HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-05-14, Page 7IN DESPAIR v\ ITB RHEUMATISM SCc.UTING t ,Had Given Up Hopes cif Relief Now Finds Life a Joy Whether you have rheumatism as badly as this woman had it, or whether you merely get an occa- sional twinge, you will certainly be interested to know how sueb a severe ease was relieved:•---, "I feel I should like to tell you," the woman writes, "how much better I am, Since this tune last year for 'taking Kruschen. Salts. I could al most say I am quite relieved of 'rheumatism in my legs, as I can now go upand down stairs like a normal person, Last year I couldn't bend niy. tight knee without suffering terrible pain. It is such a pleasure to be alive now. At one time I ready began to think I could find no relief. I was also a great sufferer with constipa- tion and I find nothing better than Kruschen Salts."—(Mrs.) M.A. Rheumatism is commonly caused by deposits of uric acid which lodge In the body. Krusehen helps to break up these deposits and converts them Into a harmless solution, which is promptly removed through the na- tural channels. r ;Linking The World By Telephone The—linking of all ports of the world ,by the telephone Is proceeding at an 'amazing pace. It is now possible for a telephone subscriber to sit in his home or office and telephone almost any country without delay. There has, for instance, just been established a direct radio -telephone service between Great Britain and Kenya, a British colony and protect- orate in East Africa. The links are combined in London and at Ngong, near Nairobi, for connection to the respective telephone networks. The wire and the wireless system work together. The charge for the new service is £4 10s for a three-minute call, and it ig believed that there will be fair use of the convenience despite the cost. Major Tryon, the Postmaster -Gen- eral, believes that the near future will ase the completion of a telephone net - 'work, which will afford communica- tion by the spoken word between all parts of the British Commonwealth. Thus will empire distances be still further "shortened," — Edmonton ;Journal. 9RAGLE EASE' Does Not Require Refrigeration WiI1 Do Your Basting in 5 Hours nmydc1E_T.76r Ioz. MET M. DYSON'S MIRACLE YEAST bakes Breadans Rolls in5Hours Price Package If your grocer has not re. calved his sup- ply, road 10 cents (o o i n) for 1- oz. re. Pere•5ry.ea3teisittj gular size pack. ,t.._ 4/ ase, enough for 10 bak. Inge, or, write for FREE sample to Dy'sori's Liited Dept. A. Winnipeg, Canada Kam INDIGESTION A THING OF TFIETPAST GASTRONOX will give you reliof from indigestion and ether gastric disorders) Let it help you to (.atter health as it has helped thousands. 341.STRONOS, an amazing alkaline stomach parader, neutralizes acid and peps you up. &oddness and social success depend neon _physical. fitness. Eat and drink what you Milk and take GASTRONOXI Get It todayt Sold at all drug etcres. KEEP Slim With TON TON PRESCRIPTION TABLETS jln aid to sienderness and body ohemioal balance. -A. pre- paration to eliminate waste material. Pride 51.00 and $2.00 ysr box. Out of town custom. ♦rs send money with order. Sole Dintribntors for Domin- ion of Canada. ' TON TON PRODUCTS B,EG'D., /gm 122, Station H., 1420 St. Catherine Wout, Montreal, 1P.Q. ,w Here There Everywhere ,bAnother to every other Scout Ivlthout regard to race or creed . A collection Of samples Of wood Of trees growieg, in Ontario sent by the Boy Senate of Acton, Qiitario, to the Boy Scouts of Acton, England, was acknowledged by a letter from J. Ewart Smarr-, Director of Education of the Borough of Acton. The .collec- tion was shown to boys in attendance at the various school handicraft cen- tres of the Borough before being ban - dad aver to the Scouts for permanent display in their headquarters. A new 100 -acre camp site within hiking distance from the end of the eastern Toronto street car line will be the hiking and camping mecca of many of Toronto's 9,000 Scouts and Cubs this summer. Tho size and top- ographical feotures of the site will permit of numerous individual troop camps. Sea Scouts of the 2nd Edmonton (St. Faith's) Scout Group are compet- ing in' making models of the famous ship recently featured in the movies, H.M.S. "Bounty." LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the co-operative plan has been productive of splendid results. Selling on the open market means real value for the owners. Get in touch With us. Writey ahuret 1143phone THE UNITED FARME31•s CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED LIVID STOOK COMMISSION DEPT. Union Stook Yards. Wrest Toronto The 23rd Hamilton, which last year had 12 Scouts out under canvas over the 24th of May, this year will have 20 Scouts and 