HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-05-14, Page 4ILLSGKE'l
SU. and Mrs. c, ' .abinsoai spent
Abe week -end. in Lendon with the lat-
'tees sister and brother-la:law.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen-
tra'lan visited the latter's mother and
:Ilr. and Mxs. Earry Norris of near
Terucef'ield visited at the latter's par-
<asuta Sunday.
x..'.., ""'111+
Mr, and leSCElliott and Mr. Elliot
and Ml's. • "iNixes of Mitchell visited
relatives in the vicinity during the
lab E. R. Samuels of Toronto is
here getting men to plant his fern
this week.
Mr. and .lairs. Sam Gesell and fam-,
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and WITS..
Rudy Desch,
�� nit
reductio€ ON
hffected highest gee e white priceof
the bide
aged. 4uality, Paints rraotecl
In the which remains not
prices for thyou have been op
is fsunous for
assured beauty glad
to Pay to
reason than ev $3.75 per Now that protection is less
paints. er fort gallon there a price
insistupon sng a chance other
ng one
brands. T here stars ° e its your bece Famous
can CCS ! vriunary that
F' a:
1■aMOMa■aaa■■■ e
r64i"', ■a ■■■■■INC,
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III" 11111011111111 V.. IN1
1\ IIIIIIS.411111161010' '11.11"
.# il EMetiesto.
How would you Tike
this Bathroom in your home?
Don't live in just a "house" — make it a REAL HOME by install-
ing a new, modern bathroom and a Duro Automatic Pumping System.
• The Duro-Special Pumping System, all Canadian -made, having
aR1 capacity of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized
Tani, 25- or 60 -cycle 110 -volt motor, costs only $8 1.50.
Look at these prices!
Three pieces— Bath, Shower, Lavatory and Toilet—
as illustrated, with all ftFings•... $122.0
Other complete Bathroom
equipment as low as $70.60
Hydro's Free Gift to
Rural Dwellers
Electric Current w,irl be ;proyided.-Free-
of'Charge-for-op1)tafrng electric pumps.
.to provide water, under pressure for
'Household Sanitary Sistelns..,
Write for Free Booklet
London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver
U RALE 14- '
",� errsday,
Mr, and Mrs. Jacgta Swarczentrub-
er spent Sunday `afternoon at the
hooarae of Mr. arid Mrs. Fdmub,tt
Mr, and iklies, Jacob Gascho of` (-
lay City, Mich., were Sunday visitor,
at the harri.e of Mr. and Mrs, Chris
Mr. and Mrs. .Amos Gingerich and
daughter spent -Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund Qesch.
Sunday visitors with Me. and Mrs,
Roy Gingerich were: Mr. and Mrs.
Edmund Erb and family, Mr. and
Mrss. Aaron Gingerich and family:
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Asians.
Mr. and Mies. Sam Repp of ;Hen
sall, Mr. and Mrs. Henry •E+ichlex• .of
Pigeon, Mich., spent iSunday with Mr
and Mrs. Chris Gingerich, •
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Erb a nd•
daughter were visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Gingerich. "
The funeral of the late Menno
Bechler was largely attended. Peo-
ple being present from Kitchener,
Tavistock, Milverton and from the
1\lr. and Mrs. J. H. Milne, of Tor-
onto and family of Kitchener, are.
new occupying their cotbageeat
son's ,grove.
.Miss Lucy Woods left 'last ,week
for London, a delegate for -the W. A.
after .whichshe will spend some time
in 'Hamilton,
Play is Successful
The play, "Too Many Husbands,"
was presented in the Town Hall on
Wednesday evening last, by members
of St. Andrew's United Church. .A
number of those taking part had nev-
er before been in a play and showed
ability in acting.
Barns are Burned
A fire last Tuesday night completely
destroyed Robert Penhal's barns. He
had arrived home about 10 o'clock
with his horse, "Doctor K" and while
descending' from the hay loft, fell
with a lantern. Hay immediately
took fire and although he was con-
siderably injured by the fall, he
managed to take the horse -oat of
the stable . and call for help, when his
car and large truck were removed.
