HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-06-18, Page 5rehtirsday, lane 18th, 1938 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL. • DUDIAETE.$0LMES :1 ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOT- ARY PPURF IC,, ETC. OFFICE---Hamilteru Street, lust off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special-Attentieee to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at 9Goderich by Pike e, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S,. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB''S BLOCK, DAM:WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. I. COVEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N. Dr. W.' B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of . the late Dr. J..Routledge. . Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc.• Zurich Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. ,Ads., in this Column House For Sale A. Good Frame House, was fcontpletey re -modelled only a few years ago. Will sell very reasonably. House to be moved from present location as soon .as possible. Apply to: H. Mousseau, -. Zurich PIGS FOR SALE Anumber of small pigs for .im- xnediate soIe. Apply Sal Gingerich Phone 84--3, LOCAL NEW Quite a number of tOWll Sunday in theirrespective co Mass Pear Campbell and ,Smith of Belmont were Sahli on with friends in Stanley;T. Mrs. H. Lipp1 ardt who has. .Hensall a few weeks has return her home in town. A number of Conservatiikea,. town and district took in the er ration rally at Henseel on Fridayr' ening. There will be a service conducted by Rev. Pletch in the ' Evangelical. tChurch on Friday evening, at 8 o'- clock. All welcome! Mr.. F. Shaw of Toronto is s,end- ,ing .a couple :'of weeks at the home' of• Ma'. and Mrs. F. Mousseau of ` the - Zurich Road. .. 141ir. and Mrs. Chris. Baeelder and daughter,, Blake were recent visitors lry with friends at Tavistock and Cassel. NOTICE We are new ' taking orders' fol Binder Twine.. Please let us have your order at -once. ;1 Blake Horner, Secy. Club. HOUSE FOR SALE Consisting of Zx/ lots in Zurich. Good brick house,hard and soft water, frame barn all in good repair, known as the Henry Lipphardt Estate For further particulars apply to:, Mrs. George Fee, H>'neail.: FOR SALE 1 HAY—About seven acres of good alfalfa hay, standing for sale. Apply to—John Galster, Zurich. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary `College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated, by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended tee Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main' Street,` 'r1VOSit@ TQwn Ran_ Phone 116. HENSALL.` LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered i ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood: Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faim Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM. EGGS. 'AND • POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. ' Kept ash in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungbl-at & So INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK . THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT-, UAL COMPANY DOING TRIMNESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 19a5, $20,479,730.017 Fetal Cash in Bank and Bonds $2'54,17.52:. tits—$4.M per „00E for 3 fears E. F. Klopp—Zurich PIGS FOR SALE A number of small pigs, redy to wean. Apply, to Garnet .Jacob-, Parr Line, Hay- Tp•.. LAST Man's Raincoat on Bronson line, Hay., on Tuesday. Finder please re- turn to Wm, Thiel, Zurich. FOR SALE A quant::., geed Buckwheat for 'quick sale. Apply toL—Ed. Hartman, Phone 15-98, `-Zurich: FOR SALE I have a number of nice broilers for sale. Price 25c each. k'erd Haberer, .Zurich. FARM Consisting of Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay Township, 100 acres of choice. farm- ing land, situated on Parr Line. Ow- ing to interests in the West, I would like to sell immediately. For further particulars apply to.: Gordon Pybus, Proprietor. FOR SALE NOTICE We are new agents for the Pares- ian Laundry and Dry Cleaners of London. Your cleaning and laundry will be taken dawn Tuesday -.and returned on Friday of each week Thiers Transport, Ubed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1933 Plymouth Coach, very reason- able in price. l5731 Ford DeLux Sedan 19129 Ford Coupe, a good buy. .All have good tires, good upholst- exing and mechanically good; gone over carefully by us. ALSO a Dwelling House for Sale or .Writ: in. Zurich. L. A. Pinang and Son, Zurich NOTICE At this time of the year we fin: jour books carrying considerable accounts that are in most cases Tone overdue and should have been paid ,before this. We are very pressed for money just now and are obligee to mail out accounts, and trust that our customers will appreciate thi 'credit extended to them by actine 1 t. Also Dealer iaL 4htnind, Roth 'promptly, as we are bade in need of midall la uk Fixers/Lava "" • + ern- obligations --Elie 1iesaldd Proprietor. Mr. Vernon Beeman and friend of Detroit, Mich., were Saturday--is- itors at the home of Mr. and ..Mrs„ E. Heideman. RA $7'RAWBERRY SOCIAL. The Ladies of the Evangelical Ornigh are holding