HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-05-07, Page 8'PAOE WORT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK n Ieum :s1,1 RUG uessing Contest NOW ON 'WIN- A 6x9 RUG FREE OF CHARGE BY GUESSING THE LUCKY NUMBER HIDDEN UNDER THE GOLD SEAL IN WINDOW Numbers Range from 1 to 5000. Ask Us for Entry Blank. Contest Closes 11 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 9th. GROCERY SPECIALS Canned Peas, 2 for Canned Corn, at 10-1b. Corn Syrup, at 19c 1 Oc 75c 5c 10c 25c 15c 5c Bran Baking, 2 lbs for Prunes per lb. Chick Oatmeal, 9 -lbs Salted Peanuts, per lb Shoe Polish, box. J. G for PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 ra CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are shill tho most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident . Statistics prove that: The Greatest of these is COURTESY. ti Drive Safely and avoid an Accident --- But be Prepared! ----A few Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Damage,.. Etc. Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETI• LBNOGOO VS06.000006990* cP 8 Gee f- ee HARDWARE -- SEEDS and ire If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this - year, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! HERALD --'-moi =' "I tl IBilltlll II IIII Mill 1 IIIRIIIIII IIII 111111111111 MII111II11IIiII OM 111111 11111111111 H1111111III1111111111II1111111111111 111 i1! iuhhII11Iil IIIhTllllliu' NEW Grocery Store Falcon Bak. Powder 1 -Ib. can and 10c vanilla 25c Canned Sweet Corn, 2 tins 19c Richards Carabolic Soap, per cake 5c Corn Flakes (Kellogg's) 3 boxes Ginger Snaps, per Ib.. r 25c 1Oc Auphabet Macaroni, 4 lbs 25c Green Tea, per Ib. 39c Morning Cheer Coffee, per Ib'. 30c Save Your Coupons for China and Silverware. Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. - Zurich Phone 165 • IIIIIIIII IIIIII111110l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111IIl1III1111111IIII1111111IIIf u ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. S. Templon and dau- ghter Jone of Stratford, Miss Agnes Flick, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. •Schiele. of Sebringville were Sunday visitors at the home of lira. C. England. Miss Esther Laidlaw of Detroit, motored over the week -end to Zurich and returning home she was accom- panied by her mother, wno Tias been for several weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Weber. The Bean Guessing Contest under the auspices of St. Peter's Lutheran Church came to a close on Tuesday May 5th. Cosugratulations to Mrs. Theodore Rader, the lucky winner whose guess 2764 came closest to the actual number of beans in the jar 2769. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae motored to London Saturday after- noon and as it happened to be our twenty-year wedding anniversary we recalled many remininces of what Ihas transacted these last twenty years and nobody knows what changes the next two decades will bring. Womens' ' Institute The monthly meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Women's Institute was held in the Town Hall on Mon- ; day evening May tth with an atten deuce of 50 members and visitors. This meeting was particularly ar- June .8 -Zurich at Staffa. i^armed fin hr,nor our Grandmothers. t Goderich at Seaforth. Mrs. E. Klopp occupied -the chair ,dine 11 -Clinton at Zurich. her program. The onening num her was the song by the Inlune 12- Staffs at" Goder.ich, titute, 15-Seaforth at Staffs. My Grandfe`her•'s Clock." Mrs. H. Gunton at Goderich Hess then favored the audience with 18-Goderich at Zurich_ a reading entitled "Mother's Coffee" 19-,Seaforth at Clinton. An instrumental was given by Marg- 22 -Zurich at Seaforth. erg Hey. Also a vocal duet by Ruth Gunton at Staffs Johnston and Dorothy Weido. Ex- 25-Staffa at Zurich. cellent music was supplied by the Stelck Orchestra. A chorus "When . ,Seaforth at Goderich. you and I Were Young, Maggie" was -,.29 -,Skaffa at Seaforth. sung by the committee with Mrs. uly 1st -Zurich at Clinton, H. Hess accompanying at the piano, Gunton at Seaforth. 