People from several miles in t he
country were attracted by the.b'laze,
It was fortunate that it was a calm
night or damage to nearby cottages
would have resulted.
Well, at last The Farmers are able
to work at their. seeding. The wee;
then of late has been ideal for farm
work, and the recent rains • andwarm
weather is much welcome by all. The
mercury which hovered around 90
degrees on Saturday and Sunday
last brought a good many people to
the shores of Lake Huron and a good
ducking gave comfort -to all those
that were brave enough to race the
blue waters of May.
NOTES=.Mr. and Mrs. Solomn Wi-
lliams of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs
Bernard Hartman of Thedford were
Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Oc-
car 'Ducharme north of St. Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Bea-
ver Town were Grand Lend visitors
on Sunday.
Mir. Alphone Dabus of the Goshen
line south, was guest to Mr, Avila
Ducharme on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Dennis Charrette of
Blue Water Highway south, were
guests to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte
of Drysdale on Sunday last.
Miss Lucille Jeffrey of St. Peter's
Seminary, London paid a flying visit
to her parents of Beaver Town, on
Saturday Nnght last.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme, of
Beaver Town were Sunday visitors to
the latter's patents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Masse.
Mr. Edward J. Denomme celebrat-
ed his birthday en Saturday evening
May 9th, at which a most pleasant
time was had by all present, Among
:those present were: Mr. and Mr,.
John Maher of London; also Ervin
and Leonard Denoannte of London;,
and Reuben Deno/nine of Hensall, as
well as many other friends who wish-
ed Mr. Denomme many happy returns
of the occasion.
A goodly number from a distance
observed Mother's Day in a very ap-
eropriate way by visiting their moth-
ers over the week -end. It is indeed
a. privilege to be blessed with living
'parents when 'we get up in middle
age of life. While those who are
not so fortunate, observed the `•occas-
ion in a more solemn way by think-
'ng back to the happy days when
their mother was with the family.
The Angel of Death visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Corriveau
on Tuesday afternoon, and called a-
way their dear little 'Doreen, aged
four years. She had been ill for
ynly a short time, and regardless of
what good nursing and medical at-
ention could do she was tailed into
he better world. Her affliction being
rouble in the head. The funeral is
ling held Wednesday afternoon to
Peter's cemetery for interment._
'clay many friends ex,ten(r the meet
.;urtfelt sympathy
At •a Quarter Mile South aft. Z'ur. Ti
Qu SATURDAY, MAY 16th,19361
At 1.30 o'clock,, pen..
Kitchen Range, 3 'Kitchen Tables;
16 •chairs, 3 Rockers, 2 Sideboards,
2 sinks, 2 eupboards, 2 wood' stoves,
2 parlor stoves, Cuckoo Clock, 4
bedsteads, 2 springs, 2 mattresses, 2
wash stands, 2 couches, Rayo lamp,
5 coal oil lamps, 2 alarm clocks, Cen-
tre table, Raymond drop head sewing
machine almost new, carpets, mats,
carpet strips, quantity bedding, small
tables, Seagull, pictures galore, 100
piece dinner set, other dishes and
chinaware, . glassware, Two 4 -gallon
crocks, r,f wo 2 -gallon crocks, and
many' other small crocks, 2 flour
chests, 3 chamber sets, copper apple
abutter kettle, 2. sugar kettles, rubber
mounted harness, top buggy, work
bench, carpenter tools, large apple
peeler, about `8 dozen sealers, wash-
ing machine and wringer, wash
boards and tubs, 2 copper boilers, 3
!lard cans, 2 lanterns, brass kettle, 4
good axes, cross cut saw, hand saws,
2 baking trays, gasoline stove, screen
door, rakes, shovels, cider barrel,
fawn mower, block and tackle, cream
separator, 4 iron pots, quantity mixed
eveod, meat blocks, sausage grinder,
whippletrees and doubletr'es, set bin-
der -canvass, walnut bureat}, wagon
tongue new; wooden chest, map of
Ontario, home made soap, spincung
wheel and reel ' .complete, 4 large
clothes baskets, collapsable bath tub,
5 sets window screens, gallon jugs.
pick, pruning shears: potato fork,
roll of black wire, grindstone, wire
stretcher, axes, hammier nandles,
garden tools, 5 -gallon oil oan, pots
pans, dishes and hundreds of other
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.