a Strawlherry )Social on the Church Lawn on the evening" of ,Tune 26th. The proceeds -to be gsed for repairs on the parson- age, Supper will be served from 5 �o 8 p.m. A'dmission 250 and 150.. Children. Schools Close June 26th Schools will be officially closed on jnzne 26 this year, according to t:'e- vised regulations of the Department )f Education. A special act govern - the closing of schools in Ontario and amendments of the past session pro- vide for changes if the last 'official day falls on Friday, According to the department of education the school year will include two terms. The first continues from September 1 to Dec. 1.2 arid the second from Jan. 3 to Tune 29. However,. when Sept. 1st is a Friday school will not De oopen- ed until the following Tuesday. When January 3 is a Friday the schools shall not be opened until the follow- ing Monday and when June 29 or Dec. 22 is a Monday schools shall be closed the preceding Friday. This- year hisyear June 29 is a Monday, therefore June 26th is closing day. CONSERVATIVES MEET A fairly well attended meeting of Conservatives z. re ,.,.,,,rn+ in the I•iensall .Town Hal' on Friday even- ing, when the.annual election of officers took place which follows: Kion. presidents, Right Hon 1 NOTICE 1' A GE t+" r' rs1i1�1msis • • We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. i Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant, • Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • R Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the swan w ' Day. r s • b a N•S•Ogsf:0000+�00se4D¢ 04300® *Pe e.W gkeW e.W0.M1*Ci641o, eadOtt t.40itr.M Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY • ..,..,,,, di ..,- Cut Your Fuel Bill In HAL. P i. Buy Storm Windows and Doors c LET US QUOTE YOU! f.... + Children's Day was a great success even REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW, inet the Evanggelical:' Chjfrcli° last Spin- LWE CARRY A day. There' were 'large - audiences resulted as LARGE ASSORTED •STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT.ALL and a fine programme rendered by TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU R. B. .Bennett, Hon..Earl Rowe and 4. the Juniors. Col. H. B. Coombe, of Clinton. Than The :baking. sale put on by: the orary vice-presidents were, William 4'. WAIT. .moi members of the Women's ,Institute Consitt and Henry Horton, of Hen- + ' j.' on Saturday was a big success, ; as Sall; second vice-president, Carl Dra- �IFLEISthe articles offered were soon picked Per of Clinton, and Richard Pn_. nf' ;./�Seaforth, Clark Fisher., of Exeter j PI-IOI�IE `_ • secretary, and Richard Welsh, of Ex- .1• oreeme mono 69 " - UZ RICH Operations are to commence this -ter, treasurer. Elmer D. Bell, Sea- ! ! i week for the paving of the Goshen forth lawyer, acted as chairman for - ' ' ''+++++++++++44++++++++++++++44++++++++++.1.4.++++4, - ,Line „ through town, and around the the election with W. 0. Goodwin as business section of town. It will secretary. After the organization a likely take a ,few weeks till it is all number of speakers were called upon finished. - of which was Dr. Taylor of Dashwood ���� George Elliott of Clinton, and Frank ass'e�saaosaeatea eaaaesese eseeea eaaaameeessee Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Schwalm of g• riiunmolt, Sask., motored down and Sills of Seaforth the •retiring press m visited with the farmer's mother, Mrs dent in whose place was elected Mr. o• E 1 a PRJOEEBMary Schwalm ihe past week. Mr.James Morey, Barrister, or Exeter. 1Schwalm, who is a Zuaich old boy is The main speaker of the evening was an engineer on the C. N. R. running Mr. Cecil Frost, mayor of Lindsay ; 21 out of Humbolt. He advised us that and first vice-president of the Ontax an • the past winter constituted the colli- r0 Conservative Association, who is On Overhauling your Mowers. We known as one• of the outstanding est weather in many a year, and the •• r e B lr wheat crop prospects are not looking speakers of the province, and who p same Wath so bright out there so far this year. received great applause, s geuL��▪ ne repairs s Mrs. Mary Edighoffer of Blake D A S �I W O O D ® for less than jobbers' part, celebrated her 85th birthday on Sun- Born—On Sunday June 14th to $ • day, June 14th. Mrs. EdighofferMr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer a son, • prepared the dinner table herself for (still born). Day will be herd on the Decoration Da her nests and is veryto ! • Master and Pioneer PoultryFeeds i g active for her age. Those present were: Mr. and Goshen Line tCemeter on Sunday, o Mrs. E. Edighoffer of Yale, Mich; June 21st. The speaker for the oc- 0 Plow points to fit Mr. and Mrs. Yule of Fullerton; cashon are Rev. A. E. Pletch of Cred- i allmakes of Mr. George Edighoffer of IVhitchell; ,iter, and Rev. E. Burn of Zurich. • Mr. and Mrs. Art Ediehofier ani The Hendrick Memoroioal Band will • plows Grantand Mr. and'Mrs. Earl Weide be in attendance, •• 1 and Dorothy of Zurich, and o.. :r Rev. and Mrs. Roppel attended the relatives, all wishing grandma many funeral of a relartive• in Kincardine on more years of health and happiness. