HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-06-25, Page 11 SCAERFE'S FLA:TA4°.• LI. ENAELS SANET.I4.RY• AM! W,ASHAa.L,E; ON SALE AT: Johnston. arnd.lhfleisch, Zurich Vol. XXX.V I N r,„ 52 ZURICH, THURSDAY. MD i l C JUNE 25,1936, Chester L. Smith, Pahl $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adv'', 81.69 LN A titEARS, 82 MAY 88 o] arA,4asb, Let us Publish all your Summer Visits anc' Visitors ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran. Cris ZURICH -- ONiT_ "A. Changeless Christ fest' a Clameg- ing World:" Friday, 8h—Luther Leagae.. Thursday—Choir Practice. QDAY SERVICE& .0 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service., Everybody Welcome to an Services. E. TUERKCHEIM, Pastor. Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it is 'that you wear correct glasses=–cor- :rectly prescribed for your vision. -Correctly styled to your face. Your !health may largely' depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZUBBRIGG`, R. O. At HESS JEWRY STORE Every Tuesday at k,tel I:CH i4t Dashwood, Saturdays, at Pfile's Store.. FOUR DAYS L"ARLIER 'Me .year the ,bass fishing season opens nn June 27, or four days ear - Hee than in previous years. The ad vance date was set to meet the .re- questsof men who claimed theextra dour :days wiuld. bring -a number of fishermen into Ontario on the •Satur- clay and they will likely •rernain, over Independence Day, July 4th. Huron Old Boys The annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto was held hi Area. No. 3, Exhibition Park on Saturday last, and notwith- standing the many counter attracti- ons the attendance was well up to that of former years. The weather was allthat could Fre desired, an ideal picnic day, and the races were all keenly contested, the broom foot -- ball contest .being the leading feature of the afternoon. As was the case hist year, the result was a draw game between North and South Hur- on. W. A. Campbell, the President, had charge of the proceedings. Farmers! Attention) We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Gream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us: demonstrate this machine to you. and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG' & SON. tf44 ME. NE 'S iv) -lir C7 ii Starts June 26th and Lasts Until July 4tho ti Our En Iwo : ck of Dry Deli, Ladie' and Men's Wear also Gr ocean., • Make your dollars c u t during this Sale See Porters for Real Bargains Jo ivp4l1 Highest Wan f ' 'i _... r,• �.�.. a uv' a•vurn�n.mw[iaan.w.+a, NF IfIttiosazel ELECTION DATE SET Quebec --The political sun set on Louis Andre Taschereau. The sauve. silver haired French-Canadian lawyer'. who spent half his seventy years in public life resigned from the Prem- iership of Quebec—just a month af- ter the Liberal Party celebrated its '. 39th successive year in power.: On his recommendation, former .Minister of Agriculture, Hon Adelard Godbae t, r fix J. W, Merger made a rip to London on Monday. Me, end Mrs, Harry G. Hess and :family spent Tuesday in the Pinery. Mrs. John Mitchell, of Hensell is visiiting with her sister, Mrs. C. Eilbee. • ` Mrs. Patterson; nurse, of Henson, .is in charge of Mrs. Ed. Gascho, who confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siebert and family spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. George Brenner of Midland, Mich., were .week -end visit - was sworn in as Premier shortly af- ter the Legislature was dissolved and the Premier had announced a general election would be held Aug. 15th. INHERITS, FORTUNE To be a farm worker since corning to Canada four and a half years ago and then, when he had become just about "fed up, to receive word that. he had inherited about $100,000 and a well established biscuit factory at Edinburgh, Scotland, was the experi- ence of George Booth, 20 -year-old Goderich Township farm laborer. 4% years ago the Scottish lad tired of lis ors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Schilbe, and father's biscuit factory, where, he had. ;other relatives, worked two , years, and cane to the k M.r, and Mrs. Edgar Wuerbh of land of promise, Canada. He had lit- ;Kitchener; spent the week -end in tle difficulty finding a job as,a farm )town, Mrs. Wuerth remaining over laborer. near Montreal, where he was for a week. a year before coming,to this district. July 1st, Next Wednesday is our The youth was on .a farin iii Goderich "v business Township when word came of the xt holiday, and as ,this is Dorrunrort death of his father, Joseph Booth, in a motor car accident. With the sad news came the word of his father's bequest, $19,000 and the Crawford g her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Biscuit Manufacturing Co. The fact- `ad Schilbe of ;town, has returned to ory which employs 350 workers, was er home in Aekron, Ohio. established 60 years ago. George, an only child, is the last of the family. Mr. and Mrs. James Norman and He will sail for Scotland in August, amily of near Wingham visited with when he inherits $2,000 from the es- heir 'Uncle,. ;Mr. George Clausitrs, al - tate. He will be 21 then, and will re- _•0 Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Clausius of ceive his father's bequest of £19,000 the Blind Line, over Sunday. when he is 23. • $100 OR THREE MONTHS Three Mount Carmel district men went to jail Saturday at London to start serving terms of three months each on liquor charges aas the result of a visit provincial police made to a goose eggs, and quite a number to dance Friday night The three were the hill'. John T. Patton, Gilbert Thompson and Ervdne. Deiterieh. Mag. Hawk -.I Miss Nora Fremlin has been trans- shaw imposed fines of $100 and costs ferred from. the