W. S. Johnston, Clerk.
Louis Wurm, Proprietor.
The undersigned has received instru-
ctions to sell by public •auceion at
1936, at 1.00 o'clock the following
REAL ESTATE - 2 storey frame
house in Crediton, North West cor
nes S. half Iot B, Fahner's survey,
515 ft. frontage, wired for hydro,
good well. Vacant Lot pt. S. half
lot 11, con. 6, Stephen, two and one
lavlf acres, known as the flax mill pro-
perty. Farm Property consisting of
50 acres, N. half lot 11, eon. 5,
Stephen twp., brick house and bank
combe piano, settee and chairs, din-
ing room table and _buffet, 5 dining
room chairs, arm chair, 3 bedroom
>suites, hall tree, small table, writing
desk. extension table, safe, bureau,
parlcite; carpet sweeper, electric iron,
toaster,' clocks, 2 mirrors, flour box,
'sink, range cook stove, Quebec heater
coal" oil stove, stove pipes, 2 burner
oil stove, sideboard, washing machine
and wringer, 3 couches, hammock;
Singer sewing machine, 4 pedastels,
library table; pots and pans, 12X15
tapestry rug.
OTHER ITEMS — 8 buffalo robes,
oilcloths, 8 crosscut saws, 3 bucksaws
hand saws, belts and pullies, piping
and fittings, tools of all kinds, 2
wrecking bars, 2 ear ' pumps, car
jack, tree pruner, 2 scythes, iron
pump, quantity inch lumber, some
plank, some windows and sashes,
lawn mower, forks, hoess, shovels,
spades, picks, axes, crowbars, rakes,
chains, ropes, hinges, cream separator
man's bicycle, set of 3 -horse double -
trees, whifiietrees, whiffletree irons,
neokyokes, onion screen, step ladder,
extension ladder, wheel barrow, fan-
ning mill, rubber tired buggy, set
light sleighs, pole and shaft, cutter
and buggy shafts, buggy pole, Gray
Dort touring car, 1 -horse walking
plow, set heavy harness, 2 set single
harness, 21 hens and numerous other
TERMS—Chattels, cash. Real Est-
ate, 10 per cent on day of sale with
the balance in .thirty days. Subject
to a reserved bid.
The Estate of the late Fred Heist.
Mrs. Lena Heist, Crediton;
Wellington Heist, Crediton;
Everett Heist, Zuiiich, Executors_
Frank Taylor, Auctioneer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs_ Burr
of Detroit spent the week -end atthe
home of Mrs. Joseph Rau.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Stratford
Were Sunday visitors at the Gelinas
home. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck.
ofthe 14th concession.
lair. and Mrs. Napoleon Denomme
of Detroit, were week -end visitors
with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Philip
Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph. Corriveau Sr.
were Sunday visitors with the form-
er's brother, Mr. and airs. Frank
Cbrriveau: • • • '
' Mr. '•Daniel Ayotte of the - 14th, con.•
Made a nuinber of calls with friends
hereon Tuesday.
• Mr. and., Mrs: Aswell and Mr.
Tom Kelly of London, were visitors
at ,the home of Ed. and Burnette
Mousseau, one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Marchand of Tilbury
are visiting with their son the Rev.
;lather L. Marchand at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Lotsing;er of Kitch-
ener visited with her parents, Mr.
end Mrs. Ernest Denomme.