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tiernan of Ham - Next Tuesday is June 23rd and. ilrton are spending their vacation with the King's birthday, and this will be his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. observed by many as a public holiday Dashwood Public School picnic will The banks throughout Canada will be be held on Friday, June 19th at closed, as well as many other places Grand Bend. of importance. However it has not Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetler of Buf- been proclaimed a statute holiday by faro were Sunday visitors with Mr. the Federal Government, and it is and Mrs. J. Wildfong. optional as to whether one wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder e and' Mrs. Clairmonte or Windsor spent the week -end witch Mr. and Mr T. Schroeder. } Great excitement is being arouse uir town due to the snappy bail game I that are being played by the loca - team and their visiting teams. Come out and see these fast games. A Strawberry Lawn Social will be given under the auspices of the Lad- les Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangel- ical church on Wednesday June 24, A varied program will be given and the Band will be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Koch of De- troit and Mrs. Jack Attenborough and two children of Windsoor spent the week-rnd with their parents. Mr. and Mfrs. George Koch, also celebrating Mrs. Koch's birthday. Mr. Jacob Schroeder returned nn Saturday after spending the past two weeks with re.atives in oder°y, Mich., Illinoise, Fort Wayne, and in Windsor. The Hendrick Memoroial Band will ,give an open air Band ,Concert on :Sunday evening at 8.30 p.m. on Dr. Taylor's lawn. Plans are being made for a soft lbal1 tournament and band tatoo to be held in the near future. Full par- ticulars will be given later. • Miss Erna Kesler was rushed to London to the hospital on Sunday, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. All places of business will be clos- ed Tuesday, June 23rd, therefore they will be open all day Wednesday June 24th, after that day they will. be, closed every :Wed.• afternoon dur- ing the ,Summer months and open only Tues . and .Sat. evenings. The annual children's day services of Dashw000d Evangelical church were held last Sunday evening on the Church lawn with Rev. Roppel acting es chairman. The children's choir occupied the platform and sang sev- eral numbers under the capable dir- ection of Mrs. J. M. Tiernan who acomp'anied them. The Henrick Me- 'iliorial Bund of Dashwood also were lh; attendance and contributed a beth of selections under the lead- ap of Harry Hof•Yman. The scrip - e lesson was read by Keith. Wild - observe it or not. If you feel lik doing honor to our new King Edward VIII, you are at liberty to take th day off and celebrate. • The fine rains followed by ggo weather is developing a most satis factory growth these dnvs. Th e,--0, is plenty of moisture in the ground, and for the next few weeks will be the time of growth. Some farmers are complaining of their Ia6e potat! oes and beans are not coming up as rapidly as they would like to see them. But we trust this will coupe a- long nicely when things warm ulp a little more, as tit has been quite coo in general the past week. d i GILL NETS TAKEN Sarnia—Provincial game wardens in Sunday seized between 40 and e 5 gill nets, valued at $1,000, at Kettle Point, 25 miles northeast of Sarnia: in Lake Huron. The nets, use of which are illegal within the five -mile limit off Lanvbton County shore, are the property of W. J. McLeod, of the Grand Bend -Bayfield district. The nets were spread out between Kettle Point and Port Frank, some' four miles off -shore. Twenty-five were of the white fish type and the remainder were used for perch. GOOD PRICES The joint Auction Sale of Short- horn cattle of Oestreicher and Peck held north of Crediton were an ex- ceptionally fine lot and while quite a lot of bargains were secured hi fe- males the entire lot of cattle, twenty five head, sold for • an average of $104.50 The Oestreicher average be iitg $,113.95. The five bulls sold. were readily received at the average of $130. The top bull Orange Sort consigned by Oestreicher was pur- chased by Fred Willis, of Marlette, Mich. at $175. The next in order was a Peck entry and selling to Pat- rick Ryder of Lucan for• $150. Cloy rdale Monarch another Oestreicher bull under the year old went to Gor- ton A. Anderson, of Forest at $t25 W. H. Marloclt, Crediton, secured Yffifchaig, Border,. a. Peck entry at 10.25 - 1 SEEDS! ., .. SEEDS! .: We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and 1 Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. • L.SchiJbe & Son a1600600011100811180008 000011060 suede 00000w0crs0194a1116M1031 00. 1 Sh'W1M�liL'YYY1ihltVi'4LYWVl"dt WWYt1�M1+WYk WbfMVaVYl� Zurich Drug Store � INSECT! IDE We are Headquarters for all Varieties of Poisons to Destroy Insects and Blight on Plants of all kinds We Have Paris Green, Arsenate Of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Hellebore, Insect Powder Mothocide, Ant Traps, Black Leaf No. 40, Corrosive Sublimate and FLY SPRAY. 1 Dr. A. J. MacKinnon Zuriob itivomvorowiamwnwwwpiwmpviPok.