Mclsaae. Charles Fritz, of Zurich, is treasurer SEEDS! SEEDS! 4! .. Master and A. scool• Poultry Feeds I . Plow points to fit all makes of ice. plows of :both. Mr. Stanbury told the gath-'• ' crinin that its federal member, W. H. We.are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and e Golding, was unable to be present, Timothy Seeds. being occupied in Ottawa as a mem- ber of the agriculture committee CoeI and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. i which `'.is trying to get a better deal for the farmer" on his agricultural implements. James Ballantyne, M. • L.'S hilbe L.A. for South Huron, introduced "�` ' Hon. Mee Roebuck, the Attorney Gen_I seA ' aaoss ososeorapea tv �sDscso�e o�a yea ,Eos .�, ee®�i eireral` of Toronto, who addressed the it gathering. DASHWOOD Great excitement prevailed 1 thed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1933 PIymauth Coach, very reason- ablein price. 1931 Ford DeLux Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe, a good buy. All have good tires, good upholst- ering and mechanically good; gone over carefully by us. ALSO a Dwelling -House for Sale or Rent iin Zurich - !L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich NOTICE At this time of the year we 'Incl our books carrying considerable accounts that are in most cases long overdue and should have been paid before this. We are very pressed. 'far- money justnow and are obliged `to mail out accounts, and trust that ous- customers will appreciate the 'credit extended to them by actino, f oromptly, as we are badly in nmol of 'tis moues* to meet our obligations. — l lrrx Ilnralrt b'n qt.tiato,Yr I Wedding bells are ringing in this vcicnity. ast Miss Cathern Finkbeiner and her as mother, Mrs. Finkbeiner have re - he the ,'••,,•n.ee home after spending a few lit weeks in Sarnia. et- dl.aass Thema Asher who spent the o f") past fewyears in Strathroy, has en' :heavyweight Louis-Schmeling fig was -broadcast over the Canadian n work. Again, all the predictions ' the big experts were all upset wh the burly german knocked out 1 young rival Joe Lewis, 22 year o negro of Detroit, in .the 12th rou of their 15 round go. Lewis, w is known as the bomber of Detrol has rapidly knocked • out the la seventeen men he has faced in tw years, but in Schmeling he met match, who knocked the negro .do in the fourth and ;finished him up i she 12th. This is the first time the negro was knocked off his feet, bu many a one he keeled over. A looked alike to him, and all predict ions were that Schineling would las only a few rounds, kit at the end o ,she 'scrap, the burly Genian ha . onsiderable steam left, as he picke a up bis manager and tarried him round on his shoulders. The sur prise was so great that no less than nine persons keeled over and died from listening to the radios. The closest one around here was F.J. Lambert 51, of .forest, Ont., who found the shock and excitement so ;seat that he fell over dead, It looks to us that the time is not just ipe as • yet. for television, as what would happen if hese enthusiast wo- uld; see these fighters in action, in- ,tead. of being just announced. Id rind uo. t, st 0 his wn n 11 d it returned hone for the summer. Mrs. M, Tiernan and Nancy Anne spent a few days with her sister in Kitchener last week. Decoration Day on the Goshen Line cemetery last Sunday was well {attended. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft spent a few days in London Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T ucknoy and daughter Carol of Mt. Clemens, Nil,. and Mac. Elmore Edwards of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammer and family of Listowel were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch. Mx, and Mrs. E. Thiel of Zurich, were visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Koch on Saturday. Rev. T. Luft and Mr. Edmund Walper,' left on Monday for Ottawa where they will attend the Lutheran Synod. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tieman left for their borne in Hamilton after spend- ing two weeks vacation with his par- ents. Mrs. R. Baker who has been vis- iting hi Windsor returned home on Sunday. Mr. Harry Roffman and sister Miss Gertrude attended a garden party in Tavistock do Tuesday evening. . �'WVWLVwWY� Zurich Drug Store INSEC 1 1 We are Headquarters for all Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of all kinds We Have Paris Green, Arsenate 02 Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder sc 1Vlothocide, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, fc Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. • �1 J. MacTiinnoni R 'y1 ' 1 'K t 1pl w ! !"m int*