The recent rains again: has delayed
needing operations. During the past
,week the weather was so hot the poor
horses could hardly work, and now
when it is cooler, the land is again
'ria.:hid. SOME farmers h;ave.l►ard-
'y .got half their seeding in. ;
ay 14th, 193
art ullor—buyyoortiourbyisa r Purity
. r has efijoye!il your coolidelote for thirty
years:. Allways iyuui!tarm gsflty . -YU fed front,
the moldy■ beet wheam—ensurercomplete
sat d **tics for every kind of baking,
Best for off your. Balcin. _
axe SALE AT:
Johnson and Kalbfleisch; Zurich
Motion that we grant the ,Salvat
ion Army permission to hold a tag,
' Mrs: Rabt Ja,rrott of London was day the Village •of Hensall.
a recent visitor here. The following -orders passed:
Mrs. Maude Redden and little Do- .Hydro 6.84; F. G. Bonthron, post:-
nald of Sunbury, New Ont., are vis- and exchange 3.75; C. Wolfe.
iting relatives in town for a few
Mrand Mrs. Jas. Dick, who have
!been visiting with their son, Ross at
Smiths -villa, near Toronto, have re-
turned home.
Mss. John Parke was a recent vise
ieor with her sister, Mrs. E. T. Dan. -
labor ;streets 6.60; W. Hildebrand.
do 7.60, and 5.20; Cook Brok,
and oil Fire Dept. 3.88; Co. of Hur-
on. indigent 3.50; Clerk Typewriter
ribbon $1; Clerk premium 'Treasur-
urer's• Bond $20; W. E. Pfaff labor
streets 1.70; W. Dabus, toilets, hall(
.$2; Relief—G. Walker, meals tran-
,glas'of Hyde Park. smote -50; G. M. Case coal $4; T.E.
Mrs. Claude Blower was a recent Delmer'and'groceries 2.50; 'W. Green
visitor with friends at London. -ilk 70.07;
lYbrs. John McKenzie, who has Motion., that the Gleik be instruct
ed to get in touch with the I
spent the winter with her son in `Imperial
Stanley Twp., has returned to her,
regards prices for street,
home for the summer. •
Wm. Bell has •accepted a position I Jailer A. Paterson, Clerk:.
with Dr. Moir for ;the summer and,
has moved his family to one of the
houses on the Moir farms.
Mrs. Geo. Hedden and family have
shoved to the house on the lailpat J ;turned last :week from a winter tour
to. Honolulu, New Zealand sand Aus-
.ta elle , ..{.,
The engagement is announced of
6 A. Jackson of S'eafonth re -
rick farm just south of Kippen-
Maiigaret Buchanan has returned
to Toronto after spending sem
weeks with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rap Pfaff and dale- fAanza G. Edmunds, Reg. N., young
ghter 'of D9lhi were visitors evxthMns er daughter of Mrs] W. G. Edmunds:
Mice P.fa re • '• � a;foatth to Frank Allan Kling,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knight and' 2 only son of Mae. Wm. Mtanson.
children of Kitchener, visita5r1 with
Tax Rate Down
relatives in town. The tax mite foe Exeter for - 193T
Alice Higgins, who has spent ,rev- l been set at 32 mills a reduction
eral months in Landon, is visiting f three mills from 1934:- Ifii view
for a few weeks at her hon of the many- improvements; that have.