3- Mrs. Klapp then introduced the ' erich at Staffs guest speaker, Mrs. Filche, from 6 -Zurich at Goderich. Hensall who gave an address on •S'tafl'a at Clinton. "Flowers". Mrs. Filche also spoke ` 9-Seaforth at Zurich. of the many modern conveniences en- 10--Zuricrich at Clinton. joyed by the housewife of to -day, 13 -Zurich at Staffa which were unknown in our grand- 14-Goderich at Seaforth mothers' time. Gifts were presented 16 -Clinton at Zurich. by the Institute to Mrs. P. Manson 17-S'eaffa at Goderich. who has moved to Hensall and to 21-Seaforth at Staffa. Ithe oldest and youngest grandmotherClinton-at Goderich. aoteeelmosooses fpresent. Mrs. Barrow being the ald- Seaforth at Clinton I I est and Mrs. hfcGrnggor from Kip- present. JL4-Goderich at Zurich pen being the youngest. The burin- , 27 -Zurich at Seaforth ess Dart of the program waq then Glintan at Staffa. conducted by the president. Mrs. T. Meyers. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, It was decided to have a baking Sale 9 in the near future. in the nese 2 future. During a social period fol- ' lowing the meeting. refreslrm+-n{a we- re served by the committer i,, ^'^r,•,,;, O Mrs F. Klnnn. Mrs. A. T. Ma.eKin- a non, Mrs. T. Hey. Mrs. W. Johnston. I• Mrs. P. Manson. Mrs. H. Hess, i'f I' . e N. Gascho and Mrs. Anderson. The igi nnnnel renort was then rend by Miss ei Beatrirp Manson and will be publish- ed next week. 0 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs . 15, 13, 11 Butter, ib. creamery 29a Wheat 72 Oats, bush.. 26 Barley, bush_ 32c Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt. 2.25 315 Bran and shorts, ton 20.00 Potatoes per 90 -lb. bag 1.00 8.50 Live Hogs, cwt. bail clubs were present Mr: T. Churchill, President of the newly formed league presided. After all the .loose ends of business (•left frosfc last meeting) was 6 sea e'ied, th_e r ` 1I( !!llFiSIiIillUU11d!VIII!111111lll!llullllllilul!!ll!1,111 1!r 1M!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111!11�Iilillf;i'IPII!eJi1Ul!I�ItILDI! ! U1pIlU!!IlI11111II11111011111111!Ilill!I(lllllillllW 1Y0 schedule for the 1936 season was drawn np. This schedule is a bit = THESE PRIG subject to‘ change without Notice longerthan what we have been accus- tomed to, but since there are fives Painting Wawa 'teams in the league and each team $7.QQ and 10.00 plays :the circuit twice, forty games Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 are necessary required to complete schedule. = Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 The following is the 1936 scheduleReriamni RerimmingWheels Set 12o00 May25-Seaforth ae Goderich. Buggy Zurich at Clinton. ' Buggy Shaft May 28 -Clinton at Seaforth. May 29-.Goderich at Staffa. Cross Bar each June 1 -Zurich at Goderich. = Buggy R Staffa at Clinton. . June 4-Seaforth at Zurich_ Buggy Spokes each Goderich at Clinton. Thug st a r , ... +;, gip' 7t19, 4986 4. 4. ti "1+44++yII 4,041+++++ +4++44+144,1.4, gr'P441.. „1+.g++Y *4.40i+. 4.4.4 .. +*# tSu j4. 4. YOUR Hardware � d +_ 4. 4i ST RE THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW ``i FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY ;` 4, YOU WITH THE BEST - OF WOVEN WIRE, :. ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT e,. NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE. 4 4. , TROUGHING 4 SPECIALS I SPECIAL!ss S• pecial Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 2 8c V • • • We also have some very Attractive Prices in 4 Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and • Miresses. USED FURNITURE 4. Two Godd Used Chesterfield • Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; ,a,, .1 Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for.quick Sale. e"s,`, • 4. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $ 2,00 Up.4. 4. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! 4.f Johnston & Kalbfieisch Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 f ▪ 4"+++i ++3+d•d•i •F•3••6•+4.++++++++ +444i+ • !.4.4••k•Y••> ++1.4t* FURNITURE F yOST FENCE .... for long life. Come•in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've evet had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. P r �!I 'r i NI as 'Is'r"r ' Moil* . TIGHT t LOCit ZINC BONDED an erdu,iro FROST ham it.. SAVES YOU MONEY' Celebrate Anniversary What was considered to be the largest attendance in the Zurich O Town Hall in all history was experi- enced last Friday evening when the O local Zurich Creamery sponsored a ® free concert to their patrons and hi- s ends. Tt is estimated that over 600 PAINTS! PAINTS! 