Clinton Branch of each and when the three said they the Bank of Montreal to take the i .couldn't pay he gave .them the jail place of Mr. George Crozier of the terms. However, they will be releas- Zurich Branch, and who will be trans- ; ed any time they pay the fines and ferred. costs, Patton and Thompson pleaded ( Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall a.ncl dau guilty to charges of having liquor in , g' bier Miss Evelyn,all of Clinton, other than a private dwelling. Dieter,. ich pleaded guilty to having liquor I were Friday evening visitors with not acquired on his permit. The char Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. HaII ges were laid by Prov. Const. Ship-�is publisher of the Clinton News ley. Complaints had been lodged ]Record, while Miss Hann is leacher of men who parked in cars outside of the Bronson line school, Hay. the village of Mount Carmel on • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mack o'i nights dances were held there and Ilarte Station, Man.,Mr. and Mrs. provided liquor to young men. 1W; H. Hurlbut of Aberdeen, Sask., +._.12. Mrs, J. Isley. They aro on an exten- ded motor trip through Ontario. Mrs. STEPHEN COUNCIL Httrli':,ut and Mrs. Mack are i'eing ay, everyone will observe in as an ndisputed holiday. Mrs. Kerswell,• who has been visit. The soloist 'at. Hillsgreen United. church Anniversary last Sunday ev- ening was Mr. Newell Geiger of town His sister, Mrs. A. P. Rowe accomp- anied him on the organ. Masa Edward Brisson, of the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale, has new early. popatoes as large as are guests at the horse or \i'•. ai_:ii 'The Council. of the Township of. Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, .on Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 1936, at S p.m, for transaction of general business. All members were- present. The minutes of the ate ri and Clock king A SPECIALTY WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MATT:t;D. IN WATCHES °fess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich The color guarantees the: quality Select Solvay Coke Miller Greek anti Rosedale .Alberta Tile a'nd'Br ck. W. R. DAVIDSQ . Highest cash prices para for Eggs ori a graded basis.. Phone 10 ECEN.SALFa +4►X44}tFd•t.4.0Sr' 011'0140'40100‘4454P <..> n£,.s.rm.aG.i,4)41)44k=Y3.'•400 4ir.{491g a 4 4 4 e a c. • t 0 4. Q 8 •0 e 0 0 • 0 6 • 0 • • •i •sr0 ••4 s 0 0 4 4 e 4 a 0 0 0 a entertained by their many friends of • I Zurich and district, and after an Lib- d Bence of 25 years, they notice a great many improvements. BASEBALL NEWS Last Thursday the local boys gave , the Goderich Sailors a 7 to 3 trim- previous meeting were read and ad-. ming on the Zurich diamond. The opted. gauze was interesting• enough from A niunber of contracts were let to the local point of view„ but it inu+,t haul gravel on certain divisions in the be said that the Goderich boys would Township according to tenders neer.: get along a lot better if ;some harm- ved on motion. ony was injected into their play. No Motion that the follow.rng pay team Can expect to w:n ba!1 game:, sheets and orders be passes: ea if ;there is discorod and friction be - ALL P: `,ICE COMPE Ill 1T" �m V 4 r.3 41 (1 .c} 04- Tailored To Measure 4.. 4 41. F. rb, ; ct� a+. Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $150 COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED! CCppm� t EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DERECTORS in A.46.0%45t4 60,& .es°;11,45.:,044!"1w„�, i.i..J S..4a4-h,•t: • hATEMEZWERIEMSZaMEMEMMETIre S. White rd. -3 $1,72; L.. Hill id 4 .85; S. Morrison, rd 13 76.90; I. Te- treau rd 14' :214.01; I.I. C, Sweitzer rd 15136.56; W. Hodgins rd 17 90.98; A. Latta id 18, 156.01; H. Turner rd 19 125.70; J. Girl rd 20 69.49; P. Eisenbach rd 25 11.60; G. Eilber, pit expenses 173.98; Pay slit. rd 5 2.00; G, Either, .Supt.. salary 40.80; D. Stebbins gravel 167.39; E Fahner pt contract re Hustons pit $40. Orders -Hydro Electric Com 11.29, Can. Bank of Commerce, cashing rd ,cheques 1.55; C. G. Morlocit lamps 40c; .Municipal World 1936 Ont. St- atutes $2; County of Huron, Indig I ent Patients acct: •Madtoney 36.75; Patterson 19.25; Matthew Regan, conveyancing re D. Mahoney $4. The Connell adjourned to meet a- gain in the. Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, July Orth, at 1 o'lock, p.m. Be11beit I ..Silber, Townshtp Clerk. tween management ,and players. Hei- deman pitched his usual effective game, and Fritzley did mound duty for the Sailors and did a good job of it, .but his'support was pretty rag- ged. •Monday, June 22nd the home tenni travelled to Seaforth and gave that iteanz another had beating 19-2. The game was very poorly played, as the swore indicates. Numerous errors were chalked up to both teams, but Lillow, who did the twirling for the "Plying Dutchmen” was nittch more effective than the Seaforth pitcher, Shortreed. F. As yet, the Zurich lads have not tasted defeat and as a, result • have earned the best support the fans of this section can possibly give theta. Everyone should conte out and see the games playen on the Zurich dia- mond and cheer their favorites on to victory, ,SStaffa plays at Zurich,. Sum 25. Spring and ■ CT WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prins, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtains, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Men''s and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls;. Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 and 10c. package Gamlen Seeds, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND RAI N. . - ,'E6kiilw'F"'AL bf t PHONE 11 9 aawaxamaimmummgazimatmas GLAS 13 LA, mptimgonvemmuinv