Mr. and labs. Thos. Wren andns i Been made in the town diming the'
posityear this is a splendid showing,-
Adopts Burinie'
'Prom Dundalk •conies the story of:
Geo. Hudson were visiting in London
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie of
Toronto ,were visiting, Mrs. A. Me-
1Vfurtrie Sr., who is quite. UL ' a black another cat, who, having lost:
Hensel, Assessment Ron has leen two of her litter of three kittens, ad -
handed to the Clerk andshows a opted The
from the family of a rab-
rgain in population of 17 ,iso a gain he lbw° black and 'the twri
iii the Total Assessment of•*7,924.00
pure 'white animals get along eogeib
Also an increase in dogs of five_ Then qr famensen all appearing to be
they say the small places are slipp-
ing. Ha! Hal;
Training Schad for 3uninr• instit-
ute project leaders and assistants was,
held in Hensall May 1 ands 2nii Re-
presentatives were present from Sea:- lien each Wednesday until rthe end of
forth,. Mrs.. J_ Hillelbrecht and Annie:. September, except when a legal boli
Dapple; Z•urirch, Irene Mousseau rind' day preceeds or follows a Wednea-
Mary Coleman; Hensel', Mrs. E. K. dtay_- •
Hutton and Isobel Alexander- The . Tax Rate 42 Mills For TOSS,
class was under the direction of Miss Moor the purpose of striking the tax,
F. Durnin of Dungannon. These leadr; rate far 1936 a special meeting of
ers will now' help in carrying out+ t}re the Seaforth council was held in the
interesting- and instructive clothing couuril last Monday eve. which is an
project "Being Well Dressed and early: recoa'd for the at which this an -
Well! (roomed;" in their respective • nual budget meeting has taken place,
clubs: Each rclieb and club member Public School Sugg`l.l:.ff` ffl.`lnxu7]5se•
!will show their best• work. in carve- Public School Supporters will pay 42
ition at Achievement Day to be held mills and Separate school suppiaters
in Clinton an. Jane Mb- 41.5 mills. Mayor Sutherland presid-
Hensall Council Minutes
• The dearth occurred at the home of
Regular meeting -of the Village CO- her brother -in -slaw, Mx. D. Cantelon,
unci] was held on the eve. of May 4, .of Clutton ]art Sunday morning of'
;with all ;Fr iug-present. 11Urrates of -the :Miss Sarah Cantelon, a native ot
previous meeting read and adopted. Qoderich township, ,aged 86 years..
.Roy- Weber- appeared regerdi per- The deceased lady was a d'aughtecr
Inussion to install a curb gasoline ,and the eldest child of the Matte Adm.
-pumupi • Na rection, taken. 11 Robing •CNantelith and his wife, Margaret.
. ply , pioneer settlers in Godericl)
TcwF;j�,tivltere: ° she' 'spent the greater -
part axf her life. She had resided!
with her brother; the late H. H. Can- •
*Jona on the old homestead ,for a
Jong time.
Broderick -Boons
A pretty wedding took place last
Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs:
Gee. Audea'son when their grra•ndda-
Assessinent Roll and was given time tighter Thelma Boone was united ins.
to complete
eene. ' marriage to huh Broderick, sonCspondce readas follows: of Me and E. Broderick of 1x- •
J. Sullsvan re: Telegram; Workmen's Ober. Rev. A. E. Elliott of Exeter, ,
Compensation Board, Dominion Tax officiated. The bridesmaid was Miss.'
and Chen:d al' Cie„ -. W.:, Tinmiors,. Barr Vera Xestle while Harold Broderick
McLeod; Relief Branch; Clerk of e y:peorterl the r eoom. Followingthe'.
Winghana;; Dept. of .M:utiic:ipal Aff'air's r-ca:e pony a we .bin dill. ' was eiv --
aatne filed;. l ed 4.o 35 gaents.
Half Holiday
The first of the summer half holt.-
ourdays will be on Wednesday„ May 6,,
when :Seaiforlih business places will be:
closed. The holidays will continue.
Miss S. Cantelon Passes
(son appeared re Board of -Health and
(Sanitary affairs. .M•otitzn, that we
`:grant, the snub ,of $1.50 per 'regular
Imeeting to each member of Bona:Vast
11-Iealth, Secretaryincluded and lia ve'
a by -law -prepared to 'cover same.
F: G. Bonthron, tax collector re-'
• pot ted: the tax arrears as 491.97. Mot
ion, that we accept :the tax roll..
Carlin S Hudson appeared vvithtthe