3 leaders, the Scouts Including the "Viking" Sea Scout pa- trol. The Vikings will take along a boat which they have recently acquit - Eighteen, boys appeared on one meeting evening es applicants to join the 4lh Kitchener (St, Mary's) Scout Troop. As a result plans are under way to organize a i.econd troop. A truly international Boy Scout troop is that at the Canadian Acad- eme, Kobe, japan. Its membership includes boys from Canada, the Unit- ed States, )England, Austria, Guate- mala, Ilol'land, Siiairi, Denmark, Ice-. land, the Channel Islands, and a Jew- ish boy of a family exiled from Ger- many. Si contingent of Boy Scouts under leadership of the Headmaster of the Ilarrow County School, will repres- ent Great Britain this summer at a large Scout camp to be held near Colmar, Alsace, to celebrate the Jub- ilee of the Eciaireurs (Scouts) Union- istes de France. That Rover Scout training had prov- ed a valuable foundation for other study by theological student's rat Bishop's College, Leunoxville, was the tribute paid by the Rt. Rev. Phil- lip Carrington, Lord Bishop of Que- bec. The sales manager's wife had cal- led at the office, to be told that he was in conference. He (when conference was over) — Were you terribly bored while waiting for me, dear?" She — "No darling. I amused my- self with triose ducky little colored pine in that map on the wall. I changed them around and made them look much prettier. Man — "Have you noticed how a woman lowers her voice whenever she asks for anything?" Neighbour -- "Oh, yes. But have you noticed how she raises it if she doesn't get it? Life Insurance — Money that a mon provides for his widow and then borrows from her. Yet there are peopie who spend money for beefsteak when they have not seen a moving picture for more than a week. And usually you can recognize an only child. It has a thermometer sticking in its mouth. Boaster — "Yes, when I was in Africa a lion ran across my path. I had no gun. in my hand so I took a pail of water and poured it over his head and he ran away. Bored Listener — "I can vouch for that. I was in Africa of the same time and the lion ran into me and when I stroked his mane, it was still quite damp. With one woman in every eight working at a job outside, in 1936, it looks as if the day of "the woman in the home" may be reaching the van- ishing point about 1950. The Minister (to his milkman) -- I want to speak to you about the milk you have been delivering to me late- ly — we don't require it for christen- ings. • Man and wife should have the same religion, the same taste, and the same Idea about the proper frequency of baths. .," ........ ..... _ _..................veszinmempaperimmommtd Grow Strawberries Our Hardy Georgian Bay Plants Succeed Everywhere Improved Senator Dunlap 125-51.00, 500-52.75, 1000-55.00 Giant Mary Washington Asparagus, 50.650, 100—$1.00 Shipped Safely Anywhere --prepaid with full cultural directions. W. J. GALBRAITH "Mapledene" Stayner, Ont. Fes" "The Contester" A Weekly Bulletin Service for Contestants, Artists and Authors This service consists of International Prize Contests, Markets for Car- toons, illustrations, Borders. Designs for Magazines, Advertising, Greet- ing Cards and Verses. Articles, Limericks, Poems, Slogans, and Stories. $2.50 for 1 'year, 51.50 for 6 months, $1.00 100 3 mOntlis, 50o for 1 month, ,std a sample sheet 10o, Send a 3o t9taMped, 'addressed envelope for other money making ideas. Giff Baker, 39 Lee Avenue, Toronto, Canada Seesa Mvaice la Next 25 Yarn Greater Than in Past 75 Years If There Is Peace, Says Dr. Tory MONTREAL — Development of Canada's natural resources during the next 25 years, if there is peace, will grow more than it has during the past 75, Dr. H. M. Tory, Ottawa, honorary director of the Aassociation of Canadian Clubs, said at the an- nual meeting of the Women's Can- adian Club here recently. There was every justification for an optimistic attitude in Canada, he said. The right combination of land and climate had created conditions to make a civilization, Canada was a large country, com- munications were easy, centres of population were close at hand, he continued. The people, the two greatest civilizing and colonizing races in the world combined into one nation, were virile, intelligent and progressive. The past generations had made a magnificent job of Canada, Dr, Tory said. Mistakes had been made, he admitted. Canada was even now paying the piper for stupidity in early transportation development, but, he said, there never would have been a Canada bad it not been for the railways. Dr. Tory praised the tendency to study national problems. Unity must be maintained, he said, and provin- cial barriers should be broken down even more than they now