0 neo'ple had gathered. The occasion s was in recomrrtion of the first anni- We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried a "ersary of this enterprize. Mr. David Thecharme was chairman, and the and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ® "neakers were: A. Melick, Reeve of `� iTay Ilwp; G. Axms'troni; and E. �V�1= Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax ; per, Councillors of Hay. There were; many interesting numbers on the C.c od ear Balloon and Cord ` Tires and Tubes i I•v Misstit' y nrogram unci+utlin^ rr �A ng, in all sizes s 13. Mason, tap clans' -+c• r,<r litt:e Jove tBioderrck .of Hensall b1.0'.. !2-e most Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall outstanding entertainers the sx Mattresses B;anio Trou:padoru•s of London o,rrl the May Sisters who did excellent Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- tap dancing. reciting, and acrobatic stunts, and fahly commanded the ap- ing our Specialty. Full line.3fTh . f heavy and shelf Hard- plause of the large attendance. ' ware always In stock. a orchestra selections were also well received and these outstanding muie- mans gave a good account of themsel- T A D E WEIDOI yes. SPORT NEWS Z U R 1 C H O N 1 On Mornday night the executive of QUALITY - PRICE . -- SERVICE • Ne Hm Fon toerth Baseball League helfl me,ting in the town hall. Clinton. �l1AlII�IA ______•I!! :Representatives from Go<ler eh 'Ghn- ton, Seaforth, .Staffa and Zlirieh 30-+Staffa at Zurich. Aug. 3-Staffa at Seaforth. ST. JOSEPH AND BEAVER TOWN NEWS Inlast week's issue of Drysdale News we noticed a budget failed to appear, by reason that the writer failed to sign the name to it. Weill we don't blame the Editor for all. that, for .if he published some things to ,displease he would sure. get in a jam, and get his hide tanned, as well as those who write the news; for they too are living under threats of gett- ing their hair pulled and their skin scratched if they were known. Such as the the life of a news writer. Be- lieve Me! NOTES Mrs. David Geromette of Mount Carmel spent a few days with herr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Du- charme of St. Joseph North. Miss Veronique Ducharme who sp- ent a few weeks visiting relatives in Detroit has returned home. Mr. Willie Plante and sister, , 1VIrs. Joe Mousseau of Detroit, spent! the Week -end visiting with their f ther, Mr. David Plante and other relatives Messrs. Leonard Samaras and-'1`ior plan were in London. on Saturday. The latter broadcasting guitar music over the air which was much appre- ciated by all those who had the plea- sure to hear him. A large number of people motored to Zurich on Friday evening to at- tend the entertainment in the Town Hall. Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey of Detroit, who has spent the last week visiting Mrs. A. Brisson her mother and other; relatives, has returned home. Miiss Cherrie Jeffrey of Beaver, Town is spending a few days in. Dc-' troit visiting relatives and friends. 3.00 1.00 1.25 25c .11ES$3 the Repair_ !!!IIiU llal!INIM10!1111S11111!HI!11!!i!Ii!LN0111 1111!!!111101!1111!!!11!1!!!11!!!1111!!1111!!!!1!Ul!il!ll?!11dPAllf!p,1!lel!Hli!M1!UI!11111111111!IillN! 1111111!Rlil!Illill!!1!!PnN1!1111 4ll! i E+1+•3•4.*.C.,0•F 4.4..4.4.4••1 4.4.++ 4.4 t ++4.4.41,10 E+°c+4 •€ +•E••li•4.444.4.4+d^•H'G''.4.4++F04.0 Irt I.• ZtT' 1011 ' ci-AnAGE.t: t• •• • EXTRA EXTRA • Large Shipment of Tires Just. Received a•Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at . ...6.35 fi Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6:90 t Gasoline at per gollon ..... 23c t • Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices . 3 r'' Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars e Go the Farthest! • f. Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges • Very Reasonable! • Mousseau Zurich f 14'444.11' +6• •' &•k•+ ++Fd•101-P$` *+00'.F 1!9EI* fill. I+*+l++l!iF '^****4*.j.4.4. 014.* MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS SEEDING MACHINES WILL SOON BE USED Let US have .Orders early for Repairs and avoid Disappointments. Cultivator Points for all makes, M. -H. Points are the Best. How a'liout a Cream Separator Demonstration: Tai. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING? -ES!