are. Can- ada must take leadership in intel- lectual movements, he concluded, for an educated people was the found- ation of civilization. British Farmers Visiting Canada VICTORIA, — Forty-four members of the British National Union Party of Agriculturists are in Victoria on the last leg of a tour that has token them to India, South Africa, Austral- ia and New Zealand. The party head- ed by Major-General Francis .1. Dun- can, will study Canadian farming me- thods before returning to England. They plan stopping at Niagara Fails, Ontario. Visitor — "If your mother gave you a large apple and a small one and told you to divide with your brother, which apple would you give him?" Junior — "Do you mean my big brothel' or my little one?" ,od "My father is dead 1 Where can I get a doctor? " shouted a small boy as he rushed into a store in St. Catharines. Alex Junkin, Bell Telephone Installer, was in the store and suggested that Dr. E. D. Coutts be called. Trained by the First Aid courses provided by the telephone company for just such an emergency, Mr. Jtmkin followed the boy to his home. He found the father lying on a couch where he had been placed by his wife who had discovered him, lying in the bathroom, overcome with gas fumes. Mr. Junkin at once applied artificial respiration, at the same time asking that hot coffee be made and plenty of blankets be supplied. In a very few minutes the heart action could be felt and in a short time he was sufficiently conscious to swallow a little hot coffee. When Doctor Coutts arrived he assured the Be11'Te1ephone man that his intelligent and speedy action had undoubtedly saved the man's life. Helping Sparing I went for a walk this morning In the freshening air of spring And I heard the crows a -cawing Telling the return of spring I heard the running water Now freed from its winter in ice And I hear the indignant chatter Of a squirrel's scolding voice. I saw the new buds forming On maple and ash and thorn And I saw the flowers opening In the coming light of dawn I saw the blue-eyed voilet shine In the rising sun of spring And I thought of all the joy sublime These little flowers bring. I cane to a bank of violets blue And there I stooped down to pick A bouquet for my mother who Is home in bed and sick As I sat there picking violets I thought of our God above Who had painted these few violets in token of His dear love. • And how can we best follow ' This example set by Him? And 410 our best to help along His- flowers in the spring? We can pick then gently one by one And only take a few Leaving the rest to dry in the sun After a bath in the dew. —Philip Sydney Irwin. Mecharucs of Far rn Homes Elicit Keen Interest of Women NORTH BATTLEFORD, Sask., — Women of northern. Saskatchewan have proveu they can grasp mechan- ics of the farm home as readily as their husbands, according to Prof, R. Frey of the engineering department 1 of the University of Saskatchewan. .A. three-day short course conducted here for farm women by the univer- sity proved highly successful. Profes- sor Frey discussed a number of water and disposal systems to an attentive audience of women from the surround- ing district. He was astounded at the conclusion of his talks to find himself target for a barrage of questions, Among other things the women lis- teners were anxious to know the best way to reinforce a cement cistern, a treatment for leaky cement walls, and what to do with badly chipped steps. Resurfacing a cement walk also was a frequent question. The professor spent so much time trying to answer the many queries he almost missed a later session with the women's husbands. During the lectures many women took notes and showed high skill in copying diagrams, New Seed Potato Certified WARBA The new Warba potato is without a doubt, the finest origination of a century in the early potato class. It has been tried in many parts of United States and Canada and all results have shown that it is fully two weeks ahead and more productive than the well known early variety Irish Cobbler. Its shape is roundish, skin and flesh white. eyes about the same depth as those of the Cobbler ii sail 1 cious and ke in keeps very: well, well, at ilinodonald College last Summer, has con- vinced us that it will soon be. the leading early variety of . potato for our northern climate. While our stool( lasts: r�Yn '=- 5 lbs. 0 .75 10 lbs 1.20 30 lbs. 3.00 60 lbs. 4.50 100 lbs. 6.00 F. O. R. Store Our 1035 seed catalogue, the best ever put up in North Anteriea, free on request. 'D W. H. PERRON & CO., L,IIVIITED Seeds/nen and Nurserymen 935 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal Tel. Lane. 4191. Ne i} lode! J:'itche Exhi ited 'rtlp t Fair British Architects Use Cana- dian Materials Extensively LONDON, Eng. — For feminine visitors to the British Industries Fair one of the outstanding displays was a complete model kitchen de- signed by the well-known Bri- tish architect, Frederick Barber, L.R.I.B.A., F.I..B.D. In recent years, enormous strides have been made in housing throughout Great Britain and the housewife's chief work room has not been: overlooked. To Canadians, some of the kitchen terms will be interesting but un- familiar. The word "cooker" is used instead of stove and 'an "elec- tric fire" is included in the equip- ment to `take- care of the heating of the room. The Iarder is an essen- tial as well as hatch fitments. On investigation, much of this new British kitchen originates in Canada. Metals are widely used, the windows, for instance, being metal and the natural Canadian al- loy of nickel and copper, nlonel me- tal, is used for practically all work- ing surfaces, for table tops, larder shelves and the hot-water boiler. Cooking utensils are of pure Cana- dian nickel while nickel -chromium alloys are used fo,r electric heating and cooking elements. MOTO CYCLES] Large Stock Used Machines Terms Arranged. New machines on display. Write for catalogue. WALTER ANDREWS LTD. 531 YONGE ST. - - TORONTO Guaranteed FELT TIRED AND ILL EVERY MOM G Nov awakes full of life and energy FRUIT-A-TR'ES rid his system of dangerous poisons It's a poisoned sf mthatnakes you wake up with a nagging headache, a "furry" mouth ---listless and tired. And now you can get lasting relief ...easily, economically. Use Fruit-a-tives regu- larlyThey are the discovery of a famous physician. Natural... Fruit-a-tives con- tain extracts from fruits and herbs. Effective ... they cleanse the entire elimination system and their special tonic effects help bring new energy. Safe Fruit-a-tives do not contain any habit-forming drugs. Proved Results —Fruit-a-tives is the largest selling remedy of its kind in Canada real proof of its results. ICE ►' X "Opt lite" Refrigerator Good as new, suitable for small restaurant or large family. Make ,offer. Room 421 73 Adelaide Street W. TORONTO ELgin 3101 Issue No, 19 — '36 19 Road Mileage Almost one-third of the highways of the world are in the United States. The total road mileage in the entire world is a little over 8,200,000 miles. Of this mileage, almost 3,900,000 miles are in North America and South Am- erica, Europe has 3,300,000 miles, Asia a little over 1,000,000, Australasia a little over 500,000 miles and Africa just under 400,000 miles. Of the mile- age on the two Amerlean Continents, the United States has over 3,000,000 miles out of a total of 3,800,000 miles. Classified Advertising INvnNTonst A N OFFEI? TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted Inventions and full information sent free. TETE RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. 'Oz SALE RASPBERRY CANES, VIKING, $30.00 thousand. Alsonia Farms, Cooksville. WASHO WASHO — CLEANS EVERYTHING. Used daily every home. Harmless, economical. Free needle threader with each package, beats all sales records. Gooe. repeater. Good comtnission. Ex- ceptional proposition, Write quick, 9 SVashc 131d., Alexandria, Ont. a25 BULBS GLADIOLUS — 100 for $1.00 POST - paid. 13loonting size. Rainbow mix- ture. R. Corman, Harriston, Ont. SALESLADIES 'WANTED ALESLADIES. FAST SELLING CAN- "'adian magazine with liberal com- mission. Write to Knitting and Home- craft, Department 7, l;nity Building, Montreal, Quebec. EDUCATIONAL TECHNICAL BOOKS FOR SALE ON T1lE FOLLOWING subiects: Radio. Aviation, Diesel, Refrigeration. Mr -Conditioning, Pros- pecting, Engineering, etc. Write Inc list. Technical Book C».. 563 Bay St, Toronto, Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores, heals quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, 51.00. y -t -hear E�'` WHO SUFFER Women who seer in silence tram pay a double penalty for -wearing this gag of unseltisliness or hilly pride. Painful periods ate nature's ~yarning that something is wrong and needs im- mediate attention. Failure to heed and correct the first painful symptosis may lend to chronic conditions with some- times bad consequences. Growing girls as well as women in middle life are often snOlcrers from female 3rr'epulari• ties, entarrhal drains lir. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription is a dependable tonic for women anti can be obtaitied at every drug store. tiny now: New size, tablets 50 cts,. liqui4 $1.00. Large size, tabs. or liquid, 51.35. Write for free medical advice to Dr. Pierre's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. 20 CUTS it SORES Apply Minard's freely. It washes out poison end cleanses. Any wound heals quickly after its use. There's nothing better ." trosolonavammaromenvemovenzerertatt r •